Claws, Paws, and Heart Throbs...

By thewolfwhocriedgirl2

10.9K 308 29

" Let me go Egghead... you don't know what you're doing", I yelled at him. " Yes I do... Without the chaos em... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 14 ( FINALE)

460 11 1
By thewolfwhocriedgirl2

Warning: Dramatic and Graphic Content used. Viewer discretion is advised. 

"No... NOOOOO!!!! AMY NO!", I screamed, shaking her lifeless body. She was dead. Amelia Rose was dead.

"You all knew this was going to happen.. WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER!!! NOW SHE IS DEAD!!!" I screamed at everyone. My body started to shake, as I stomped towards Blaze.
"You didn't even care... you knew what was going to happen to her. And you could've given a frick about it. Your so selfish Blaze, I swear I could just watch you die and care less." I raged at her, as I dig my claws into her neck. The golden color in her eyes drained, as blood trickled  from her neck. She clutched one of the Sol Emeralds, and I could feel my body being warped as we were all teleported from Tails and Creams house. I gasped as I was near the edge of a mouth of a volcano, and immediately took a step back.
"Sonic, your so naive....." Blaze gurgled with the Crimson liquid flowing from her mouth. In slow motion, she fell off of the cliff, with the 7 chaos emeralds trailing behind her. Her body exploded into a giant fireball as soon as she hit the magma. I felt the ground begin to shake, as the sound of bubbling lava sizzled beneath me.
"RUN" Shadow screamed, as he scooped up Sally and sprinted off the volcano. The others began to flee... except for Silver.
"SILVER COME ON! YOUR GONNA DIE!!!" I screamed as I tried to grab his hand.
"I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU SONIC!YOU'RE NO BROTHER TO ME! YOU KILLED THE ONE AND ONLY PERSON I EVER LOVED! NOW YOU WILL DIE!!!" Silver shrieked, as the lava shot through the air. I finally freed his grasp, just as the lava poured on his body and he burned in agony. I took off at the speed of light, and as I turned back, I saw his skeleton petrified in the ash. I wiped my brow, and stared back at the lava and destruction behind me.
I opened up my clutched palm, and I stared in awe at the purple Sol emerald  in my ash covered hand.

"Where is Silver?" Rouge asked. I silently pointed to his ashy grave, and shuddered. I couldn't look at him that way anymore.

"I tried to save him... He wouldn't budge. He had completely lost his mind at that point, and I knew if I stayed any longer, there would be matching skeletons up on that hill", I sighed, as I brushed the ash off of me. Shadow collapsed to the ground, in sheer pain over the loss of our brother. Sally rested her hand on his shoulder.
"Why aren't you doing anything Sonic... You..." Shadow growled and said some not so nice things. I walked over the Amy's body, where Tikal had gathered flowers for her and made a shrine for her. I looked at Tikal with pain and regret in my eyes, and laid the emerald on Amy's forehead.  I whispered a few words into her ear, and even though she can't hear me, I felt she could understand me. A tear rolled down my cheek and splattered onto the gem, causing it to glow a indigo color, surging through Amy. We all gasped as Amy's eyes fluttered open, and she sat up quickly.
"Wha-how- where-" she burst out, clutching her chest.
"AMES!!!" I cried with tears of joy, as I tackled her to the ground with a bear hug.
"SONIKKU!!!!!!!!" she shrieked as she squeezed me back. She threw her arms around me and kissed me, and I practically crushed her making sure should wouldn't die on me a third time. We parted, and my heart almost flew straight out of my chest.
"Amy!!!" Tikal screamed at a decimal that I'm not even sure if bats could reach (no offense Rouge).  Everyone soon made a crowd around Ames, embracing her and telling her how scared they were. Then Amy asked a question that made my quills raise up.
"Hey, where are Silver and Blaze", Amy asked looking around. Everyone remained silent for a second.
"Yeah Sonic, where are they? Go on." Shadow growled coldly. Sally nudged him slightly, but he continued anyways. 
"I'm sure Amy doesn't want to wait. What's your answer Sonic", Shadow pressed on.
"Shut up Shadow" I said hotly.
"Why don't we ask Silver, hmm? Hey Silver! Oh right... HE'S DEAD" Shadow mocked.
"And your precious boyfriend killed his own brother. And Blaze."
Amy stared up at Silver horrified, and tears welled up in her eyes.
"I didn't kill him! I TRIED TO SAVE HIM!!! HE WAS MAD, THERE WAS NO POINT" I spat back, and realized my last words cut deep.
"So it's ok to leave someone to die... What a sick person you are Sonic" Shadow growled, foam forming on the corners of his mouth. I realized the same thing was happening to Shadow as it was to Silver.
"Shadow, that's enough." Sally said gently.
"STAY OUT OF THIS SALLY" Shadow shouted as he threw a sharp rock at her. The next thing I knew, she was on the ground- dead.
"SALLY" Shadow screamed as he raced over to her. She laid down in a pool of blood, and Shadow tried to revive her. His bloodshot eyes were filled with hatred as he glared  back at me with pure hatred.
"You... You killed her... JUST LIKE YOU KILLED SILVER" Shadow cackled, clearly going insane.

"That's it. LETS FINISH THIS!" I shrieked at my evil brother, as I howled at the moon, having energy surge through my veins. We both charged through each other, and I gave it my all. Shadow hissed and wiped the foam from his mouth, and snarled at him. He lunged for my neck, and I caught him off guard by clawing at his torso. He gasped in pain, and as he fell, I felt a sharp pain as my ribs cracked. I howled in agony, and grasped my side. We both collapsed to the ground, covered in blood and bruised. I looked at my two brothers bodies, and tears filled up my eyes. Amy's hand reached out towards me, her face solid.
"You had to do what was right Sonic. If not, we all could've ended up dead. It's hard to accept, but sometimes you must sacrifice now to prevent havoc. No matter what, I will stick by your side", Amy sighed as I leaned on her, with tears in my eyes. I looked ahead, into the portal back to our dimension, instead of dwelling on the past destruction. I grasped her hand as we stepped into the portal, looking forward.

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