high school under different c...

By martpep27

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Previously High School Never Got So Hard (Agents of SHIELD) The two siblings, Lance Hunter and Jemma Simmons... More

1- First day for the new ones
2- the first week
3- the club
4- the good morning
5- the ruining party
6- the school of jealousy
7-better in some ways
8- the secrets of our lives
9- a beach house a step up
10- a fixing storm
12- Bad things happen in bad weather
13-Our moments of happiness
14- Surprise of the come back
Autor's note (SORRY☹️)
15- Part 1: Even in the darkess nights
16- Part 2: We can see the clouds
17- Smiling Morning confrontations
18-the wrong of the rights

11- The light in our past

334 7 0
By martpep27

Fitz had been up for over ten minutes, just looking at her looking at her, in a non-creepy way, when she woke up from her slumber. Turning around so that their eyes were looking at each other, she placed a small kiss on his lips. Pulling back she said "Hi." "Hi." He tried moving for her hands, but touching it felt different. All the joy from his eyes had transformed into worry, when he pulled her swollen hand from under the covers, after she had flintched when he first touched it. Taking a good look at it, he realised something bad had happened to her last night, before she arrived at his place. Seeing the look on his face, she suggested they get dressed. Noticing that both their clothes were still wet from last night, she asked to borrow some clothes from him. He dressed himself while leaving some clothes on the bed and waiting for her upstairs in the kitchen, while grabbing the first aid kit in his labs, he tends to blow up things alot, so he always keeps it there, just in case. He was met about five minutes later in the kitchen. She went to sit down on one of the kitchen chairs and he followed her closely, sitting next to him. Knowing what he wanted to do, she put her broken hand on the table, flinching as the cold surface touched her skin. Slowly and carefully he placed some ice on it. He asked "What happened Simmons." "I'm pretty sure you were there." She tried playing it off. "Not that, we'll talk about that later, who did this to you." He said motioning towards her hand. "It's kind of a long story." "Then it's a good it's Saturday, just tell me, nothing is gonna change." "Okay." She said as she realized he wasn't gonna let it go. "It's started back in England, my father has a stressful job, involved alot of travelling, so we didn't see them that often, we were with my grand mother alot, then we grew up, and drinking  wasn't enough to put him through his work anymore, so one night he started to hit Hunter, he made me promise i wouldn't tell anyone, he was my brother so i sticked to his demand. Then one night, we knew they were home, Hunter had warned me to not go to the house, but i didn't listen, i went anyways. It was just him and i tried pushing past him, but he grabbed me, pushing me backwards until my back hit the counter..." "Did that son of a bitch lay a finger on you?" Asked Fitz, the anger was boilling inside of him more and more as she went on with the story. "No, probably not the way your thinking, anyways he pushed me and my back hit the counter, he started yelling insults, i knew he had been drinking, so i just tried tunning him out, but then he called me a whore, that got to me, i flew upstairs, grabbed the shortest thing that you could barely call a dress, ran back down stairs, running past him, to my car, he threw a few  insults before i could leave, but they didn't hurt as much as a whore. Only in my car i noticed that i was crying, i wiped them away, changed and went to the party Hunter had told me about, the one he would be at that night. Then after that i started going in a down spiral, same as Hunter, alcohol, drugs, meaning less guys, basically everything that would keep my mind off of my parents. The only family i had left was my brother, we were protective towards each other. He kicked the ass of anyone who did something i didn't like, and i made sure both of us stayed in school. By the our father had cut our grand mother out of our lives. Then, when the town was starting to get suspicious of why we were arriving at school with bruises, my father moved the four of us over here. We started doing better lately, i gained back my old average, and Hunter even had an A in history, which trust me is surprising, and then we met all of you, it wasn't just the two of us against the world anymore, we had other people that cared about us. But then Friday night, our parents came back for the first time in since we moved out here. Our mother was frozen in the corner of the kitchen, our father had already downed half the bottle of scotch. He started yelling at Hunter and at some point i just couldn't let my brother fall into old patterns because of that monster, he was yelling things like back home, his grades, his friends, that he hadn't found a girl, i just couldn't let the past happen again, so i took his defense, then my father hit me, before long, all i knew is that Hunter had been stabbed, and the scotch bottle i had thrown at my father's head exploded on my father's head, and the horrifying sound of a fracture scull when my father's head hit the counter. I grabbed my brother, and ran. I shot one last look at my mother and she yelled 'get out and don't ever come back you killer'. I ran out of there pretty fast, i drove my brother to Bobbi's house, then i drove here. And here we are." When she finished her explanation, he had wrapped up her hand pretty good. He said in a reassuring tone "I'm sorry for what you went through." "No it's okay Fitz, i don't regret any of it, that man was a monster and wether he's dead or not, is hopefully not my problem anymore." After a few moments of science, she asked, "By the way, why was your first aid kit in your lab?" "I tend to blow things up, and i keep it there since the incident of 09." "What happened?" "Long story short, something blew up, me, Lincoln, Bobbi and Skye were blown against a wall and now if i want to test something with them in the room i have to have the first aid kit close." She couldn't help but laugh at his last comment, trying to keep the conversation a little lighter than before, she asked "Are these clothes yours?" She taught they were kind of big. He had already walked in the kitchen grabbing two mugs and pouring some coffee in them. "No they're Bobbi's." He answered while she gladly took the coffee cup. "Should i be worried?" She asked. He practically chocked on his coffee trying not to laugh. "No, god no, not like that, when her and Lincoln were 8 , their parents started coming and going, more often and longer. Lincoln would go at Skye's place and she would come here, it kind of became tradition, the first week after each time their parents would leave, she spents it here. Then when we hit 12, she didn't fit in my clothes, so she just brought some she could leave here. When i was ten, it was just me and my mom and for a week and a half, i had gotten no news from my mother. Bobbi and Lincoln figured it out by the third day, and they just told me i could go live with them. We needed Skye to do some hacking and the parents of all my friends to convince her to come back." "I'm so sorry Fitz." "No, it's okay, it's probably not what you think, it's not that she didn't want me, she just taught that she was holding me back. But she came back, and now she had a man and a happy family. But it kind of became habbit between me and Bobbi, just to show up at the other's door, no matter the time, it's quite nice, talking science and life, gave us another perspective on our problems." "But i thought that when we first met all of you..." "That Skye was her best friend and Lincoln was mine?" "Yeah kind of." "It's okay, that's what people usually think about the four of us, it just works out pretty well. We've all known each other for so long, so we're all kind or real close, we can just talk more openly to some more that the others." "It sounds nice." "It is, but it's nice that we met the both of you, we can explore difference aspects. I can talk more about hardcore science with you." "You couldn't talk science with her." "Yeah, i could, but usually it ended up around Star Wars or biology. Not that it isn't nice, it's just with you we can talk more about actual science instead of futuristic science, and i've noticed the way she talks about your brother, he brings out a side of her not many people have seen in her life." "You two talk about us?" Asked a curious Simmons. "We talk about everything, i wouldn't be surprised of she knew we would get together before i knew you. But it also doesn't take a genius to figure out she's falling for your brother." "Yeah about that, is it wrong if i told her everyone knew they were falling each other." And after what she said, he just laughed it off saying "No it's okay, she'll probably still be blind about it, though i'm getting an earful later." "Sorry about that." "It's okay, apparently, the both of us have something for those british accents." And they both laughed at that last one. After getting back their composure, she asked to go get a shower and he pointed her towards it. He waiting until he was sure she was in it until taking his phone out, calling for his best friend.
*Phone conversation* (F: Fitz, B: Bobbi)
B- Hello?
F- Hey Bobbi it's me.
B- Hey Fitz, is Simmons there?
F- You knew she was coming?
B- Well, yeah, she dropped off her brother off here last night.
F- How is he doing?
B- Why do you ask? Do you know something?
F- Maybe, you?
B- Maybe.
F- Say it on the count of three?
F+B- One, two, three, their parents are abusing them.
F- Hunter told you?
B- yeah, kind of, Simmons tell you?
F- Yeah, so what do we do?
B- I don't know, but we can't call the cops.
F- Why not?
B- Because neither of them wants us to.
F- So what do we do?
B- Did she tell you about their grand mother?
F- Yeah, but not much.
B- Maybe it's a good idea to get her to come here.
F- Yeah, but should we tell Lincoln and Skye about any of it?
B- I don't know, but for now how about we take it slow.
F- Okay, coffee at four?
B- See you there.
*End of Phone Conversation*
The day was pretty uneventful, the swelling in Simmons' hand was going down, slowly, Hunter had woken up around 11 a.m. they emergency stitches still holding in place. Simmons had fallen asleep again around three and same for Hunter, so Fitz shot a text at Bobbi saying to meet at the coffee place in fifteen minutes. He arrived before her, taking a place in their usual booth in the corner, close to the window. He barely sat down before her feet crossed the door. They were both seated, after doing their usual greetings. The waitress Irene, didn't even have to take their orders anymore, they had been going there since they were 8, always ordering the same thing, two plates of chocolate pancakes and two chocolate milkshakes, apparently, the 8 year old verion of themselves never got enough chocolate and they never changed their order. After a minute, Fitz spoke up "So what are we gonna do about them?" "I don't know where to even begin." "How about we start by not letting them go back to their place for a while." "Hunter could stay with you and Simmons with me?" "Awn, can't get enough of your girlfriend?" "Shut up, what about you, miss mockingbird, anything happen last night that i should be aware of." "One, for the love of god, why do people call me that? And two, he kissed me, but were just going to be friends for a while, until both of us are ready. What about you, anything happen last night i should be worried about?" "Not much." Then her eyes looked at every spot on his face, until she exclaimed "You guys did it!" "Less loud, were in public." "Sorry, i just got exited, so what happened." "I'm am not telling you that." "No, ew, not that, what did you guys say before." "Before as in before i made a move?" "Yes dumass, now spill." "Okay, well, she came knocking and when i opened the door, she said "i can't do this to you' then she turned around, walking away, i caught up to her, closing the car door before she could get in. She told she couldn't bring into what she was going through. I told her nothing could scare me away, and that i cared about her. She told me she doesn't just care that she loves me, i kissed her, said it back and then we went inside." "Aw, that is so cute, it could be in a movie or a book." "Thanks, any ways how much did you bet on us?" "What?" She asked with a fake confused look spread across her face. He tilted his head a little to the right giving her his his 'seriously' look. "Okay, fine, i had twenty bucks on you two getting together a month after the beach house." "Did you win?" "If you guys tell people, yeah, if not it's your choice." "Okay, and one more thing, i thought about what you said earlier, with their grand mother, and i think it was a good idea to invite her to come down, here, all that's left to do is find her." "Okay, do we tell Lincoln and Skye about all of this?" "Absolutly not, your brother and Skye would never go for it and even if they did, they would end up telling Hunter and Simmons." "Okay, but we need Skye to find her." "Yes, and i have a plan for that." "Should i be worried or fascinated." "A little of both." He answered. After they finished their meals, they headed back to their houses, agreeing to tell everyone that they are all watching a movie tonight. Later that day, everyone joigned back at Lincoln and Bobbi's house. The worry on Skye and Lincoln's face was imminent, but they were stopped by Fitz and Bobbi from asking questions. They started the movie a few minutes later, around half way through, Fitz pulled Skye upstairs towards a computer, his plan was to ask Skye if she could help find Hunter and Simmons grand mother, as he said he would built a family tree to give as a present, he knew it was kind of lame, but that's the best he could come up with. Even being suspicious, she did as she was asked. It only took her a few minutes to find her, even less time to find her contact number. After that, the both of them went back downstairs to finish the movie. Both Bobbi and Fitz had planned to stay awake after the others, waiting later, so no one could find out what they were up to. Everyone fell asleep after nearly 1 a.m. the two friends snuck upstairs, out of earshot, not taking any chances of getting caught by anyone. it was about 9 a.m. over in London, which is where the grand mother is situated. Just calling took away what little courage they had, so when she actually picked up, both of them didn't know what to say, or where to start.

*Phone Conversation* (Gm: grand mother, F: Fitz, B: Bobbi)

Gm- Hello?

F- Yes, hello, were looking for Janice Hunter.

Gm- This is she.

B- Hello were friends of your grand children, Lance Hunter and Jemma Simmons.

Gm- How can i be sure?

F- Simmons loves science, does good in school, pretty reserved, brown hair, short, likes Star Trek better than any other movies.

B- Hunter is pretty good in history, he is everything but reserved, brown hair, short, likes Star trek too.

F- And the reason we are calling is because we are worried about them.

Gm- Worried, how?

B- It's regarding their parents... and the abuse.

Gm- How do you know about that?

F- They told us.

Gm- Than you two must be very close to them, they never told anyone before, exept for me.

B- Were glad they did, but they need help.

Gm- What happened this time?

F- Hunter was stabbed and Jemma's hand was broken.

Gm- Must have been bad, it never went this far before.

F- From what they told us, their father put up a fight, but so did they.

Gm- They fought back, why would they do it?

B- Because they believed it was the right thing to do.

Gm- But why call me?

F- They need help, which includes an adult figure in their lives, we were hopping you could be that for them.

B- They're going to be staying with us for the time being. But we hoped you could come take care of them for a while.

Gm- But their parents excluded me from their lives, if they learn about this...

F- Ma'am, their father is in the hospital, cracked scull from the fight. Their mother told them to never come back. Your the only family they have left.

Gm- Well that's not true deer, from the way you're concern, they have you two. But i do understand your point of view, and taking a visit wouldn't be such a bad thing.

B- You could stay with me during your visit, we have plenty of room.

Gm- Oh, i wouldn't want to impose deer.

B- No, it's okay, my parents are almost never home and Hunter is going to stay with me, my brother is staying with his girlfriend, there's plenty of room and i wouldn't mind the compagny.

Gm- Well that is very kind of you, where will Jemma be staying?

F- With me ma'am.

Gm- I have to ask, are you two together? I mean you and Jemma.

F- i beleive so we just need to clear it out, but i'd like to be.

Gm- I need you two to promess me something.

FB- Anything.

Gm- You won't hurt them.

FB- Wouldn't dream of it.

Gm- Alright, i'll see the both of you in two weeks.

F- Ma'am, can we ask one last favor?

Gm- Only if you stop calling me ma'am, call me Janice.

F- Alright Janice, could you keep it a secret, their fragile, we just want them to have a nice surprise for once.

Gm- Yes, i'd love to, i'm glad they found the both you.

B- Were glad they found us, alright two weeks it is then.

Gm- Have a nice day.

F- You too.

*End of Phone Conversation*
Hangning the phone, the both of them were pleased of how that turned out. ''Do you think we did the right thing'' "I don't know, but let's hope this works out, i'm just worried about them.'' He answered. "How about we go get some sleep." "Yeah." She answered. They went back downstairs, falling asleep almost instantly. The next two weeks had been a little rocky for both Hunter and Simmons. Everyone close enough to them could easily see that both of them had PTSD, a little, only when teachers would yell at them or tried to touch them without warning. Finally their grand mother arrived, her flight touched down around 10 a.m. from London. Both Fitz and Bobbi went to pick her up, introducing themselves properly, they only had conversations on the phone. Apart from the three of them, no one knew she was here. Both Fitz and Bobbi had free classes, so they could take their time before heading back to school before lunch. They set her up in one of the guest rooms on the second floor. After she was set up, the both of them went back to school. Joingning their friends at the table, they tried their best to avoid the 'where were you guys' questions from the others. During the day, Hunter had managed to get detention, and Bobbi not wanting him to be alone, made sure she was there too, not that it was much of a problem getting there. The day went by pretty fast. Fitz had convinced Simmons to pass by Bobbi and Lincoln's house to make sure everything was alright. Even if he was a horrible liar, he did pretty well with that one. Lincoln and Skye who were also going there, didn't know there was going to be a special guest waiting for them there, with cookies. Lincoln was first through the door followed by Skye, Simmons and then Fitz. No one had seemed to notice Janice before she spoke up. ''Hello.'' Three of them jumped at her statement, exept Fitz who knew she was there the whole time. Simmons turned around, and then her eyes landed on her grand mother. In barely two seconds she was embracing her grand mother in a hug so tight Janice was starting to miss oxygen. ''Okay Simmons, you might want to back off a little, she needs oxygen too.'' Said Fitz, with a huge smile, happy of the reaction he saw on Simmons' face. She turned around and said ''Fitz you did this, thank you!'' ''I wasn't alone, Bobbi helped.'' ''Why would Bobbi help?" "Well, one she cares about you and two, you know she would do anything for your brother." "Thank you deer, for bringning me back here, i'm glad to be here now."Said Janice. "Wait, where are you staying?" asked Simmons. "She's going to stay with Hunter and Bobbi for a while. By the way, Lincoln your going to want to talk to your sister." "Yeah, i can see that." Then, proper introductions were made, and everyone gathered up around the table. Half an hour later, Skye and Lincoln had to leave to go to Skye's to 'study'. At 4:45, Hunter and Bobbi came through the door, laughing mostly. His back came through the door fist, so he didn't notice her first. Then he turned around and all the emotions from before left his face. He was paralyzed, hardly believing what he was seeing. Before he knew it, his arms were wrapped around his grand mother's neck, pulling her into a long and tight hug, as if he was still not believing it. Finally letting go, he asked "How are you here?" "You can thank your friends for that." "He turned around, looking at both Bobbi and Fitz asking "You guys did this." They both simply nodded, smiling at the sight before their eyes. He quickly embraced them in a hug, whispering a 'thank you', then he went to embrace his grand mother in yet another hug, in which this time Simmons was apart of. After a little while, the 5 of them went to sit down at the table in the kitchen. For what seemed to have been hours, Janice would tell old stories and memories from Hunter and Simmons' past to Bobbi and Fitz. The conversation took a turn when Hunter took out wip cream out of the fridge and started spraying his sister with it. The both of them started running around the house like children, laughing. Janice, Fitz and Bobbi stayed seeted on the benches around the table, after loosing sight of both Hunter and Jemma, Janice spoke up. "I'm glad those two found the both of you, their doing much better since last i heard of them." "We're happy to hear that." Added Fitz. "I can see the looks both of you give them, i can tell you more than just care about them." A slight blush appeared on both the younger ones faces. "Yeah, i'm pretty sure it's more, for the both of us, even if blondie won't say it yet, or just doesn't see it." Said Fitz."Hey, i thought you only used blondie on me when i said or did something stupid." Bobbi added. "You are doing something stupid." Is all he said. Seeing this going no where, Janice spoke up, "Ready to admit it or not, the look the both of you have, i'd recognize it anywhere, i've had it from the moment my eyes landed on their grand father until the moment he died." "It's nice to hear" Fitz added. "Just promess me neither of you would hurt them, they both have been through so much, they were so far down, i was scared we had lost them for ever. But somehow finding the two of you in their lives just makes it easier for those two to actually act like kids for a change, they've had their hearts broken so many times, i don't want to lose them again." "We won't hurt them." Started Fitz. "Neither of us" Finished Bobbi. And before either of them had time to turn around, they were both covered in whip cream. Just as any five year old's would do, they each grabbed a bottle from the counter, quick to follow their assailants. Janice backed away safely in the kitchen. After half an hour and then bottle of whip cream, the 4 kids came to sit down at the kitchen, were diner had been ready. Their night was spent remenescing, laughing and joking, just pure happiness.

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