
peetandkatniss द्वारा

178K 4.1K 1.1K

"Will you stay with me?" He asks as if he's unsure. I look him in the eyes and kiss his hand. "Always." I wh... अधिक

The beginning of the end (Revised)
The reaping (revised)
Tribute parade (Revised)
Training (Revised)
The Threat (Revised)
I don't love you (revised)
Deal (revised)
Lullaby (revised)
Healing (revised)
Cave talk (revised)
Arena Days (revised)
Show down (revised)
Catching Fire!!!
Kisses and hugs (revised)
Victory tour part 1 (revised)
Victory tour part 2 (revised)
District 12 (revised)
Burnt Bread (revised)
Pool of Blood (revised)
You're Worth Dying For (Revised)
Dancing In the Winter (Revised)
Wings (revised)
Irresistible (revised)
Drown your sorrows (revised)
Confronted (Revised)
Two Braids (Revised)
All over again (Revised)
Fire burning soul (Revised)
Protective (Revised)
New Friends (Revised)
Secrets Revealed
Flour Dusted Hair
Without Him
Worst Nightmare
Nice Throw
Bloody mutts
Too Soon
You're my everything
You Said Always
Welcome to 13
Last Wish
Deal or No Deal
Stuck like glue
Forgive Me
Running for help
Something Black
Finding You
I Love You
Update (must read)
Come Back To Me
Lost In A World Without You
Dance With Me
The Plan
Never Leaving
Don't Close Your Eyes
Learning to live again

Protect Her

2.1K 51 12
peetandkatniss द्वारा

Waiting in the launch room turns out to be harder this time than the last. My hands are cold and clammy, but Cinna wraps his warm ones around mine to comfort me. Fear is gliding icily through my veins, freezing me.

The hand that is not grasping Cinna's rests over my stomach, the roundness of my tummy. I move my hand to run across my stomach and I stare at my hands, wishing this child could have been born in a different time.

If Cinna notices my movements, he doesn't comment. We don't speak. Trying to make my mind focus on anything other than the fact that at any second a  voice will sound over the intercom and tell me to prepare for launch, I think of Peeta. The first thought to enter my mind is how he was speaking to the baby this morning. I'll always remember every word he said, but there is one phrase that I'll always recall first. The very last thing he said. Daddy will protect you.

Daddy. Peeta is going to be a father. It's funny, I've really only been focusing on the fact that I'm going to be a mother. The thought that Peeta will be a father causes my lips to twitch upward in a ghost of a smile. I've always held the belief that Peeta would be the best father in the world.

Daddy will protect you.

I don't doubt him.

My mind focuses on Peeta, on our goodbye. How if I had I kept my eyes open I could have memorized his face, his eyes, his smile. But then I would have had to watch him walk away, and I can't begin to wrap my head around that. Maybe I got the less evil goodbye.

After I'd opened my eyes to find Peeta gone, Cinna and I made our way onto the roof. Exactly like the year before, a hovercraft appeared and dropped down a ladder. The moment I'd grabbed a rung, I was frozen with an electric current and hauled up. The very same woman from before implanted the tracker into my arm. Eating breakfast was a trial due to my nervousness, but I managed, telling myself that it was good for the baby.

The stainless steel table where my outfit for this year's games sits, haunts me as I look across the room. Whereas last year I got a shirt and pants and boots, this year I get a blue fitted jumpsuit made of a sheer fabric. A large, six-inch wide purple belt is wrapped around my waist. This is my favorite part of my outfit because it partially shields my stomach. A pair of nylon shoes with rubber soles covers my feet.

Cinna couldn't really tell much of the possible conditions in the arena due to the outfit, only saying that there might be hot weather. But that's all he needs to say, before my mind jumps to awful conclusions.

A desert styled arena, that stretches for miles and miles. But no water is to be found. My mouth becomes parched just thinking about it.

My mockingjay pin is fixed on my jumpsuit, glinting even in the fluorescent lights of the room. Cinna gives me a small smile at our silent act of rebellion.

"Please prepare to launch."

The female voice cuts through all my thoughts, and I'm forced to face the present. I'm about to enter the arena. Still clutching each other's hands, Cinna and I walk to the pedestal that will raise me up into the arena.

"Remember, girl on fire," he says. "I'm still betting on you." He kisses my forehead and let's me go.

Unlike last year, my pedestal does not automatically rise up into the arena. Instead it stays planted in the launch room. I look at Cinna through the glass tube I stand in, and he looks just as confused. That is until the doors to the room open, and 3 peacekeepers dressed in all white come forward.

Immediately, two of them grab Cinna by the arms and handcuff him while the third, wearing metal-studded gloves, punches Cinna with such force as to knock him to his knees. A startled cry escapes my lips that quickly morphs into a scream as I'm forced to watch the three Peacekeepers beat a defenseless Cinna. His face hits the glass tube and blood splatters onto it. I'm pounding on the glass, screaming my head off, but either they don't hear me or they don't care.

Finally, Cinna is knocked unconscious and I watch helplessly as they drag his limp body out the door, a horrifying blood smear trailing along the floor in his absence. The door slams shut and suddenly my pedestal is working again, beginning to lift me up into the arena.

I'm not ready. I'm not ready at all. I close my eyes and force myself to take a deep breath, desperately ignoring the image of a bloody Cinna that appears behind my closed lids. Focus. Focus. I can't be shown trembling once I'm in the arena. I can't give Snow that satisfaction. This was all a ploy to rattle me. Well, consider me rattled. But I refuse to show it.

A breeze hits me in the face and a bright sun blinds me. I blink rapidly to focus my vision, but the light seems to be refracting off everything around me. Something laps at my pedestal and I squint at my feet. Blue waves.

Slowly, my eyes lift from my feet to stare out around me. All I see is water, lapping gently with the breeze. Everywhere is water.

This is no place for a girl on fire.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The booming voice of Claudius Templesmith echoes throughout the arena. "Let the Seventy-fifth Hunger Games begin!"

One minute, I have one minute before the gong sounds and I get out of here. But there is water everywhere at my feet, at my side, behind me, and in front of me. A thick green jungle is to my left. This arena is huge, twice the size of last years. If I run, Peeta won't be able to find me.

Thirty seconds.

I squint my eyes and stare at the golden cornucopia that's sits on an island in the middle of the water. But it isn't an island at all. Strips of rock and sand come out of the center of it, like spokes on a wheel. If I can swim to that, then maybe I can run to cornucopia and get a bow. Looks like all the years of violating the Capitol and swimming in the lake deep in the woods, is finally paying off.

Ten seconds.

Peeta. Peeta, where are you? I scan the tributes and none of them resemble my husband. I'm sorry Peeta, but I have to break my promise. I can't run.

The familiar gong sounds and I dive into the water as fast as I can. Slicing  through the ocean water easily, but not as easily as the small lake back home. I should have taken Peeta there over the summer and taught him how to swim.
I reach the sand bar and run to the cornucopia ignoring the scared feeling that's deep down.

My eyes dart all around me, but no one is in sight. I reach the Cornucopia and begin to hunt for my weapon. The Gamemakers wouldn't deny my bow and arrows that I'm famous for. Unlike last year, when the supplies were spread out around the Cornucopia, this year they're all piled up together. I see the dark black bow, with a string so fine it's almost invisible. I reach up to take it in my hands, and my fate is sealed.

As I'm slinging the quiver over my shoulder, I sense someone behind me. Hunter instincts are lifesaving. In one fluid motion, I spin around and load an arrow in my bow, taking aim. Just as I'm about to release the string, I realize who I'm aiming at. Finnick, glistening wet in the bright sun, stands a few yards away from me poised to attack as well, his trident raised. Though he's smiling at me, he's tensed for an attack.

The gold bracelet shines on his wrist and I squint my eyes recognizing the intricate flame design. Haymitch's token. "Where did you get that?" I ask accusingly.

"I think you know where." He tells me with a mischievous grin. Haymitch's message couldn't be any more clear, if you want to survive you need allies.

I lower my bow, and Finnick relaxes slightly. "I was worried there for a second, that you weren't going to put down your bow. That would have really put a strain on our friendship." He smirks.

"Reflex," I explain myself, and Finnick nods in understanding.

"I bet you like the arena, it was built towards you." I tell him scoffing.

"Now Katniss, don't be jealous." He smirks and I scowl.

"We need to get out of here," he says.

I shake my head. "Not without Peeta," I tell him, my tone offering no room for argument.

Finnick looks like he wants to argue, but suddenly his face morphs into an expression that I've never seen. "Duck!" he commands with such authority that I don't bother to question him.

His trident sails over my head and then there's the sickening sound of impact as it embeds itself into a human torso. I whirl around to see the district five tribute face first in the sand with the golden trident sticking out of him. Finnick is immediately at my side, retrieving his trident. He looks at me fiercely and I don't see the playful Finnick Odair I'm used to seeing, I see the Finnick Odair who won the Hunger Games.

"Fine," he says, referring to my demand that we wait for Peeta. "Each of us takes a side, and for heaven's sake don't die."

I run to the other side of the cornucopia and search frantically for my husband. Worry begins to fill me when I see no sight of the blonde curls or blue eyes.

"Katniss, he's over here!" Finnick yells to me and I run, but stop for a brief second to grab a knife for Peeta. Running towards the sound of Finnick's voice I loop around the golden horn to see Peeta standing on his pedestal. I throw my bow down and drop the knife, I'm pulling the sheath of arrows over my head when a hand stops me.

Finnick's sea green eyes stare into mine and there is deathly look filed inside. "I'll go, don't want to exert yourself." He tells me while patting my stomach. Rage boils inside of me but before I can disagree, he jumps into the water gliding across to Peeta's pedestal.
Finnick says something to Peeta and motions towards me, Peeta looks uneasy about trusting him but jumps in the water anyways.

When they reach the cornucopia I give Peeta my hand to help him up, but he gives me a "don't even think about it" look and pulls himself up. When will he realize that I'm pregnant, not handicap.

"Hey you," he tells me and gives my lips a peck.

"We have allies," I say with a scowl. "Thanks to Haymitch." And my scowl forms even deeper.

Finnick scoops his district partner Mags out of the water and puts her on his shoulders. "You two ready?" He asks us. I nod my head and hand Peeta his knife.

Finnick begins to walk away, but Peeta holds my hand and turns me around. "Are y'all okay?" He asks me and I know he is referring to the baby and me. It's weird how four months ago it was just me and Peeta, but now there is someone else. Terror fills me as his question sets in and I begin to panic.

I place my hand gingerly on my small stomach and look at him. "Peeta, what if I hurt the baby, I didn't even think before I dove into the water." I shake my head and my hands begin to tremble.

He kisses my cheek and places his hand on top of mine. "Protect her Katniss, protect our baby girl."

And with that we run away from the blood bath, still holding hands.

A.N. Hi you guys!!! So I have a HUGE HUGE HUGE surprise! I am going to post a little snipit of the epilogue, right here and now! Hope y'all liked this chapter and star and comment!

Sentence from the epilogue.....

We meet in the field of colors with the grass shining green and the sky fading to a sunset orange.

Boom, now I will leave y'all wondering as to what will happen in the epilogue. Will Katniss be pregnant, will Peeta be hijacked, will their child be there? You will have to wait and see.

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