Naruto x Reader One-Shots!

By iseenstrangerthings

388K 7.7K 2.7K

Akatsuki is included. Feel free to request :) There's no O/C's or those type of stories that chooses your hai... More

Shikamaru x reader
Kakashi x Reader
Naruto x Reader
Kisame x Reader
Iruka x Reader
Neji x Uchiha!Reader
Kiba x Reader
Shino x Reader
Naruto x Reader
Genma x Reader
Itachi x Reader
Kiba x Reader
Neji x Reader Pt. 1
Orochimaru x Reader
Kakashi x Reader
Shikamaru x Reader Pt.1
Shisui x Reader (AU)
Neji x Reader Pt.2
Minato x Reader (AU)
Jiraiya x Reader Pt.1
Gaara x Reader
Shikamaru x Reader Pt.2
Shikamaru x Reader Pt.3
Jiraiya x Reader Pt.2
Orochimaru x Reader (AU)
Sasuke x Reader Pt.1
Sasuke x Reader Pt.2
Naruto x Reader
Choji x Reader
Itachi x Hyuga!Reader
Kiba x Reader

Minato x Reader.

42.1K 566 416
By iseenstrangerthings

Your P.O.V.
"Minato! You idiot!" I shouted and punched my best friend. We're currently at the academy and he accidentally tore my shirt off of me. Which left me in my bra. I felt so embarrassed and angry as all the boys in class stared at my (F/C) bra. I tried to cover myself the best I could until I found my bag. I brought an extra shirt with me everywhere in case something like this would ever happen. I quickly grabbed my bag and took out a black tank top. I huffed and put in on. I turned to glare at Minato, who was holding his cheek in pain.

I felt guilty, so I walked over to him and gently placed my hand on his bruised cheek. "(Y/N)-chan?" "One, two, three." I focused my chakra to my hand, my chakra turned green and in a couple of seconds Minato's bruise disappeared. I smiled and looked into Minato's beautiful blue eyes. He started to blush and gulp. I held my hand and looked away. "Minato, take a seat. Class will start." I whispered and sat in the back of the classroom. I put my head on the desk and sighed. Stupid Minato. I lifted my head to see our sensei with a girl who has red hair. I didn't care about what was going on so I rested my head on the table again.

"I'm Kushina Uzumaki, ya know!" The red haired girl suddenly shouted. My classmates giggled and started to gossip about her red hair. I watched her carefully and she clenched her fists. "I'm going to become the Village's first female Hokage!" She shouted with confidence. I smiled and stood up. I pointed at her and smirked kindly, "That's my dream too, Kushina. You seem worthy enough to compete against. Let's become Hokage together, okay?" I giggled. Suddenly, "I want to become a great Hokage, who will be admired by everyone in the village too." A calm voice stated with a smile. It was Minato's voice.

"Tomato!" "From now one, we'll call you tomato! You have a fat round face and your hair is red." Some kids bullied Kushina. I growled and punched one of them. I picked him up by his shirt and glared daggers at him. "You make our village look ignorant and stupid! You don't deserve to be a ninja if you treat someone so badly, so I suggest you walk away right now! Got it?" I shouted angrily. He gulped and nodded, I threw him down and faced Kushina. "Hey, sorry about those idiots. Are you okay?" I asked kindly. She nodded and thanked me.

~~~~~~~~~Weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your P.O.V.
It's been two weeks since Minato saved Kushina. They became a couple when he rescued her and complimented the beauty of her red hair. It still hurts to think about it. Minato was my best friend/teammate after all, which makes him talk about Kushina a lot...since I'm a female friend. Minato was the love of my life and it hurt so much to see him love someone else.

"Was I not pretty enough?" I whisper sadly to myself and let a tear slide down my cheek. I stared up at the blue sky that greatly reminded me of his beautiful blue eyes. "Not pretty enough for who, (Y/N)-chan?" Minato asked me while sitting next to me under a tree. I held my breath for a minuet and looked away. "N-No one..Minato." I replied and looked away. Minato sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You're not ugly. How many times do I have to tell you this? Stop beating yourself up, you're perfect the way you are (Y/N)-chan. The guy you want attention from probably doesn't deserve you. You're an amazing kunoichi, any guy would be lucky to have you." Minato comforted me. 'If I was perfect, you would be mine.' I thought sadly. For Minato's sake, I put on a fake smile and thanked him.

~~Timeskip to Kushina's pregnancy~~

Minato's P.O.V.
I told (Y/N) to meet me here at my home an hour ago. She hasn't shown up, but I hope she will. She's been my best friend nearly our whole lives and she deserves to know before anyone else. There was a faint knock at my door and I opened it to reveal the (H/C) kunoichi. She smiled and bowed. "Lord Hokage." She teased, I chuckled and shook my head. "Come in, you goof. Take a seat. There's something I must speak to you about." I smiled and led her to the table. She sat down and gave me a questioning look.

I was nervous about telling her the big secret. Would she be mad? No, not possible. She's my friend, she will be happy for me. I took a deep breath and looked at her. "(Y/N). I'm going to be a father. Kushina is pregnant." I smiled and waited for a reaction. Her eyes grew wide and she was shocked. Her eyes held sadness, why? Suddenly, she smiled and shook my hand. "Congratulations, Minato. I'm happy for you." She said with a closed eye toothy grin. "I want you to be the godmother. I trust you, so will you?" I asked with hope. She nodded and chuckled. "Anything for you, Minato." She whispered.

Your P.O.V.
I felt a pang in my heart and I had to keep myself from crying. Minato is going to be a father...Kushina is pregnant. They'll live happily ever after. I shook away the sadness and smiled "Congratulations, Minato. I'm happy for you." I managed to say without crying. "I want you to be the godmother. I trust you, so will you?" Minato asked with hope in his eyes. I nodded and chuckled, "Anything for you, Minato." I replied.

I talked with Minato for a while and I left his home. I made my way to the Hokage building to discuss something with Lord Third. As I walked up the stairs, I glanced at the young Hatake boy who sat on a building. Kakashi was Minato's student, now he watches over Kushina. I knocked on the door and waited patiently. As soon as I was granted permission to enter, I walked up to Lord Third and bowed. "Third Hokage. I was wondering if I can have an A-ranked mission that would take at least 8 months to complete. Or do you have something that would take longer?" I asked carefully.

The Third had confusion written all over his face, but he found a suitable mission for me. "I don't know why you would want such a long mission, but I'll give it to you anyway. Just make sure you come back alive and healthy, I'm counting on you. Besides, you are destined to be the Fifth Hokage. Jiraiya said it himself." The Third explained with a smile. I thanked him and bowed. I went home to pack my stuff and leave.

I stood at the gates of the village with my bag in my hand. "This is goodbye for now, Konoha." I whispered and took a step out of the village. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. I looked up to see the recognizable blonde spiky hair. "Minato." I whispered. He leaned down to my level and his blue eyes held anger. "Why!? Why go on a long mission!!?! You even requested it! Do you know what that makes me think!?" Minato yelled at me with hurt in his voice. I growled and punched Minato in the face, which sent him flying into a tree.

"You're the Hokage! Go in the office and do your work! I'm a mere kunoichi who requested a mission, so I can get paid! So leave me alone! I'll be on my way now." I yelled at him harshly. I huffed and turned around to walk away, but I felt a rope being wrapped around me. I was tied against the tree and I couldn't wave a handsign. "Are you leaving because you're not fond of Kushina carrying my child in her womb? Answer me honestly, you know I can see through your lies." Minato demanded. I growled and glared at him. "I don't have to answer if I don't want to. Now let me go, Lord Hokage." I hissed. I addressed him as Hokage instead of Minato because I knew it would hurt him. His eyes held sorrow and he sat in front of me. "(Y/N)-chan..I...I'm sorry." He whispered with tears rolling down his eyes. He slowly untied me and the rope fell to the ground.

Minato grabbed my hand and held me close in a hug. "(Y/N)-chan..I'm sorry. I know I've ignored you when we were younger. I'm surprised you even went to my wedding. (Y/N)-chan please tell me what is wrong, so I can fix it.." Minato whispered with hope. I let the tears fall and I clutched his shirt. I buried my face in his shirt and cried. I sobbed uncontrollably and shook my head. "There's nothing you can do to fix it. It's unchangeable." I said between sobs. "Just tell me. I need to know, so I can help you." Minato whispered. It's now or never.

"They say..if you truly love someone...their happines is more important than yours. I believed it, I still do. I still love you, Minato, even after all these years. It hurt when you would talk about Kushina all the time. You two started dating when you rescued her, that shattered my heart, but seeing you happy made me happy. Now that you're having a child, I thought about myself. I'm never going to find love or be a mother because I love you so much that I can't let go. It saddens me. Now if you please move out of the way, I have a mission to complete." I said while wiping away the tears. I sniffled and walked away from Minato, with my bag on my back. I didn't want to see his face, I'm glad I wouldn't be returning anytime soon.

Minato's P.O.V.
Kushina is the love of my life..I can't help but to feel guilty for not choosing (Y/N). We both had our first kiss accident when we were in the academy. I love (Y/N), but then I met Kushina. If only I knew about her feelings sooner. I sighed and watched my best friend walk away with tears streaming down her face. I felt my heart shatter. "I'm sorry (Y/N)-chan.." I whispered to myself. I started to slowly walk home. I love Kushina, but (Y/N) held a special place in my heart.

I never noticed how (Y/N) remained single and independent for many years. Many shinobi wanted her as a wife, but she always turned down the offers. I can't imagine how hurt she is. Stupid Minato. Well, I can't do anything about it now..(Y/N) won't listen to me.

~~~~~~12 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your P.O.V.

It's been twelve years since Minato and Kushina sacrificed themselves for the sake of the village. Since then, I've been Naruto's guardian. I was the one who raised him, until now. He wanted to live on his own and become a ninja. I let him do what he wanted, but I always kept a close eye on him. "(Y/N), are you sure you don't want to become the Fifth Hokage?" Lord Third interrupted my thoughts. "Lord Third, it's been my dream to become Hokage. You've asked me a million times since Minato's passing and I'll decline once again. My responsibility is taking great care of Naruto and my Jonin missions. I hope you can understand, Lord Hokage." I explained with a bow. He understood and nodded while assigning me a mission.

~~~~~~~~~~When Naruto became Hokage~~~~~~~

Your P.O.V.

"I was wondering when you would stop by, come in boy! Sit down, how are Hinata and the children?" I asked with a smile. Naruto came by to visit. Some time ago, he was announced Hokage. "Thank you, mo-I mean...(Y/N). They're all fine and healthy. Thank you." Naruto said with a sheepish grin. He always accidentally called me 'mom' on various occasions. I shook my head and chuckled.

Naruto's P.O.V.

I decided to visit (Y/N) after so long. As I sit here, at her little dining table, I can't help but to feel guilty. I looked at her face and noticed slight wrinkles that were noticeable around her eyes. Her lips were a bit smaller, her skin was slightly paler. Then I realized (Y/N) was getting old, soon her time will end and she would be gone. I remembered her home cooked ramen meals, her scolding, her lessons and advice, and most of all...her determination. Her love for me was as great a mother's love for her child. She loved my father dearly and she took care of me for many years.

She could have left me and never bother me. She had the chance to find love and start a family of her own, but she refused the chance and continued to raise me. She was destined to become the Fifth Hokage, it was supposed to be her face that would be carved next to my father's. Instead, it's Granny Tsunade's face that is forever carved there. It's all thanks to (Y/N), who gave up her future, just so she could keep a promise she made to my father. I felt tears roll down my cheek, I wrapped my arms around (Y/N) and embraced her in a hug.

"Thank you so much, for everything. Without you, I probably wouldn't be here. There's no way I can pay you back for everything you've done. You're greatly appreciated. I call you mom and you always scold me, but I really do think of you as the mother I never had. Therefore, I love you so much. I'm sure that my father returned your feelings, but he met my mother. I'm sorry you never got to have a son that would be Hokage." I managed to choke out through tears.

(Y/N) sobbed and patted by back. She pulled away from our hug and wiped her tears. "Now, now. Don't be sorry, Naruto. You're the son I never had. You became Hokage. I would've never wanted it any other way. I love you too Naruto, but you best be getting home to your family now. It's getting late. Keep following your ninja way. Visit again soon, see you later." she said and I left her house.

~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~

Naruto's P.O.V.

I started to read all of the paperwork that had piled up since yesterday. After an hour of all the work I started, Hinata burst through the doors and held a sad expression. She was panting and trying to catch her breath. "N-Naruto, it's (Y/N)! She's dead!" Hinata screamed with tears threatening to fall. My eyes widen with disbelief and my throat started to burn. Hinata hugged me, attempting to comfort me. I can't believe she's gone..

~~~~~~~The Day of the Funeral~~~~~~

Naruto looked at the headstone that read your name. He smiled sadly and wiped the tears from his cheeks. "I'm glad we had that talk. I love you mom." he whispered and walked away. Little did he know, a certain 'ghost' stood at her headstone...along with the Fourth Hokage and his wife. Minato, Kushina, and (Y/N) all stood there, happily watching their little Naruto walk away with his family. Minato turned to (Y/N) with teary eyes. "Thank you so much, (Y/N)." He thanked her and embraced her in a hug. All she could do was smile and hug him..she was satisfied with her life. She kept her promise. She was happy because she was greatly appreciated by Minato.

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