insane love

By 8Baka-Chan8

611 23 5

as she slowly falls apart, a new life was open and love became insanely dangerous. Walk through Kim's past a... More



16 0 0
By 8Baka-Chan8

I don't know what happened but...... I felt .....something warm and sticky, soothing to my skin and my taste. It felt so good but at the same I wanted to see what was happening, I hear screaming and cries for help but their so faint its barely a whisper. "!"  Who's crying out? "Oh god me!!"  You sound so scared....."please!.... Don't hurt me kim!" Mama?.....what you mean hurt you? "Kim!? KIM NO ST-" ........there's that same warm and sticky feeling again..... But.... Mama wasn't talking anymore? Did she leave ?? Did she leave me alone? .......why does everyone.... And everything leaves me. "" .....Jeff? "What happen to her doc you said she'll only snap when the time comes!" ...snap? snap? "I know what I said.....but its clearly that the injection we gave quicken then what I thought it would do..." The shot?...........what is going on? " can you hear me?" I hear you Jeff ....but I can't respond "k-.....what the hell is happening to her!?" What's happening to me? body hurts hurts! "for fucks sake doc help her! She's screaming in agony!!"  "She's fine Jeff.....she's changing"  changing ?......I'm so confused! Where's mama.....why am I so sticky with some warm liquid..... Why do I feel....alone? "Kim......your not alone....I'm your eyes kim" ..........ok..............
Slowly , I open my eyes to see Jeff and the doctor stare down at me . "what......what happened?" I ask as the doctor look at Jeff as Jeff nodded his head. "Miss kimoyo.....look around you" the doctor spoke softly. I was confused as I just sat there and look at him. Look around? What's there to be seen? I turn my head to the side but let out a terror scream as I starred at what was beside me. was everywhere was all over me. I sprang to my feet and began to breath heavily as something  hit me from behind. I screech and jump forward and I whip my head around to find what touch me but only find a .....tail? What the fuck?  I grab it and follow it til I was at the was attached to me......I.....have.....a.......tail. "I have a tail......a tail?" I mumbled to myself as I heard Jeff chuckled to himself. "Yea..shock me to" he laugh "but that's not all....touch your head" he explain as he nodded his head upward. Oh god...don't tell me....I slowly brought my hand up to my head and jump as I found ears there "wha...what happened to me!?" I panic as I slowly start to hyperventilate. "Calm down kim......its a form of yours we just brought out with the help of the injection.... This is your true self" the doctor said as a smile crept onto his lips. True form?......a true form is ....a cat!?  "So your telling true form is a" I question as Jeff burst out laughing and the doctor sigh. "No chose this form my child is a powerful creature were brought into this world to destroy you weren't human at all.....your a monster....a was never normal" the doctor whisper as i starred deep into his eyes. Never normal.........I was never normal?.......a monster this whole time? I chuckled softly to myself before laughing out like a mad man. "N..never normal!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you jokes are bullshit" I snarled jumping from the way I was acting. "Kim its ok...I'm not normal either " Jeff smiled as he grabbed a near by rag and wiped his face to reveal a spine shivering smile that was cut deep within his cheeks. "" I couldn't even bring myself to say it. Jeff was horrifying! His skin was white and leathery; his eye lids were burnt off to were he could never NEVER close them again, then his lips was a light shade of red (even though their probably not XD) but still look normal to me. His hair turn pitch black leaving it to rather oily and.....long. I blinked my eyes and shake my head a little. "This has to be a fucking cruel ass joke" I grumbled as I glared at Jeff and doc. " oh but it isn't child" doc chuckled darkly before turning into .....him. The one from my dreams.....the one under the tree......the tall man who comfort me in the woods when I was raped. "It''s you" I choked out not believing what I was seeing. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! I snap my head up as I heard him chuckled lowly "you have alot to catch up on my dear" he spoke as I left out a breathy laugh......."you have no idea "


Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter ^^ and personally....I sat down and put ALOT  of thought into it but hey as the story continues the chapters get better eh? Weeeeellllllpp see you guys in the next video.....BYE-BYE !!!! (XD markiplier) lol anyway bye guys and see you later


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