Little Direction

By astro__bunnies

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♪ When the library geeks Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Louis magically turn into toddlers, their new friend... More

Little Direction
Chapter 1: Welcome to Brittan
Chapter 2: Doritos
Chapter 3: me ferrets
Chapter 4: Noah Puckerman
Chapter 5: Meet Robin
Chapter 6: Shirtless Harry
Chpater 7: Boogers
Chapter 8: Caution, Lion
Chapter 9: Shoe throwing
Chpater 10: We're doomed
Chapter 11: Pucky
Chapter 12: Don't climb bookshelves
Chapter 13: Digging to China
Chapter 14: Tie yo Shoes
Chapter 16: Kevin?
Chapter 17: Puck eats cat food!
Chapter 18: Twerk
Chapter 19 Lost Again?
Chapter 20: The Goldfish Trail
Chapter 21: Got Milk?
Chapter 22: Keep your Pants on
Chapter 23: Chassing Ass
Chapter 24: Kiss me
Chapter 25: Soup
Chapter 26: paper hats & planes
Chapter 27 Cuddes the bunny
Chapter 28: Bossy-Pants
Chapter 29: Murder
Chapter 30: I killed a man
Chapter 31: Big People
Chapter 32: Babe
Chapter 33: Love is in the air
Chapter 34: For the Team

Chapter 15: Taco Truck

658 16 1
By astro__bunnies

"Either you guys are really good at making animal noises, or you brought a dog in here." I swiftly walked to the other end of the library stopping in front of a little black puppy. That's just great, they're going to beg 'can we keep it?' and I'm going to have to be the bad guy and say no. The owner is probably a blind guy who couldn't see the kids lead the dog in here. "Oh, how did he get in here?"

"We don't know." Liam said. Good, they didn't steal. I don't have to apologize to a blind guy who would think im some teen mom.

"Plus Zayn is missing."

Oh where did Zayn run off too? Maybe they did steal the puppy. Or Zayn got hungry and tried shaking the vending machine like how Niall did that one time. I looked down at the puppy, he is cute maybe we can keep him.. wait what am I thinking? No Ivory, no. I turned around and started looking for Zayn. I hope nobody saw him, if his name comes through the morning announcements, I'm telling Puck to go down to the office and claim him as his child.

"Where are you?!?! Zayn!?!?"


The little puppy ran to me and licked my face.

"Shit..." Puck said behind me.

Zayn, a puppy? "How did you end up like this?" I held up the little puppy, and kept looking him over. His little tongue was sticking out and his tail was repeatedly hitting Puck's face "How does a little boy turn into a puppy in a matter of minutes?"

"The same way they turn into toddlers......" Puck said without thinking, stepping away from the happy tail.

"You're right!" I said eyeing the empty doughnut box. I stood up and pulled the box out of the trash.

"O-Of course I'm right...." Puck said in confusion.

"Where did you boys buy the doughnuts?" I rushed to them examining the box for some kind of phone number or something!!!

"Harry bought them." Louis said playing with Zayn.


Harry scratched his head, it took awhile but then he said, "I bought it from a guy in a Taco Truck."

Oh. my. god.

"The truck run by the guy that looks like Santa?" useless Puck asked.

"Yea, yea!" Harry laughed.

"Aw, he makes the best burritos."

"Too bad he got that health violation last week."

"I know man."

While the two had some kind of Taco conversation, I sat down in the corner. How did I do this to the little guy? I should've gave the stupid doughnut to Harry, he had it coming anyway. I looked at Louis play with Zayn, I hope this is temporary. I sighed, what have I done?

"I'm going out, Harry wants some tacos." Puck said.

"WHAT?!?! Zayn just turned into a puppy and you want TACOS?"

"Sorry, how are we going to fix Zayn?" Puck asked.

"No idea." I sighed. "Oh, it's all my fault." I looked down at the puppy, "I'm so sorry Zayn....."

The puppy just barked and happily trotted over to Louis.

"You know what he said?" Puck sat next to me, "He said, It's okay Ivory! It was a mistake, everyone makes mistakes!" he imitated Zayn horribly.

"All that in one bark?"

"Or he said Ivory sucks, my canine is a little rusty." he grinned as I punched his shoulder. "I'mgoingtogetacosberightback!" he ran for the door.

I don't know what I would do without him.


Vacation over, anddddd I haven't updated in days. ugh >.<

you can all stone me...

Sorry guys, I'll try to upload again tonight!

Thanks for reading and fanning though, it seriously means a lot! ♥


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