Play Me Like The Drums {Ashto...

By 5soswriterx

331K 7.9K 1.6K

❝Bad boy but oh so good lips❞ ashton irwin punk au More

Play Me Like The Drums {Ashton Irwin/5SOS Fanfic}
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Three

15.7K 393 44
By 5soswriterx

Hello everyone! :)

Writing this part and listing to Voodoo Doll by 5SOS is perfection



I got my coffee and a sugar cookie from the cafe and walked back to my dorm. Once I opened the door I coughed and tried not to choke on my coffee. Ashton was sitting on Kayla's bed.

"Hey Ren. Didn't know you would be here." He said.

"Uh I live here remember." I said, ignoring that he called me Ren again.

"Well duh. I just didn't know you would be home."

"How did you get in..?" I said as he got up from the bed.

Im not sure if I was complaining that he was here, something about him made me curious. I wanted to get to know him better.

"You guys really should find a different place to put a key than under the mat." He said, dangling the key.

"Why are you here again?" I asked and took off my shoes ad sweatshirt.

"To get you and Ava and Kayla. But I guess they still haven't came home. They will probably get a ride with Luke or Michael to the party. You are going right?" He asked.


"Who's taking you?"

"Calum... I think." I said and Ashton got an expression on his face I couldn't place.

"I'll just take you since Im here. I'll send Calum a text." He said and got out his phone.

"Okay. But the party doesn't start for a why be here so early?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"Well Im gonna get ready. Watch TV or something." I said and tossed him the remote.

I grabbed my bathing suit and went into the bathroom to change. After I changed I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my dresser to get clothes. The whole time I felt Ashton's eyes on my and it made my face blush like crazy. Once I slipped on shorts and a shirt I felt more comfortable. I grabbed a bag and stuffed it with sweatpants, a T-shirt and some underwear for pjs.

"Why are you brining pajamas?" Ashton asked me.

"Im gonna need something to change into once I finish swimming and I might be staying the night."


I set all my bags down then laid down on my bed. To my surprise, Ashton laid down next to me. Since the bed was made for one person, not two, our sides where touching. I took a deep breath and caught Ashton's sent. It was deep and rich, I liked it.

"Tell me about yourself." He said in a soft voice that whipped me out of my thoughts.

"Theres not much to say. My parents got divorced when I was two and I wasn't the richest family so I had to work hard in school if I wanted to go to college. And my work paid off, thats why I'm here. Now tell me why you like to play the drums." I said and he smiled at me.

"Do you like it when I play?" He asked.

"Yeah. I do." I said and looked up at him.

He gave me a big grin, and I knew he liked it when people talked about him playing.

"I like the way you focus when you play. Like all that matters in the world is when you play." I continued.

"You watched me play last night?"


"You thought I was good right?" He said.

I nodded my head and relief washed through him.

"You never answered my question. Why do you play the drums?"

"To be honest, I don't really know. Something just pulled me to then and I haven't looked back."

Without noticing until now my head was on his shoulder. He didn't ask for me to move it or complained about it. Just something about it felt natural.

"Maybe I can play for you sometime." He said, his voice so soft it was barely above a whisper.

"I would like that." I said, and I meant it.


We laid and talked about everything and anything until we had to leave. I liked this Ashton better than the one last night. I was in the car, looking out the window as he drove.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Just this party." I semi-lied. I was thinking of the party but I was mostly thinking of the past hour.

"Oh." He said and then turned up the radio.

I kept thinking until he pulled up to Calum's house. My jaw dropped open. From outside you could hear the music and see people diving in the pool. You could see the smoke drifting in the air from the bonfire. You heard the peoples shouts and the laughter.

"I thought Calum said this would be controlled." I muttered and Ashton laughed.

"Calum's parties and controlled do not belong in the same sentence." He said and I started to worry a bit.

I grabbed my bag of clothes and got out of the car. We walked together to the backyard where a curly haired brunette bounced to us.

"Hey Ashton." She said and gave him a flirty smile.

"Hey Jess." He said as she looked at me.

"Who's this?" She said, trying to sound friendly but I could hear the venom in her words.

"No one." Ashton said and walked off with Jess.

I stood there in disbelief. He just blew me off and didn't even bother to tell Jess my name. It shouldn't surprise me though, this is how he acted before earlier today. I just shook my head and looked for Calum.

"Renna! You made it!" Calum said and gave me a hug.

"Yeah I did." I said and gave him a smile.

We walked and talked until I reached the pool.

"Well Im gonna swim for a while." I said and Calum left. I placed my bag of clothes on a table and striped from my cover up clothes. I slipped in the pool and swam around for a while.

"Renna!" Ava called. Her, Kayla, Luke, and Michael came walking up to the edge of the pool.

"I didn't know you where gonna be here." Ava continued.

"Yeah, Calum invited me." I said and Luke and Michael exchanged a look and snickered.

"What?" I asked them.

"Well, uh, I think Calum likes you." Michael said and my face turned red.

"No he's just friendly." I said and Luke laughed.

"How did you get here?" Kayla asked me, now sitting down and dangling her feet in the water.

"Ashton drove me."

Ava and Kayla exchanged looks this time, and it looked like a worried glance.

"Is that wrong?" I asked.

"No just surprised." Kayla said.

All five of us talked for a while and then I got out the pool. I went inside and to an empty room and changed back into my cover up shorts and a shirt. I pulled my wet hair into a ponytail and decided to go down to the fire pit.

"Hey, didn't think you would ever come out of that pool." Calum said as we walked together to the fire pit.

"Want a drink?" Calum asked me.

"Sure, thanks." I said as we walked to a cooler.

"You want a soda or something else?" He asked.

"A soda is fine, I don't really drink alcohol." I said as he handed me a soda.

At the fire pit Ava, Kayla, Michael, and Luke where all sitting around it. I sat down next to Calum. For at least two hours we where talking and laughing, sharing old stories. Luke and Ava talked about when they where young and they tried to sneak cookies but ended up knocking a whole pack of flour on the floor and all over themselves. Kayla and Michael talked about how at his birthday party Kayla shoved his face in the cake and they ended up having a cake fight and the cake was everywhere. We laughed and talked for another hour. Then I got up to throw my soda cans away, the trash can was all the way towards the end of the fence.

I threw my can away but then I kept hearing a noise. It was coming from the other side of the fence. I slowly crept around the side of the fence. In the shadow of the fence Ashton had Jess pressed against the fence and they where furiously making out. Then I noticed that Jess didn't have a shirt on, she was only in her bra. I wanted to walk away but I couldn't. They would see me soon, I knew they would. As if on time Ashton looked up for a second and at first looked surprised but then gave me a cold glare.

I turned and walked away like I saw nothing. But I did see something. For a split second a pang of jealously and sadness hit me but I quickly shook it off. I didn't like Ashton. He was a jerk and rude. I walked back to the fire pit and sat down next to Calum. For the rest of the night we shared stories but they weren't as funny as they where before.


Around three in the morning everyone was gone except the people who where staying at Calum's house. I had taken a quick shower and changed into my pjs before Calum showed me to a room. Ava and Luke where sharing one, same with Kayla and Michael.

"Here. You can have my room." Calum said, showing me to the room.

"No, you can have your own room, I'll take the couch." I said and Calum raised an eyebrow at me.

"Your sure?" He said and I nodded. He handed me a blanket and I walked down to the couch. His couch was one of those long ones that wrapped around the entire room. I took one end and made myself comfortable.

"Oh I forgot to tell you but Ashton is going to be sleeping in the chair."

"Ok." I said.

I was really too tired to care if Ashton was going to be sleeping in the same room, I would probably be asleep by the time he came in here.

"Night Renna." Calum said and turned off the lights as he walked out.

"Night." I mumbled.

I was sure I was dreaming when I heard someone softly called my name.

"Ren? Is that you?" I heard Ashton's voice, close to my neck.

I heard his soft breaths on my neck and felt someone brush the hair off my cheek.

"Goodnight." I heard him whisper.

I was sure it was a dream but the way my cheek still tingled from his touch showed me it wasn't a dream.


Whew that was a long chapter.

My hand is cramping from typing all that






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