After I Met Him

By sarina3740

72.3K 3.1K 96

Jay, an innocent, pure, intelligent girl. She's never had time for boys, and isn't that popular. Once she mee... More

After I Met Him
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

2.4K 104 5
By sarina3740

Okay wow, 15 reads in only two days!? I just started writing these so this means ALOT to me!!! Thanks guys don't be shy to give me feed back! Sorry I haven't updated soon enough but I was really busy, I'm on vacation, 21 hours away from home so you'll have to excuse me! -Sarina❤

It's been a week since Zayn and I made up. I was getting ready for my lecture today. I wore my blue sweater, and jeans. I put on black Vans and applied some make up. I curled my hair and put it in a high pony tail. I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out the door.

The entire time during class Calvin would try to make me laugh or talk to me, he's really nice and sweet. After the lecture I was getting out of my seat when Calvin came up to me."Hey Jay, can you drive me home, my care got towed." I felt bad for him so I agreed, even though if Zayn found out he would go crazy. While we were driving Calvin would make small talk with me.

Once I dropped him off I decided to go to Zayn's house. I texted him I was heading to his house and started driving. Once I got there I took out the spare key Zayn gave me and unlocked the door. "Im in kitchen babe!" He yelled. I smiled and sneak attacked him in the kitchen. He wasn't surprised, instead he was laughing. I pretended to be disappointed as he kissed my forehead. "Take a seat, I'm making spaghetti." He said, with a sweet smile. I loved every little thing about him. Once we took a seat to eat Zayn was on his phone for a while, his expression changing into a more angry tone. "Is everything alright?" I asked a bit confused. "Who's Calvin?" He finally spoke up, how does he know him? "He's j-just a friend." I replied, unsure of how he would react. "Why the hell were you driving him home?" He seemed annoyed, like he didn't believe me. "How do you even know this?" I asked, getting a bit angry myself. "Answer my question Jay." His muscles tensed up. "Should I be worried about you two?" He asked. "No Zayn!" I finally spat, Zayn used to make his dumb "crew" watch over me, thinking I would do something, he stopped after a while but I guess not.

"Im sorry Jay, I just get a bit jealous sometimes, alright?" He said looking up at me, a bit calm now. "A bit is an understatement." I joked, making him blush. "Come here." I teased, he came over to me, towering over me since he was much taller. I leaned in for a passionate yet delicate kiss. Whenever we kiss it sends chills through my body, sparks igniting from me, giving my the butterflies.

Zayn was invited to his buddy Liam's house, and tagged me along with him. As we were driving I noticed we were in the "higher class" part of Los Angeles. "How rich is liam?" I thought out loud, totally forgetting Zayn was there, making me sound like a gold digger. "Haha he's pretty rich, his grandparents gave their will all to Liam when they departed." That must be cool, having so much money and no responsibility, then I started wondering, how come I still haven't met Zayn's parents? "Hey Zayn?" He turned to me for a sec, still taking glances at the wheel. "When do I get to meet your parents? I don't wanna sound pushy but... You know." I said, I must of hit his sensitive side, because he tensed up a bit, holding the steering wheel a bit tighter. "Are you okay?" He barely looked at me, like my words brought back his past. "No, I'm fine. I just uh kinda dozed off. My parents live kinda umm far, so probably not soon." I nodded, wondering why he is so sensitive about this subject.

Once we arrived, I noticed how big Liam's home was, it wasn't as big as mine but it was pretty big for someone living all alone, it was a cute beach house. After Zayn knocked a few times Liam greeted us with a friendly smile. "Hey guys, nice to see ya, Jay." I waved and said hi, as I went in. His house was modern, with a touch of that home sweet home feel. Once we got to the living room, Niall and Louis were there too, smiling and waving at me. "Hey guys!" I replied and took a seat next to Zayn. Liam took a seat and they started talking about some boy stuff. Finally after a while Liam said "let's have some fun guys, let's play truth or dare!" Louis and Niall clapped in agreement, making me giggle. Zayn nodded. "I'll go first!!" Yelled Niall. "Umm Jay! Truth or Dare?" I didn't want some crazy dare so I chose truth. "Umm truth?" He thought for a moment before smirk appeared on his face. "Have you and Zayn done the dirty?" Oh my god! I started blushing and giggling awkwardly. "Oh come on Niall! Just because you don't have a love life doesn't mean you gotta get into mine!" Joked Zayn, blushing a bit too. Niall and Louis were laughing their asses off and I still hadn't answered. "Ugh the answer is yes..." I mumbled, getting a surprised look from Zayn, thinking I wouldn't give out the answer. "OOOOOO" Niall and Louis laughed a bit more, finally Liam stepped in and calmed them down. It was my turn. "Okay umm I choose Zayn." I said as he looked at me, resting his arm on my shoulder. "I pick dare." He said before I could even ask. "DJ Malik, livin fastn furious.." Louis said in a deep voice, joking. Zayn laughed then waited for me to give him his dare. "Uh I dare you to uhh.. Louis help!" I asked louis for help. "Dare him to have seven minutes in heaven with you!" Niall yelled, and Louis agreed, Liam laughing. "With pleasure." Zayn said, as he winked at me. He grabbed my hand and lead me to Liam's bedroom.

He started kissing and biting my neck, then went down to my breasts, squeezing them a bit, causing me to moan. He started kissing me, and begged for entrance, i accepted as he slid his tongue in my mouth, causing me to hum in pleasure. He was about to take off my shirt when we hear a knock. "It's already been eight minutes!!! Get out of there you two love birds!!!" Louis shouted. Zayn grabbed me by the waist and lead me out of the bedroom and on to the couch. "You guys are perverts!" I joked, giggling. "You should of seen Zayn before he met you, TOTAL PERV." Louis pointed to Zayn, causing me to laugh and Zayn to blush. "Okay yeah... My turn. Niall I choose you." He said, finally speaking up. "Dare the dare devil!" He yelled, starting to act like a ninja. Those two are too hyper. "I dare you to reveal your deepest secret." Niall sat there quietly for a moment, trying to think of something. "I've kinda been seeing this girl, her names Hannah." The guys didn't seem to care, but I had my eyes wide open. "Oh my god really?! I go to college with her! She's amazing Niall, you're lucky." Niall stared at me surprised, then thanked me. "Okay guys it's my turn, I pick you Louis!" Liam shouted. We continued the game until everyone had a turn, it got to the point where Niall was dared to run around the neighborhood naked, which he didn't refuse. That's when Zayn decided it was time to go.

Zayn took me back to his house. "Stay here tonight, I don't want you to be alone." He said as he kissed my hand. "Zaynnnnn what am I going to wear?" I asked. "Since when has that been a problem?" He joked, making me giggle. "Alright fine." I said, as I went into his bathroom to take a shower. Once I thought I was clean enough, I grabbed a towel and headed into Zayn's room. I changed into one of his basketball shorts and a loose t-shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and skipped the make up. I went into the living room, Zayn was watching Keeping up with the Kardashians. I took a seat next to him, and cuddled into his chest, as he held my hand. "Since when did you watch this show?" I asked a bit amused. "Uh I dunno, it's just funny how crazy they are." He said, a bit ashamed, I gave him a peck on the cheek and rested my head in his lap as I watched the show.

It was early in the morning, I woke up to the peaceful sound of Zayn's heartbeat. I listened to him breathe for a few minutes, before getting up and going to the bathroom to change into my other clothes. Once I got out Zayn was still asleep so I went to the kitchen and made myself cereal. I went over to the TV and watched TV until Zayn woke up. He looked tired, and could barely keep his eyes opened. "You look adorable." I said as I squeezed his cheeks, causing him to groan. "Im tired..." He groaned, kissing me on the forehead. "Come cuddle with me." He said, smiling. I nodded as we went into the bedroom. I buried my head in his chest as he rested his head on my head. I felt warm and calm.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Zayn and I got up and went to the door to open it. It was just Louis and Liam. "Hey guys, come in." Zayn pointed to the couch. Zayn and I sat across from them on the couch. "I was at Liam's and I got bored." Louis explained. "Well you refused to help me cook." Liam argued. "Well your here now so who cares." Said Zayn. I giggled at their little argument and headed into the kitchen to get them some drinks. Once I got the drinks I headed back into the living room, giving one to each of them. I took a seat next to Zayn and just listened to their conversation. "So where's Niall?" Asked Zayn. "He's with Haaaannnaaah..." Louis said, making it seem like they were doing something together. "Shut up Louis." Liam said as he nudged Louis, their idiotic behavior causing me to giggle.

After the boys left I asked Zayn to drive me home. Once he dropped me off I kissed him goodbye and went inside. I was watching TV when I suddenly got a call from the hospital. I froze in place when the other line told me my dad was in coma, at the hospital. I quickly called Zayn and Chelsea, telling them to meet me at the hospital as I ran to my car, crying.

Once I got to the hospital I asked for my dads room. I ran up the stairs, tears falling from my eyes. I was stopped by one of the nurses once I got to his room. "Let me in!" I said, sobbing. "Im sorry but he can't get any visitors at this moment. "But I'm his daughter!!" I felt a hand in my shoulder. I turned around to see Zayn, without saying anything he pushed me into him, giving me a warm, long hug, just what I needed. I cried onto his chest a bit, before we took a seat by my dads room. "It's okay, what happened?" Asked Zayn, rubbing my back, trying to calm me. "I- I don't know! They told me he got in a car accident... I- I don't know what to do!" I tried to say between sobs. "Shhh, relax. It'll be fine." He said, embracing me in a long hug then kissing my forehead. Chelsea came running from the hospital hallways. "Oh my god Jay are you okay?!" I got up and gave her a long hug, and cried into her shoulder. "Oh my god what happened?" I cried a little more, wiped my tears away and looked at her. "My dad is in a coma, he was in a car accident." Zayn got up, hugging me. I took a seat between the two of them. "Im so sorry." Said Chelsea, as she gave me a slight smile and hugged me. "Ill get you two some drinks." Zayn suggested. "I'll have a coke, thanks." I said, wiping the tears. "I'll just have water." Said Chelsea. Zayn nodded and left for the food court. "Zayn isn't half bad." Chelsea admitted. I smiled a bit. "Im glad you like him." I said, as she massaged my back trying to calm me. Zayn returned with the drinks, Chelsea and Zayn talked for a bit and actually got along for once, which made me happy.

After a few hours the nurse told us it was we should go home and come back tomorrow, so Zayn dropped me and Chelsea home. Chelsea offered to stay over tonight, so I wasn't alone. We watched movies, most of the time I just cried, Chelsea rubbing my back. How did this happen? He was supposed to be in Florida by now, for an important murder case, the more I thought about it the more it hurt so I tried to concentrate on the movie. After a while Chelsea and I fell asleep on the couch, I was really tired so I didn't bother going upstairs to sleep.

PLEASE READ: if I made any mistakes in the story that confused you guys or you don't get a part don't be shy to ask me in the comments, ill try to answer everyone's questions. I also tried making this chapter longer because I might not update for a while. I'm sorry if you don't like this story, there's nothing I can really do. It's my first story and I'm doing this because I love writing. Again, if you guys have any questions I would be happy to answer them and I would be extremely happy if you guys gave me feedback on my story, so I can make it better :) Sorry for taking so long with this update but I needed some time to think about the plan for this chapter, again, don't be shy to leave suggestions! They only make the story better!!! (DISCLAIMER: if you have a shitty idea like 'they all die' or 'a giant cows balls eats them' I will personally hunt you down and make you watch a whole season of pretty little liars with me.) Sorry for taking your time, baiiiii -Sarina❤

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