Surprise Castle ✔️

By multiple_fandoms198

34.2K 1.5K 59

Based on the tv show Castle. A different version of how season 5 starts. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 31

479 27 1
By multiple_fandoms198

Castle pov...

We got a new case of a guy being shot in the middle of the road.
We check the security cameras and see that he died trying to stop a kidnapping of a young girl.

We found out that the girl is Sara El-Masri. Her parents are Lina and Anwar El-Masri. Anwar is a weathy man who agreed to pay any ransom if they asked.

We found out that Sara was at a science event last night so Kate and I go to talk to the people who ran the event.
When we talk to one guy who signed her in to the event and he only saw her with a friend she came with, he described her as pale, red hair so I look at the list of attendants and Alexis was on the list. I call her phone to see if she can help us. I hear her ringtone and her phone was in the lost property and that is when I realise that they took Alexis too.

Beckett pov...

After finding out Alexis was taken we went back to the prescient where the FBI helping on the case talks to Rick. Gates tells me to do anything I need to do to get his little girl back.
It's hard on all of us and Alexis is a sweet girl who everyone knows. Rick is a mess and doesn't know what to do, I hide my emotions as it affects me a lot as Alexis is like my daughter.

We get to some dead ends and Rick looks like a wreck so I send him home.
We get a call about someone found the van that they were taken in and go to the scene. Rick shows up wanting to know what we know. Lanie finds blood in the van but the blood type doesn't match Alexis or Sara which is good.

The van leads up to more information and we find the driver who leads us to an abandoned farm. The FBI raid it and find a guy who looks to be tortured to death and they found a jumper that belonged to Alexis which means that the girls were there but are gone now. We find a witness who gives a description of a guy in the area so we get a sketch made.

Rick and I go in the break room and sit down to talk about what we know so far. Rick gets a Skype call and answers it and it's Alexis, she is alright and got free but people are looking for her. Alexis runs and drops the phone but it stays on the call so we can track it.
We get Tori to trace it to find out more about the call when Tori says "this can't be right, according to this the call came from Paris, France".
The Anwar El-Masri gets a ransom to get both the girls back and pays it but only Sara is released, we realise then that Alexis was not just in the wrong place at the wrong time but she was the target.

I send Rick home to go tell Martha while I try to find more information.

Castle pov...

We found out that Alexis is in Paris but I can't wait and know that the authorities over there won't help as much as I want so I go home to get a bag of some things and my passport before heading to the airport and getting on a flight to Paris.

I contact I guy I know who should be able to help me when I get a call from Kate who has figured out that I am in Paris, I tell her "I am getting Alexis back"
She understands and will help as much as she can from in New York.
I get information on where Alexis would be so I head to the building and she was here as I found the phone she called from but there is no sign of her.
The guy helping me says he can find out more for a few so we get the money and go to a meeting spot in the bush where there are lots of fun shots and some guy saves me and tell me to come with him. I go to call Kate when he picks up my phone and throws it away then shoots it. I say "what are you doing that was a $200 dollar phone"
He tells me "that's how they tracked you"
I start to get in the car with him when he says "if you cared that much about you phone you might want to pick up the bag of 3 million dollars. I grab the bag and get in the car and we go to an apartment where there is photos of Alexis on the wall, a phone rings and the guy says "you might want to answer that, it's your phone it's probably Kate calling"
I answer the phone and tell her I am safe and learning more information about Alexis before ending the call.
I ask the guy "who are you?"
He says "my name is Jackson Hunt"
I say "sound made up"
He nods and says "it probably is"
I ask "what do you know about Alexis?"
He says "I know where she is, it might take a while"
I ask "why was she taken?"
He says "my enemies found out who she is, who you are"
I say "and who is that?"
He says "She's my granddaughter, Richard I'm your father"
He explains how he was working with the CIA and was undercover and made enemies who found out about Alexis and knew that it would draw him out, Sara was taken so that it was world news and he would find out.
He tells me about how he has been watching over my family and the people close to us to make sure we are safe.
A phone goes off and I he answers it and the people who took Alexis want to swap him for Alexis.

We know it's a trap and he has a plan to get her out and escape. Once the plan is done he will be gone and I am not meant to talk about what really happened. At the end of the plan I will be going to the embassy where I will get a cover story to tell.

The plan works and I get Alexis out and we get home and are welcomed back by mother and Kate. Kate tells me "don't do that again without me"
I nod and say "never"

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