He Lied | Harry Styles

By Young_Directioners

144K 2.8K 321

"When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not, it's just the beginning." We we... More

01. Merill
02. Merill
03. Merill
04. Merill
05. Ian
06. Harry
07. Harry
08. Merill
09. Ian
10. Merill
11. Ian
12. Ian
13. Merill
14. Merill
15. Merill
16. Ian
17. Ian
18. Merill
20. Liam
21. Harry
22. Merill
23. Merill
24. Ian
25. Harry
26. Ian
27. Harry
28. Harry
29. Merill
30. Merill
31. Harry
32. Harry
33. Merill
34. Merill
35. Merill
36. Edmund
38. Edmund
39. Harry
41. Ian
42. Merill
xliii. Her
xliv. Him
He Lied's Acknowledgements

40. Merill

1.1K 37 16
By Young_Directioners

 I was lying down the dirty floor, when Annika's mom went inside.

     "Good Morning, Merill, good to see you suffering," She greeted with a wide evil smile.

     I didn't bother answering back. My phone is still with me and I hid it somewhere that no one can see, I still have a chance to save myself. I tried to give her a weak callous smile.

     "I heard Harry went crazy when he knew you're with me. How amazing! He didn't even cry when my daughter died," she laughed.

      "You know why?" I said, "'cause Harry never loved your daughter."

      She looked at me and tried to slap me but I stopped her and did it instead.

      "Does it hurt?" I said, bravely.

      I looked at her turning red while she slowly pointed her gun at me.

      "Kill me, then. I rather see heaven than see your face," I teased.

     She laughed. "I'm not going to kill you of course. You need to meet hell first before you see heaven," she said, putting her gun back down.

      "What you do to others, is what others will do to you. Do you think this quote will perfectly fit our situation?" I said.

      "I don't believe in that," she said, trying to control her temper.

     "Oh, you should start believing in that saying then," I smiled.

     She couldn't manage to say her reply and before I could say anything, she walked out stamping her feet. I laughed hard the way she became that angry with just words. I lean my back on the wall and took my phone under a scrap of cloth. I opened the gallery and watched Harry's and Darcy's picture. I hope they are fine and safe. I wanted to call Harry but I don't want him to do anything foolish that will harm him.

     I dialed Ed's number and it started to ring.


     "Merill, how are you? Are you fine? Are you still hurt?"

     "I'm still alive, Ed. Did you come back safe with Kaitlyn?"

     "Yes, we are now safe. Thanks to you of course,"

     "That's good..." I smiled as hot tears fell down my cheeks. At least I saved them.

     "Merill, I'm going to call Harry and the others. Don't hang up, okay?"

     "No, Ed! Don't call them!"

     "What? But why?"

     "You can tell them after the call. I don't have much time but can I speak to Darcy?"

     "Of course. She's here with me, I'll call her... Darcy, come here. Mommy wanna talk to you."

     "Mommy!"  My little angel said.

     "Hello, Darcy, how are you?"


     "Be good to Daddy Harry always, okay?"


     "Take care, Darcy. And tell Daddy that Mommy loves him."


     "Tell him to take good care to himself."


     "I love you, Darcy, good bye. Mommy loves you!"


     I ended the call and stopped myself from crying too loud. I don't know what will happen to me later or tomorrow. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to see my family. But at least I gave my little girl a proper good bye if something happens to me.

I'm still sitting in this dirty room thinking what is possibly happening at Liam's house when a loud bang from the door interrupted my thoughts. It was Annika's mom.

      "We're leaving this place. Get her!" she said to her men.

     I obediently stood up and walked with them. When we got out from the building it was dark and rainy. They led me into a van where big guys were surrounding me. The window was painted in dim light. I can't clearly see where we're going.

     "Where are we going?" I asked one of the big guys beside me.

     "We will hostage everyone in Payne's house before we capture your little girl. The main target of the plan is to make you suffer the most," the big guy chuckled.

     He really thinks it's funny.

     The car finally stopped. The door opened and I saw a  familiar place. This was where the car accident happened. The two men went out, leaving me inside the van alone with the driver who was watching me through the rear view mirror.

     "Have some sleep, it will be a long day tomorrow," the driver said.

      I looked at him through his reflection. He's still young, at 16 or 18 maybe.

     "Why are you helping her?" I asked. That was an awkward question.

    "Do you mean our boss?" he asked back.

    "Yes," I answered in a whisper.

     "Well, I need to pay his husband's generosity to us," Generosity, seriously?

     "That's unusual. What kind of generosity did they offer? It doesn't seem like they are that kind of family that offers generosity," I told him.

    "They are powerful. They can control people like me and my family because we're poor," he said, leaning his back on the chair while his eyes were straight in front.

     "What is your name, by the way?" I asked.

     "Chris," he stated.

     "Oh, so what kind of generosity her husband did to you?" I asked again.

     "He helped me and my twin sister when we had nothing. Our father left us when we were just 5 and my mother died because of an accident a few years ago. Me and my sister were left to live a life on our own, then my sister was diagnosed with cancer. Her husband helped us. He let us stay in their house and we lived there as their helper," he explained sadly.

     "How is your sister?" I asked.

     "She's dead, she killed her," he said.

     "I'm sorry but I can't understand why..."

     "Her husband suddenly died and my sister's cancer became worse. I don't know what happened, I was just out for a few hours to buy my sister's needs but when I came back she's already dead. Annika's mother never liked my sister, she was jealous of her, and I believe that she's the  one who killed her," he said in a monotone.

     "But why are you still helping that woman?" I asked, making my voice soft.

     "Because of her husband, I get spend more time with my sister. I want to pay his kindness to us. I owe the memories I had with my sister to him," he sobbed.

      "I'm sorry." I whispered.

     "If you want my help--" he said, but I cut him.

     "No, I'm good," I said. I don't want him to get involved too.

     "If you need help, don't hesitate," He said with a smile that I can see from the mirror and that relieved me a little bit. I have a friend in this situation.

     "Why?" I asked.

    "I want to be like him. I want to help someone too," he told me.

     "Thank you, Chris."

"Merill, wake up!"

    I slowly opened my eyes and saw Chris on the window. He opened the door and went inside to sit beside me.

    "I know the plan and I want you to leave now!" he said.

     "What was their plan?" I asked, and realized it's already day time. The sun is shining bright outside.

    "They will kill anyone who comes in their way. They will spare no one. You have to leave," he said, moving closer to me.

    "No, I can't!"

    "Merill, listen. I'll be her right hand in this plan. It means I can kill anyone if it's her order. And I'm sure she'll ask me to kill you. I don't want to do that!"

    "I'm sorry, Chris."



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