Stolen - Bleach Fanfiction ~E...

By SilentInnocence

100K 1.8K 134

*EDITED UP TO CHAPTER 9. READ PAST THAT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.* Keeping a secret from the world is hard. Kir... More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: New students
Chapter 3: Memories
Chapter 4: Late
Chapter 5: Revealed
Chapter 6: Telling the truth
Chapter 7: Say Goodbye, Say Hello
Chapter 8: Pink
Chapter 9: Trust
Chapter 10: Suprises and Shocks
Chapter 11: Escort
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Trainer
Chapter 14: Are you trying to kill me?!
Chapter 15: Bring me back
Chapter 16: Waking up
Chapter 17: Get ready
Chapter 18: Battle
Chapter 19: Second Chance
Chapter 20: Assignment
Chapter 21: Encounter
Chapter 22: Why?
Chapter 23: I promise
Chapter 24: Ghosts
Chapter 25: Man in black and going back?
Chapter 26: Im back!
Chapter 27: Back in town
Chapter 28: Curse
Chapter 29: Let me in
Chapter 30: Party
Chapter 31: Believing
Chapter 32: Falling apart
Chapter 33: No regrets
Chapter 34: Feelings
Chapter 35: War plans
Chapter 36: Gone
Chapter 37: Catching up
Chapter 38: Surprise visit
Chapter 39: Say goodbye
Chapter 40: Dream or Reality?
Chapter 41: Welcome
Chapter 42: Complications
Chapter 43: Change
Chapter 44: Reuniting
Chapter 45: Breaking the promise
Chapter 46: Saviour
Chapter 47: Till Death Do Us Part

Chapter 2: Partners and Tag

3.9K 87 9
By SilentInnocence



Chapter 2: Partners and Tag

*Kira’s P.o.V.*

Looking over to my left, I find the new kid staring at me. A smirk crawls onto my lips and I decide to get under his skin.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s not nice to stare?” I ask.

He laughs and returns my smirk with his own. “Nope, and it’s okay for me to stare at you.”

A small laugh escapes my lips. “You like what you see?” I joke, repeating his earlier question.

“Yes, yes I do.” His blue eyes light up slightly with amusement.

“Sorry to disappoint, but you’re never gonna have it.” Smirking, I stick my tongue out at him and turn away.

A few moments later, a piece of paper lands on my desk.

Is that a challenge?

I think about it for a few seconds before looking over to the new kid, giving him a small nod. “Yes, it is.” Turning back around to face the front, I zone out to what was happening around me.

When I do zone back in, the teacher was explaining what our next assignment would be.

“This weeks project will be based on a research paper about a rainforest animal. You will be put into pairs and between the two of you, you must choose an animal and write a report on it. The project will be due in a week.” The teacher says as she grabs a piece of paper off of her desk. “Now for the partners.”

“Tatsuki and Chad, Orihime and Ichigo, Rukia and Ulquiorra, Halibel and Uryu, Kira and Grimmjow.” He continued reading the list but I stopped listening once my name was called.

“Guess we’re partners.” I state, brushing my bangs out of my eyes so I could see him clearly.

“Guess so.” Grimmjow replies casually.

“So, when do you want to work on this?” I ask.

“I don’t know.”

Sighing, I cross my arms over my chest. “You aren’t much help.” I mutter.

Grimmjow looks over at me and scoffs, turning away again. “Like your one to talk.”

“Hey, you don’t know anything about me so don’t start judging.” I snap, my eyes trained on him in a deadly stare.

“Well then, why don’t you tell me something? Like your name?” Grimmjow says, giving me a look.

“Kira Hiraki, you?”

“Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.” The bell rings just as Grimmjow tells me his name. Standing up from my seat, I back up my stuff and head out of the classroom.

Walking out the door, I go to turn left but am stopped by someone wrapping their arms around my waist.

“Hello, Princess.” Shinji whispers into my ear.

“What was that?” I ask in a sickly sweet voice.

“I said ‘Hello, Princess’. What’s wrong?” Shinji wonders, removing his arms from around me.

Giving a small laugh and smirk, I shove Shinji into the nearby wall of lockers. “You know I don’t like being called that.” I laugh over my should, walking away with Shinji standing behind me, dumfounded.

The rest of the day flew by in a blur and I was relieved when the final bell rang, signalling the end of the day. Picking up my stuff, I sling my over my should and walk out into the hall.

I was halfway to the exit of the school when I feel someone grab my wrist. Turning around, I see Grimmjow standing there.

“Yes?” I raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what he wants. He lets go of my wrist and hands me a slip of paper. “What’s this?”

“My address and number. Meet me at my house at 8:00.” Grimmjow states before walking off.

A sigh escapes me as I stuff the piece of paper into my pocket and begin walking home.

I made it home earlier than usual so I dropped off my stuff and started to walk towards where the Vizards were currently living, wanting to pay them a very overdue visit.

Pulling my iPod out of my pocket, I flick it on and jam my headphones into my ears, blasting my music.

Music poured out of the headphones and into my ears, blocking out the world around me. My favorite song, “Howling”, came on and I start singing to the lyrics.

I sing the first part softly to myself, closing my eyes as I get more and more lost in the music. The song was about halfway over when I bump into something.

Peeking my eyes open, I see Grimmjow standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

“Nice voice you got. What were you singing?” Grimmjow asks.

I pull my headphones out of my ears and pause my music. “Howling by Abingdon Boys School.” I reply. “Wait, did you just compliment me?”

“Maybe I did.” Grimmjow smirks, shoving his hands into his coat pockets. “Are you still coming over tonight?”

“Yeah. Well, I’m on my way to a friends for supper, so I should get going. See you later.” I say before running off in the direction I was previously heading.

‘I think he likes you.’ Fiera says, very matter of factly.

‘Yeah right. We just met, there’s no way.’ I tell her, which momentarily shuts her up.

‘Think what you will, Kira. I know he does.’ Fiera replies before going silent again.

Shrugging her comment off, I slid open the door to the old warehouse the Vizards call home. I cautiously walk in, knowing that usually something would be flying around, and am attacked to the ground by a small figure.

“Why haven’t you visited sooner?” Hiyori yells at me, hugging me tightly. I give her a sheepish grin and try to pry her off of me.

“Sorry, I was busy with school and everything, but I am here now. Uh, so can you get off of me? I can’t breath.” I mumble. Hiyori laughs and lets me go, helping me up off the ground.

“Sorry ‘bout that. I’m so glad that you decided to come visit. It’s been boring around here with just training and having no one to entertain us.” Hiyori complains. “Are you staying for dinner?”

“Yep. Where is everybody?” I ask as we walk into the main part of the warehouse.

“Underground training.” Hiyori states, leading me over to the passage to go underground. We get down there and I look around, seeing all of the Vizards training.

Kensei was training with Mashiro, Lisa with Hachi, and Rose with Love. Shinji was the only one not training; instead he was sitting and watching, his back turned to us.

Wanting to repay him for calling me Princess, I creep up slowly behind him and pounce onto his back, but just as I think I have him, he disappears. The ground seems to get closer and closer, and just when I am about to hit the ground, arms wrap around me.

“Hello Kira, how nice to see you.” Shinji smiles down at me.

“How’d you know I was trying to jump you?”

“I heard you coming. You ought to be more quiet if you want to catch me off guard.” Shinji sets me on the ground, teasing me.

“Aw, I wanted to play around with you.” I whine, a frown forming on my face.

“If you want to play, let’s play. Catch us all in one hour. No cheating. See you soon.” Shinji laughs before they all disappear.

“Hey, wait!” I shout, but they were already gone.

No cheating, hey? Well this is gonna suck not being able to use flash step or any of that. Shrugging, I make my way up the stairs and start after them.

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