Lyle High School (Darkest Pow...

By nightmarehaunte

6.5K 107 39

Chloe is entering a new boarding school called Lyle High School. And as soon as she goes there she knows it's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapte 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

608 14 3
By nightmarehaunte

Disclaimer: I don't own Darkest Powers or the characters so don't sue me!!!


Before we go, I should warn you about something,” she said very serious. I nodded and she held a finger in front of me. “First, is that Tori can be a little mean, but don't let that bring you down. And Simon and her are twins. Just thought you should know since Tori gets overprotective over him.” Then, she held two fingers. “Second, Simon is sweet and nice and all, but it seems like he's acting so be aware.” Holding three fingers she said with the loopy look she had before, “Third, be very VERY careful around Derek. Cause, you know, he is a wolf.”

And that was it. She didn't say he was like a wolf but that he is a wolf.

Chapter 5: Liz Duty

Liz walked right pass me and sat at the table. But I was too stunned at what she said.

He is a wolf. He is a wolf. He is a wolf. It kept ringing in my ears reminding me of the blood-stained wolf on our balcony this morning. Finally, after a couple of more seconds and I followed and sat beside her.

Did she really meant it? Was it her talking or was it the loopy gas? Can Derek really be a wolf? A werewolf? And worst of all, Can the wolf on the balcony be related to him?

I sneaked a glance at Derek, who sat a little right from me, while eating my spaghetti. He had a big pile of food on his plate and was silently stuffing it in his mouth when he saw me stare. I guess I'm not sneaky enough. Now I'll never get to be a ninja as I always hoped for. Thank you, Derek for flushing my dreams down the drain.

Blushing, I quickly looked at Liz, desperate to get out of Derek's glance. “Are you okay, Liz?” She stopped gobbling her food and looked at me wary. “Why? Are you gonna try and steal my food again? No way, Cookie Monster! Not this time! You'll never get mi Lucky Charms!!!” She moved a little away from me and wrapped her arms around her plate giving me a look.

Wait. Cookie Monster? Lucky Charms? She had to be loopy when she said Derek is a wolf. But a part of me still refuse to let this go. It said that he is a whichever.

Simon and I exchange a look. “Okay, how about we talk about who has to take care of her at times?” I nodded and said, “It should be two of us guarding her while the other rests.” He agreed. And so we began talking about our schedules with her.

All of us at morning.

Derek and I: 1st period.

Derek and Simon:2nd, and 3rd period

All of us at lunch.

Simon and I: 4th and 5th period.

Derek and Simon for 6th period.

And Derek and I at night.

But this 'Derek and I at night' is only temporally. Simon has to do some work that whole night with the principle and dean. Normally it'll be all of us at night. Which means Derek has to come to my room and help me tonight. Great. And it also means I can't get any alone time with Liz to ask her about what she said. Even better.

“So we're good with it?” Simon asked Derek and I. We both nodded. Perfect. I'll send nights with the guy that Liz said is a wolf. Perfect. Great. Fabulous.

Than Boom! I jumped as Rae slammed her full tray on the table beside me. She had a mad look on her face, clearly she was upset. “The stupid dean got mad at me when I grabbed my food. Saying I was getting too many sweets and should cut down on a good healthy diet,” She gestured to her body, “I mean, do I look like I need a diet?”

I looked at her body, which wasn't as slim as mine but wasn't fat or in a need of a diet. I was about to say this to her when Tori spook out first.

“Of course you need a diet! Look at your plate! It's stuffed with unhealthy junk food and a lot of it too! I'm surprise the dean didn't took it away and criticized you more! The next thing you know, you'll get diabetes as Simon did!” Both Simon and Rae glared at her.

Wait, Simon has diabetes? I looked at his tray which had mostly healthy foods and rarely anything sweet.

Tori made a perfectly O shape with her lips and looked at me than Simon. “Oppzies! Sorry Simon! It just came out. I really sorry, but you know she'll eventually figured out, like the rest of us.”

Simon was still glaring at her than looked at me than back to her. He nodded. “Of course.” With a sad look he looked back at me, expecting me to say something.

I looked back at him than nervously sideways. It wasn't something he wanted me to know. I wonder why. I don't really know much of diabetes except that you couldn't eat much sweets and had to give yourself shots. Ew, I hate needles, but who doesn't? Maybe that's why he split when we first came in. To give himself a shot.

I looked back at him and said, “Why didn't you just tell me?”

“It's not really something you tell someone when you barely meet, Chloe.”

I nodded, understanding that. It wasn't as if I can tell someone who I don't even know that my mother died.

“Its just that some people don't really know much about it and think it's contagious or something so they stay away from me. So I try to avoid it as much as possible,” He explained.

Again, I nodded. “Well, I'm okay with it. And you don't have to worry about me running away screaming,” I said smiling at him. He smiled back, relieved nothing bad happen.

“Well, I'm happy you two lovebirds got along,” said Rae, looking at us smiling at each other. Then Rae glared back at Tori still not over what she said. “And Tori! Worry about your own body and leave mine alone!” Rae shrieked throwing some of her chocolate pudding at her.

It landed on her rich-looking tank-top. Outraged she jumped and threw some salad toward her. But she ducked and it landed on some guy on the other table. Nate.

He quickly turned and locked eyes with me. Heat rising from my cheeks I pointed at Tori. But he didn't buy it and threw some food toward me but landed on Simon and Liz.

This is bad.

Soon enough almost everyone was in the food fight. Some people, mostly girls, raced to get out of the flying food's rage, one of which included Tori, Derek, and myself. Of course Simon, Liz, and Rae were having fun throwing food at each other.

I went under the table, trying to not to get food on me. I was meet by an angry Tori.

“Find your own hiding place, Sunshine. I was here first! So go away!” She said glaring at me.

But I still wanted to know something that was bothering me. “Wait. Um. Are you and Simon twins or siblings?”

She looked at me as if I was crazy and shook her head. “No, not at all. We don't even look alike. And we don't even have the same parents. And he's a year older than me. Sorry to disappoint you, Sunshine.”


“And also if you were wondering, Simon is mine. So don't think you can steal him from me.”

“No, I-”

She hold up her hand cutting me off. “Oh, Please Chloe. I know what you're trying to do and I'm sorry but Simon and I are happily together. So... Back. Off. Don't even try and leave him alone cause he doesn't even like you. Got it? Now go!” She yelled, pushing me back out of the table and in a clear area to get hit.

I was still sliding and my head hit something metal. Soon I felt an explosion of pain from my head. I reach toward my head and felt something wet. I looked at my hand and saw it. Blood. And a lot of it.

Than two guys block the cafeteria’s shining lights from me. “Need some help there, cutie?” One said extending a hand to me.

Opening my left eye that I didn't realized was even closed, I saw both of them clearer. They looked older than high school students, around their twenties. Either flunked or teachers, though they most likely flunked a lot. The one who extended his hand toward me was tall and lean with blond hair to his collar. He wore a plaid jacket and boots. His friend was shorter and beefier, swarthy. He wore a leather jacket and sneakers. Both looked like they didn't bother to shave in a while. And both of their eyes glittered in the dark like Derek's and...the wolf's.

No, Chloe. You're hallucinating. Just take the kind man's hand.

Quietly and slowly, I took his hand and allowed him to help me up. Looking back at the spot I hit my head was a pool of blood. Suddenly I got a dizzy feeling and my vision had gray spots.

“Um, thanks,” I said to the guy, “I'm Chloe.”

Both of them smiled at me but had something in their eyes. Joy. Hunger. Evil.

The tall one, still hold my hand, said, “I'm Liam and this is Ramon.”


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