Sweet Tragedy

By Bananahamic7

11.3K 236 149

Rebecca was a spoiled child. She had everything her heart desired. Her father gave her the world because he f... More

Sweet Tragedy
Chapter 1
chatper 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chpater 12
chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

436 9 4
By Bananahamic7

Chapter 14

Rebecca’s assumption was correct. She knew Richard would be back. In his hands he was carrying something she could not see clearly. As Richard stepped closer, the object came into view. Rebecca gasps at the sight. She was going to get birched. The branches were bunched together in tight wad, tied together with rope. The branches of the birch seemed fresh. Rebecca cringed at the thought of bring birched.

Richard stormed over to where Rebecca laid. He quickly grabbed her corset and ripped it open. He then took her petticoats and tore them down the seams and tossed them aside. Rebecca was now only in her drawers and chemise. But she remained silent. She had done enough damage already.

Richard had a look on his face that was petrifying. He seemed so angry. Not look at Rebecca, he set about untying her legs. Rebecca was surprised by this. A glimmer of hope shot through her. Once her arms were untied, she could try to get free.

Richard must have read her thoughts. He swiftly put his hand into a fist, pulled back and punched her square in the jaw.

“you will not think of doing anything.” Richard sneered. “You are getting what you deserve.”

“I wont. Why are you doing this to me? What can I do? Please…” Rebecca pleaded. But Richard did not reply. He simply flipped her over on her stomach and began the process of retying. He pulled the ropes so hard that she could no longer feel her wrists or ankles.

Rebecca heard Richard walking toward where he had left the bundle of birch branches. She sobbed in big heaves, while silently begged for this torture to end. But she knew it was only the beginning.

Samuel was utterly surprised how quick William could rustle up the whole town. Everyone was to meet in the library, as it was large enough to house everyone at once. He also demanded everyone must attend. No exceptions.

Samuel wished that he and his grandfather were closer. They never could see eye to eye on much. Since Samuel was a child, he had lived with his grandfather. His father and mother had died in a fire that started in the old library. That was basically why he donated all the money to library. William refused to tell him much about it and over time, Samuel stopped asking.

William disapproved all most of Samuel’s choices in life. Marrying Emily at 17 was his least favorite. When Emily died, William wanted to be a part of Adelaide’s life. So Samuel allowed it because he was the only family Adelaide had. But that was all he allowed. Adelaide would live a modest life. That meant Samuel would earn all the money for them. William would not impose upon their lifestyle.

 Samuel was grateful for William helping him now. He was even grateful that William sent him Rebecca. He came to realize that William was not so bad. Sure he had ulterior motives for everything he ever did, but sometimes it was a win/win for both parties involved.

“Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I am sure you are had responsibilities to see to and for that I do apologize. I know you are all wondering why I have called you all here. You can all stop speculating. I will tell you all shortly. First I want you all to look around. Is everyone here?” William spoke with such power it was hard not to listen.

Everyone looked around their townsfolk. They were whispering and nodding. Looking over and around people trying to make certain everyone was present. Everyone seemed to be there.

“Everyone here then?” William spoke breaking up the survey.

“Seems like it Sir.” A brave gentleman spoke up from deep within the crowd.

“Good. Then let us begin, shall we. I am sure you all know my grandson Samuel Adams. Most of you know that he has hired a governess to tend to Adelaide.” William paused to ensure the crowd was still with him. “Well she has gone missing this morning. No, she did not run away. There is no reason to believe that. She visited Mrs. Braxton this morning at this very library. Now can anyone tell us something that can help us find her? We believe she is grave danger. To Whom has any information leading us to her recovery will be rewarded quite handsomely.”

 The crown went into an uproar of discussions amongst themselves. People all talking at once.  There was a mix of conversation throughout the crowd. None were remotely clear to Samuel or William, who were trying to listen to pieces of conversations happening all around.

“HEY!” Came loudly over the townsfolk. Everyone was silent, waiting for this man who interrupted everyone to come forward. He stepped out of the shadows and into the plain view with all eyes on him. “Where is Richard Crass?”

The crowd erupted with agreement. He was nowhere in this library, that much was certain. With that statement a cold chill went through Samuel. He had not thought twice about Crass since their last encounter. He was interested in Rebecca.  He would have been pissed over about getting punched in the face because of her.

With a look at Edward, Samuel knew where he was going. Edward nodded with understanding and joined Samuel. They were heading for the direction of Richard Crass’ homestead. Just in case a few men went with them. Richard was not a man that enjoyed receiving visitors, especially uninvited one.

Rebecca could hear rustling behind her. She could feel Richard walking toward her. Rebecca closed her eyes tightly with anticipation and clenched her body instinctually, to bare the pain that was sure to come any second.    

WHOOSH. She could hear the wind going through the branches of the birch bundle. SLAP! The birch came down hard on her skin. Her thin silk chemise did nothing to deflect the blow from the birch. Rebecca screamed out with agony. WHOOSH! This next one hit her center back. SLAP! She let out another scream.

Rebecca was crying as the pain continued to overwhelm her. She had stopped screaming out about six slashes ago. Now she was numb to the shock of each slash. The pain was still strong. The birch branches had broken the skin about the second lashing. She could feel the blood seeping from her back and thighs. Her chemise was drenched in blood clinging to the open wounds on her back.

Rebecca had lost count of how many times she heard the WHOOSH. Or of how many times she felt the SLAP. She could not think of anything anymore. All she could see was Samuel’s face. She could see his beautiful grey eyes, looking deep into her soul. She could feel his gentle hands caressing the small of her back. Making her heart beat faster with delight and excitement. Oh how she wanted to see him again. 

The intense pain was fading into a pit of blackness.  Her world was vanishing into darkness. Suddenly, there was nothing. There was no stinging sensation. No sound of the birch whipping her skin and no more crying. And worst of all, No more Samuel.

Samuel and Edward stopped in front of Richard’s front door. They looked at each other then barged in Richard’s front door without knocking. They did not want to give Richard the chance to run. They looked around the small house quickly. Everything was filthy. Dust and dirt covered every surface. The curtains were drawn, leaving the tiny house engulfed in darkness.    

Richard did not appear to be anywhere within the house. They checked the bedroom, living room and kitchen. Nothing. They headed outside to check the surrounding area of the property. He was not there either.

“He’s not here Sam. What do you want to do?”Edward asked with concern and frustration.

“He has her. He has her somewhere, that much I am certain.”  Samuel sighed with disappointment. He was more determined now. He knew Richard Crass had her. Why, was another question all together. If Richard touched one hair on her beautiful head, he swore he would kill him. He knew that now more than ever.

“Well let’s go back and tell William the search continues. At least we have someone to look for. IF Richard is our guy, we have can him found within a day I am sure. He could not have gone that far.” Edward said trying to reassure Samuel.  But the look on both of their faces clearly stated neither truly believed that.

“Ok but I am going to check around here for a bit. Go ahead, I’ll be fine. Thanks Ed. Thanks for everything.” Samuel half smiled. He was trying not to let his raw emotions come to the surface. He has not cried since his parents died. Not that he was ashamed of crying. There was just nothing that was ever as painful to him, until now.

Edward shook his head and left Samuel to go back and tell the rest of the town to start looking for Richard Crass. Samuel had told Edward about their first meeting and town and how Richard wanted Rebecca even then. He promised to seek revenge. He was their one and only suspect.

Samuel wandered around the back of Richard’s property. The property was as chaotic as his interior of his home. Outside there was broken down wagons, which had abandoned wheels tossed about. The grass was over grown and trees had been knocked down and sat there unattended.

  Samuel looked around, not entirely concentrating on anything specific. HE did not know exactly what he was looking for. Then suddenly Samuel stepped on an object, that clearly was not part of the natural ground. It was hard and solid.

 It was a heavy door made of wood. It was flush with the ground and not visible unless you knew it was there. Igt was covered in grass and vines, trying to camoflague the fact that it was a door. It did a pretty good job too because Samuel would have seen it, had he not stepped on it.

Was Rebecca in there? He wondered. His heart was racing so fast, he thought it would beat clear out of his chest. He slowly reached for the rope that was the only handle and began to open the heavy door…

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