chapter 9

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   Chapter 9

Rebecca was learning quite well how to cook. Every day she would attempt to make a different meal. She wanted to find out what Samuel and Adelaide preferred to eat. Rebecca found out that Samuel; like most men, like meat. All kinds if meat. He liked chicken, roast beef, ham, bacon and loved fish. All the meat had to be accompanied by vegetables. If he received this for supper, he was a very content man.

Adelaide was alittle harder to cook for. She was like any child and loved her dessert. But she preferred sandwiches. You could only get her to eat the meat that was served, if it was on a bread or biscuit. This was apparently a phase she was going through. Rebecca was happy to oblige. She thought it was cute.

Everyday, Rebecca would sit down with Adelaide in the morning after the morning chores were finished to teach her to read. Adelaide picked up all the sounds in the alphabet quite quickly. This made Rebecca proud so she encouraged her to read before dinner too, which Adelaide was happy to do. She liked to spend time with Rebecca no matter what they were doing. She quickly became Rebecca’s little shadow.

One afternoon all the chores were done and Adelaide was doing excellent with her studies. So as a reward for doing so well, Rebecca was going to teach Adelaide to swim. It was late July and sun was shining warmly.

So they had on drawers, a modesty petticoat, over petticoat for good measure and chemise. Rebecca had a corset on as well. They grabbed a few large towels and a blanket and went to the stream. Samuel would not be home for a while and no one would see them in the stream. So Rebecca was not too concerned of their lack of bathing costumes.

Rebecca took Adelaide’s hand and directed her into the stream. The water was freezing. But they both got used to it quite quickly. At first they just splashed around. Adelaide did not know how to swim so she was a bit nervous. When she became more comfortable tried to help her float on her back to start.

“You are doing great honey. I got you.” Rebecca said reassuringly to Adelaide. So after a bit of back floating, Adelaide decided she just wanted to play. So that is what they did. They splashed and jumped. Both laughing and giggling.

From the corner of his eye, he saw movement toward the stream. Samuel quietly walked over to the stream and froze in his steps by the pond.

There in the stream were Adelaide and a very exposed Rebecca. His heart started to quicken at the sight of her wet body. All her clothes were clinging to her like a glove. Rebecca and Adelaide both had their hair down. This was the first time he has seen Rebecca’s hair down. HE had not realized how long and curly it was. Even with it wet, It still had a wave to it. She was the most breath taking women he has ever seen. Even Emily never took his breath away like she did.

He watched the two of them splashing and carrying on. Adelaide was having so much fun. She loved being with Rebecca. He can understand why. She had a certain aurora about her.

He could feel his body ache for her. His penis was throbbing in his trousers. The corset only highlighting the full breasts underneath. He wanted to go over to where his daughter was playing with her governess and join in on the fun. But he knew it was inappropriate. A proper lady such as Rebecca would take great offence to that.

He knew standing there was not a good idea either. What if Rebecca saw him? She would think he was perverted and feel uncomfortable around him from this point on. But he could not turn away.   The sight of her was magnetizing. This image would forever be etched in his head.

But what he she wanted him to join them? That would be ok right? He thought to himself. Maybe if he got Adelaide’s attention she would invite him over. That would give Rebecca the choice to get decent or stay in the water. He decided that was the best idea.

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