Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1

Rebecca woke up from a peaceful sleep in her wonderfully soft bed. She sat up and stretched her arms high above her head. She stepped from her bed, put her feet in her slippers and donned on her robe. She went over to her wardrobe and selected an outfit she would be wearing today. She chose a light blue gown that was made of silk. It had white lace trim around the neckline and sleeves. The blue gown made her bright blue eyes pop and her curly black hair shine. She washed herself in her basin and set to get dressed. Usually one of her servants helped out with this process.

Dressing was a lot of work. It required a lot of time as there were many articles to put on. First her drawers, then a modesty petticoat. She needed her hoop petticoat and the most dreadful of all, Her corset. She  technically did not need to wear a corset. She was lucky to have been given a great figure. Her waist was tiny and hips were round. She was also given the great gift of all, cleavage. So the corset only emphasizes what she already had. Corsets are usually why she needed help to get dressed. But luckily her father paid for good quality ones. They did up both in back and in front. So she didn’t need help.  

To finish the outfit, the gown was next. Rebecca slid it over her head and did up the zipper on side seam. Rebecca did her hair simply, just pinned on top her head with loose curls trailing down her neck and sides. She was done. She was ready to go down for breakfast with her father.

“Good morning angel. Did you sleep well?” Normand asked seeming uncomfortable. “you look lovely this morning. That is a very pretty dress.”

“Thank you Daddy and yes I did. Are you ok? You seem slightly off today.” Rebecca knew her father. She was the only one around him for fifteen years. She knew when something was bothering him and today there was definitely something.

Normand was surprised by Rebecca’s observation so early. But he quickly corrected his shock and replaced it with a smile.

“Well angel, there is something I do need to talk to you about. But please eat first. We will go to parlor after and have tea.” With that Normand started eating and not leaving the discussion open. So Rebecca followed suit and started spreading jelly on her biscuit. She suddenly got very nervous. There was not much Normand could not tell her directly. To have to go into the parlor to discuss something was unsettling.

What seemed like forever, breakfast was finally over. Normand escorted Rebecca into the parlor. He directed her to sit and he took a seat opposite of her.

“Rebecca, we need to discuss some things. Please hear me out and let me explain the best I can.” Normand stated sternly. This was not good. He never call Rebecca by her given name. She simply nodded not able to speak.

“Daddy has gotten us into trouble. Financial trouble. I like to play cards. I have been playing for years now and apparently I am not too good at it.” He chuckled, clearly trying to make light of the situation. “I lost all our money. Actually to be more accurate, I lost money we don’t even have. I started borrowing from lender. These lenders are not good people. They expect payment and I have one week to do so. If I do not we will lose our house and everything we own. We will be on the streets living homeless.” I show the fear in his eyes as continued. “I have tried everything I can think of. Everything coming up null. We do however, have one option and one option only.” At this point he stopped and looked at me intently.

“ok Daddy, do whatever you need to do.” Rebecca said quickly. She obviously thought this was easy. There was a fix to their problem.

“Rebecca, You are the solution. I got an offer on you. A gentlemen at the club I go to offered to pay our debts for you. You will live with him and be his servant until twenty one years of age. At that point you will be released back to me. This is the only way we will not lose the house.” He specified matter of fact.

“YOU SOLD ME? YOU SOLD ME LIKE I WAS A SLAVE. There is no way I will be a slave. Do people still do that? You cannot make me go. I wont go! It is not my fault you gambled all our money away. How could you Daddy?” Rebecca exploded at her father. She definitely was not expecting this.  "And what expectly am i expected to with this man? Or should i say for this man."

“REBECCA, Now you listen to me. You will not have outbursts like that again. You WILL do whatever is asked of you. No questions asked. You still are my child and my responsibility to do what is best for you. Yes I gambled the money away. But there is no other option. You will go with Sir Samuel Adams. There is no further discussion about it. He is coming tomorrow at noon. Be ready and packed.” With that Normand dismissed Rebecca. She got up from her seat and stomped up the stairs like a four year old instead of the fifteen year old young woman she was.

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