}{Final Fantasy/Kingdom Heart...

By ChesireCatXIII

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}{Reader Insert. Fantasy school life. BOC's. Some characters will be OC now and again}{ Listening. Not someth... More

Chapter 1 ~ Twisted Bribery
Chapter 2 ~ Discipline and the Resistance
Chapter 3 ~ Old... Acquaintances?
Chapter 4 ~ The Ceremony
Chapter 5 ~ 28 Annoyances
Chapter 6 ~ Deceitful Charms
Chapter 7 ~ Close Calls
Chapter 8 ~ Fun Mondays?
Chapter 10 ~ Arrogant Bitch vs. Unknown Goddess
Chapter 11 ~ Blade Definations
Chapter 12 ~ Ragnarok...
Chapter 13 ~ Fated Meeting
Chapter 14 ~ Back Off!
Chapter 15 ~ Light Jokes and Creeps
Chapter 16 ~ I'll be your Guide
Chapter 17 ~ Weak Points
Chapter 18 ~ Remnant of Brothers
Chapter 19 ~ Girl's Day Out
Chapter 20 ~ Respect among Fighters
Chapter 21 ~ Unseen Bonds
Chapter 22 ~ Mr. Big Bad 'Sexy' Wolf
Chapter 23 ~ Dilly Dally Shilly Shally
Chapter 24 ~ The Truth of Now
Chapter 25 ~ Forgiven
Chapter 26 ~ Kairi Strikes Again

Chapter 9 ~ Introduction to Demonology

3.3K 80 17
By ChesireCatXIII

A/N so did you like the last chapter, i hope you did. as for the title, i could of called it something else, but it would reveal to something that happens later. and that the fact it only happens once in this chapter. also, i'm going to try and write a lot this summer since when school starts again, i'll be in year 10. therefore lots of exams. anyway, i hope you enjoy this next chapter~

After class ended, you left to go to your room and change. After all, it wasn't really professional to teach in your school uniform. Changing into a pair of ripped jeans and a light gray shirt with vines growing around a rid cage. You put on a simple pair of converse, a few bracelets and checked that your choker was nice and tight.

You began making your way to your classroom; but you honestly wondered if any of them would turn up. After all, it really did seem like they didn't want to be taught by a 15 year old. Brushing it off, you began thinking what you would do in today's lesson. You remembered that Mephisto had allowed you to choose what mage lesson would be taught each day. For Monday's, you had decided on Demonology. Since you couldn't really beat anything unless you knew how the opponent fought, or what their weakness is. Even if you could find out during battle, it would waste time and magic.

When you got to your classroom, a some of your classmates/students was already there. Actually, it was everyone except Kairi, Rinoa and Xion; plus Dire, you hadn't seen him all day. Leaning against your doorway; you spoke up, ''Wow, your early.''

They all turned and smiled. So, they was up to something... Walking in a manner that basically said you knew something, you walked to the front of the desk and leaned against it. S7 was smart, you would give them that; putting a fake Dire under the desk. Genius. Clearly something else was under the desk; probably some binding spell that would trigger right around... now!

Orange coloured tentacle like things shot out from under the desk. Expecting it, you lifted yourself so you sat on the desk just in time. The desk shook from whatever was under it but this didn't faze you. Making sure some of that white powder was on your hand; you moved it like it was making a puppet dance. Thin white threads that glistened found their way under the desk and attatched to what was underneath.

What they pulled out was a magic sphere, symbols rotating making the tenticle things lash out every time to or more of the symbols aligned. Sadly however, you could not tell who casted it. To make sure they didn't get caught, multiple people casted it. Shame really, it was a good spell and you actually quite liked it. It would be a great distraction in battle.

Your student's on the other hand couldn't decide whether to smile or scowl at the fact you figured them out. You smirked, disabling the spell in your left hand. That decided it, Yuffie and Rikku pouted but smiled. The other girls smiled gently and the boys just scowled... you was kinda worried at what they wanted that thing to do...

Laughing slightly, you praised them, ''Well done, I'm impressed. Anybody else and that would of worked; well most people. Though it is a good distraction to use in battle.''

With that, your class seemed to soften a bit and look at each other a little confused. ''You mean, you liked the spell?'' Vaan said a little unsure of himself.

''Hell yeah. Never would I have thought of coming up with a spell like that. How long did it take you lot to come up with a spell like that?'' you grinned.

Tidus was just about to answer when the door swung open with a bang. Looking over, you saw it was 'The Bitches' as Yuffie called them. Usually earning a small scolding for swearing; and being against them without knowing them, by Yuna. But you could tell she didn't like them to much either; at least she was someone who liked to treat everyone equally. 

The three girls strutted to their seats and started doing their nails. ''This is a lesson you know,'' you deadpanned.

Without looking up from their hands; Kairi spoke up, ''And? Your 15 and can't tell us what to do.''

Your eye twitched. Shaking it off, you thought of something mean. ''Whatever. Umm, Vaan. Can you create 'that' spell again. You know, that advanced spell that glowed orange?'' you winked but kept your movements subtle as not to alert the girls.

It took him a few seconds, but he caught on along with the other in the class. With that; Vaan walked over to meet Axel and Zexion. So it was them who came up with the spell. The others around them pitched in quietly, helping the three boys to create the spell. After a few moments, they had created it again. Axel pointed to the three girls, you replied by smiling and turning your head; though making sure to look at them through the corner of your eyes.

Grinning, Axel and Vaan gave the spell to Zexion who in turn finished it by adding the final symbols and setting it off. He lightly threw it to the unsuspecting girls; allowing the tentacle like things to grab onto them. They squealed, falling to the ground and knocking over all the chairs. They ripped it off and ran out the class screaming. Resulting in you and your class all laughing.

Through the door, Dire peaked in; wondering what on earth had happened. Grinning, you told him what had happened when he came over. His eyes seemed to light up and he licked you; telling you that he was happy. If he was human, he probably would have laughed.

Giggling slightly, they went and sat back down. ''Okay okay, calm down. Time for Demonology,'' you said still grinning.

That earned groans from all your class; it seemed they though they wouldn't have to do work. Even if you partly didn't want to teach, you was hired to be a teacher. ''Aww, come on teach. Just when we thought you was going to be fun,'' groaned Zack.

''Please, it's our first lesson,'' pleaded Sora.

''Nope, and it's not that bad. I just want to know what you know. Then I'll know what to teach,'' you stated.

''Well... our past teachers didn't actually teach anything,'' drawled Selphie. 

''Are you telling me you know nothing when it comes to Demonology?'' you deadpanned.

''Not exactly. We know the basics like a monster's weakness and it's species. But when it comes to how a monster fights and what attacks work best, we don't know,'' said Zexion, but you could see that he didn't like the fact.

''Yeah right! You know all that Zexion, as well as Genesis and Angeal. It's the rest of us that don't know,'' Rikku protested. It kinda confused you since it seemed as though Rikku was degrading herself.

''Ah, well with that out the way, I need some help. If I'm correct, everything in the supply room behind me is ordered, so that each lesson has it's own section right?'' you asked and your class nodded. ''Well then, can... Angeal, Genesis, Seifer, Terra, Zack and Riku go in there and get out everything to do with Demonology. The rest of you, can you go in the surrounding cupboards and also take everything out to do with Demonology. Then put it the middle so we can sort it,'' you said.

With that, everyone in the class went to do what they was supposed to. You helped a little by making all the tables and chairs stack up at the very end of the classroom. Using the illusion powder Tomoyo gave you of course. Therefore making it look like wind magic had done it and not shadows.

As you cast the spell, you noticed that Zexion put his hand to his head; as though he had a headache. You saw Saix ask him if he was alright, but Zexion shrugged it off. When Zexion came over to put a pile of text books down, you asked him, ''Are you alright?''

He looked up at you and seemed to examine you. But only looking at your eyes, he stayed like that a few moments before replying, ''Just a light headache.'' It was strange, it seemed as though he was a little dodgey of you. He went back to what he was doing, just as Genesis called to you from the supply room. 

''Miss [last name], I belive we have a little problem,'' he said coming through the door holding a bird cage. They was a little demon in it; a Pixie to be specific. Usually, the was a vibrant blue with big dark eyes and bat like wings. But this one was pale, it's eyes was dull and the wings drooped. The Pixie was lifeless.

Zack also came out with two cages, one holding a red Imp, the other containing a Pheonix in it's small form. It was really sad to see, the red Imp was sat slupped over and the Pheonix wasn't alight. Sighing, you allowed the boys to come and place the cages on the desk. You got off your desk and bent down to see them better.

''Can we help them?'' asked Zack.

''Yeah, we can. By any chance, do you know when they was placed in there?'' you asked.

''I believe they came last year, but the previous teachers didn't like them therefore kept them in there. I'm surprised they lasted this long,'' Genesis answered in a sad tone.

You studied them for a bit longer, they really needed help and from what you heard, Aerith could help you. But you couldn't risk moving them considering that it might hurt them more. Figuring out what to do, you shouted for the fastest in the room, ''Ven, your the fastest right? I want you to run to Aerith and get some supplies for these. I'll give you a note so you won't have to remember what to get. But I want you to ask Aerith to come as well though your gonna have to run ahead.'' He nodded and came over, looking at the caged creatures slightly.

You took out a piece of paper and wrote down the situation and what you needed. Handing it to Ven, he was just about to go when you stopped him. Turning to you, he hummed as though asking what you needed.

''Where exactly is Aerith?'' you wanted to know how long he would be.

He walked over to the window and pointed at a small hut near the forest. This part however was lush and green, very unlike the part you went in to fight. You noticed that it would be a long trip, longer getting back since he would have to go up ten flights of stairs. Why your class was on the tenth floor eluded you.

''How long it would it take you to get their and back you reckon?'' you inquired.

''About ten minutes getting down the stairs and another twenty minutes to get to Aerith. On the way back it would be around fifteen minutes getting up the stairs,'' he said rubbing the back of his neck. It seemed as though Ven didn't like the fact of how long it took either.

Trying to figure out how Ven could be faster, you grinned evilly when you figured it out. Causing Ven to back away slightly. Turning to him, you smiled sweetly. It only seemed to scare him more. ''How would you like to jump out of the window?'' you put on the whole innocent look. It would make you look cute even if you didn't like to be.

The whole class seemed to turn silent and look at you. Had you really just asked Ven to jump out the window? Yes. Yes you had. It seemed logical to you, and if he cast Haste, he would be even quicker. He just stared at you, his mouth agape. He had tried to say something a few times, but the words just didn't come out.

''Can I jump out of the window?'' he asked for clarification.

You nodded happily. ''And then you could cast Haste, allowing you go even faster,'' you added. It was kinda funny, that type of logic was foolproof to you.

The blond just looked at you, then out the window, before going back to you. he did that a few times before finally just looking at you. The rest of your class was still silent. Waiting in anticipation for his answer. ''So your going to let me jump out of a window ten storeys high, without getting into trouble?'' Ventus asked skeptically.

''Yup,'' you nodded happily.

''You are an awesome teacher,'' he grinned and hugged you; before opening the window.

''You can't be serious Ven. It's dangerous,'' warned Aqua.

''Aww, come on, it'll be fun,'' he countered. But Aqua only looked more unsure and worried.

''Let him do what he likes. It's not like we haven't all done something reckless before,'' Terra said.

''Thanks Terra,'' grinned Ven, before sitting on the edge. ''Is there anything else I should kn-,'' he said turning to you, but you cut him off. Before it happened, his eyes went wide and a shocked expression took over his face.

You pushed him.

Out the window he went, flailing arms and legs plummeting down to the ground. Everyone in the class gasped in shock. Rolling your eyes, you lent out the window and shouted, ''Land on your feet and use magic to break your fall!''

Nodding to yourself, you turned back round, only to hear a loud thud from below the window. ''Woohoo! I'm alive!'' Ventus shouted.

Grinning, you asked, ''Anyone else want a go?''

They all took a step back, even the Disciplinary Committee. Your students and you just looked at each other for a few moments. Not being able to bear the awkward silence, Demyx spoke up,'' Err, just how crazy are you?'' He seemed to be rather apprehensive when asking you.

You lifted your hand to show one inch, but before you threw it forward to show you was certain. You hook your hand, stood on your tiptoes and lifted your arm straight up. Demyx along with the rest of the class visibly gulped when a twisted grin took over your face. ''And it's not measured in craziness, but rather insanity,'' you winked. 

It was official, you scared your class. Smirking, you went back and sat on your desk; deciding to read a book. Your class on the other hand just looked at you. Giving them a look back, you said, ''What? Chop chop, get back to work.''

With that, they did. It seemed as though they didn't want to know what you could do to them if you was angry. Considering you had threw Ventus out the window when being happy; it scared them to think what you could do when angry. Well, at least they will most probably respect your teaching abilities more... You hoped it was for those reasons...

It had been about twenty minutes when Ventus had gotten back. You never did end up reading much; your worry for the small demons made you keep an eye on them. When Ven did make it back; he fell threw the door and collapsed. He was panting quite a bit and a light sweat had taken over him. The Gullwings helped him into a chair, and then Yuna got the supplies and brought them to the demons.

After making sure Yuna was taking care of them properly, you went over to Ven to make sure he was all right. He looked tired, but that was it. But then again, he did run up ten flights of stairs; even you'd get tired. ''You all right?'' you asked.

The blond's eye snapped open to you. He moved back a little in his chair. ''You pushed me out of a window,'' he stated.

''You said you'd go out it,'' was your reply.

''You pushed me out of a window ten storeys high,'' he repeated getting louder.

''There's much more dangerous things in this world. Jumping from ten storeys can be considered safe,'' you leaned in with a twisted smile. Causing Ven to back up a bit with a shocked expression. 

Before you could continue, Aerith came in. Unlike Ven, she wasn't tired out and had a gentle smile on her lips. You gestured to where the demons was and she got to work. You had small talk with her; but it was mainly to do with the demons. After telling you that she would come everyday till they got better; Aerith also told you ways how to help them as well. With that, the bell rang; signalling that your  first day as the mage teacher was over.

A/N so was it good? it felt a little rushed. anyway, it was quick due to only having half a day of school yesterday; therefore allowing me to get a lot done. yeah so, my  summer break has officially started. by the way, not the next chapter, not the one after that, but the one after that. which will probably be chapter 12. there will be a horror warning. i'm guessing it's chapter 12 since i don't write chapters in advance. if i ever finnish one within a day, i might start writing chapters in advance. anyway, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed. pease enjoy my next chapters and good bye~

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