We're a Family

By Soccerstar2015

168K 3.1K 493

From average days to big tournaments, best friends, Hope Solo and Carli Lloyd, look out for their daughter Ju... More

(1) A Little Bit of Trouble
(2) Good Morning to You too!
(3) Realizations
(4) Explosions
(5) Mama and Me
(6) Tobs
(7) Pancakes!
(9) MoMo
(10) Pregame
(11) Goals!
(12) Keep it Together
(13) Just Don't Hurt Her
(14) That Time
(15) M&Ms
(16) No Ice!
(18) Bowling
(19) Heat Stroke
(20) Uh Oh
(21) Mama-ing
(22) Jealousy
(23) Planning
(24) Aftermath
(25) Cinnabon
(26) Bully
(27) Guess Who's Here?
(28) Mom and Papa
(29) Fish Fishy
(30) Training
(31) Progress In Two Directions
(32) Sweet Surprises
(33) "Bye" but possibly "Hi"?
(34) New Additions
(35) Understanding
(36) Ring! Ring!
(37) Insta-Fam
(38) Adventures in Writing
(39) We're Sisters
(40) Leaning on Eachother
(41) I'll Get It!
(42) Not So Sweet Surprises
(43) Moms
(44) Hide and Seek
(45) Strawberry

(8) Dinner Dates

3.9K 75 8
By Soccerstar2015

~timeskip to after practice is done for the day~

Moe's POV

"Kling!" I yell chasing her off the bus. She took my backpack with my extra shoes so I'm barefooted and it's freezing! "Give it back!" I run through the lobby doors and run into a tall figure. "Umph!" I breathe out bouncing backwards and falling into someone's arms. Assuming it's a teammate I don't open my eyes to see who. I quickly apologize to the person I bumped into, "I'm so so sorry! You see my friend over there-" I finally regain my composer and look up at the guy. A gigantic grin forms on my face as I recognize the man. "Jrue!" I exclaim jumping into his arms as he laughs.

"Morgan!" he smiles spinning me around, and then placing me back on my feet. "How's my MoMo doing?" he asks kissing my forehead.

"Good!" I reply standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Where's Momma?"

"Behind you." she says wrapping me in a hug and kissing my temple. "Someone had to make sure you didn't slip in those socks." I smile hugely and turn around returning her embrace.

"Socks?" says Jrue confused. "Moe?" he question's looking down at my feet. "Where are your shoes Little Tike?" I glare at him for the use of the nickname.

"Daaaaad." I groan stomping my foot on the floor. "Don't call me that!"

Jrue smirks and throws his arm over my shoulder while leading me to the elevator, "Aw, but Little Tike." I cross my arms in protest as he gently pushes me onto the elevator with Crystal, Kelley, HAO, and Pinoe, who just got back today, while Lauren talks to A-rod and Tobs. "Go clean up Morgz. You don't smell too nice." I roll my eyes and stick out my tongue as the doors start to shut."And find some shoes!" he calls making me laugh.

"Um Moe?" ask Crystal looking at me weird. "Why are you just in socks?"

"Yeah..." trails off Heather. "It's freezing."

"Meghan took them." I mumble pouting.

"I don't have yo shoes!" yells Pinoe in a funny voice.

"Not Meg-A-N! Meg-H-A-N!" I laugh.

"I told you not to trust Meghans with an 'H'. That 'H' stands for heister!" explains Pinoe in overly dramatic Pinoe fashion.

"Heister?" ask Kelley confused. "Is that even a real a word?"

"Yes!" exclaims Pinoe. "I just said it! Duh." She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms and lets out a breath that blows her hair up. "Pfft. Of course it's a real word."

"You guys are nuts." chuckles Dunn.

"No that's just squirrel." teases HAO just as the doors ding open. We all laugh and walk out as Kelley follows behind us mumbling something about how we're all meanies. I think I beat JJ up here! Yes yes yes! Shower is mine! I quickly open our door and frown as I see her already getting her stuff ready.

"Dammit Julie." I say fake pouting. "I thought I won."

"Loser!" she smiles sticking out her tongue. "And shouldn't you be watching your language? Daddy Jrue and Momma Chens are here."

"What they don't know won't hurt them." I shrug. She rolls her eyes as she picks up her clothes.

"Whatever you say Moe."

Carli's POV

"Hope!" I yell digging through my suitcase. I just had it the other day! "Where's that box I had? It's not in here!"

"What?" she ask walking out of the bathroom still drying her hair. "What are you freaking out about?"

"The present I got for Julie, Hope! Where the fuck is it?" I ask still frustratingly sifting through my clothes. "I had it right here!"

"Oh that." she says nonchalantly walking over to her side of the room. I swear I am going to strangle her. This is not just some random gift I picked up. This is a blue headband with her name and number monogrammed on it. It's also got a little something else written on the inside part. It's the best freaking thing I have ever gotten her and Hope is acting like it's no big deal that it is gone! "Here." she says snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over as she hold the box out to me. "She found it when I was doing her hair so I moved it so she wouldn't get too curious and peek. Don't worry she doesn't know what it is, or even that it's for her."

"Thank God." I sigh in relief as I take the package from her. "I'm going to give it to her either after dinner or tomorrow morning for her to wear tomorrow."

"She's going to love it." smiles back Hope slipping on her shoes. "Speaking of her, I'm going to go make sure she's not hogging the shower down there so Moe can actually get more than five minutes for once."

"Yeah that's probably a good idea. Poor Moe will never get clean with Jay in there." I laugh as I walk into our bathroom to shower myself. Not even ten minutes in I hear the door slam and feet pattering before the door to the bathroom is flung open.

"Mama!" yells Julie sounding aggravated. "Mom is a jerk!"

"What did she do?" I ask rinsing out my shampoo. I sigh to myself as I start to condition. There's always something with this one.

"She turned the water off while I was still shaving!" she says upset. "Mama I only did like half my calf! What am I supposed to do?"

"Just put on some leggings." I tell her while feeling my own legs. Hmm... I just shaved like a day or two ago. I can wait until tomorrow. I wear my warm ups tonight just in case though. "It's not the end of the world."

"Maaammmaaaa!" she whines dramatically hitting something.

"Julie Beth stop that whining, or I'm going to take that phone from you." I warn turning off the water. I wrap myself in a towel before stepping out. "Get out while I get dressed please." She jumps off the counter top and goes into the bedroom. I kick the door shut and quickly throw on my clothes. You know I could just stay in here. It's a lot better. I mean I don't have to deal with-

"Mama can I buy this movie?" calls JB through the door. I swear to God. This child is going to kill me.

"On what?" I ask going into the room. "Hey!" I yell snatching my phone out her hands. "What have I told you about taking this without permission?" She is literally a ten year old at times. "Are you ready to go down to supper?"

"My hair's not-" she starts but I take her hand and lead her out anyways. "Mama!"

"Shh." I say turning around. "You look fine. If you stop whining I'll let you make your own plate. You're giving me a headache."

"Really?" she asks grinning and bouncing up and down.

"Yes." I sigh hitting the elevator button. "But you've got to calm down too. You've got way too much energy."

"Yay!" she cheers still jumping. I tighten my grip on her hand and give her a look making her wince, "Ow Mama. That hurts."

"Stop jumping." I tell her sternly. She nods her head and stands still next to me as we wait. It finally gets to our floor so we both go in. I hit the floor button we need to go to before turning to look at her. She has her head down and is trying her hardest to be completely still. "Jules?" I question swinging our hands a little.

"Ma'am?" she asks looking up.

"I love you baby girl." I kiss her forehead making her smile.

"I love you too."


No one's POV

The New Kids, Jrue, Hope, Carli, and two-thirds of the New New Kids are all squeezed in at one round table. "Tobin! Move over!" complains Amy trying to push her chair over.

"A-rod I can't! Cheney's there!" yells the tan midfielder shoving her back.

"Hey you two!" says Lauren intervening before the other New Kids start a fight. "Knock it off! We're trying to eat."

"Mooooom!" whines Julie frustratingly, "Moe keeps elbowing me!"

"Am not!" argues Morgan dropping her spoon in her soup making it splash out and onto the table cloth.

"What did I say about whining?" ask Carli glaring over at her daughter.

"But Mama!" exclaims JJ scooting as far from Morgan as she can and into her Mom. "She keeps hitting me!"

"Moe." scolds Jrue pointing his spoon at the youngest. "Be careful. Tell her you're sorry."

Carli stares at Julie wide eyed and in shock that her sweet Julie Beth just talked back to her in front of everyone, "You just lost your phone."

"Mom!" protest the defender kicking her feet in a fit and accidentally clipping Jrue making him grunt.

"Daddy I didn't touch her!" cries Morgan turning to look at him. "Why do I have to apologize!?"

"Are you alright babe?" ask Lauren rubbing her husband's thigh, and shooting her little sister/ daughter a look of disapproval."What happened?"

"Nothing honey." he says kissing her cheek before changing his attention to the other girl in his life, "Morgan Paige stop arguing and do what I told you."

"I don't want to hear it Julie Beth." dismisses Hope pointing at her green beans. "You need to eat those." JJ huffs, but does as asked not wanting to make her Mom mad at her too.

"I didn't even do anything. You're such an idiot." mumbles Moe playing with her dinner. Jrue stops eating and looks at her.

"Excuse me?" he questions raising his eyebrows. "No." he says standing up and pulling her up as well. "We need to talk. Lauren, honey, we'll be right back."

"Babe." says Lauren catching his arm. "Can't you wait until after?"

"No Laur. She's not going to talk to me like that." he shakes his head still holding firmly to Morgan. "You'll have to excuse us." he forces a smile to the rest of the table before dragging the youngest away and out of the room.

"How's Ry doing, Amy?" ask Cheney to change the subject.

"Ry? Oh he's doing great! Adam and him went golfing today and he looked absolutely adorable!" gushes A-rod pulling out her phone to show the pics. "He was daddy's little caddy."

"My buddy's getting too big!" complains Lauren with a pout. "He's got to stop growing so fast!"

"Tell me about it! My mom just bought him a whole new wardrobe last week because he outgrew everything!" sighs Amy. "Oh he's been asking when his Aunt Lauren is going to come see him."

"When are you going to be off? I'm free, or I'll make myself free for that little fellow, whenever. Jrue may not be able to come, but I can." responds Lauren blowing on her soup before putting it in her mouth.

"Two weeks." answers Carli. "Well until we get a break from this."

"I'll check my schedule." laughs A-rod.

"Can't the boys just come to visit?" ask Tobin. "I'd like to see my nephew too you know."

"They probably will, but Tobs you can come with Chens." says Amy. "And baby Moe if she wants to join us."

"Mom?" ask Julie finishing her supper. "May I go out with Press and KO and Ali tonight? I think Ash is coming too."

"We have a game tomorrow baby." says Hope.

"Mommy please?" begs Julie putting on her puppy dog face. Hope sighs and looks to Carli for help.

"No." states Carli simply. "You're not leaving this hotel tonight and neither is your partner in crime so hush."

"Yeah JJ," adds Tobs. "Morgan's staying in too. Infact whenever her and Mr. Holiday get back I think we're all going to have a meeting about you squirts sleeping habits." Like on cue, Jrue walks back in with Moe following close behind. Morgan has a tear stained face and bloodshot eyes. As she slips back in her seat she winces.

"Baby girl?" questions Lauren concerned. She shoots Jrue a glare which he just shakes off and continues to roll down his sleeves.

"Mo-mom-mma!" sobs Morgan practically launching herself into Cheney's arms. "Da-dad-dy is m-mean-"

"Shh shh shh." soothes Cheney kissing her forehead. "Shh sweetie. Just breathe, okay?" Lauren finally calms her down while the rest of the table, minus Jrue, watches. "Can you go with Tobs and A-rod upstairs? I'll be up in few I promise." Morgan nods while wiping her face.

"You want a piggy back ride kiddo?" ask Tobin getting up. Moe nods again so Tobin leans down a lets her on. "Let's go small stuff. JJ if you're done you can come too."


"Go on Jules. I'll take your trash." answers Carli.

"We'll just be behind you." says Hope starting to gather all the bowls and things off the table. Once everyone goes their separate ways Lauren smacks Jrue on the back of his head.

"I can't believe you Jrue Randall Holiday." she says angrily. "You are unbelievable."

"Did you hear the way she spoke to me Lauren?" ask Jrue defensively. "I only gave her a couple of licks, babe. She's had worse."

"You still could've waited until we were away from everyone. You didn't need to embarrases her." scolds Lauren shaking her head.

"I could've, but I wanted to take care of it before she kept up and got in more trouble. You know our Moe." explains Jrue.

Lauren sighs, "You're right. I'm sorry."

"No babe." says Jrue smiling softly. "You're just being protective." Lauren smiles back and lays her head on his shoulder.

"I love you."

"I love you too princess." says Jrue giving her a kiss on the lips.

"C'mon." laughs Lauren quickly giving him a little peck. "Let's go see why our baby hasn't been sleeping good, okay?"

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