The Consequences Of Love

By Mclennon1960

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Paul is a member of the biggest group in the 1960's. But Paul..Is also the most queer in the most biggest gro... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Another authors note..

Chapter One

1.9K 65 27
By Mclennon1960

AUTHOURS NOTE: Sorry this chapter is kinda short.. But after all, it's just started. I don't own The Beatles and none of this ever happened, sadly. This story is gonna mostly be put in Paul and John's P.O.V. But there will be occasional chapters done in George's, Ringo's and maybe Cythina's P.O.V.
Me and my friend are both writing this together.
Anyway, ENJOY!!!

Paul's POV


I loved him.

John Winston Lennon.. Which, was stupid of me. After all, unlike me he was as straight as an arrow. I never liked birds, well I tried too like them.. , but they never pleased me at all. Which I just couldn't help..Finally when I met John, I realized why I didn't like birds.

I was queer. That's why. I was bleeding queer!

At first I tried to deny it and do my best to change what my mind was saying. But after a year or so, I gave in too it.

I was a queer. That was that.

No, I haven't told anyone. Not even John, even though he was my best mate, I couldn't tell him. He'd throw me out of this band we had formed.

The Beatles.

And that would kill me, I wouldn't know what to do.

It's best to pretend I wasn't what I was, and well, act straight.

Which, I wasn't of course.

My thoughts were jarred around when John shoved me.

"Aye, you alright, son? " He questioned me, his eyebrow raised slightly.

His voice. His brown eyes. His auburn hair which fit him so perfectly. His aquiline nose..John was perfect. Just so perfect.

I pushed my queer thoughts away and smiled at my friend.

"Oi, I am. Just thinking. So nervous about this tour!" I responded. John chuckled at me and nodded.

God his laugh.

Shut up, queer!

"Yeah, I'm so nervous too! This is our.. First concert in this tour. We're probably all nervous. " George, another friend of mine and John's spoke.

I looked too Ringo, who quickly nodded his head.

"Oh. No need to be nervous, mates. We'll do bloody amazing! " John grinned devilishly with his teeth.

I nodded, as well as the other two.

"I hope so, " Ringo, our drummer, began. "Well, I'm off too bed. " He nodded and said his goodnights to us.

"Night, Ringo! "

"Goodnight, Rings. "

George decided to go to bed too, which we also all said our goodnight to him as well.

Which left me and John.

I eyed the other man quietly.

John was strumming the strings on his guitar, and humming one of the many songs they would be playing.
He seemed calm, happy and content.

If only I knew what went on in your head..

I raised and eyebrow and swallowed. My eyes locked on his lips.

God, HIS lips looked like heaven.. My mind drifted off to what they would feel like on mine. What they could possibly do. What they could possibly make me feel.

John was a mystery to me. I felt like I knew him. But at the same time, I felt like I didn't know him. John was a man of sorrow and heartache. He knew what John's life held in the past.

I felt a frown slowly roll over my lips at the thought. I had only seen John broken once. When his mother had passed. He came into his home late at night and I was there for him. I got to hold him and tell him it would be okay. He showed me his vulnerable side. Which I never thought I would see from John Lennon. But I had.

John was beautiful.. He was a masterpiece too me. Surely a ripped and torn masterpiece. But he was still beautiful and wonderful. Rare and so imperfect that he was perfect.
John was my best mate, and honestly the lad I was head over heels for. Which I would never get.

Or well, so I thought.

Finally I broke free of my thoughts and swallowed.

"John, are you not nervous? " I asked, my eyebrows raised in curiosity as I awaited his answer.

John chuckled and nodded at me.
"Of course. I mean. Who wouldn't be? But I try not to let meself worry.. I try not to get meself worked up over nothing. I know you lads will do just great! " He grinned that grin at me.

I couldn't help but grin back.

"You're right, Johnny. " I said softly and laughed softly.

We didn't go too bed till late. We stayed up, drinking and laughing. Telling stupid jokes and mocking ourselves.

I liked this time I spent with John. I liked making him laugh and grin because of my stupid jokes and remarks.

It always made a warmness pool in my stomach, too see that John was smiling because of me.

After a bit, John yawned and stood up.

"I'm gonna call Cyn, then I'm off to bed." He told me.

"Alright, Sleep wonderfully. " I smiled and nodded at him.

Cynthia..I smiled sadly as John left.

Cynthia was Johns lover..Sadly. I don't hate her. In fact, she was a sweet, kind, and beautiful bird. I'm just sad she had what I wanted.

And that was John.

John thought I hated Cynthia though. 'Cause how my mood would change when she was brought up. I didn't mean to get moody and jealous.

But John loved her. And not me. And that made my blood boil with envy.

Lucky bird. Getting such an amazing bloke for a lover.

I sighed and stood up after a while. Shaking away my stupid thoughts. I then went to my bed.

I got dressed into my nightwear. Usually a white T-shirt and pajama pants, with socks of course. It was cold. Very cold.

I loved to sleep. Sleep is when I could dream. Where I could dream that John loved me and it was okay to be queer and like blokes. Where I could dream that John made love to me and where I could dream that I kissed his lips and held him in my eyes. Where I could dream about sharing a bed with him and falling asleep next too him only to wake up to him.

I sighed and climbed into the hotel bed. Pulling the covers over me. I laid my head on the pillows and shut my eyes. Tomorrow was the last day we had to practice for our concert Thursday. I tried to think of that instead of John. John kept me awake. He always did.

I thought about the crowd and the girls screaming as we played.

That made me fall asleep.

My eyes fell shut. And soon darkness over took my thoughts.
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