Love, Faith, and Nando's

By AshleyStyles27

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Ashley Brown is just a normal teenage girl going to London to see her idols One Direction in concert. What ha... More

Love, Faith, and Nando's
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

147 5 3
By AshleyStyles27

"My Heart Will Go On " by Celine Dion in the side bar. Please listen to it. :) Thanks.

Harry's POV

We all gasp and the other girls also start crying. Niall and Liam start comforting them as I just held Ashley, rocking her back and forth.

"I wanna call them back" Ash suddenly said, sitting up in my arms.

"Why?" I asked, worriedly.

"I have to know Harry, I just have to" she replied, looking up at me with her blue eyes all swollen and red from crying.

She picked up her shattered phone and redialled the number, shakily.

Ashley's POV.

I redialled the number slowly and leaned back into Harry's chest. An official voice answered.


"Um yea hello, my names Ashley McKinley. You called me just a minuet ago." I replied still shaking. All the boys were looking at me worriedly.

"Oh yes, Miss McKinley! What can I do for you?" the man asked me.

"Um, well what happened?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"Well you see Mr. Jay O'Conner was in a severe car crash. The other driver went through a 4 way stop sign and hit his car right on the driver's side."

"Why didn't Jay just stop and let the man through?" I asked. "Jay was a great driver and had never wrecked his car before, ever. I know he would've stopped."

"Well dear, it seems something was blurring his windshield or his vision that he didn't see it." the man answered softly. Blurred his wind shield? Like....... rain, I asked him to drive out in the rain. Omg I did this, it was me!

"Oh and we'll need you to come ID the body at the morgue just to be sure." the man added, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sure?! Sure of what, that it's the right person?" I asked.

"Yes, we found both ID's by the body. Just please come down and see us some time today." he finished.

"O-ok" I answered shakily as I hung up. "I have to go ID the body will someone drive me to the morgue?" I asked standing up.

"I'll come" Harry said.

"Me too" Louis said." The other boys can watch over the girls."

I pulled on a pair of jeans and a purple sweater. Sliding on my flats I walk out in to the rain and in to the car.

Arriving at the morgue, we were pulled in to a cold metal room with a table in the middle. A tall man in a doctors coat pulled back the white sheet to reveal a body.

I stepped forward and seen Jay. His light brown hair tussled. His normally tan skin, deathly pale. His bright blue eyes never to see again. I slowly brushed a piece of hair out of his face. His skin was freezing. I closed my eyes and let the tears run down my face.

"Was he in pain?" I asked the doctor, not looking up.

"No love, I suspect not" he answered quietly. "Do you need a moment?" he asked. I slowly nodded as the boy and the doctor left the room. Harry gave my arm a slight squeeze and a gave him a teary halfhearted smile as he left.

"Hey" I started. "I'm so sorry! It was all my fault" I sobbed taking his hand.

"I should never have asked you to come out, what is the matter with me?!" I cried, yelling now. I stopped, calming myself down.

"Jay, ever since we were 2, you have been my guardian, my protector. My older brother, and even my boyfriend for a while. And I loved you at every turn. We've had our share of bumps in the road but we grew closer with each one. You have changed me Jay O'Connor, for the better and I will always carry a piece of you with me. I know you will watch down on me from heaven now. So in a way I'm not really losing you. You'll always be my best friend Jay and I love you. " I finished full on sobbing now as I pressed a kiss on to his cold fore head and walked back in to the lobby.

I nodded a thank you at the doctor, and turned towards Harry and Louis.

I wiped my eyes and sighed "come on, let's go home"

(A/N) ugh I cried writing that and I hope that had some meaning to you guys. Please vote, fan, and comment. Tell me what you think of jay and of Ashley's speech.

Question of the day: what would you do if you found out your best friend was killed?

Love you guys!! Bye!

Oh and I got a Kik so message me: @Ashley Styles I'd love to talk to you guys!! :) ok for real this time, lol, byeeeeee!!


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