Thank God I Found You

By TCforever22

2.7K 295 44

How can her love save him from his despair and grief? More

Thank God I Found You


41 8 2
By TCforever22


Jayden, Julian and I were talking about random things when we saw Trent rushed out of the room.

"What's up with Trent?" Julian asked.

Then Jayden went by the door and then he turned back to us,"Hey guys! Come here!" He said worriedly and we came inside the room and saw Mariah with red spots on her skin, her lips are becoming paler and paler and... she's hyperventilating. Zach turned to Kristine and got angry at her once he found out that the food that Kristine had prepared for Mariah contained shrimp in it. We all found out that Mariah was allergic to shrimp.

A few seconds later, the doctor and the nurses came in and started to wheeled her out of the room and we all noticed that Zach was crying.

"Zach... I'm sorry..." Kristine said to him.

"Don't touch me." Zach said then he walked off. Trent shook his head and followed him too. I followed the two of them and saw Zach sitting on the bench, his head buried on his hands. Trent was just leaning on the wall, his arms crossed to his chest.

I wonder what's going to happen to Mariah.


"Face it Zach, she's not an angel that you thought she is." I heard Trent said to Zach.

"But Trent, she didn't know that Mariah's allergic to shrimp. It's not her entire fault." Zach defended.

I smirked, knowing that no matter what Trent say to Zach, he'll never believe him. I'm the only one that he believes and always will be.

I know that all of you hate me but oh well, as Lady Gaga said: "Baby, I was born this way..."

Yes. I'm a bitch and bear with that.

I'm not really head-over-heels with Zach. I don't like him. In fact, I find him annoying. I just wanted to meet his band mates that's why I agreed to be his girlfriend. I'm really interested in Trent.

He's a hottie, I know. And I would do anything to make him mine and once that my plan succeeded, I'm gonna dump Zach and leave her with that dumb slut, Mariah.

I walked towards them, "Zach?" I said, turning on my innocent mode. Trent gave me a death glare then walked off. I sat beside Zach and held his hand.

"Zach, I'm so sorry... I didn't know that Mariah's allergic to shrimp." I said but actually, I really knew that. How come? Well, Zach told me once but I think that he already forgot that he told me that.

"You didn't know? Kristine, I told you that once before!" He said.

"I'm sorry Zach... I guess I forgot." I said. "I know that you're angry at me for what I've done to your best friend and I'm so sorry..." And in an instant, tears started to fall out from my eyes. Didn't I tell all of you that I was once a member of our school's acting club?

He sighed, "But now, always keep in your mind that Mariah's allergic to shrimp, okay?" he said and then I nodded and then we hugged.

"Mr. Russell, your friend's been returned to her room and you're allowed to see her now." The lady nurse said then she walked off.

"I guess Mariah survived that." I said.

"Mariah's a strong girl, Kristine. She's a fighter." He said with a thoughtful look on his face. "Wanna go and see her?"

I smiled and nodded and we went into her room.

I'm just starting Mariah. I'm gonna make your life a living hell.


I opened my eyes to myself once again in my room and Jayden, Trent, Zach, William and Julian were all surrounding me.

"Is she awake?" A girl's voice behind them spoke up and I know whose voice is that. It's Kristine.

Jayden and Trent made way for her so that she could see me. "I'm so sorry Mariah... I forgot that you're allergic to shrimp." She said.

"I told her once that you're allergic to shrimp." Zach said.

What?! Did I hear him right? He just told my worst enemy my secret! How could he?! Ugh! I just want to rip both of their heads and throw them away into the universe. Seriously! They are just so annoying!

"You shouldn't have said that." I heard Julian whispered to Zach.

"Sorry." He said.

"I'm sorry too." Kristine said.

"Forgiven." I said. Well, I just hope that after this, Kristine is not a bitch anymore and then we all formed a group hug. After a few days, I recovered from my illness and was discharged from the hospital. And here I am, still in Zach's house. He wouldn't let me leave because of his fear that Clarence might come back again.

It's okay with me anyway but the only thing that I'm not okay with is that I have to see Kristine everyday. She visits him and the other boys every single day and I guess, Jayden, William, Trent and Julian find it annoying too.

"Oh... And this one's for you Jayden." Kristine said as he gave Jayden a bar of Cadbury chocolate. For some reason, she's acting like she's Mrs. Claus today. Then she looked at me, "Um... Mariah, I'm sorry but I already ran out of chocolate in my bag. I only bought five bars, that's why." She said with a mocking tone. Psh... If I know, she intentionally just bought five bars so that I would feel left out.

"Don't worry Kristine, I'm not really looking forward in receiving a bar of chocolate today, especially if it's from you." I said with a cunning smile and then I heard that the other boys laughed slightly, especially Zach.

"Actually, we're not really craving for chocolates right now." Julian said as he gave his bar of chocolate back to Kristine.

"Yeah... Me too." Jayden said and then he gave the chocolate bar to her also.

"And me as well." William said as he gave it back to her. "I'm trying to maintain my fitness."

"I don't like chocolates." Trent said and then he gave it back to her as well.

"Say, why don't you bake some cookies for us Mariah?" William said to me.

"Yeah. I'm craving for homemade cookies." Jayden said while rubbing his tummy.

"Yeah... Please?" Julian and Trent pleaded, giving me their puppy-eyes look.

"Pretty please?" Jayden and William said too, with William kneeling in front of me. I laughed, "Alright. Will, stand up. I'll make us all some cookies." I said then I looked at Kristine whose face was filled with jealousy and anger. I secretly smirked at her.

"Does that mean I'm counted in as well?" Zach asked.

"Of course! As I've said, ALL." I said then I went into the kitchen and started baking cookies for all of us with a smile on my face.

I guess I just won this round.


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