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Everyday I woke up with a severe headache and my first destination in the morning was the toilet... Well it's everyone's destination to do their own 'business' and you guys know what I already mean and my business is different from them. I always go to the toilet in the morning because I always vomit in the morning.

I've done some research about brain tumor and two of the clinical manifestations were severe headache and morning vomiting. I also have checked my height previously which is originally 5'4 and now it still is. Yeah, I failed to grow.

My head seemed to increase its circumference which made me even looked shorter and obviously, I'm not happy with that.

I'm considering of taking chemotherapy but that would make my body even more weak and useless and sooner or later, I would face my death.


Ha! Whenever the topic comes to death, especially my death, Zach would always avoid it. Even though he won't admit it, I knew that he's scared of losing me forever. I'm scared too. I'm scared of dying. I don't know what lies ahead for me afterlife.

Do you guys ever feel scared when it comes about to death? Well, maybe some of you do.

I looked at the list of treatments which aren't that many. I only have two options which are chemotherapy and surgery. I looked at their prices and they are hell expensive! I looked at my money in my bank and it's not yet enough to pay for either of them.

"Looks like you're having trouble with something." A voice from my left side said and I looked up, only to find Zach. I sighed as I stood up and gave him a hug. He looked at the list and at my bankbook.

"I know it's not enough to pay either of those treatments." I said as I put my hands in my pockets.

"You know that me and the guys are here if you need help." He said.


"Mariah, it's not a big deal. We are glad to help you."

Then his eyebrows furrowed, "I thought that you already quitted from working at your auntie's coffee shop?" He said.

I told him last time that I'll quit working for my aunt because of my condition. Stress is one of the factors that makes my condition just worse so that's why.

"Yeah... I did." I said.

"Then where did you get this whole money from?"

"Half of it was from my savings when I was still working there."

"And the other half?"

"Well... I... I work as a part-time writer for a certain publishing house. I wrote fiction novels."

Then he looked at me eagerly from head to foot, "So that explains why you have dark circles around your eyes..." He said. "And Mariah... Why that job? I mean, you are not allowed to stay up late at night because you've got an illness!"

"Well, I just wanna save some money up for my treatment!"

"Mariah, we are here! We are here to help you with anything that you need! And don't you ever tell that you are a burden to us because you're not!"

"But that's how I feel!" I cried. "Everyday, I woke up to the fact that my days here in this world are numbered and it makes me feel worthless and useless without doing anything so that's why I'm working because I wanna help myself too Zach! I hope you understand that!"

Then suddenly, my migraine started to attack again. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe normally.

"Mariah, are you alright?" He asked me.

I was too weak to answer so I tried to sit down but before I could sit back down on my chair, I already collapsed...


"Mariah!!!" I said trying to wake her up in my arms. She had lose her consciousness again. I carried her into the car and drove off to the hospital. When we got there, she was immediately put into the emergency room and then I called the other boys and told them what happened.

A few minutes later, the boys came and waited with me at the outside of the emergency room. Suddenly, the doctor came out. "How is she doctor?" I asked him and he shook his head in disappointment.

"Her condition is getting worse." He said uneasily. "The tumor's growing too fast. It's getting bigger and bigger in her head."

"Can't we do something about it? Like a surgery or something?" Jayden said.

"We can do a surgery but..." He trailed off.

"But what?" I asked bravely.

"But it could cause her going into a comatose or even worse... Death." He replied and we all fell silent for a while and then he suddenly spoke up again, "All I can suggest for her is to undergo through chemotherapy but then there are some side effects at her. She would lose her hair... Basically, it would just make her more weak."

Then he left and I just broke down crying.

Why does she have to have this illness?! Of all the people in this world, why her?! Why the girl I love?!


Sorry if it took so long!!!

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