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Because we were mucking around, we both fell down on the floor, me on top of her. And as our eyes met, I felt that warm funny feeling in me...

That same kind of feeling whenever I'm with Katrina.

We both laughed and I stood up. I helped her to stand up and then her eyes widened when she saw her phone and went a run for it but unfortunately for her, I'm faster than her so I got her phone. I went to unlock her phone... Oh crap. It has a password.

"Shit." I muttered and I heard her laughed evilly.

"I can play better than you Zach." She said while smirking and then she got her phone off from me. Damn. This girl has really got something in her...

It's like she glows from deep within... And it shows her beauty.

"You're beautiful." I said and then she looked up from her phone and said, "Say what?"


"You're beautiful." Zach said and I suddenly looked up from my phone.

"Say what?!" I said.


I stood there dumbfounded. I don't know how to react. I mean, ZACH RUSSELL from THE COLLECTIVE just told me that I'm beautiful.

I felt my cheeks grew hot again and then I cleared my throat, "Uh... You might want to check the food that you're cooking a few minutes ago." I said and then his eyes widened.

"Oh shit! The soup!!!" He said in panic and ran to the kitchen. I followed him and saw him test-tasting the soup and then he turned of the electric stove. He got two bowls from the cupboard and put the soup in those two then he put it on the island and I got two drinking glasses for the two of us and then we started eating our soup. While eating, we were also talking about random things.

"I hate cats, seriously." He said.

"I don't but I'm not allowed to have them." I said.


"I'm allergic to them."

"Really? So am I! That's why I hate cats. They make me sneeze."

Then we both laughed.

"Oh! A while ago, when I went out to buy your medicine, I met a girl." He said and I could see his eyes twinkling.

"Really?" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"Yeah! She's drop-dead gorgeous!"

I faked a smile, hoping that he wouldn't notice the jealousy in my eyes. "What's her name?" I asked.

"Kristine." He replied. "And she's very kind, polite..."

"In other words she's that 'Little Miss Perfect'."


Fudge. This is really wearing me out.

"I got her number, actually." He said.

"Do you like her?" I asked even though I already know the answer.


And my heart dropped with his remark and I felt a lump on my throat that caused my eyes to well up with tears.

"And I'm determined to make her mine." He added.

I couldn't take this anymore. I'm done with this.

I stood up. "Hey, you haven't finished your soup yet." He said.

"I really don't feel like eating." I said then I went back into my room and drank the medicine that he bought for me then I lied down on my bed, preventing my tears coming out from my eyes.

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