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Mariah went home from the hospital to have her check-up because she told me that she's been having migraines these past few days and she just want to make sure that it's nothing serious. When she went home, she didn't bother to say 'hello' at least to us and instead she went to her room... I mean, my room because I asked her to stay that day because it's her birthday.

Now, she doesn't know that we know that her birthday is today so she has no idea of our surprise for her this day. Maybe she's just tired so I just shrugged the thought off and continued to concentrate on our surprise for her.

"Are you sure that this is gonna work?" Jayden asked me.

"Yeah. Don't worry. It'll work." I replied.

"What if she gets mad?" Julian asked.

"Guys, I said don't worry, it'll work! Okay? So stop worrying your asses off." I said.


I was sleeping peacefully on the bed when suddenly I heard a crash from the living room. I got off from my bed and carefully crept out of the door and the pitch black darkness welcomed my eyes. Wait, why is it that the lights aren't on? Is there a blackout?

I kept walking while feeling the wall with my hands, searching for the switch until I found it and tried flicking it up and down but still, no power came on. Great. I just received the most bad news ever and now blackout inside The Collective's house? Great. Just great. Zach asked me to come and stay over their house for some reason.

Speaking of The Collective, where are they? Especially Zach. Where is he?

"Zach? Where are you?" I called out but there was no answer.

"Mariah!" I heard Jayden called out.

"Jayden!" I called out. "Jayden! Where are you?!"

"Just follow my voice Mariah." He said and I turned to my left because that's where I can hear his voice. I continued walking until I reached downstairs and then...


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIAH!!!" They all cheered and around me were a couple of red balloons, my favourite colour! And then a banner in the middle of the room that says 'Happy Birthday Mariah'. Julian held out the cake with the candles on it and they were all singing 'Happy Birthday' to me.

"Happy birthday babe." Zach whispered behind me.

"Ooh! Ooh! Make a wish! Make a wish!" Jayden said like a little kid.

I chuckled and leaned over the cake and blew the candles out. They all cheered and then Julian placed the caked back on the table as we gathered around the table and started to get our own plates and serve ourselves with the food. I sat on the couch as I looked at them... So full of life and time in the world.

Then there's me...

Secretly dying from a brain cancer.

Suddenly, Zach sat beside me. "What's wrong?" He asked me. Then tears started to come out of my eyes because of the mixed feelings of happiness and sadness. Happy because they know my birthday and really made an effort for making this day a special one. And sad because yeah... The thing about me. The tumor that has been growing inside my head... And I don't know how long do I have in this world and to be honest, I am so scared.

"Hey... Don't cry." Zach said as he wiped my tears away. "What's wrong?" And I can feel that the other boys stopped eating and looked at me.

I just shook my head, "Nothing. I... I'm just happy." I said then I wiped my tears away. "Thank you guys. Thank you. You guys have done so much for me... Thank you so much guys! I love you all."

"Aw... That's not a big deal." Trent said.

"Aw... GROUPHUG!!!" William declared and the four of them put down their plates on the table and went towards us and then we all formed a group hug.

Sigh... What do I do without these guys?

Later on that night when everyone was already asleep, I looked at my test results while sitting on the hammock. I couldn't help but to cry silently to myself. Why? Why did I ever do to deserve this?


I suddenly looked up and saw Jayden standing in front of me. "Are you alright?" He asked. I quickly wiped my tears and nodded. "I'm going to bed now. I have to go back home early tomorrow." I said and then I stood up and to my mistake, I dropped the paper which had my test results on and before I could pick it up, Jayden already got it and when he looked at it, his face became pale.

"Give me that!" I hissed as I snatched the paper from him.

"You have..." He trailed off.

"Brain tumor." I finished off for him.

"Does Zach knows this?" He asked and I just shook my head.

"He doesn't know. Even Trent, Julian and William don't know about this yet." I said. "Jayden, please. I beg you. Please don't tell them about this! Please!"

He sighed and just nodded as he hugged me.

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