The Superstar Contingency (20...

By IsaZelda22

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*STARTED WRITING IN 2015!* Image that the 2018 World Cup is right around the corner, and that you get to meet... More

Intro - Conflicts of the Ordinary, and the Extraordinary
Chapter 1-The Portuguese Superstar
Chapter 2-The Brazilian Striker
Chapter 3 - Stability Pt.1
Chapter 4 - Stability Pt.2
Chapter 5- A Series of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 6- The Tempestuous Situation
Chapter 7- Faces from the Past Pt.1
Chapter 8 - Faces from the Past Pt.2
Chapter 9- Daydreams and Nightmares
Chapter 10- Zack and his Amazing Friends!!!
Chapter 11- A Latent Possibility
Chapter 12- Misconceptions
Chapter 13- A Revealed Truth
Chapter 14- Conflictive Judgement
Chapter 15 -Desperate Struggle pt.1
Chapter 16- Desperate Struggle pt.2
Chapter 18 - Netherlands VS Germany Pt. 1
Chapter 19 - Netherlands VS Germany Pt. 2
Chapter 20- Mentor
Chapter 21- Extracurricular pt.1
Chapter 22- Extracurricular pt.2
Chapter 23- Portugal VS Spain
Chapter 24- Realities and Falsehoods
Chapter 25- Contemplation
Chapter 26- Marvel
Chapter 27- The Perfect "Insider"
Chapter 28 - Shattered Dream Pt.1
Chapter 29 - Shattered Dream Pt.2
Chapter 30 - Persona
Chapter 31 - The Superstar Contingency Pt.1
Chapter 32 - The Superstar Contingency Pt.2
Final Chapter - Homecoming
Prolouge to: The Superstar,Lucio
Q & A

Chapter 17- Remembrance

93 5 0
By IsaZelda22

Slowly waking up, I stretched; it was a cloudy Sunday morning. I guess I slept well last night... to be honest, it's rare for me to actually get a good amount of sleep for once. I got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Even in my sleep I couldn't stop thinking about how nice and welcoming Isco and Pilar were to me. As I finally took off the bandage on my eye, I thought about something.

Maybe the Spain team aren't as bad as I previously thought. Maybe even Sergio really isn't as bad as I thought. After all, he wasn't a COMPLETE jerk to me last night...

I splashed my face with water as I found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror longer than usual, realizing that my eye was healed.

A resemblance...

"NO! IT'S STUPID!" I quickly shook my head left and right, dismissing last night's thoughts.

HELLO world! My Name is Zack dammit! I DO have my own image you know? But I guess I'm going to continue being wrongfully compared to a certain Sergio... which strangely reminded me.

"Hey Cristiano, you awake?" I shouted outside the room, but no answer.

Don't tell me... is he not here?? I swear, ever since Jeanne came into the picture we haven't been able to talk as much as we used to. Not that I don't like Jeanne, I do like her, I just kind of miss having that brother-like figure around is all. But hey, he is a famous athlete, he's a busy guy regardless.

Leaving the bathroom, I walked to his bedroom and looked inside, his bed was empty.

"Yep, he's not here...Well where is he?" Scratching my head as I walked back to the living room.

I grabbed my phone off the table and pressed the power button, that's when I remembered.

"TODAY'S THE DAY BEFORE THE QUARTER FINALS!!" I screamed, finally remembering that CRUCIAL detail.

While I was putting on my clothes and brushing my teeth, I called Neymar and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey Zack what's up bro?" He finally answered.

"Nothing much, you busy today?" I asked, hopping on one leg, struggling to put on my pants.

"Unfortunately yea, more team captain duty stuff. I'm actually with my coach right now." He responded.

"Ohhh ok, let me guess, they're announcing this week's matches today right?" I asked him.

"You got it." He simply replied.

"Hey Zack, I'll talk to you later alright?"

"Sure no problem." I could hear it in the background, he must be busy.

"Later bro."

"Later." I replied, hanging up the phone.

Now that I'm dressed and ready...

"Time to go to work." I said to myself but I chuckled not to long after. I haven't said that in a long time.

Thinking about it all as I locked the door and walked to the stadium, I remembered that my mornings used to be much like this.

In my lonesome apartment, I woke up in silence, got dressed in silence, and left in silence. I guess I really wasn't as happy back then as I thought. I used to be a Software engineer for a security company when I came to Russia. The company actually specialized in Home Security and Virus Protection.

I usually sat at desk, in front of a Computer, for most if not all my hours just typing away. The company was still small but we made success. So much success to where we ended up getting bought out from another. That's right, you heard me. The business did in fact close...from us being bought out. It wasn't long before the higher ups made the decision to make cuts and replace most of the staff.

My boss came to me one day and struggled to say it, to say that I had been laid off. But when he finally managed to say something to me. I yelled and cursed his name, saying "Why did you let this happen??" without thinking, I ran out of the building and went to my apartment.

Three days later my rent was due, I managed to keep it paid for another month before I was out of money. I struggled trying to find another job, and before I knew it, I came back home one day to all my stuff being taken out of my apartment. The few things I managed to keep was my old phone, my wallet, and a photo album about the size of a book.

Almost immediately, I was thrown into a life a savagery. Without choice, I had to steal food and water from different stores in order to survive. I was on my own, a stranger, in the cold city of Moscow.

And the next part is obvious. After a while I stubble in the Luzhniki Stadium, met Cristiano, met Neymar, met Maria, and met Sergio, Zlatan and many others.

My life as we speak has become center of a tug of war. Conflicts of Ordinary, and the Extraordinary...

I mean, sure I've had my ups and downs recently, but it's the surprises in life that make it worthwhile...

I could live the boring life I had before and be sheltered and stable, or I could continue on with this life, being friends to Cristiano and Neymar alike, facing my struggles together with them.

You know, I can't believe It took me this long to realize this...but,

"I'm a lucky guy." I chuckled, being at the gate of the Stadium.

--- (Later on that day)

I thought about everything as I worked... Like how much has happened so far, and what's to come. But I can't come up with anything...I'm not a fortune teller, and I can't see the future. Everything that's happened recently has been shock after shock. Even more recently...with Maria. I know I said I'd try to put it behind me, but I can't stop thinking about it. Luckily, sweeping the floors of the stadium gave me time to think everything over. After all, no one was really here today. Just me, a few other workers, and my manager, other than that the stadium was pretty much empty, everyone getting ready for the quarter finals.

Finishing my sweeping duties, I made my way to the field and sat down on the bench just taking it all in. The view from the field level was astonishing, and the Luzhniki Stadium is absolutely stunning. Being here, near this field, made me feel at peace somehow.

"The place looking great isn't it!" My manager said walking out of tunnel.

"Yea." I smiled looking up at the sky. It was chilly, but beautifully sunny today.

"Oh I was going to ask, do you mind working one-on-one with a team or two this week?" He asked me.

"Sure." I accepted.

"Oh and Zack, You know I'm all for work enthusiasm...but when are you going HOME??" He asked, seeming like he wanted a truthful answer.

"Um, is something the matter?" I nervously asked.

"Yes! On days like this I only need you here for about 4 to 5 hours." He complained.

"That's good right?" I smiled back at him.

"You've been here for 9 hours." He pointed at me.

"Isn't it good to have a strong and dedicated worker like me around?" I laughed and nudged him with my elbow. But he just glared at me, giving me the 'Don't give me that BS' look.

"Ok, ok. I'm gone!" I surrendered.

"ENJOY the rest of your day Zack. I'll clock you out myself, see you when the quarter finals start." He said walking back to his off office.

I took off the work gear walking out the stadium gates, I thought about what to do next to enjoy the rest of my day but my phone started ringing.

A call from...Fabio? Odd...Maybe I should answer... I clicked accept, and without much warning, Fabio started speaking.

"Zack! You might want to be here! They're thirty minutes away from revealing the lineup for this week..." he seriously but worriedly explained.

"Are they really?? Come pick me up, fast! I'm at the Luzhniki Stadium." I instructed.

"I'll be there in a few." He informed and hung up the phone.

I paused what I was doing and found spot to sit at. It took a while, but he arrived. Without thinking, I jumped inside the car, this is a moment of urgency.

--- (Arriving)

We pulled up to a building and parked. After Security let us through, I ran inside into a room abruptly and got a few glances from everyone.

Looking around, I realized that we were in a conference hall, and a big one at that. The room was full of the players, News reporters, Commentators, officials, and of course, the FIFA board of directors. On one side of the stage were the directors, and on the other were the remaining team captains. This was obviously one of those moments where I finally questioned myself being here.

Without distracting the others any further, Fabio and I moved to the back. He could tell I was a little nervous about it all, letting me take his chair, noticing my jitter-ish movements.

"You ok?" He worriedly asked me.

"I'm fine." I reassured and smiled.

Obviously, I was faking it. I was worried because this week, the team choices are even narrower than before. I mean, what if Portugal played against Brazil? I'd be forced to pick sides...and I couldn't do that to Neymar or Cristiano. Or worse...what if they lost? Does that mean I'd have to say good bye to both of them and Zlatan alike? That means I'd have to return to my old way of life...with a job or being homeless again...No! No! No!! I can't think that way! And not just for my wellbeing, I can't give up, I have to believe in them! This World Cup means much more to them than it does to me. Giving up now is like spitting on their dreams. Right now, winning is everything.

"Without further ado, decisions have been made, we're ready to reveal the lineup for this week." The Fifa president announced.

My fists clenched in anticipation as he said those words. The large screen in the back lit up and finally unearthed the match ups. I looked down the list carefully to make sure I wasn't seeing things...But these match ups...they're unbelieve...this isn't real is it??

Day 1: Netherlands – Germany

Day 2: Sweden – Argentina

Day 3: Brazil – Colombia

Day 4: Portugal – Spain

I can't believe this is actually happening...Cristiano and Sergio really are going up against each other...Neymar and James have to play against each other...Zlatan and Van Persie are facing tough teams... Once I finally managed to get my eyes off the screen I looked down at the captains. Cristiano seemed a bit tense, He and Sergio were eyeing each other but I couldn't tell if these were looks of shock or animosity... Honestly I don't even think Sergio believed it either. What worried me was Neymar, he looked as though he completely shut down, and I feel for him, I understand why.

"Good luck, and may the best team win." The president adjourned.

Neymar got up pretty fast, and walked towards the exit saying nothing, not even looking at me...he's pretty mad. I walked out right behind him to the 'pick up area'

"This is BS man!" He angrily scuffed the ground.

"Neymar look, Listen...I know how you feel--- "Do you really?" He interrupted me.

"Those guys in there are doing this on purpose!" He raised his voice. It's only obvious what's going on right now. His past is eating him alive.

"Listen to yourself! You're acting like what happened 4 years ago is going to happen again! You don't know that!" I raised my voice back.

"Wow! I guess you really DON'T get it! That accident nearly ENDED my career! I was this close Zack, THIS CLOSE!" he franticly said, showing me how slim his chances were.

I stopped and just looked at him not saying much. This pretty scary, this is the first time I've seen Neymar act this way... I relaxed, took a deep breath, and rested my hand on his shoulder as I spoke in a calmer manner.

"Neymar, relax, I'm just trying to calm you down--"I am calm!" He smacked my hand off his shoulder.

I grabbed my hand not long after because the hit actually hurt... the feelings of shock over came the anger I normally would have felt in moments like this. Did Neymar just do that? It's not the first time he struck me... This hit was different from the last time, this was a hit filled with confusion and malice...But why? Once again I stared at him, rubbing my hand, and for a moment it was like he came back to his senses, he realized what he just did was wrong. I didn't need to tell him that. He glanced at my hand and quickly looked elsewhere. A taxi came and parked right next to him.

"I need to go..." He said after a moment of silence, and without much time, he got in the cab and it drove off.

Neymar... You have to face your fear, even in the context of the World Cup, you have to face it, there's no running. Running can only do so much until you've ran out of space. I realized that because of you and Cristiano, but now it's time for you to see it yourself. I'm sticking by you as you go through this, weather you want me to or not. You helped me out in tough times, now it's time for me to be the one that helps. For now all I can do is put it to the side and slowly work it out.

"Guess I'll see you Thursday then Cristiano." Sergio said. I turned and realized that him, Cristiano and Fabio were outside now.

"Right." Cristiano said, still staring at him. Fabio standing kind of close in case they decided to get in each other's face. Surprisingly, they didn't. In fact, Cristiano seemed like he didn't want to play against them, not out of fear, but out of a type of respect. He must still see Sergio as a friend, though it's complicated. But could Sergio be feeling the same way? More than anyone, I'm pretty sure he was the one that wanted this match up the most. Why would it be a surprise to him now that it's actually happening?

Even now, no anger, no bickering or talking between these two. I think that's what disturbs me the most about what's going on right now. Their struggle more internal...

I guess Sergio was actually right before...This really doesn't concern me, and I don't think this is something I can completely understand, At least not yet.

They finally separated. Walking away from each other in a crossroads kind of way. It showed me that I'm going to have to make tough choices in the future, doesn't matter if I like it or not... I felt like I wanted to say something to either one of them...even Sergio, but I didn't, I couldn't, it wouldn't change anything. In this moment, and from here on out, whatever happens is beyond my control.


Next chapter hint: Netherlands VS Germany 

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