Children of Night

By shadowqueen5511

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Shade and Shadow Nox, are two privet investigators who act more like thieves then vigilantes. All is going go... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 12

95 6 3
By shadowqueen5511


He was the only one who watched the princess in the first few days, he didn't trust the two vampires now. Though Shade had been nicer when visiting and leaving food. Yet it was driving Shadow insane. He wasn't talking to anyone since the princess was still afraid to talk. He sat in a dark room with barely any light and best of all he felt like he was a prisoner too. He needed to get out so he silently got up and climbed up the hatch

                When he was up stairs he saw the two insane vampires sitting on the red sofa. Shade had her eagle on her metal arm she was throwing little pieces of meat at it, enjoying the way it bobbed its head to catch it. "Oye!" she then shouted no longer throwing meat to her new pet but looking at him. "I'm going to go out for a while" he said as he walked past the two. "Wait!" Shade commanded of him and he stopped, turning and facing them, they were both standing now a twisted smile on both of their faces. The eagle now on Shades shoulder as she smiled at him.

                "You're going to leave us?" Sage had asked. "Alone with the princess?" Shade finished. It was weird. Like they were the same person now. No he wouldn't go as far to say that but their minds worked with one another perfectly. It was weird. Even their thoughts were somewhat the same. "Don't do anything" he growled not liking how they were saying any of this. Now he was suspicious as Shade smiled leaning on Sage like she was a wall, Shade's arm resting on Sages shoulder. "Oh no, we won't do anything to her" Sage had said and he regretted everything and wanted to retreat back down to the cave. "But we will educate her" Shade had said and they both winked at him at the same time with the same eye. It was fucking weird and he was done. He turned around praying to the gods they didn't do what they said they were going to when he went out.



"Mission to freak him the fuck out accomplished, that was fun, we should do it more often" I said turning to sage and kissing her. It was meant to be quick but then I felt her tongue against my lip. Before I could open my mouth Misty (My new egal who I forgot about for a moment) began to nip at my ear making me jerk away and whine "Fine you lil bitch" I growled tossing it more meat that was still clutched in my right hand. It then leaned back grabbing it in its beak before nuzzling into my ear. Sage laughed as she had pulled away from me. "Go let her rest, you've been playing with her all day" Sage said and I growled lowly not wanting to give up what I just got this morning. But I complied and walked to the black cage on the table beside the sofa. I opened it and let her hop from my shoulder to the cage. Such a well behaved bird, I already loved her. Just wait till I get her to peep on people through their windows.

                I shut the cage and followed sage back down to the basement.

                "Good morning!" Sage had sang as she walked into the room. I followed behind her rolling my eyes at my lover "Yes it's so good to be locked in a cell" I sided sarcastically. Making sage glare back at me like I had said something obscure. I shrugged and spoke softly "Well you're the one with the fetish of having sex in front of people" as soon as the words left my lips I could already feel her hand slap me. But she didn't instead she came closer whispering back "It was your weird fetish for the princess that got her locked up here in the first place" she growled back and I rolled my eyes. Maybe I should just tell her? Nha, what fun was that. I liked this kinky side, though I would never really tell her that... unless she asked. "Hey you weren't complaining with my fetishes last night" I said and I felt her grip the collar of my white shirt pulling me down to kiss her hard on the lips. When we pulled back I think she was happy to silence me so I broke that peaceful smile from her face "I'm the dominant one now, remember? I got the height, and I can lift you" I said and she growled showing fangs and I did the same. This might as well have been a dick measuring contest because now we were seeing whose fangs where longer. Mine where, but she refused to back down. So of course I had to prove I was the dominant one now and grabbed her by her hips pushing her into the wall he had sex on last time we were down here. As I leaned my face closer to her fierce and rebelliousness died down and she was whimpering making me confused and sheath my fangs back into my mouth. I kissed her forehead and felt her arms wrap around me as she buried her face into my chest. I obviously struck a nerve or something. Then as I tried to understand through our bond I saw flashes of Dasmon.

                I sighed seeing why she wasn't letting me take over so easily now. That was what he did, forced her into doing things, held her down. I want to kill him over again after seeing what I saw through our bond. "I would never hurt you" I whispered into her ear as I held her. She just nodded and pushed me away nodding back to our audience who was on the bed but not looking at us. I sighed turning around.

                "ok, show's over for now. Do you need anything princess?" I asked now leaning against the bars. She said nothing to me making me sigh. This was a waste of time. How long were we supposed to keep her here?

                That was when I heard the bells, the long drawn out rings from the king's palace. One bell. Then a second. A monarch's birth? Then a third. A death of a king. Well he was a good king? A smart one to make me kidnap the princess. Then the fourth bell rang. The queen was dead. No doubt this dominion would fall apart if we didn't give back the princess and protect her from whatever was going on.

                "The king and queen are dead?" Sage asked softly hearing the bells. Now was not the time for games anymore. "Princess Adeal? I'm not your kidnapper, I'm your savior, your father hired me to kidnap you. I guess this was the reason" I said and felt Sage glare at me for not telling her. But I was sure I would make up for it latter. The princess was now looking up at me I could see the tears streaming down her face from hearing the bells herself. "By now who ever killed your parents are either taking the throne or burning the city. So I suggest we get to the palace as fast as we can before they take your throne" I said and opened the cage. She stood up and walked over to us, I could tell she was still afraid of us but now was not the time to question our loyalty. Or was it?

                Either or she said nothing and I led her up the hatch. I lead her out of the house and through the alleys. "Sage, you lead her to the palace, I'm going to run ahead to see what all the chaos is" I said and quickly scaled the building to our right and jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

                I noticed a giant fire consuming the palace in the distance. My shit. Everyone in the streets were screaming and absolute chaos consumed everything. I stopped in my tracks seeing demons slaughtering people in the streets. The guards no more than weak plywood in their path. In the sky above the palace I saw a red light shooting to the heavens... I saw demons pouring out of the firy place. I turned back running back to sage.

I landed in front of her as she was about to enter the main street. "Demons are everywhere, I think there pouring out of the palace, I think the cult finally opened the gates" I said and Sage's eyes widened "We have to get there and close them, what should we do with the princess?" she asked and I was equally confused but we couldn't waste time deciding this. I looked at princess Adeal "Stay at the house, it's not safe for you, when you see the red in the sky gone, then come to the palace" I told her and she wasn't one to argue and turned back going to the house as me and sage began to run through the streets to get to the palace.

                Half way there we were stopped by a group of demons in black full armor. It was then I realized I forgot all my shit back home. It was too late to go back for that now. I summoned my armor and weapons on me and pulled out my daggers. I really liked this god stuff. Everything was so much easier.

                Me and Sage charged forward at the demons. I threw my knives from my armband then slid in between the legs of a demon turning and jumping on his back sending the dagger in my left into the back of its neck. I used my metal forearm to block a sword coming to my face and threw my main dagger into the demon's face. I jumped to him grabbing the knife and going to help Sage. She was currently ripping the head off one demon with her bare hand and grabbing the wrist of another demon who was foolish enough to slash at her. I put my metal hand to his heart and let the sword come out of my metal arm. Going straight through the demon's heart.

                Once that was dealt with me and Sage continued forward this time not stopping for the demons that tried to stop us. We both realized only more would come with the time we spent killing thee ones. We had to close the gates. The palace was not much father and the red wound in the sky was growing and I saw harpy like things spill from it. Gods the city wouldn't be standing much longer if this continued.

                The drawbridge to the palace was down and we ran jumping over or running through the demons throwing most over the edge into the water. It was a fucking horde as we busted through but once we got in and started running down the halls we easily lost the hundred or so following us in the maze. We saw how more seemed to pour from the throne room so we quickly and stealthily made our way there.

                We entered through one of the side doors seeing as it was suicide to go through the front doors where the horde just poured out.

                The throne room was so different. Where the throne of the king was suppose to be was the cult leader opening a red hole in the air that let masses of demons pour through. I threw my dagger at the leader hoping to kill him and the red scar in the air would close. Of course Malcolm was back and caught the knife right before it hit the cultist head. Son of a bitch.

                But now since the leader looked back the army that poured from the scar no longer came but was still open. "Kill her!" he ordered and Malcolm was the first to rush over. I got in position to jump over the charging vampire but before I could Sage grabbed him by the neck throwing him into the ground. The stone floor cracked at the impact and she then sent her foot into his face crushing it into a blood mess. She grimaced and looked over at me "Like I said, it felt like a challenge" she said to me so innocently. I knew she was referring to me drinking his blood, which in reality was me ripping out his throat but what ever. It was good to know I had Sage on my side. With that note.

                As me and Sage then approached the cultist in the empty room (Since the demons that had poured through already ran off before they saw me and Sage). "It's over! Shut the gates and I'll let you live" I growled at him holding my main purgatory daggers in hand. Before the cultist could speak the red hole in the air over the throne spread open more and out stepped Dasmon? Before any words could be said Dasmon cut off the head of the cultist. In my head he just killed the only person who could close it. I grimaced and readied myself for him next. Before however we could start fighting another figure stepped out from the rift between worlds.

                This man looked like some Noble in fancy black clothing. Black pants and a red shirt. He had a sword in his hand and smiled at me, his bright green eyes already told me who this was. He had short pitch-black hair and had an eerie resemblance to me. He had the same eyes, though his a different color... oh gods was he my dad? Angel you sick bastard fucking the enemy!

                Before words could be exchanged the walls blew up and in came a small army of demons surrounding me and Sage. Fuck why can't this ever be easy? Me and Sage were now back to back as the demons surrounded us. Waiting to strike. How ever the green eyed god had to give his speech first of course.

                "Shade" he said so pleasantly and his men made room for him as he approached but didn't get within arms reach of me. I was about ready to lung and kill him. "Ebony" I growled back him and smiled at him. Sure I might be insane but this was kind of funny. A god, either my dad or grand father, and he was acting like this was a family reunion. "Storm did say Angel had children but I never thought you would be the outcome" he said. Oh this bitch, I'm going to cut him. And how come no one fucking talks about Shadow? My brother? It was only me they cared about. "I would say I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm not, your missing out"  I said and winked at him. Gods I was flirting with him now. He looked confused as fuck and a bit dazed. He was definitely not my daddy. At least he wasn't into those family relationship thing. "I... you should stop this" he stutted and shook his head trying to shake those thoughts away. Oh I was so damn good at this flirting shit, how did Sage even resist me at first? "And join you?" I asked predicting his words. "Yes, it would be much simpler if we could all leave here happy" he said and I shook my head "Go suck Shadows dick, you're leaving here in a body bag" I said and lunged at him slashing my daggers down at him.

He held his sword up catching the blow that would have went into both his shoulders. And that was when chaos erupted. His eyes turned to bright green flames and he looked pissed as fuck. "Shadow doesn't have a dick!" he sneered at me and threw me back a few feet. I stumbled a bit and watched as friendly guard soldiers with great ass' came in as well as my brother in his wolf form. The battle took place around us as I was getting ready for his next move. "Ya he does, I've seen it myself unfortunately" I said and he lunged sending his sword at my hip and I jumped back before lunging forward. Before my right hand could stab into his stomach he caught my wrist smiling as he grabbed my other. I then sent the blade in my right arm into his side making him hiss and release me as I stumbled back. My sword in my arm now covered in what looked like black tar? Oh this was going to be freaky.



  "Go suck Shadows dick, you're leaving here in a body bag" Shade had said before leaving Sage's back to attack the god. Before Sage could pull her back she was already gone and the demons lunging forward. Sage dodged the three swords that had tried to cut of her head and she tackled one of the demons to the ground twisting his head around. She stood picking up the dead demon's sword now cornered between the wall and three other demons. That was when another explosion went off and royal guards came in taking most of the demons by surprise. Even the demons that had Sage cornered went off to help their brothers. Right as Sage was about to go help Shade she felt a cold hand on her wrist yanking her back.

                She looked at Dasmon who was smiling at her with bright green eyes, like mirror of the God's. "You're coming home with me" he growled at her and she sent the sword into his stomach but before it could pierce his skin he released her stepping back. He then readied himself waiting for her to strike. She slashed down at his head using every ounce of vampiric speed she had which was faster than light itself.

                The speed of their fight was so fast, yet no blows had been landed and it was beginning to look like a stall mate as she circled her ex husband. "Stop this before you get hurt" Dasmon said and offered his hand to her making her growl her fangs extend "May the gods not have mercy on your soul" she hissed and charged again only to have him raise his sword and block the blade. That was when she used the trick Shade had showed her. She then used her knee to kick him in the groin and her left hand to his face hitting him hard.

                He staggered back spitting out blood as well as a few teeth. Before he could unleash his rage on her she sent the sword down to his neck. It only went half way before she was thrown back by a demon. She hit a wall and a black knight demon was about to send his fist to her face when she caught the metal gloved hand and used her hand as a knife, stabbing it into his heart and ripping out the black heart. She threw the heart to the side pushing the demon off her. She saw Dasmon approaching now with a nasty gash in his neck that looking like his head was about to fall off. He then lunged at her, not with sword but his clawed hands and tackled her to the ground. He was too strong for her, he was a few years older than her after all. Sage's hands were his neck keeping his fangs away from her. As her hands held onto his neck she began to use her nails to claw at his neck in an attempt to cut off his head.

                                Again she sent her knee into his groin and tossed him off stomping her bloody boot into his face. Over and over again. Till there was nothing left of his face. She was breathing heavily adrenaline pouring out of her body as she then was about to go help shade, though she looked like she had it with black tar spilling out from the god and her dancing around his every move. If it wasn't for the blood and weapons it would have looked like they were dancing together. Before Sage could even take a step to go help shade she felt a burning spike in her chest.

She looked down to see the end of a silver dagger in her chest. Missing her heart by inches. She turned around back handing the person who attacked her. She pulled the dagger out of her back glaring down at the women. She had bright green eyes but yet she knew her.  "Velvet?" she breathed but felt herself go feral from the wound that almost killed her. She barely held herself back as the thief stood up pulling out two more silver daggers "She was mine! And SHE WILL BE MINE!" The thief queen hissed at her and lunged. Due to the wound she wasn't able to move as fast, plus she had just about used all her energy.

                She managed to grab the wrist of the thief's right hand but the other one sent a dagger into her hip. Her eyes went wide with pain and she couldn't hold her beast back. She lunged forward sending her teeth into the girl's neck but pulled back immediately pushing the thief away. She hissed at the wrong feeling in her mouth. It tasted like ash and as she looked at the thief with burning green eyes she saw the black blood that fell from her throat. The thief stood up again but only to have Sage's foot sent into the thief's hip making her fall again. Before the thief could get up again Sage pounced onto her grabbing the thief's neck in her hands wanting to squeeze the life out of her. She felt silver enter her stomach but it didn't stop her from snapping her neck. The thief lied motionless now as Sage got up pulling the silver daggers out of her stomach and looking back at shade.

                The fight between her and ebony was intense, moving so fast, no human could comprehend what was happening. Shade was moving, dodging, jumping, sliding stabbing with all her skill but yet the god was more experienced than her, not in fighting but in being a god. He had summoned armor on himself but Shade had only cut through it. Yet the god had five sword's working with him, they moved in air without any wielder and was attacking at Shade with great precision and skill as the god who actually wielded a sword. though Shade was moving around to much to let him get any good blow to her.

                Again a burning spike in her chest but this one was in her heart. "SHE IS MINE!" She heard the demonic voice the breathed from Velvets dead body. Again Sage turned elbowing the thief in the face. She pulled the dagger out of her chest gasping and beginning to feel things slip. She was definitely going to die soon but she needed to take care of this now. As she looked at Velvet. Or what used to be Velvet her eyes were burning flames and her neck was crushed. Sage lunged at her letting primal instinct take over as she grabbed the thief's arm ripping it off and then doing the same to the other one. Her hands dug into the thief's chest and ripping out yet another demon heart and throwing it back hitting a wall and turning to ash. "Mine" Sage growled as she watched the bright green flame go out in the thief's eyes and she fell, this time really dead. Sage kneeled there clutching her hand at her chest trying to focus on breathing that she didnt need. but things were too loud, the smell of blood intoxicating. She needed blood. Yet she felt herself fall over unable to hold herself any more. She felt all the power in her body drain out of her.

                She could feel herself slipping from this realm as death called to her. But her eyes snapped back to the battle around her. A woman was kneeling over her. For a moment she thought it was Shade but something was off as they were offering their bleeding wrist to her. Wasn't she fighting Ebony? She needed her strength? Though it seemed any will power she had was stripped from her as soon as she tasted the blood in her mouth, she couldn't stop herself from sending her fangs into her wrist. She didn't even flinch at the fangs and the more blood Sage drank the more awake she was beginning to feel. She noticed this wasn't Shade. The cold blood in her mouth wasn't human. But it wasn't disgusting like the demon blood. The women kind of looked like Shade but definitely wasn't her. She managed to unhook her fangs from the flesh and pulled back looking for Shade. She was still fighting Ebony when Sage looked back to see her savior she was gone. Leaving her alone. She managed to pick herself up and grab a sword but more demons blocked her path.



                He came in and everything was hell. He was ripping apart demons one by one covered in their black blood as he ripped and bit them in pieces. As he was fighting he noticed more coming in through the front door. He went to position himself in front of the flow of demons putting a dent in their reinforcements. As he was fighting he noticed a giant demon stepping out from the rift. He growled in his wolf form and charged at the large stone horned demon. When he made his way to it he jumped sending his claws into its large chest and biting its neck. Only to be thrown off as if he was a fly. But the black blood that flowed down the demon's chest said otherwise.

                He jumped again, this time at its legs clawing and biting at the hard flesh. He had to ignore the disgusting taste in his mouth. The demon roared and lifted his foot, lifting Shadow with him as the demon shook it's foot. As shadow fell to the ground he took a chunk of stone flesh with him, spitting it out and dodging the large foot that came down to stomp on him. He ran around the giant demon taking a head off a smaller demon in his way as he then jumped up on its chest again biting the neck. This time as he tried to grab Shadow he refused to come off without taking the neck with him. The demon fell over crushing countless as he fell down on them, human and fellow demon. Shadow released a victory howl over his small fight and continued down to join the rest of the battle as he tried to keep the smaller demons from joining the battle his sister was having.

It was in the middle of his fighting that he saw Keara, her wings out and covered in white armor fighting beside a group of human knights. They slaughtered the demons as if they did it daily, they must have been the city's vanguard. Keara seemed to be their leader issuing orders to the knights as they tried to prevent more demons from entering. Shadow then jumped in to help her fight.



I was breathing heavily, he smiled at me as if this wasn't even hard for him. It was taking all my energy and he didn't even seem fazed with all the hits I landed on him. I hit his stomach, a knife in his right shoulder, another knife in his right thigh  and a gaping hole in his left shoulder from my arm blade.

Meanwhile my body was screaming with all the movement, it was like a extreme work out fighting him and everything in me told me to take a break but I couldn't he was a bleeding mess and I had to put the final blow to him.

                The five spinning swords in the air caught my attention as they all lunged towards me. I rolled out of the way sending my dagger into the back of the gods thigh before then rolling out of the way of two more swords and the gods own sword. I was stumbling to my feet as the swords lifted themselves out of the ground and began to spin again ready to attack at me again. He knew he was tiring me out, he fucking knew it with that shit eating grin. Fuck, what do I do? What can I do? I may be a god but I have no idea what I'm doing. My mind doesn't think as fast as his does, it can't process dodging all the blows and holding five swords to fight for me. My mind wasn't set up like that. He then laughed "Getting tired little one?" he asked me. Fuck this bitch.

                The swords came at me and I stepped back about to jump away when one of the swords jammed itself into my foot making me hiss and as I looked at the god he was slashing his sword down at me. I grabbed his wrist pushing him back a little but the blade went right over my right eye. The cut wasn't deep but went from my eyebrow down to my cheek. He just missed my eye but I pushed him back putting my hand over my eye willing for all the pain he inflicted to stop. With my other hand I grabbed the sword and threw it out of my foot. I glared at the god with one eye as he still smiled "Give up child, you lost" he said and I bared fangs about ready to jump the fuck out of him.

                That was until I saw my mother, Angel walk in out of to were, with a wave of her hand everything in the room went silent as all the demons bursted into flames leaving only bleeding humans, Shadow and Sage. "Enough Ebony" Angel growled at him standing in front of me as if defending me. How poetic of her, coming in at the last second to save me? Really? Couldn't she have come before all this?

                "Angel? I thought you didn't intervene in human affairs?" he said sounding confident but I could see through his mask. He was afraid of her, much like Storm was. "You hurt my daughter I take your freedom" she said and pulled out her purgatory blade. Of corse Ebony tried to fight her but it was over quick.

He sent the five blade at her only for her to slash each of them away with a flick of her blade. she then cut off his arm. His other arm came at her with a sword in hand but before it could land I was up at her side defending her grabbing the gods wrist stopping the blade from hitting my shitty ass mother. My mother wasted no time in cutting off his other arm and then kicking him back into the rift. She then held her palm up towards it and it closed. I dropped the arm of the god still in my hand. Ugh, why did I even bother if she was going to come help me?

                She turned back facing me her glowing gold eyes scanned me for injuries and I removed my hand from my eye. She frowned and I looked at my hand, covered in gold blood. Last time I checked my blood was red but atleast it wasn't black.

                "I don't believe any regular demigod could have fought him as well as you" She said giving me praise but it didn't sound like that. I scoffed "And here I thought you said I was a god?" I asked her but I really wanted to ask why she was even here. "You are but you know nothing, so demigod is more fitting" she said and sheathed her sword. I glanced back looking at Sage, she was wounded but was standing. Before I could ask Angel why she was here she held up her hand silencing me "I offer you a chance to learn your abilities to your fullest power"

                She had said it like it was the greatest gift she could give me but I laughed as if it were a joke. "I learn better alone, but I don't speak for Shadow" I said still giving my brother the option but the god frowned "This offer doesn't extend to him" she said it so hostile. Wow, mom really? So savage, I guess this is where I get it but what does she have against him. "Why do you offer it to me then?" I asked and she seemed annoyed that I asked. "Your brother is immortal, not a god. He will never be what you are, what you can be" She said it almost as if to plead me to reconsider. "You know he's right over there right? But whatever, I'll see you in purgatory if I ever visit" I told her and she looked pissed that I denied her but she wasn't going to force me. She sighed "Good bye child of mine, don't get killed" she said before vanishing and I huffed heavily then sighed out "Bitch" knowing she probably heard it but no lighting came from the sky to strike me. I considered that a victory of its own accord.

                I turned back looking at Sage, she smiled at me but I could feel her pain from all the wounds. I then looked to my brother who was wearing a toga made from the red curtains. Since he was naked... he looked fine though and he smiled at me too nodding his approval to me. I then saw a women with white wings staring at me curiously as well as a bunch of human knights. The other guards then began to kneel to me. The knights and the angel followed. Really? What did I do to earn that? But then I saw princess Adeal walking in from the corner of my eye behind me.

                The princess topped beside me putting her hand on my shoulder "Thank You Shade and Shadow Nox, for saving our city" She said and I hummed "good luck rebuilding" I said as I turned from her looking to Sage "Were definitely moving before we get sucked into anymore cult shit" I mumbled but Shadow put his hand on my shoulder "I'm going to stay here" he told me and I rose a eyebrow at him in question "Well we did save the city? I'm sure becoming the new champion of it will have a few new perks" he said glancing back at the princess with a smile. What a fucking slut he was. "Fine, don't get anyone pregnant though" I growled at him and he laughed patting me on the back as I walked out of the throne room letting the guards and new queen get things back in order.

                "He fucks the queen with in the week" I said and Sage scoffed grabbing my hand stopping me "I say it takes a month, but where are we going?" she asked me and I shrugged "Wherever the wind blows? I just need some peace, and have to learn about all this" I said and rose my left hand letting fire consume it then went out. She nodded and reached up kissing me on my cheek "I'll follow you anywhere" she told me and I smiled "Then maybe we will go see my grandmother and aunts in purgatory? I know they'll be more supportive than my mother" I said taking her hands in mine. She frowned "Right now?" she asked and I smiled "Well I'm sure I can get storm to give us a horse" I said and she nodded.

                It was easy getting there, I just thought of the place and we were there with my grandmother at her throne drinking down another bottle of wine as if a beer. She threw the glass and groaned "I'm not drunk yet" the Queen of Purgatory mumbled then she noticed we were standing in front of her and she stood smiling "Hey! If it isn't the hero of Rekkel!" she said happily and I smiled back "Yes, I was so delighted to see you on the battlefield when I was facing your dad" I said in sarcasm making her frown "Ya ya kid, I should have been there but I was busy... with stuff... that needed my attention" she stumbled out an excuse and it made me glare at her. But that was when I saw a half naked women in one of the hallways to the right of the throne.

                "Stoorrrmmm, why did you leave me?" the women asked. She was breathtaking and she only had a loincloth on covering her crotch but yet nothing to cover her top. She had long blond hair and gold eyes much like Storm. Storm huffed turning to face this woman who I could guess she was sleeping with "Honey I gave you a full hour of my time when my dad was trying to destroy the world again, can you please give me a minute?" Storm seemed to be begging this woman and she huffed turning away leaving me and Sage alone with the god.

                The god huffed turning back to us and I couldn't help but comment "Busy with stuff?" I asked and she frowned "Fuck off, I get enough from Shadow, I don't need it from you too" she growled sitting back down at her throne. "Well, that doesn't surprise me since my own mother is a ass, would you mind giving me your words of wisdom on my way to god hood?" I asked her and she studied me for a moment curious. "The mind is but one thing, that branches out to many more, you can actually split your mind into smaller ones all working together with different viewpoints. The stronger you are the more you see. Angel does not do that though, she maintenances forces in but one mind, only seeing one end result, one solution. She will come crawling back to you in time, but for now, you have a new journey that awaits the both of you" she said now her eyes turning to Sage. "You were meant to fall in love with Jay and you did" she said and this jay had me look questioningly at Sage. The god continued "Dasmon was influenced by Ebony to kill that village, finding you and killing Jay in the process. You know if you didn't fall in love with Shade I would have brought her back to you, I have a thing for such romantic romances" the god said and now I felt offended.

                "I'm not romantic?" I asked and Storm looked at me "Well maybe it's because you had the weight of the world on your shoulders but I'm sure you can get the the level they were at" she said and I looked back at sage "If Jay were here, would you drop me for her?" I asked and she frowned "No" It was almost an instant reply, that made me a lot more confident about my loving powers. "Great, point solved, thank you grandmother, I'll see you around" I said as I turned wrapping my arms around sage and pulling us out of purgatory.

                We now stood at a hill far behind the city. It looked in ruins from the far distance but it wasn't that bad. I still had my arms wrapped around Sage and she pulled away a little to look up at me "So, were to first?" she asked and I smiled "Let's go to the Elven kingdom, I hear they have great food" I said and she laughed wrapping her arms around the back of my neck. "Hmm, then were?" she asked and i leaned down, our lips just brushing against one another's "Let's not think about that now, we have the rest of eternity to go wherever we want" I told her and kissed her. When we pulled back I noticed a black horse coming out from the forest behind us. Weather it was Storm's gift to me or my mother's I was just happy to get the hell out of here and better yet, have my lover at my side.

                Then I saw another figure walk out from the shadows in the trees. My aunt Sun walked out smiling at us. "I thought I'd come with a wedding gift" she said and Sage gasped in shock at what she said as I just smiled "See the future do you know? How many kids will we have?" I asked and she just shrugged "Guess you'll find out, don't hesitate to call me if you need anything Shade. The same goes to your brother since no one in the family other than us care for him" she said sighing heavily before walking off into the shadows and disappearing. I hummed thinking about what she said.

                "I guess your brother is left out of the family gatherings?" she asked and I tightened my arms around her waist. "That may be true but he'll always be family to me, I mean he did protect me from my uncle who could have turned abusive" I said and rested my chin at the top of her head. She huffed not liking the new height difference. "Maybe we should go visit him first, show him how great you turned out to be" she said resting her head against my collarbone. I smiled "Why not, but first I want to watch the sunset" I said and she had to pull back to look at the setting sun. the battle had taken all day and I was glad to have at least one peaceful night with nothing but my lover in my mind.

My bitches this book is done, if you bother me about it, I may or may not make a book 2, I hope you all enjoyed

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