Just One Last Time [Toshiro H...

By somewhereonlyweknoww

108K 2.9K 649

Akane Shihoin is a well-respected and high ranking Soul Reaper, but she doesn't always follow the rules and l... More

[Akane Shihoin] (Under Construction)
[Special Delivery!] oo1
[Akane Is Sick! Mother Bird Knows Best!] oo2
[Confined To A Hospital Bed!] oo3
[Dreaming Of The Past] oo4
[Drinking Night!] oo5
[Revelations Of Love! The Winter Party!] oo6
[Toshiro's Birthday!] oo7
[Akane's Birthday!] oo8
[Akane's Nightmare, Her Faded Star] oo9
[A Way Of Release] o10
[A Brother's Words] o11
[A New Mission?! Operation: Er, Save Rukia!] o12
[To Protect, You Must Be Strong!] o13
[Quincy's And Hollows Galore!] o14
[You Can't Run From Fate] o15
[Renji Abarai & Byakuya Kuchiki] o16
[Akane's Sentencing & The Waiting Game] o17
[Two New Allies!] o19
[Promises & Warnings] o20
[Murder & Utter Chaos] o21
[Catching Up & Battles On The Bridge] o22
[Finally Reunited: Akane and Yoruichi] o23

[One Surprise After Another!] o18

2.8K 93 18
By somewhereonlyweknoww

A/N: Did you guys see my new lovely covers for this story and my APTK story? Kasumi_18 made them for me and I love them! She's too sweet C: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter <3

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


A week and five days have passed since I received my sentencing. Today is August 8th and I'll be executed at the end of the month. I was having my daily lunch while Hanataro cleaned up my cell by mopping and sweeping the floorboards, dusting away cobwebs.

"Akane-san? May I ask another question?" Hanataro spoke up hesitantly, but excitedly.

"Of course!" I beamed at the boy as I took a sip of my green tea.

My smile may have looked convincing to the 7th seat Soul Reaper, but it was fake and it didn’t reach my eyes. I felt dead on the inside. The fact that Ichigo was hurt and left to die that night still haunts me and it continuously weighed guiltily on my shoulder. I couldn’t even imagine how Rukia was feeling right now. It haven't felt like this in a long time…

Not since Katsuo…

And, though, my untimely death was approaching, my optimism for Toshiro and Captain Ukitake pleading clemency for me was dying out. Even with them pleading upon my behalf and Rukia's, it wasn’t going to work. My efforts of keeping Rukia and I alive have turned out fruitless and my original plan has backfired on me. All that was left for me to do was to accept my fate.

"What are the buildings like there?" he turned to me, fully attentive as he paused in his sweeping.

I hummed in thought and spoke. "Well they're much different. There are tall buildings called skyscrapers and they harbor many windows on all four sides of the building. And then there's smaller structures called houses or stores."

He was bouncing on his feet as he eagerly asked another question. "What's it really like over there, in the World of the Living? What kind of food do they eat? And tell me, what kind of drinks do they have? I'm sorry! I know I talk too much, you don’t have to answer me, Akane,"

He laughed nervously and I gave him a smile of encouragement. I turned my eyes back to the square window as I stared at the blue sky again with my lifeless gold eyes.

"Well, I suppose they have similar food like us, but there are some differences. They have this stuff called pizza and cheeseburgers and French fries. And do you remember what I told you about convenience stores? They basically sell food wrapped in packages there. This guy bought me a packaged rice ball one day,"

I paused in my story to reminisce about Ichigo. Hanataro nodded in understanding as he sat on his knees in front of me like an attentive student, and brought up his earlier question. "And what kind of drinks do they have?"

I giggled and answered, "They have a thing called juice that comes in paper cartons,"

Hanataro perked up interestedly with a wide grin. "Oh! What kind of drink is that?! What does juice taste like?"

I brought my gold eyes back to the boy and gave him a convincing mischievous smile. "They have all kinds, they come in the flavors of fruits; it's good, but it's tricky!" 

He leaned forward, absorbing everything I was saying. I looked back up at the window, Ichigo once again coming to my mind. A soft pained smile came to my lips and I sighed as I continued, "It was…hard to open. There was a certain technique…"

"That's hard to imagine! How could there be any kind of technique that you haven't of mastered, Akane?"

I grinned at his compliment and turned to him. "Well, it was difficult! You might've not been able to master it,"

He was flabbergasted as I turned away from him again, "There was…this guy I met that showed Rukia and I how to do it…"

He stood from his spot and began to sweep again, and I stood from my chair and began to walk the length of the room. Exercise was something I couldn’t do outside, so I would have to make due with what I got, and keeping my strength up was something important.

"Tell me some more!" Hanataro pleaded. "What else did you see in the World of the Living? Were there any strange things?"

I paused in my steps to look out the window again a faraway look in my golden hues. I've been doing that a lot lately, and it mostly happens when thoughts of Ichigo invade my mind. I thought up of some strange things that had happened in my time in the World of the Living to tell Hanataro.

"Did you know a mod soul could be inserted into inanimate objects as well as the living?"

There was a gasp from behind me. "Do you mean those illegal things?"

"Yes…there was a guy who put one into a stuffed doll,"

"You mean into a child's toy? Some animal shaped thing with cotton and stuffing? But why would anybody do something so irresponsible? That just seems crazy!"

I chuckled at his response and watched as a bird flew by the window. "You're right, there are some crazy ones…both there and here."

I traveled my way back to my chair and sat. My mood deteriorating slowly as I thought about Ichigo. Actually, this was the most I thought about him in one day and I felt guilt hit me once again when I thought of Rukia and I leaving him in the street to die.

"Akane…" I heard Hanataro speak quietly and unsurely. "Is the person you're always speaking of the in your stories about the World of the Living, the same one Rukia gave her Soul Reaper powers to?"

"Yes," I replied softly. "His name was Ichigo Kurosaki. I only spent almost two months there and Rukia almost three in that world with Ichigo, but somehow, even after a short time, Rukia and I felt we could trust him with our very life…"

I bowed my head and clenched my fists together in my lap, grasping my white robe in my hands. "Because of Rukia giving her powers to Ichigo, because of me, hiding them both and protecting them…because of Rukia and I, because of us, Ichigo's own destiny had changed and became twisted and he was hurt terribly. There's no forgiving what we've done to him."

Maybe things would have changed if I would have obeyed my orders like a good Lieutenant and brought Rukia back immediately like I was supposed to. Ichigo wouldn’t have gotten hurt. But then when I think about it, I would have never met Ichigo, my brothers and Kaien's carbon copy. Just the thought of never meeting Ichigo sent my stomach plummeting. The thought itself just didn’t seem logical, possible for me.

Our conversation was cut short by knocking of the security alert as it rang from the outside, the sound filtering through my cell from the barred window. I was at attention almost immediately. What could possibly be going on?

"Attention! Red alert, red alert! Intruders detected in West Rukon! This is not a drill!"

I turned to Hanataro who seemed to fidget nervously and scared look crossing his face. I smiled at the boy, "It'll be okay, Hanataro. You should be getting back to your Squad. They'll need you if anyone is injured."

"Right!" he nodded shakily as he made his way to the door. "I'll see you later to bring you your dinner. Thank you for having me here!"

He shut the door to my cell and practically ran his way to the exit in the room. Before exiting, he bowed, and I nodded at his words and grinned. "No, thank you, Hanataro. I enjoy talking to you. See you soon!"

As he left I furrowed my eyebrows as I eyed the outside world from my window, the knocking alert still persistent as it echoed around the Seireitei. Who in their right mind would invade the Soul Society? Why would they invade the Soul Society?

I was still puzzled as to who invaded the Soul Society yesterday. Hanataro came around to give me my dinner, but when I asked him if he knew what was going on, he had said he didn’t. He didn’t get to stay at all anyway, after giving me my dinner he had to return to duty immediately. I also didn’t get any visit from Toshiro or Rangiku, so I supposed they were busy with the fiasco going on outside.

My curiosity was eating up at me and I was impatient to know what was going on out there. I was desperate to know, and I was hoping for Toshiro or Rangiku to stop by some time soon, so I could finally get some answers.

My thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door to the room. I turned to look and was shocked at the sight of Gin. I was confused, but curious as to why he was here. I rose a questioning eyebrow at the smiling man as he stopped near the bars of my cell and gripped one with a hand and leaned forward casually.

"Gin? What are you doing here?" I asked.

He frowned and shifted his tall, lanky body more comfortably against the cell bars. "What kind of greeting is that? I came to see how you were doing!"

"How do you think I'm doing? I'm being held prisoner while I wait for my execution date!" I bit out in a sarcastic tone, and then puffed out my cheeks and glared at the silver-haired man. "Besides, I don’t want to talk to you right now! I'm angry at you for ignoring my phone calls for almost two months back while I was in the World of the Living!"

"I was busy!" he defended with a pout.

"Busy?!" I crowed back at him in disbelief. "I called at times when I knew you were in your office working! So, tell me, where else could you have been besides your office? I know for a fact that paperwork isn't an issue for you. You were either ignoring me, or you were out of your office for some inconspicuous reason that I do not know of. So, which is it?"

All I got in return was a frown and no answer. I huffed and set my gaze back on the wall in front of me and away from the infuriating silver-haired man. "That's what I thought."

Stupid Gin. I see he has something to hide and he had no intention of sharing with me what it was. We were back to square one again. No matter how hard I tried, he would not reveal any of his secrets to me. It was absolutely frustrating that this one man I've known for nearly all my life was hiding something from me. Could I not be trusted with his secrets? Was it for my safety that I do not know them? Whatever it was, I knew I should just give up on getting any information from him. 

I nearly forgotten the fact that Gin has always been a secretive person anyway, and I knew I couldn’t be mad at him for very long just because he was being the way he always is. I let out a long, drawn out sigh and turned to face him with an apologetic face. "Sorry, I think being stuck in this place for so long, I'm starting to get a bit frustrated from being cooped up."

Gin chuckled and shook his head. "That's alright, darlin', I just came to tell you that I was going to plead clemency for you,"

"What?!" I shrieked and shot up from my chair. I walked towards Gin's leaning figure and grasped the bars between us and looked up at him earnestly. "Really, Gin, you don’t have to do that. Besides, I don’t think it's going to work anyway,"

I lowered my eyes sadly, but looked back up when I heard Gin laugh. I gazed at him questioningly, and a prick of annoyance flashed in my eyes. "What's so funny?!"

As he calmed down his laughter, he grinned down at me. "Well, you're never going to get out of there if you keep thinking that way! If you keep being negative like that you're going to jinx yourself~!"

I rolled my eyes, but smiled at the man. Leave it to Gin to be optimistic about almost everything. However, he wasn’t the one in the jail cell and awaiting their execution. Being optimistic about my situation wasn't very easy for me, but at Gin's words, a slight bit of hope rose up in my heart. His positivism was infectious to me, but that would also be my downfall in the end.

I quickly stomped down the hope that enveloped my heart and pushed it away. Even the slightest bit of hope of me getting out of this prison cell free, would end up hurting me if the clemency didn’t work out the way I wanted it to.

"Anyway," Gin spoke up, breaking me out of my musings. "I just came here to tell you that and to see how you were doing. Now, I must get going. I feel as though things are about to get ugly out there," He slipped his hand through the bars of my cell and ruffled my loose, long hair affectionately, and then proceeding to turn and head towards the door.

That reminds me…

"Hey, Gin?" I called out to him. "What exactly is going on out there?"

He stopped in his steps, but he didn’t turn to face me. "Perhaps you should let your Captain tell you that, he'll be here in a bit," He started towards the door again and before he exited he called back, "See you soon, Akane-chan~!"

I stayed where I was by the bars, confused as ever. "Well if that wasn’t weird, then I don’t know what is…" I said out loud to myself.

My shoulders slumped and I sat myself back in my wooden chair. My mood wasn’t even lifted in the slightest in Gin's presence. Sure, I may have smiled, but it didn’t swell any happiness in my chest. Once again, my mind shifted back to Katsuo and then Yoruichi, and finally Ichigo…

Not even five minutes after Gin left, the door to the room opened once more, but I didn’t bother to turn and look this time to see who it was. I already knew. I didn’t even care about what was happening outside anymore. I just wanted to get my execution over with, so all this guilt on my shoulders could finally go away.

"What is it, Toshiro? Anything important to tell me?"

"It pertains to the intruders that invaded West Rukon yesterday," he answered, but I kept quiet and let my dull, uninterested eyes watch the sky outside. I waited for Toshiro to speak once more, and I wasn’t disappointed. "This is unconfirmed information; they say that a group of intruders attempted to enter the Seireitei yesterday, five of them,"

I scrunched my eyebrows together, not fully understanding why Toshiro was telling me this.

"Now my sources say that one of them carried a sword as long as his body, a Soul Reaper with orange colored hair,"

My eyes grew wide at this and a sharp gasp escaped my mouth as I shot up from my chair and turned to look a Toshiro. My movement was so abrupt, I sent the wooden chair clattering to the ground. I practically jumped my way to the bars between us, grasped them, and looked at Toshiro earnestly.

"Toshiro, who encountered him? Who prevented them from coming through the gate?"

Toshiro seemed curious and confused as to why I was so interested, but he answered anyway, "Gin Ichimaru,"

Again my eyes grew. Gin…

Perhaps you should let your Captain tell you about that…

"Toshiro, did Gin…did he…"

"Not that I know of," he answered my unfinished question. "I'm sure there will be a meeting about his actions sometime today though,"

For the first time in over a week, I felt alive. My blood was pumping fast in my veins just at the mention of orange hair. Could Ichigo really be alive? And here for that matter, with a group nonetheless. I knew of no other being that had orange hair or a Zanpakuto as long as their body. There could be no mistake, but I needed to find out for sure. Then I remembered I was still being held prisoner…my whole plan crash landed.

"I have other news as well,"

I nodded my head and urged him to go on, "What is it?"

"The execution date for Rukia Kuchiki has been moved up, less than fourteen days from now. The use of the Sokyoku has been approved, and for that result, she has already been moved to the Repentance Cell."

"The Sokyoku?!" I shrieked out in shock.

That didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Why would they use the Sokyoku on Rukia, a Soul Reaper not even Captain class? Her crime was the unauthorized transfer and subsequent loss of her Soul Reaper powers and then refusing to return to the Soul Society. The use of the Sokyoku was too harsh of a punishment for Rukia's actions. It just didn’t make any sense! But that's when I realized one little detail Toshiro mentioned…

"What do you mean Rukia's execution date? What about me?" I asked my best friend hesitantly.

"That’s the thing…" was all he said and I became a bit concerned.

"What’s the thing?" I asked cautiously.

"You're being pardoned on all your charges. Meaning, you're free,"

I felt as though I was just doused with a bucket of cold water. I was pardoned? I was free? I could leave here without any further punishment? I was half expecting Rangiku to pop through the door and yell "Just kidding! Fooled you, Akane!" but that didn’t happen.

"Did you even get to plead clemency for me?" I inquired, and my answer was the shake of his head. A definite no.

None of this made sense. Why would the Central 46 all of the sudden change their minds about my sentencing? They never change their minds. Once a decision is made from them, its final. Nothing more would persuade them from changing their minds. But why now? Why pardon me now after I've already been sentenced for over a week? My thoughts were whirling with never ending questions, questions that I had no answers to.

I was brought out of my thoughts at the sound of the cell door being opened. I stared at the open door like it was a poisonous snake, ready to strike at me if I stepped out of my cell. Toshiro walked into my cell and pulled out a clean shihakusho from the folds of his, and my red ribbon and set them on the now upright chair. Still in my shocked state, I watched as he released the handcuffs from my wrists and I dropped them to my sides.

Just as I was about to speak, I was interrupted by an announcement as it echoed around the Seireitei.

"Attention all Captains, attention! Please assemble and report for an emergency meeting immediately!"

"I need to go. I trust you can see yourself out?" Toshiro spoke as he headed out of my now open cell door.

"Y-yeah," I shakily replied as he left the room completely.

I then fell to my knees, completely drained. All of what was just spoken loomed over my head ominously. Ichigo (possibly) being alive, the movement of the execution date, Rukia and the Sokyoku, my freedom…

I sat there and let all my powers come back to me. After having my powers being sealed off for so long, I felt as though I was going to pass out as they all came rushing back at me. I knew I wasn’t completely at my 100 percent, but I needed to get ready and prepare for what's to come.

Ichigo or not, whoever it was trying to get past the gate and invade the Seireitei, just one losing attempt wasn’t going to stop them from trying a second time, except this time a different method. It had been one day since the group tried to invade, today they would bide their time, and then tomorrow they would try once more.

I all but groaned at the announcement I just received as a I walked along side Rangiku. A Lieutenants meeting. 

I adjusted my Lieutenant's badge on my left upper arm and then proceeded to retie my red ribbon in my hair. 

My poor ribbon was nearing its last days. The thing was dirty, frayed at the ends, and tattered. It was only a matter of time until it finally snaps and breaks.

I had only been released from my prison cell for about 2 hours and my freedom has spread like wildfire. The whole Seireitei had practically been informed of my innocence and I've been getting visits and congratulations from various people and I had downright had it. I took it upon myself to go into hiding in Toshiro's office with Rangiku, who begged me to tell her about my adventures in the World of the Living - leaving Ichigo out of it, completely. She told me of the things that took place here, none all that exciting. And I finally got to see my baby kitten, who grew a bit since the last time I seen him, and I learned that Toshiro named him Hyou. I thought it fit perfectly, seeing as he did look like a little panther, even with his patches of white fur.

"Conference Room 2, huh?" Rangiku spoke up with a huff.

"How much do you wanna bet that there really isn't going to be anybody there?" I grumbled out.

She whined and slumped her shoulders, "I'm not going to bet you, because I already know you're right. Things have become pretty hectic around here since yesterday."

Nearing the doorway to the conference room, we could hear three prominent voices that I recognized. Renji, Tetsuzaemon, and Momo. I scowled at the thought of Renji. I was still pretty miffed at him and at his over display of cockiness and self-righteousness he showed in the World of the Living while battling with Ichigo. I was very tempted to give him a good kick in the head for being so, so…HIM. He did need to be knocked down a few pegs though.

Rangiku brought me out of my thoughts as she slid the door open and spoke to the three occupants. "The Lieutenants are scattered, working hard all over the Soul Society. It might take a half a day for everyone to gather; and to make matters worse, our Captain cant be reached at all!"

I watched as Rangiku grumbled to herself as she walked into the room and took a seat at the table in the center of the room. I leaned myself against the wall beside the door and scowled. "Which is why its all the more reason to skip this meeting…"

Renji blinked and then turned to me with a questioning gaze. "Who exactly is yours and Rangiku's Captain again?"

Before I could answer, Tetsuzaemon spoke up in my place. "You know, young Hitsugaya,"

"Ahhh," Renji said in realization. "Not that little genius, and I thought I had it rough,"

I growled and launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his head in a deadlock. "Don’t insult our Captain, you stupid monkey! Toshiro is an angel compared to your stick-up-the-ass Captain!"

There was a snarl from Renji as he tried to dislodge me from his being. "What did you say, you little runt?!"

"Hey, Renji, Akane?" 

We stopped our thrashing around and turned to look at Momo, who was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest. Still latched onto Renji, I smiled at one of my childhood friends, and asked, "What is it, Momo?"

"You haven't seen Captain Aizen around, have you?"

My eyes softened at her question and I let Renji go, landing on the ground with my two feet. Ahhh, Momo was so in love with Sosuke it almost made me sick with happiness. The girl basically worshipped the ground he walked on.

"Sorry, Momo, I hadn't gotten the chance to leave my Division until I got the announcement to this meeting. So, no, I haven't seen Sosuke yet," I gave the girl a small smile.

"Ahh, no. No, I-I haven't," was Renji's response. 

I looked at him with narrowed eyes. He was stuttering and looking away from Momo, small signs of lying. Renji met my narrowed eyes with a shake of his head, telling me not to bring it up. So he had seen Sosuke. Then why would he lie and say he hadn't? It was something to think about.

Momo ducked her head down and eyed her lap with a sad look in her eyes, "I'm worried; he's been acting strange lately. I ran into him just this morning and asked him if anything was wrong, because I was concerned, but he didn't answer. I don’t know what to do."

Renji sighed and leaned on the wall next to her curled up form and spoke reassuringly, "It'll be alright, it's nothing to worry about. My guess is that even the summons will be cancelled before much longer,"

I set a gentle hand on Momo's shoulder and gave her a grin, "How about this? I'll pay Sosuke a visit soon and see what's up. Maybe I can get something out of him!" 

Her teary brown eyes looked up at me and she nodded, a small smile coming to her face. I looked back at Renji who had this frown on his face and a faraway look in his eyes. I wanted to know what he and Sosuke talked about. It must have been something strange and personal, because Renji was acting very distraught over whatever it was.

A small part of me though didn’t want to know what would have been talking about. Mostly for the fact that I've had enough surprises for one day…

My eyes snapped open at the sound of the echoing alert around the Seireitei. "Red alert, red alert! The Seireitei has been breached! All Squads report to battle stations immediately!"

I shot up quickly from my futon and dressed myself.

Yesterday, true to Renji's words, our summons to the Lieutenants meeting and the Captains meeting had been cancelled. So I took it upon myself to train a bit, talking to Toriomaru was greatly missed in my time of imprisonment. I spent some time with Toshiro and Rangiku, and I hadn't got the chance to talk to Sosuke for Momo yesterday, so that would have to wait for another time. 

This morning though, not even 20 minutes ago, Toshiro came into my room and informed me of his Captain's meeting he had to go to and I sleepily waved him off, seeing that it was still partially dark out. Looking out my window now, sunrise was starting to peek over the Seireitei walls.

Rushing out of my room, I met Rangiku on the way towards outside the barracks, and then we stopped outside our Division. The lower ranked officers crowded behind us, constant chatter erupted among them. We all stared up at the bright, blue ball of light that was heading straight for the barrier membrane that surrounded the entire Seireitei, even below ground.

When the ball of light hit the membrane, there was a shattering clap when they connected, static charge electrifying out. The light did not break apart when it landed, but it still didn’t breach through the membrane, it was just being held there. That's when the sphere of light pushed through the membrane with a pop and that’s when the sphere shattered apart.

The whole display was very flashy, that I must admit.


That’s when things in my brain clicked. Kukaku Shiba immediately came to mind at the scene before my eyes. The only person I know of that knew where to look for Kukaku Shiba and where she lived had to be Yoruichi and Kisuke. The latter being here was impossible, my sister on the other hand…

So the reports were true then (or at least they had to be), Ichigo had been here to invade with a group, one of them being my sister. I felt this sort of elation from inside me at the thought of Ichigo being alive and my sister being here, to finally see her after over a 100 years. But then I was immediately angered at the thought of Ichigo being here after Rukia and I had told him not to come after us. I should have known he wasn’t going to listen.

That’s when I seen four balls of yellow light streak across the sky, all each going North, East, South, and West. I let out an annoyed sigh at the prospect of searching for the orange-haired idiot or my sister. Although I knew I shouldn’t be surprised, I knew this wasn’t going to be a walk in the park.

With all the surprises I've received in the past 24 hours, I knew I should have been expecting at least one more. 

I let out a smirk and shook my head, "My orange star sure took the cake on this one though,"

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