Full Dark, No Stars {CrEePyPa...

By LastMinuteCosplay

6.6K 193 89

What happens when the CreepyPasta's find out that there is a new member to their team? Well I can tell you no... More

Ch. 1 Bailing Out
Ch. 2 A New Member of The Creepypasta's?
Ch. 2 pt. 2 A New Member of The Creepypasta's?! UH NO THANK YOU~ Jeff
Ch. 3 A red stroll around the park
Ch.4 Those Perverts!!
Wattpad problems ;-;
Ch.5 Be Strong...
Ch.6 Pancakes
Ch. 7 Getting All those Shots!
Ch. 8 Jeff's "Date"
Ch.9 Yukine? What Exactly Are You?
Ch.10 Long Talk about You Know Who..
Ch.11 Truth
Ch. 12 Zalgos Meeting
Ch. 13 Monster...
Ch. 14 singing duet!
Ch. 15 Lazer lights
Ch. 16 The Battle Begins!
Ch. 17 Still fighting
Ch. 18 A Surprise Visit
Changed the Pic and Title once more!
Ch. 19 Talk between Jeff and Yukine
Ch.21 He's missing -_-
Ch. 22
Ch.23 Don't Let Go of The Last String

Ch. 20 Mistake

109 4 0
By LastMinuteCosplay

***Jeff's POV***

I go back to where everyone is to see Slenderman.

"Where is she? Why isn't she back with you?" Slendy asks. I ignore him and push past him. I just want to leave here right now. I'm pissed off and I want to be alone for a while. I wave them off and start to walk to Slendermans invisible portal. I then walk through it and I'm now in a other state. It's dark and stormy here, I don't put up my hood, I just let the rain start to soak me. It felt good. I continued walking till I found an exit out of the woods which lead me to someone's backyard..

***Yukine's POV***

I watch as Jeff leaves. After what we just argued about made my stomach into a knot. I grabbed my red jacket and slipped it on, along with my bloodied up mask. I went over and kicked over Jeff's dresser as if his room wasn't already a mess. After my little rant I decided to leave. I walked out of the destroyed mansion and went the opposite way that the others were. I know Slenderman may get worried or angry that I didn't come back, but I really don't want to deal with them, and expecially Jeff. I'm about had it with that ba- I mean....
I lift up my hood as I find one of Slendy's portals. Well I actually almost tripped over it. I stare at it for a minute till it hits me- No I'm not kidding. A rock flew out of no where and hit me as if I wasn't having a bad day already!

"What the heck?" I whisper and look around. I look up into the trees to see someone trying to hide.
"Come out! I know your there!" I yell out.

"No you dont! Y-you *tick* didn't see a-a-anything *tick*" The person up in the tree says. There's then another rock thrown at me. I let out a curse under my breath and pick up the rock he through. I then throw it and it luckily hit him, making him fall out of the tree. I walk over to the crumbled up person and lightly kicked his back.

"Hey, get up." I told him. He turned around and saw me. I saw that he had goggles on, brown messy hair, and a hood. He slowly got up and rubbed the back of his head.

"H-hi I'm Ti*tic*cci Toby." He said holing out a hand.

"I'm Yukine." I said and shook his hand. I then walked away, heading for the portal.

"W-wait!! Don't leave me!" I heard him say behind me. I sighed and kept on walking.

"Sorry Toby, but I just want to be alone for right now, so go back to the others. You can bother Masky.." I said. Once I said Masky, I could hear him start running off behind me. I smiled once I found the portal once more and I quickly thought of where I wanted to go.


I then went through the portal and I was teleported to somewhere sunny, but I was still in the woods. I could see a clearing about 10 feet away, so I ran.
Once I got into the clearing I could see that I made it to a play ground. Kids swinging on swings, others running around playing tag and other stuff. I smiled. I walked through the play ground and got onto the side walk. I walked till I got to a sign.
'So if I'm on main street, then my house should be close..' I thought and started to jog.


Once I got to my house I saw another car there, a car that wasn't use to be there. I went up the drive way and crouched down so they couldn't see me. I then went over by a window and looked inside. Inside the house looked so different then it use to look. People where in there talking and watching football. I then ducked and went over to another window. Inside was the kitchen, it still looked the same, although there was this guy in there with a beer laughing with his other friends.

"Who the hell is that?!" I hear one of them yell. I look over to see one of them has spotted me and is pulling out his phone probably calling the cops. I panick and stand up looking left and right. Finally my brain starts to work normal and I run for it. In the distance I hear the cops going to my house.
I turn a corner and see another cop car slowly stop. I then run faster as they realize it was me and they started to follow.

'How long are they going to chase me?it's not like I robbed the house!' I told myself. I then ran into someone making me fall on my butt and they did the same. I rubbed my head and looked up, only to be met with a familiar cold blueish white eyes.

************************_______________________to be continued in next chapter ____________________****************************

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