Nude » h.s (#Wattys2016)

By qveendom

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"There is a little bit of devil in her angel eyes." [Book 1] // © 2014 Qveendom. All Rights Reserved. |... More

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e p i l o g u e
r a d i s h


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By qveendom


In the night she's dancing to relieve her pain, she'll never walk away.❞


[Angel's POV]

~ two days later ~

"Angelina, are you ready?" Gizele asked excitingly as she entered inside the dressing room. I nodded my head as I put on the red high heels she had chosen for me and stood up straight, trying not to fall on my butt. It was difficult for me to walk on them, but she insisted that it was needed.

Gisele smiled as she observed by body, looking at me up and down and then she approached me. I started feeling quite uncomfortable as she did that. I still hated the idea of having to wear those provoking lingeries and dance in front of men, I didn't want to be here. Just thinking about where I was two days ago and where I am now made me want to cry with how pathetic my life became, I was with Harry and I was happy, now I was back in the Dollhouse forced to be a Doll again and do what Alexander wanted me to. I hadn't heard about Harry and I didn't know if he was still in the police station, Alexander avoided my question and he didn't tell me what happened. Many scenarios were running through my mind and I didn't know what to believe. Had he really killed someone? I haven't seen Ethan since I came here and I was beginning to grow anxious. Harry said he didn't kill him, so what was going on?

"Angelina, are you okay, my dear?" Gizele asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. She took my chin between her fingers and tilted my head up to look into my eyes and a frown took over her features. She looked truly concerned and that moment I felt myself breaking down slowly. My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes and I blinked letting them fall freely down my cheeks.

"I feel awful, Gizele. I'm in pain and I'm scared. I don't know what to do anymore." I confessed. She immediately wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a warm hug. I cried quietly and she rubbed my back softly, whispering comforting words in my ear.

"I know, love. I know." She said. I shook my head, pulling away from her as I wiped my tears and collapsed back on the chair.

"You don't know, Gizele." I stated. She gave me a curious look, running a hand through her short red hair and then kneeled down in front of me, placing her hands on top of mine and giving them a tight squeeze. Her hazel eyes studied me intently and a small sigh left her lips before she spoke again.

"I know you don't want to be here, Angelina. Unfortunately, though, you can't change a thing. Personally, I don't know why Alexander wants you so much, but he wants you to be here and work for him so you're going to do it. You can't escape hell, Angelina and you can't escape from the devil... He will always find you." She told me.

"I have accepted that, Gizele. The reason why I'm like this isn't just because I'm back in the Dollhouse. I'm hurt and scared because I messed up everything and now I don't know what happened to Harry!" I said in frustration. Gizele's eyes widened and she blinked a few times as she took in what I just told her. I hadn't told her about Harry or what happened, but I couldn't keep everything inside me for much longer. I needed to talk to someone and I needed her help.

"Harry as in the Harry Styles that took you from here three months ago? The womanizer, mysterious and cold hearted Harry Styles?" She asked, emphasising each word and I nodded my head. "What are you talking about? Please, tell me that it's not what I think it is." She asked in shock. Her voiced was laced with venom as she talked about him and I wanted to tell her that he wasn't who everyone here thought he was. He was different.

I glanced down at my hands, lowering my head and letting my long hair cover my face as I cried again. A soft sob escaped my lips and I brought my hand up to my mouth to muffle the sobs that followed. I felt so useless and weak, I was broken. The only person that I wanted to love me hated me, he had said it himself, yet I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him. I missed his kisses, the way he touched me and the way he looked at me-- I missed staring into his emerald coloured eyes. Gizele shook my hand lightly and I lifted my head up, revealing my tear stained face. I took a shaky breath and parted my lips. "I-I'm in love w-with him." I whispered. Her expression changed immediately and her hand let go of mine as anger took over her calm features.

"Love? What do you mean you are in love? You can't possibly love a man like him, he is a killer. You don't even know him, Angelina! How can you fall in love with someone in only three months? You are just a girl, you don't know what love is!" Gizele yelled, standing up quickly and pointing a finger at me in disapproval.

"And you do? You know what love is?" I asked her raising my voice. I didn't like the way she reacted, the way she talked about Harry like she knew him and I certainly didn't like the fact that she talked to me like I was a kid. I knew what I felt about Harry and it was as real as it could get. She folded her arms over her chest and opened her mouth to speak, but she said nothing. She couldn't reply to my question, she didn't know. "Love is caring about someone else deeply and unconditionally. You can't think about anything else and you worry about them when they are not around. You are willing to sacrifice everything to keep them safe, even your own life. Sometimes it makes you selfish and sometimes it makes you stupid. That's what love is Gizele and I'm in love with Harry." By the time I finished speaking she was looking at me with surprise and awe. She wasn't expecting me to talk like that to her and to be honest neither was I. I didn't know where all that courage came from, but I was proud of myself that I said it. I was tired of people treating me like this, I could think for myself and I could stand up for what I believed. I wasn't the small girl that Alexander found in the alleys, I was a grown woman.

"A-Angelina, I don't know what to say." She said truthfully. "How?" She asked in a whisper.

"It just happened, I guess. He cared about me, he didn't use me like Ethan did and he made me happy. But I ruined everything, Gizele. I did something stupid and I didn't tell him the truth because Alexander threatened to kill him. I did it to protect him, but when he found out he got mad and... and now I think I lost him. I don't even know what happened to him Gizele, I have a bad feeling." I informed her. She pursed her lips together, looking deep in thoughts.

"What do you think happened?" She asked curiously.

"When he learned that I lied to him and that I kept in contact with Ethan and Alexander he went to find Ethan and they fought. The last time I saw him he was being taken away by the police. They accused of murder, but it can't be Ethan. He promised me, Gizele, he didn't kill him. Harry is not a killer." I told her.

"Ethan? I haven't seen him around lately." She gasped, placing her hand over her mouth as her eyes widen. She shook her head. "You think he is dead?"

"I don't know, but as I told you I have a bad feeling about this. Alexander told me that Harry killed someone, but the last person he was with was Ethan and he said he didn't kill him. They had simply fought. If he is dead, then someone else killed him and they framed Harry." I told her, pacing around the room as I tried to think of what could have happened. The more I thought of it the more true my theory seemed. Who could kill Ethan? Why was Alexander so calm about it? Had he planned this?

"Wow! This is some messed up shît. I feel like I'm in a movie or something. Do you really think that someone would go this far? Why would they want to frame Harry?" She questioned me, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

That's exactly what I wanted to learn too.

"That's exactly why I need your help here, Gizele. I have to find out what exactly happened to Ethan and what is Alexander planning." I told her, taking some steps closer to her. "Can you help me?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and walked over to the counter taking a cigarette out of her purse and turned to look at me as she lit it up. " Of course I will. It's not like I have to lose anything and besides your talk about love touched my tiny heart. I just hope that your Harry is innocent." She replied, placing the cigarette between her lips. I smiled widely at her and was about to go and hug her again, but she brought her hand in front of me, stopping me. "No more crying and no more hugs for the time being. I hugged you once to comfort you, don't push it. I'm supposed to be the tough one here." She said in a cool tone, releasing some smoke into the air through her mouth and I nooded. She laughed.

Don't push it, Angelina.

"So what exactly are you going to do?" I asked her.

"Don't worry about it, I have my ways. I have been in this place for a long time, I know how to find information around here. You should probably do your make up now since you ruined it, the show starts in fifteen minutes and Alexander has informed everyone for your appearance. The men are ecstatic to see you dance for them tonight." Gizele said, taking a puff from her cigarette. A shiver run down my spine at the thought of having to dance for all the filthy men that would be here. It was better that having to sleep with them, but still uncomfortable.

"I don't want to do it. Just thinking about it makes me feel disgusted." I exclaimed, resting my hands onto the counter as I stared at myself on the mirror. I didn't like what I saw, I looked like the other Dolls... Slutty and cheap.

"You know my answer, Angelina. Don't make him angry, just do it. You will do fine, I taught you the main moves, besides it's not like they will focus on your dancing. They are here to see you." She stated sadly and patted me on the shoulder, making her way out of the dressing room and leaving a trail of thick smoke behind her.

Let the show begin.

* * *

Lights... Bright lights were focused on me, almost blinding me. The room was dark and I couldn't see much from the stage, I didn't dare to glance down at the crowd of men following my every move with lustful eyes just like predators. The air in the room was filled with smoke and smelled like alcohol and sweat, making it hard for me to breath-- suffocating me. The loud music was blasting from the speakers and it was making my heart beat fast with adrenaline.

He sang a song when he did it
He was cold and he was so unforgiving

I stared up at the tall pole in front of me. A cool breeze hit my body, causing me to shiver with goosebumps covering my bare legs, arms and waist. The tiny piece of clothing I was wearing didn't help with how I felt at the moment. I was embarrassed.

Now she dances to the song on the minute
Yeah, all the time, all the time

I took a deep breath and placed my shaky hand on the pole, gripping it as I walked around it seductively, trying to do what Gizele had taught me. I shut my eyes as I blocked everyone from my view and wrapped my smooth legs around the pole. I climbed up a bit keeping my legs tightly secured around it and I carefully let my upper body fall back. The possibility of falling down and embarrassing myself even more was always at the back of my mind and so I held tightly the pole. My hair was falling in wild waves behind me and I moved my waist slowly to the rhythm of the music.

In the night she hears their calling
In the night she's dancing to relieve the pain
She'll never walk away

I unwrapped my legs from around the pole and slid down until my feet touched the ground and I danced on the small stage, swaying my hips as I ran my hands over my body and hair...going down. I shimmied to the floor and I reached my hand up gripping the pole again, pressing my back on it. The men cheered and their voices filled my ears.

In the night when she comes crawling
Dollar bills and tears keep falling down her face
She'll never walk away

I grinded on the pole as I made my way up again. I bended my body backwards, getting the pole between my legs. I held onto it with one hand as danced around it and flipped my hair to the side. Money were being thrown on stage and men were whistling at me. At that moment I made the mistake and glanced at the crowd beneath me for the first time since I started dancing. Dark blue eyes stared right back at me, so intensely that it took my breath away. He had a look of triumph and satisfaction on his face and he was smiling wickedly at me, threatening me with his eyes to continue dancing. Alexander nodded his head and then he stood up from his chair, walking away from the room.

It made her weak when she hear it
And it got her on her knees like religion
She was young and she was forced to be a woman
Yeah, all the time, all the time

Unwanted tears started appearing in my eyes and I turned by back to the crowd of men, trying to block my face from them as I continued dancing to the music. My legs were shaking slightly as I twirled my body slowly around the pole, then I swiftly grabbed the pole again and grinded my way back down.

In the night when she comes crawling
Dollar bills and tears keep falling down her face
She'll never walk away

My body grinded, twirled and bended as I danced all the floor.

I don't think you understand

I don't think you understand

I don't think you understand

I crawled next to the pole. I lay back on the flood and moved my hips around as the music started fading. Tears were streaming down my face, sweat was forming on my forehead and my breaths came out short as I stayed there with my arms and hair spread all over the floor.

I don't think you understand...

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply as the stage went back and they could no longer see me. Some of them shouted in protest and other simply clapped. Relief washed over my body-- It was finally over.

I stood up quickly and run out of the stage, wiping away my tears as I went backstage were are the other Dolls were, dressed and ready to get on the stage for their show. I kept my gaze on the floor, avoiding their judgemental and jealous looks. They didn't want me here because they thought I would steal their fame, but I didn't care about that. I didn't want their fame, what I wanted was my life back.

I spotted Gizele at the back talking with another woman and I approached them as I wrapped my arms around myself. I was feeling cold and the clothes I was wearing barely covered anything. Gizele's eyes met mine and she clapped her hands, smiling proudly at me.

"Oh my god, Angelina!" She exclaimed. "That was a nice show. You learn fast. The crowd went crazy for you, they loved you."

"I don't care." I was quick to reply. I walked past her and grabbed a robe from the wardrobe, pulling it over my expose body. I wrapped it around myself and pushed my hair out of my face. I heard her footsteps behind me.

"I'm tired of this, Angelina. Like it or not, you are here now and you can't do anything about it. Alexander owns you now and you are a Doll, just like the rest of us. You will be here for a long time so I suggest you start behaving like one and built a reputation for yourself. That's the only way you will survive this." She said raising her voice at me. She placed her hand on my forearm and turned my body around so that we were standing face to face. I didn't back down.

"Did it ever cross your mind that I don't want to survive this? I'd rather kill myself than go out there again and do what I just did!" I yelled, causing some of the other girls to gasp. They were all looking at me curiously, some were whispering and Gizele narrowed her eyes at me, mentally telling me to not speak like that again. Her grip tightened around my arm and she guided us both out of the room and outside into the long corridor.

"Don't say that again. I'm not letting you do anything stupid, Angelina. Got it?" She said sternly at me, raising her eyebrows.

"Why keep fighting when I now that I won't win. It's pointless." I whispered, pressing my back on the wall.

"What if I told you that I learned something about Harry?" She questioned and my eyes widened.

"What did you learn, Gizele?" I asked her, urging her to speak.

"Well, is still held in the police station and he is not accused of only one murder, Angelina. They say he killed two people, one of them being Ethan." She informed me. What?

"How? This can't be happening." I rubbed my temple, feeling overwhelmed with all the new information. Ethan was indeed dead and Harry was acussed for two murders.

"It wasn't hard to find out about this. The newspapers and the media are going crazy, everyone is talking about it. Harry hasn't said anything, though, nor has his lawyer." She replied with a sigh. "Look, Angelina, maybe he isn't as innocent as you think he is. Maybe in his rage he really did kill Ethan."

"He didn't!" I snapped at her, raising my voice a bit. She groaned in frustration throwing her hands in the air.

"And how the fück you know that? It's not like he would come to you and tell you he killed him, he's not stupid but you are for believing him!" Gizele said.

I wasn't going to argue with her any further, I knew that I couldn't change her mind about Harry. She would never believe that he didn't kill them, but I knew that he didn't. He told me that he didn't and I believe him, there was sincerity in his voice. Alexander was involved in this, he was the one behind everything. He is playing with our lives and we are the muppets in his game for power and revenge.

How could one person do all those things? How could one person be so evil and not care about anyone or anything? He didn't hesitate to let Ethan get killed and he didn't seem sad about his death. How could he put someone to kill the person that stood by his side for so many years? Ethan trusted Alexander blindly and he payed for that with his life.

Gizele approached me, but I stepped back and started walking towards the opposite direction from the dressing room. If Alexander thought that he would win this, he was wrong. I knew what he wanted and I wasn't going to give him that.

"Where are you going, Angelina?" I heard her asked me, but I ignored her and quickened my pace as I walked towards Alexander's office.

I soon reached the dark wooden door and I was glad to see that his guards weren't outside his office. I was about to knock on the door, but when I raised my hand and prepared myself to do it, I stopped. I cleanched my fist and placed my hand on the doorknob instead, opening the door and bursting inside. This was no time to be polite.

"Alexander, I want to talk to you." I said confidently as I stepped in the office. Alexander was standing in front of his desk with his arms folded in front of his chest. His expression was hard, but when his eyes landed on me a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Angelina, that was an amazing show out there. Everyone loved it." He exclaimed, his voice was laced with amusement.

"I'm glad you liked it, Alexander, because you won't see me do it again." I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head as he pointed a finger at me.

"Oh but Angel, you will and there is nothing you can do about it. You are mine." He emphasised the word mine and he looked deep into my eyes, expecting me to get scared by his intimidating tone. I didn't. I took a step closer to him and held my head high.

"I won't! I know the reason you want me Alexander and it's not only because you want to take revenge on my parents, you want my wealth, the one that I will inherit soon." Alexander's eyes widened in surprise, I caught him off guard. "What? You thought that I wouldn't find out about it? You can't fool me anymore Alexander, I know what you want and I will never give you what's rightfully mine." I told him. Anger took over his features and he walked towards me, his eyes were darkening.

"I can take whatever I want, you stupid girl!" He yelled, extending his hand out and gripping my arm tightly.

"I'm giving you nothing, Alexander. Nothing. You can kill me if you want, but you still won't lay a finger on my money." I said through gritted teeth, trying to mask the pain that his strong grip was causing. I had to be strong.

"Listen here you-" Alexander started to say but he was cut off.

Suddenly the sound of hands clapping filled my ears and the door which I had left open closed, causing me to flinch. Someone else was here too. I frowned and turned my head to look at the person behind me. I felt my blood run cold as his cold brown eyes scanned my body and I parted my lips in pure shock.

I hope you didn't forget about Daniel ;) sorry for those cliffhangers, but I had to end it there because I have to study. I'll try to update soon.

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