My boyfriend's dad {ON HOLD}

By loveabby

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What happens when your boyfriend's dad is perfect for your dad? Well that's happening to Niall Styles 17 . Hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Not an update A/N
Chapter three
Chapter four
Not an update
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not update really really sorry
Important news
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Character ask
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The reason why
Chapter 17
My Apologize
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas special
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

20 0 0
By loveabby

I'm back with another chapter. The picture up there or on the side are the outfits the guys and the girls are wearing. Also the video is the song Sheala is listening to in the morning. Zoey's outfit is the same expect the purse. Well I'm done here enjoy

*Monday morning*

Sheala's POV

UGH school. I don't wanna school. Stupid teachers, stupid people, stupid gym class, stupid changing, stupid health watching babies being born. The good part about school stuff is...MUSIC PRODUCTION CLASS!!!! Yep.

I wake up and start to play the song the Lean and Dabb by iHeartMemphis and play it on repeat. I brush my teeth and then go take a shower. I then take my clothes out and then put them on. I put my blue watch on, my galaxy vans hat, my diamond earrings, LA necklace, my nerd glasses, and white, light blue, pink sneakers on. After the struggle of putting them on I put my makeup on. I go on Instagram and scroll through my feeds a bit then grab my headphones and vans Galaxy backpack and go down stairs and play my music.

Zoey's POV

AHH SCHOOL NOOO I DON'T WANT IT. I just want to lay in bed especially today. But, I know if I ask to stay my mum would say no.

I get up and play Break The Rules by Charli XCX on repeat. I don't really like her but this song is just perfect for Mondays so I play it now on. It was playing during one of my favourite shows The Royals. I literally love that show. But anyways time to brush my teeth. I take a shower. I get out and get my clothes. I put on my silver heart necklace, and my black, gold, and white high tops. Lastly I change my phone case from a black rose to a diamond case with black skulls. If you noticed I love black. I'm not gothic I just love black. Like every outfit I wear it has to have black in it. After I'm done I notice I have no time to go on YouTube. Should've woke up earlier. I hurry and grab my headphones quick and my black roses vans backpack. I get downstairs playing music.

Zayn's POV

It's Monday already. Why is it here already. It's suppose to be Sunday. But whatever I'll deal with today.

I get up and play American Idiot by Green Day on repeat. This song makes me get ready fast. I really don't know why maybe it's the bass and the drums together. Well anyways I brush my teeth and then take a shower. I get out and shave. I get dressed in a red v-neck shirt, dark khaki pants that tighten a bit around my ankles, a grey beanie, then dark red vans. I get my dark brown belt because Lil Z and Shea hates when boys sag their pants so it's either I want her pulling my pants up when she sees me or I wear a belt. So I always wear a belt. I put my gold watch on and then I get my black sunglasses and put them on my shirt. I sit on my bed and watch some YouTube videos. After like ten minutes I get up and get my dark blue vans backpack. And go downstairs paying my music.

Zabrina's POV

FINALLY SCHOOL!! I've been waiting for it to come. I'm going to see one of my friends Amy Adams. She was the first girl I met.

I get out of my bed and play One Call Away by Charlie Puth. I like this song because I like how it's soft and smooth. Well now it time to take a shower. After I get out and then brush my teeth. I get dressed. I put my brown laced up high heels. I put my make up on. I get my beige purse and put my extra make up in. You know for emergencies. I lay on my bed and scroll through Facebook. I like some of my mates from England. After ten minutes I get up and grab my headphones and pastel pink jansport backpack. I go downstairs playing my music.

When I get downstairs I noticed Sheala, Zayn, and Zoey have vans backpacks. I feel left out. We all were playing our own music. They were all different. Sheala was listening to a song I've never heard before.

"Sheala?" I ask

"Yes?" She replies

"What's that song your listening to?" I question

"Oh it's called Lean and Dabb by iHeartMemphis" She says

"Um Okay well really hope you like it?" I tell her

"Thanks I love dancing to it to." She says

"Alright time to go to school you four!" Mum says

"Alright mum love you." We all say to her

We all get kisses on the cheek by mum. We get into Zoey's car and get to school.

Harry's POV

"NIALL TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!" I yell from downstairs

"IS LIAM HERE?" He yells back

"NOT Y—"


"YES HE IS." I yell back

I open the door and see my sexy boyfriend.

"Come in my love." I say

He comes in and leans in and gives me a peck on my cheek.

"I thought you were going to work today?" I ask him

Niall comes downstairs and goes to Liam.

"Hey love." He says to Liam

"Hey baby." He say leaning down pecking his cheek

"You ready?" Liam asks

"Yes I am. Alright dad I'm going to school, don't have sex in my bed you two." Niall says to me and Louis

"Oh shut up and go to school. See you when you get home. Love you." I say to Niall

"Love you to Liam." Louis says

"Love you to dad." They say in unison

They walk to the door and leave.

I look at Louis.

"So what would you like to do now?" I ask

"Well...first I want to do...this." He says and leans in

He kisses me and I kiss back. Our lips move in sync. He places his hands on my hips while I place my arms around his neck. He licks my bottom lip. I let him invade my mouth and explore it. After one minute we pull apart.

"Is that better love?" I ask

"So much better." He says

"So what do you want to do?" I ask

"Let's watch some tv." He says

"Okay." I say grabbing his hand and walking to the living room.

We sit down and I cuddled into him and we turned on the tv and just watched The Royals. We never watched it. It was interesting.

*3 hours later*

We have watched every single episode of this show. We've gotten up only four times. Bathroom breaks and food breaks. In the middle of the episode there was a breaking news story. It said 'Lakeside High School has been on lockdown due to a school shooting!'

"Oh my gosh Lou that's the kids' school!" I yell jumping

"Okay Haz! Please calm down and let's go to the car and drive there." Lou says

"Okay, Okay, Okay I'm calm can we please just go cause those kids are like my own." I tell him

"Okay let's go." He says getting up and placing his hands on my hips

"Good let's go." We run to the car and hurry driving.

Zabrina's POV

Oh my god I am so terrified there is a shooter in the school. I am in the worst place to be. The bathroom. Out of all the places in the school I'm in the bathroom. It's okay Zabrina use breathe. In and out, in and out. Someone is going to get you wh—


In and out, in and out, in and out, be quiet to so the person doesn't hear you. I start to breathe fast but not loud. I wish I had my phone on me so I can text someone. I am so so so terrified.
Zabrina be calm this will be all over soon.

Zoey's POV

I AM LITERALLY SCREAMING IN MY HEAD. ZABRINA IS TOTALLY NOT SAFE. SHE IS IN THE BATHROOM. I was walking in the halls coming from my normal class to go to Zabrina's I know it hers cause me and her have the same schedule just her's are AP classes. But anyways when I was going I saw her and asked where she was going and she said she was going to the bathroom. So I said okay and went to her class and as soon as I was just about to leave I heard a gun shot. I got so scared so many questions were going through my head. But the top one was 'Is Zabrina okay?' I know I acted really shitty to her but she is by birth my other half I mean she is my twin. I feel bad that I was acting so shitty to her. I was even planing to apologize to her today at lunch. Which was after this period. I texted her multiple times. But after 10 of them I was hearing vibration and then I saw her purse. She didn't have her phone with her. I literally softly yelled 'Are you fucking kidding me?' I am so scared for her, my sister, both my brothers, and Liam. I'm so scared right now. Please god I know if I pray to Jesus he won't do anything. So please God help us through this scary time I want both my sisters and brothers, make that everyone here safe and come out alive. I beg you. Now all I have to do is try to be calm.

After 30 mor minutes I hear doors open and then a lot of shuffling and yelling. Then I hear someone yell.

"It's safe you all can come out this is the Chief of police we caught the shooter."

I feel a bit suspicious but I feel mostly relief. I open the door a crack and I see a man wearing a black officer uniform with the badge. So I open the door and walk out. He nods at me. So then I run to the bathroom that Zabrina was in.

"Zabrina?" I ask

"Zoey?" She asks back

"Yes it me." I say "Where are you?"

I see a stall door open. And there she is shaking. I run to her and hug her so so so tightly, so happy she is alive.

"Zabrina I am so happy you are alive." I say tearing up

"Really?" She asks

"Yes speaking of that. Zabrina I seriously apologize for acting so shitty towards you. I just feel so bad. And no I'm not saying this cause of what just happened. I really was planing on saying this to you today at lunch. So please can you forgive me?" I ask

"Of corse, so now are we good?" She asks

"Of corse we are so now let's go and see Uncle Haz and Lou and mum." I tell her and placing my arm on her shoulder and walking out.

"Wait Uncle Haz is here?" She asks

"Yeah." I tell her

"Oh my god I miss him. But who's Lou?" She asks

"Oh that's—" I try to say

"Is that his girlfriend?" She asks

"Wow you sure missed a lot. Lou is short for Louis—" I try again

"Louise?" She asks

"No Louis it's short for Louis Zab" I say not noticing I gave her a nick name

"Zab?" She asks

"Huh?" I ask

"You called me Zab." She said stoping us

"Oh sorry if you don't—" I try

"No it's fine now all I have to do is give you one." She says

"Gonna be hard I have so many nick names." I tell her

"My twin." She says

"Okay." I say "Well let's go out and see our family."

"Okay." She says

We walk out the school and all I see is mum run towards us and giving us the tightest hug I've ever had.

"M-mum c-can't b-reathe." We say in unison

"Oh I'm sorry girls. I'm just so happy my little angel and devil are okay." She says

"Angel and devil?" Zab asks

"You're her angel and I'm her devil. You're sweet I'm sour. You're nice I'm mean. You're soft I'm hard. We are complete opposites yet we are the same." I explain

"Oh I und—" she tries

I feel arms around me and they are to tight. I look who it is and see its Uncle Haz.

"Uncle Ha-z c-ant breathe." I try to say

"Oh sorry." He says

"Uncle Haz did you know I had a twin?" I ask

"Yeah I held her and you." He says

"When was the last time you hugged her?" I ask

"When your dad was taking her to England." He tells me

"We'll look to my right Unc." I say

He looks to his left and sees Zab. His mouth just dropped. He looked between me and her multiple times.

"Oh my god Zabrina is it really you. Is that really you?" He asks her

"Yes it's me Uncle Harry." She says

"Oh my god it's been so long how old are you?" He asks

"Uncle Haz?" I ask

"Yes?" He replies

"How old am I?" I ask

"You're 16. Why do you ask? Ohhhh!" He realizes

"Your still the same I can see." Zab says

"Yeah alright well Zabrina I want you to meet someone." Uncle Haz says walking us to Lou

"Lou this—" he tries

"Zabrina?" Lou asks

"Louis?" Zab asks

Ooh cliffhanger I wonder what's going to happen next. Well anyways I tried my best it's just that my iPad is glitching to much towards the end. Well I hope you enjoyed it. Love you all!!!!


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