Have No Emotion, Show No Weak...

By jacksgibbs_cas

40K 1.4K 145

Connie Beauchamp, leading consultant in her specialist field, cardiotherasics and now, clinical lead of the E... More

Painting Over the Cracks
Making Her Presence Known
Bad Day
Wrong Decisions
Looking Up, Maybe
An Unforgettable Day
A Hard Goodbye
Beauchamp's Back
Pushing Boundaries
Trying Not To Fall
Beautiful Nightmare
Not So Strong After All
Wounds Heal and Cracks Show
Broken Hearts
The First Date
Some Things Happen
Birthdays and Sleepovers
Say Something
Lost Hope
Dead End
I Love You
Phone Call
Safe and Sound
Asking for Help
What Happens In Vegas...
Jet Lag
Happy Girl
A Family
What's Wrong
No Air
Just The Two Of Us
You Don't Want Me?
Always About You
Long Nights
An Afternoon With My Girls
6 Month Scan
Take A Break
Small Surprises
Little Things
Today's The Day
Baby Boy
Our Perfect Life
I Do
A/N ~

It Takes Time to Heal

614 20 0
By jacksgibbs_cas

Weeks had passed since the department had said their goodbyes to the cheery paramedic. Ethan was recovering well and was close to being able to return to work. Dylan was having some counselling sessions as he was struggling to not blame himself for the death of Jeff.

Lily was returning to normal, shutting things out but managing to remain human unlike others. The only person who seemed to be able to get Connie to drop all her barriers was Alicia. Since the accident they'd found a huge comfort in the others company meaning they were together more often than not. Connie couldn't deny that she was thankful for Alicia yet she still found it hard accepting everything she felt.

Despite many attempts made by Jacob to be by her side, Connie managed to refuse and push him away every time. She knew she felt things for him that weren't something she was used to but ignoring them seemed like the easier option. Charlie had noticed the extremely icy facade directed towards Jacob and decided to bring it up with her if he ever got the chance.

The shift was already a long and difficult one for Connie as she was snowed under with paperwork however had the motivation of a tired 2 year old. "Mrs Beauchamp, are you busy?"  Connie looked up to see Lily and Alicia in the door of her office. "Well that depends on your definition of busy..."  Connie indicated to the paperwork she was swimming in before waving and getting them to come in. "What can I do?"

Alicia seemed to struggle with saying anything as they sat on the sofa beside each other. Connie got up from her chair and leant against the table to face them. "Has something happened?"  Lily was first to finally speak up. "Nothing's happened, it's just... It's nothing, really. I should get back to work."  Lily quickly got up and left the office before Connie could stop her. Instead she sat beside Alicia and tried again. "Is everything alright?" 

"It's just hard when it's quiet... I mean whenever we stop, don't have anyone to treat, all I can think about is the accident.  It's always there, it never goes away and I don't think I can do it anymore-" Connie let Alicia collapse into her side while trying to comfort her. Connie couldn't deny that it was all that was ever on her mind too.

"If you're that bored you can help me with all this... I'm going to be here a while anyway!"  Connie had expected Alicia to get up and leave but instead she stayed there. "If it gets my head away from everything I'll do it."  She smiled briefly as Connie laughed a little moving to her desk.

Several hours later Rita walked the department wandering where the women had got to. As she passed the nurses station she could see through Connie's window to where Lily and Alicia were sitting sorting through piles of paper. At first Rita became annoyed at the clinical leads laziness before noticing Connie also in there. They seemed to be talking with smiles on their faces and it was the first time Rita had seen that since... Changing her mind she walked away from the door and left them to it.

Several hours later and Alicia hadn't thought about that day since she came into the office. "So come on there must be someone you're interested in... You and Cal seemed pretty close before-" "Believe me Dr Munro when I say there is NOTHING there." Alicia smiled as she finished yet another pile of paperwork. Picking up another she laughed causing Connie and Lily to look at her. "What's so funny?"

Alicia picked up a piece of paper catching Connie's attention who leant forwards from where she was to grab it. Alicia moved it backwards causing Connie to fall. She scrambled up and reached out again as they both laughed. "Oooh Mrs Beauchamp's receiving love letters and I bet I know the handwriting!" Alicia laughed giving in and letting Connie take the piece of paper back.

The three girls moved to sit on the floor, spreading out the various documents. "So seriously... How about Jacob?" Connie raised an eyebrow "Staff Nurse Masters? Really?" "He's obviously into you..." Connie looked up at Alicia before Lily spoke up. "Please tell me you knew that. Everyone else knows it anyway!" Connie could feel her cheeks flushing a crimson colour as Alicia's grin grew. "You did know, do you feel the same? Oh my god have you two-" "No. No!" "You so have-" "Okay something might have once, but it was one time and it's not about to happen again."

"Why not?" Connie sighed thankful for someone knocking at the door. "Come in!" Charlie opened the door to a site he hadn't been expecting. "Sorry... I didn't know you were all in here with this. I was wandering if you wanted to grab a coffee quickly?" Connie looked to the paperwork before Alicia spoke up. "I think Lily and I could do with a break ourselves..." Alicia spoke up not wanting Connie to feel as though she had to babysit them because they couldn't forget things. "Alright, I'll be right out Charlie."

Moments later Connie was sitting on a bench outside wrapped in her white coat cradling a cup of coffee with Charlie. "So you looked like you were having fun back there-" "Ooh yeah, sifting through months of paperwork has been the highlight of my week." They laughed as Charlie corrected himself. "I meant with Lily and Alicia. You've really made a difference with them you know. I know Alicia appreciates everything you've done. She never stops speaking about how much you've helped her out, I think someone's jealous of the time she gets with you..."

Connie moved the cup from her lips before looking at Charlie knowing who he was referring to. "Charlie-" "Give him a chance. You never know you might enjoy yourself." Connie rolled her eyes finishing her coffee before they wandered back inside.

Approaching her office Connie noticed that it was empty and all the paperwork was gone. Instead she could hear laughter from the staff room. "Dr Munro do you care to explain what's going on?" Connie looked at all her paperwork across the staff room. Robyn and Lofty were up at the table, Lily and Ethan on the floor with Jacob opposite them and Alicia on the sofa. All of them were sifting through the paperwork putting it all into piles. "Mrs Beauchamp I just thought if more of us helped you'd get done quicker... I mean if you wanted to take it all back I'll move it now."

Connie walked in and sat beside Alicia letting a breath go slowly. "I just wanted to say thanks for what you've done... Do something to help you, you know-" "Thank you Alicia, you don't need to thank me though." They smiled at each other as the conversation soon picked up again. Connie found herself more involved than she thought she would be. It was a strange feeling but soon enough it felt comfortable.

Rita had joined them sometime ago as had Zoe. They had all finished their shifts yet they stayed on, sorting and ordering pieces of paper with Connie. As they came to an end Connie thanked them all. "I really appreciate this. As a thank you how about dinner next week, my treat?" It was something she never saw herself saying, ever. But soon enough they'd all agreed. Maybe there was more to Connie than she liked to show everyone...

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