Skinny Love - Larry Stylinson

By dalouisbooty

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Harry Styles, member of the famous boyband One Direction has it all. The fame, the money, the love, the atten... More

Skinny Love - Larry Stylinson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

875 24 1
By dalouisbooty

Hey guys! Here's a chapter for you! Another filler type chapter sorry about that. If they're fillers I still try to make them cute despite it being an early chapter in the story. Also I'd like to take a moment to say RIP to Cory Monteith an actor I absolutely loved. I loved him and his work and I'm so upset to see him go. I'm also praying for Lea Michelle as she was going to get married to him in two weeks. My prayers also go out to the family of Talia Castellano as she passed away this morning. She was battling cancer at only 13. I'm so sorry for everyone's losses and please enjoy my chapter.

I'd like to see one vote and one comment for next update please and thank you! :) 


Harry's POV

The next day was another day off, thankfully. Louis and I just stayed home and relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. Currently, we were laying down on the couch watching a movie called Tangled. It was a little kid movie and Louis begged me if we could watch it. Of course I gave in because I always do and to my surprise I actually really like it so far.

During the middle of the movie, however my phone began to ring. I sat and listened to it ring for a few seconds until Louis paused the movie. He looked over at me expectantly,

"Aren't you going to answer that?" He asked.

I sighed, "Yeah, I'm just so lazy." I groaned standing up. 

Louis chuckled as I walked passed him to get my phone. As I passed him I felt him smack my bum. I yelped but continued walking to get my phone. Louis just laughed as I approached my phone that was on the kitchen counter. I saw it was Liam.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Harry, what's up?" Liam's voice chimed through the phone.

"Nothing, just watching a movie with Lou, what do you need?" I asked.

"Well you do remember that it's Niall's birthday next week right?" He asked.

I paused. Was it really September already? I looked at my phone's date and in fact it was September, shit how could I forget?

"Um... no?" I said unconvincingly.

Liam laughed, "Yeah I thought so. Lucky for you I remembered and how about we throw him a party or something?" Liam asked.

"Yeah what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"I'm not really sure but you worked in a bakery so you can bake the cake." Liam said.

I groaned, "Can't we just order one?" I asked.

"No this way it's more from the heart." Liam said.

"Liam personally I don't think he gives a shit, he'll eat it anyways." I said bluntly.

"Well I'll take care of the party if as long as you and Lou take care of the desserts, and make lot's of them because there will be a lot of guests." He ordered.

I groaned a bit loud to show how annoyed I was. I didn't want to bake a cake, let alone a whole dessert platter for probably fifty plus people. Now he was pushing it.

"Okay well Louis isn't helping you know that." I said reffering to how sucky a cook Louis is. 

"Fine, I was thinking a surprise party. I called just to give you a heads up, I'll see you soon bye Harry!" Liam said.

"Bye." I hung up and walked back into the living room.

Louis was laying down on the couch where I left him and playing on his phone. I plopped right next to him and he put his phone down.

"Who was it?" He asked.

"Liam." I answered.

"What did he want?" Louis asked.

"He told me I was in charge of making desserts for Niall's birthday party next week."

"BIRTHDAY? PARTY?" Louis exclaimed.

I chuckled, "Yeah I forgot too." 

"What are you going to get him?" He questioned.

"That's a good question, I'm not sure." I whispered.

He chuckled, "Neither am I..." Louis said grabbing the remote.

"Well tomorrow we can go to the mall or something?" I suggested.

"Sounds good!" Louis said unpausing the movie. 

We continued watching the movie until Louis wouldn't stop moving. He first started to move alot towards the end of the movie. He just kept shifting and wouldn't stop and it was quite annoying. Every five seconds I heard him shifting once again.

"Louis?" I asked.

He stopped moving and looked up at me. 

"Why do you keep moving so much?" I ask.

"I'm cold." He pouted.

Sighing I scooted over to him, I grabbed him and put him on my lap. I put my hands on both of his arms and rubbed up and down trying to get heat to spread around his body. I do that to myself when I'm cold; just rub my arms to get the heat back in me. Maybe if I did it to Louis he would be warm.

He leaned back into me and rested his head on my chest. After rubbing his arms for a while he said,

"Haz, you can stop rubbing my arms, you are already really warm." 

I blushed but didn't answer him although I did stop rubbing his arms. He turned around to look at my face, darn it, he probably saw my blush.

"Hey I never said it was a bad thing. Your body is just naturally really warm, I don't need you rubbing my arms." He said smiling. 

I smiled back and wrapped my arms around his waist trying to get back to the movie. Eventually Louis began to play with my hands that were resting on his tummy. After a few minutes of him playing with my fingers, I hear him chuckle lightly.

I couldn't help but laugh with him, "What?" I asked.

He grabbed one of my hands and held it up in front of him, "You have big hands." He said.

I laughed as he put up his palm up to my palm to compare the size of his hand to my hand. It really was bigger compared to his and I couldn't help but chuckle again. 

"Sorry." I mumbled.

He smiled back at me and before I put my hand back down he put his fingers in between my fingers and put our hands back on his tummy. Smiling to myself, we watched the rest of Tangled, holding hands. 

Soon the movie was over, I had to admit I really liked that movie. I was making fun of Louis for picking a little kid movie, but it was actually really enjoyable and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I don't know if I'd admit that to Louis though, he wouldn't let it go if I did. 

I thought Louis fell asleep during the movie but I guess not considering he began to stretch on my lap. I was going to say something when I got interuppted by thunder. He jumped from the sudden noise and I chuckled while I tightened my arms around him. 

"It's okay Boo just thunder." I reassured.

He smiled and turned around in my lap. He was straddling my waist as I leaned against the couch. He began to play with my fingers once again. Every once in a while I would feel his fingertips brush against my finger, my palm, or my wrist. 

"What do you want to do now?" He asked quietly.

I heard the rain splash against the windows and the roof. I've always enjoyed the rain it was so calming and peaceful. Probably my favorite weather there is. 

I shrugged.

"Well the rain kind of limits our choices anyways." He grumbled.

I just smirked at him in return as he rose an eyebrow, "What Curly?" He asked rubbing his fingers through my curls.

He tugged at a little curl as I spoke, "Wanna go swimming in the pool?" I asked.

He snorted, "In the rain?" He questioned.

I wiggled my eyebrows, "Why not?" I asked.

He shrugged and before he could protest, I secured my arms underneath his legs and rose from the couch. Out of instict Louis quickly wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder. Our chests were pressed together as I walked us upstairs.

"Why do you want to go in the pool so bad?" He asked. As he asked this I felt his lips scrape across my neck a few times and it made me shiver. I bit my lip from surpressing a moan, but why would I moan? I need to get my emotions in check because lately my body and mind have been giving me mixed signals about Louis. 

Fixing my composure I replied, "Who doesn't like to swim in the rain?" I asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

He just shrugged but continued to latch on. Halfway up the stairs I lost my footing and I almost tripped but I regained my balance. Louis shrieked and whispered in my ear, "Drop me and you're dead." He warned.

I just chuckled in response as I led him to his room. I placed him on his bed and turned to walk out. 

"Get changed into a bathing suit." I said as I shut the door behind him.

I walked to my room to get changed into my bathing suit as well. When I was younger I used to love to go in the rain and just swim. It was a lot more fun to swim in the rain, it was different and pretty cool if I do say so myself. 

I rummaged through my drawers and found my blue swim trunks. I don't use them often but I might as well use them now. I slipped out of my clothes and changed into my trunks. I looked in the mirror and observed myself. I looked at myself and frowned, I've always wanted a tattoo because I looked so bare. My chest and my arms are so plain and unlively, and not interesting at all. I want tattoos but I don't know what of and if I'll regret them later. Sighing I ruffled my curls and pushed them up to the side.

Walking out of my room, I knocked on Louis' door. Without waiting for a reply I walked in and saw Louis standing there with his face to the mirror. He was wearing his white swim trunks and no shirt. Subconsciously I found myself staring at his back. I let my eyes linger across his back bones and biceps, I didn't notice I was looking at them until he turned around so I was staring at his chest. He had a very tanned chest and I felt something burn inside me.

"Haz?" Louis asked.

I snapped my head up from his chest and I blushed. He just smirked knowing I was just checking him out. Luckily he didn't mention it as he grabbed a few towels.

Why am I suddenly having all these weird feelings for Louis? I've never experienced feelings like this before so I don't know exactly what they are. Lust? Want? I'm not sure, and it's quite strange because I never felt anything more for Louis. It was always out of pure messing around, but now that I'm being completely honest what changed? What has caused these confusing feelings to arise.

Stopping the internal battle with myself I took the time to reply to Louis, "Yeah?" I asked.

"You okay? You seem a bit off.." He questioned as he took a step towards me.

He seemed to be studying my face, looking for any type of emotion that would give away what I'm thinking. I looked at his blue eyes and felt myself getting lost once again. Thankfully I caught myself before I sunk into the blue ocean known as Lou's eyes and said,

"Yeah no I'm fine Lou. Let's go." I said walking out of the room. 

I heard him shuffle behind me down the stairs. I opened the patio porch and as soon as I stepped outside I got soaked from head to toe. This isn't like the rain storms I've experienced, this one was a lot more severe. I could barely hear myself think over the roaring thunder. 

I looked back to see Louis staring at me like I'm nuts. He hasn't even stepped a foot out of the house. 

"Are you okay Haz?" He chuckled.

I smiled at him through the rain. I had to blink a few times because a few rain drops got in my eye. "I'm fine Lou, just come on!" I said reaching for him.

He shook his head out of disbelief, "You're a weird one Haz." He said, but he stepped out of the house none the less.

We walked over to the edge of the pool and I dipped my toe in to check the temperature. It was freezing.

"Why does it matter? We're already soaked anyways, just hop right in!" Louis yelled over the thunder and rain splattering against objects.

I turned around to see him with his arms folded across his chest. 

"It's freezing in there!" I exclaimed.

"Well of course, it's september and you want to go out in the rain! It was your idea!" He reminded me.

Without a second thought Louis reached over to me and quickly gave me a huge shove and within seconds I was in the water. The cold water surged my whole body as I hit the bottom. Quickly I shut my eyes and kicked off the bottom of the pool only to resurface. I could hear Louis' laughter over the thunder and I rubbed my eyes. I opened them to see him laughing on the floor by the edge of the pool.

"You think that's funny?" I asked chuckling.

He nodded laughing, "Very." He got out in between a laugh.

Smirking I swam to the edge of the pool and heaved myself out. Despite the cold and my shivering body I made my way over to Louis.

"Oh no, don't you come by me." He warned putting his hands out.

I smiled at him, "Lou" I called sweetly. "Can you give me a hug?" I asked smiling nicely opening my arms wide, approaching him more.

He laughed, "Oh no Harry, you can stay over there while I go inside." He said scrambling up from the floor. 

Before he had time to run away I attacked him by wrapping my arms around his shoulders and securing him in a tight hug. He began to scream and he tried to squirm out of my hold. I began laughing as he continued on trying to escape.

"Sorry Lou." I said while edging over to the pool.

"Let go!" He yelled.

I laughed in return as we got to the edge of the pool he gasped. He looked at me with a sad face and I almost listened to him. I know if I didn't act quick, I would give in. So without a second thought I pushed Louis and I both into the pool. Before we hit the surface I heard Louis yelp and latch onto my neck.

Once again my body hit the cold waters and it felt like my body went into a paralyzed state. I opened my eyes underwater. It was a bit blurry but I could make out the picture of Louis struggling to swim to the surface. I felt a slight bit bad so I grabbed his hand so I could lead him upwards. I felt a shock go from my hand and through my arm as I grabbed onto Louis. I would've thought about it but I just assumed it was from the water's temperature. 

I tugged us to the surface and gasped for breath. Oxygen once again filled my lungs and I felt relieved. I kicked my legs around to keep me floating in the water where it was too deep for me to touch. I looked over to Louis to see him regaining his compsure while clinging onto my arm.

"You dick!" He gasped in between breaths.

I laughed as a thunder rolled once again. A few seconds later a lightning bolt flashed across the sky.  Suddenly I felt pressure on my head and I went underwater. I realized Louis was dunking my head underwater. I grabbed his hands off my head and went back to the surface.

"What do you think you're doing Lou?" I asked ammused.

"It's freezing!" He yelped.

I chuckled, "I know, but that's the fun part. Chill out, you'll get used to it in like two minutes." I said.

"Fine but you're giving me a piggy back ride." He pouted as he swam over to me. 

He swam behind me and immediately wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I didn't have to support him considering the water did that for me already. 

For the rest of the night we joked around and just had fun like old times. Time quickly passed and soon we were both exhausted from swimming.

"Wanna go back inside?" Louis suggested.

I noticed it stopped raining we were just having too much fun to notice. 

"Sure Lou." I said walking out of the pool.

I wrapped myself around a towel dried myself best as I could. Louis walked up behind me and I turned around to hand him a towel as well. He quickly dried off and wrapped it around his shoulders.

We both went inside our flat and sat down in the kitchen. 

"Want food?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm so hungry!" He whined sticking out his bottom lip.

I walked over to him and ran my fingers through his wet hair. I felt his hair slip in between my fingers and he shut his eyes and leaned against my hand.

"What do you want to eat Boo?" I asked softly.

He shrugged, "Pizza?" He asked sweetly.

I chuckled, "Alright pizza's great." I said walking over to my phone.

I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked over to the fridge. I found the magnet that had the pizza place's number. I ordered one pizza and set the phone down on the counter.

"Hey Lou, I'm gonna take a shower before the pizza comes real quick alright?" I asked.

"Yep!" He said playing on his phone. 

Wanting to shower before the pizza guy gets here I run upstairs and shut the bathroom door behind me. Quickly I strip out of my wet swim trunks and turn on the shower. I make sure to put it on a warm temperature because I've been freezing ever since I went outside. 

I stood under the water for about two minutes just standing there thinking. 

Throughout the whole time we were swimming there was only one thing I was thinking about. It was about my confusing thoughts towards Louis.

It started like what... a few days ago? Normally I could touch Louis without feeling this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I could talk to him without getting nervous and I wouldn't over think every little action he does towards me. It's all different now and I don't know why. It's like one day I woke up and everything changed.

My biggest problem is figuring exactly what these feelings are and how to push them away. I just been trying to ignore everything. Ignore all these feelings and weird feelings of outbursts. I've been seeing Louis in a different way.

I have a feeling that I know what I am feeling but I'm too afraid to admit it to myself. I don't even want to think about it because what if it's true? 

Shaking my head I began to put some shampoo in my hair. I quickly rinsed it out and washed my body with a bar of soap. Rinsing everything off I turned off the shower and dried myself. I pulled on a pair of boxers and ran back downstairs.

I walked in to see Louis sitting on the counter. I noticed that he already had showered? How long have I been in the other bathroom? Was I really taking that long, that Louis can enter after me and finish before me? 

I noticed he was just wearing a towel around his waist. I stared at his torso and trailed my eyes along his stomach and biceps. There was still droplets from his shower lingering on his body which made me want to pounce on him right then and there. I looked up to his face and his fluffy hair was currently wet and dripping over his forehead.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the door bell. I jumped and looked at Louis. He was smirking at me, damn it. He must've noticed I was full on checking him out.

I need to get my feelings in line, and figure out how to prevent them or push them away quick or I'm in some deep shit.

AN: Remember one more and vote and one comment is all it takes for next chapter! xo 

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