Summer Breeze

By walkerfan

13.9K 240 5

Paul had just finished wrapping up the movie Takers and was ready for a getaway. He booked a hotel room for t... More

The meeting
The Meeting Part Two
The Meeting Part 3
Making A Date
The Date
The Perfect Day
Earl's Crap
The First Time
The Next Steps
The Question
Becoming Part of the Family
California Fun Put on Hold
Author's Note
Shocking Beth
The Last Of Earl
Goodbye Ohio
Come and read

Meeting Paul's Family

556 10 0
By walkerfan

Elizabeth was not nervous until they stepped off the plane. Paul notices and takes her hand as they walk out of the terminal. About that time they see a flash from a camera and notice a group of media people. This only makes Elizabeth even more nervous and very self conscious. Paul smiles and leans down to whisper in her ear. Then he hands her a hat and sunglasses and puts on his own as they head towards the luggage area.
While waiting for their luggage Paul's brother Cody sneeks up on them and grabs Elizabeth from behind scarring the crap out of her. She screams which sends people starring and Paul rushing to her side. He smacks his brother in the back of the head for his practical joke.

"Dude Cody what were you thinking bro? Elizabeth is all ready nervous enough about being in a strange state and meeting you guys. Now you try to give her a heart attack?"

"Sorry bro. Sorry elizabeth I was just trying to help you feel like part of the family." He says with a killer Walker smile and a hug

"Its okay Paul kind of warned me a head of time about you, so no big deal." She says smiling back

"Well here's our bags. Are ya ready to go?" Asks Paul as him and Cody grab their bags

"What if I said no? Would that make a difference?" She asks trying to smile

"No" Answers Cody

Paul just smiles grabs her hand and starts toward the exit "relax Beth Cody is the only one who bites in this family."

"Hey I resent that comment."

"Yeah well take it up with mom later."

An hour later they are pulling up to a beach house. Paul gets out and opens the back door for Elizabeth. She gets out looking at the house in aww. Cody elbows Paul and smiles at his brother. "I think she likes it.". He says helping with their bags.

Paul walks up and puts his arm around her waist. "There's a lot of people in there ready to meet you. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Cody walks by them and says something smart that sends Elizabeth blushing. Paul walks up behind him and smacks him in the back of the head as he opens the door and grabs Elizabeth's hand to pull her into the house. They sit their bags down by the door as they hear laughing and glasses clinking in the kitchen.

"Is it to late to go back to Ohio and it just be the two of us again?". Asks Elizabeth looking scarred and in the verge of a panic attack

"Yes. I love you Beth and so will my family and fast family.". He says kissing her. He takes her hand and they follow the sounds of more laughter to the kitchen.

As they walk into the kitchen Elizabeth notices that everyone is there. Cheryl, Paul III, Amie, Ashlie, Caleb, Meadow, Vin, Ludacris, Tyrese, Jordana and Michelle. They all stop talking and turn around as the three of them walk in. Vin walks over and gives Paul a hug then turns his attention to Elizabeth.

"Well this must be the girl who has captured my brother's heart. It's nice to finally put a face to a name. Welcome to California and to the family." He says and hugs her

"It's nice to be here, and and to finally meet all of you. Paul has told me so much about all of you guys."

"All good I hope.". Says Caleb coming up to hug her

"Yes all good."

"It's so nice to finally meet you Elizabeth. Whenever Paul has called or texted he tells me all about you." Says Cheryl which sends Elizabeth into blushing

Elizabeth is greeted by everyone and the party starts back up with Vin and Paul cooking on the grill, and Elizabeth helping the women make sides and desserts.

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