Shocking Beth

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They all walk into Elizabeth's room and find her sleeping. The nurse motions for them to be quiet, but just about that time Elizabeth wakes up. She looks around frightened and doesn't remember where she is.

"Paul Paul." she cries out moving her head and body all around looking for him. Paul walks over to her and takes her hand, and she stops moving around.

"Shhhh shhh Beth I'm here. Calm down your going to work yourself up and rip something out."

"Rip what out? Where am I?"

"You don't remember what happened?"

"I remember being at the mall with Amie and Ashlie. We were paying for a really cute teddy that Ashlie talked me into getting to keep you from having a heart attack from our spending spree. Then I remember getting sick and telling Amie I needed to go to the hospital. i don't remember much after that. What's wrong with me?"

"Your appendix burst and they had to do emergency surgery on you when you came in, but the good news is you are going to be fine and we have antibiotics in your IV. The Dr also says your baby will be okay to as soon as the antibiotics get into it's bloodstream." Says the nurse

"What? I'm not pregnant. I think you may have someone else's chart with the same health issue."

"No honey we did an ultra sound and this is your chart." Says the nurse writing something on it

"Paul tell her I'm not pregnant." Says Elizabeth looking at Paul who is just looking off into space "Paul is is is she right? Paul answer me."

"If you are finished with her could you please give us some privacy?" Asks Vin of the nurse

"Sure. I'm sorry I thought she knew." Says the nurse as she walks by Vin

"It's okay. They both just found out, so they are in shock. Not a good way to find out you are about to be parents." Says Vin

The nurse walks out shaking her head.

"Is it true?" Asks Elizabeth

Paul sighs and looks at Elizabeth "Yes it's true. The Dr. says you are around four or five weeks. Making the baby due in April."

"Oh My God. I should have made you bring me to the hospital this morning when my stomach was still hurting. I'm so sorry."

"For what Beth?"

"For lying about about how bad I really felt. Oh God I could have killed our baby. Oh my God we are having a baby. Paul I'm sorry." Cries Elizabeth

"Beth sweetheart it's okay. You didn't know. I'm not mad. I am shocked though."

"We were so careful though always using protection. How?" She wonders "Paul?"

"Yes Beth?"

"Do you want our baby? I mean Meadow is all most completely grown. Are you ready to start over and what about your career? How would we do shared parenting with your schedule and how am I going to finish school?"

Paul doesn't know how to answer. Vin clears his throat. "Pablo can I see you in the hall a minute?"

Paul and Vin walk out into the hall. "Bro Elizabeth needs you right now. But at the same time she doesn't need you to sugar coat how you feel. So either way tell her the truth. Now do you want this baby? Do you truly love Elizabeth? And can you be there for her as she heals from the surgery and deals with her emotions of a baby coming from the first man she ever gave herself too, because your answer can make or break her feelings for you and this pregnancy. So I am asking you all these questions now, because she will ask them too."

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