The Perfect Day

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At eight Elizabeth is up and feeling well rested, she slept hard that night.  She walks into the kitchen puts on the coffee and turns on her workout video.  Something she has been doing everyday for the last six months regardless of the time of morning.  Half way through her workout her home phone rings.  She pauses the video and answers it.


"Good morning Elizabeth I hope I'm not waking you up." Says Paul

"Oh no I have been up for almost an hour. I was just doing some exercising before drinking some coffee." She answers

"Well that is cool, so is it a bad time for me to pick you up for breakfast?"

"No, but how about I make you my famous French toast, eggs, bacon and coffee?"

"Mmmm now that sounds good." He says laughing

"Well come on over then. I'm apartment 1C. I'll leave the door unlocked.  I've got 10 more mins of my exercise video to finish up, so I will be getting in the shower afterwards. Just come on in."

"Sounds good.  See ya soon. Bye."

"Bye Paul."

Elizabeth finishes her video and runs to get in the shower.  She decides to shave while in there, so she can wear some capris.

As Elizabeth finishes her shower Paul walks into her apartment.  He smiles as he looks around.  She's definitely not the typical girly girl that he would fall for.  The model cars, hot wheels, and match box cars far out number the teddy bears, stuffed animals and knick knacks sitting around.  He walks around the living room and notices that her car of choice is a 67 mustang Shelby fastback, and she even has a small scale model of Eleanor from Gone in 60 secs. an exact replica of Dom's Dodge Charger from the Fast and Furious movies, and Brian's Toyota Supra from the first Fast and the Furious.  He catches the scent of soap, and turns around to see Elizabeth walking down the hallway brushing her hair.  She's fixed it and it falls just at her shoulders.  He also notices that she has put on makeup.  He finds himself staring, because she really is cute.

Elizabeth looks up in time to see him smiling his sexy grin and she wonders what the heck he is thinking.

"Hi." He manages to say

"Hey I see you found me okay."  She says

"Yeah. I like the car collection." He says smiling

"Thanks my mom hates it.  She says I need to be more like a girl."

"I like you just the way you are."  It falls off his tongue before he even knows he says it.  That causes both Paul and Elizabeth to blush.  Then sends them into laughing.

"So did you mention famous French toast, bacon, eggs and coffee earlier?"  Paul asks

"Yes I think I did mention something along that line Mr. Walker."  She says smiling

"Mr. Walker?  Well Miss Baker what do you want me to do?"  He asks with his sexy grin

"You can set the table and then get me all the ingredients."

"Yes ma'am Miss Baker."  He laughs

30 mins later Elizabeth is frying up bacon singing to one of her favorite Shania Twain songs as Paul is dipping bread into the egg and secret ingredient mixture for Elizabeth.  She turns around to grab another piece of bread from Paul, but finds herself bumping into his chest instead.  She looks up to apologize, but gets taken off guard when he leans down and kisses her on the mouth.  She kisses him back.  He pulls away first and smiles.

"I'm sorry." He says

"For what?"  she whispers

"Kissing you just now, but I've wanted to do it since the walk at the lake yesterday."

"No need to apologize I enjoyed it."  She smiles, but soon finds herself kissing him again.

They stop kissing when the fire alarm starts going off indicating that their food is burning.  They start cracking up and open the sliding glass door to air the place out.  An hour later they have cleaned up their mess and finally make breakfast.  They sit at the table talking about what they want to do that day.

"How about horseback riding?  I saw a place in the town over when I was driving in the other night."  Asks Paul

"I've never ridden a horse, but would love to learn.  Sounds good to me."  She says smiling

30 mins later they are on the freeway heading to the horse barn.  The kisses shared between them are not forgotten, and both of them are thinking about how much spark there was between them.  Paul smiles to himself, because he likes the fact that he can be his self around Elizabeth and he doesn't have to act like a huge egotistical actor in her presence.  Elizabeth relaxes as they get off on the exit they need.  She is happy that for the first time she can truly be herself around a man who likes her for who she is on the inside and not what she looks like on the outside.  Yesterday when he had made the date with her she was thinking he had only done it because he had felt sorry for her, but the kisses he gave her earlier shows her that he truly likes her, and didn't just feel sorry for her. 

The day goes by fast between the horseback riding and the very nice dinner that Paul surprises her with.  When Paul pulls up to the apartment neither one wants the day to end.

"Would you like to come in and maybe watch a movie or play a game or something?" 

"A movie would be nice."  He answers

Ten mins later they are sitting on the couch watching Batman the Dark Knight.  About twenty mins into the movie Paul scoots his way next to Elizabeth who is so engrossed in the movie she doesn't notice until his arm is around her, and he is whispering in her ear that this is nice and he is starting to really like her.  She turns her head to answer him back, but is met with a kiss that is more deep and passionate then the ones from this morning.  It takes her breathe away and her heart starts racing as Paul's hands travel up her sides and graze her breasts.  He starts to push her back on the couch as he lays her head down on the arm gently.  Elizabeth gently pushes him back.  He looks at her confused.

"I.....I.....I'm sorry Paul I can't......I mean I've never done this before.  Can we please slow down some and take things slow?"

He smiles down at her "I like you Elizabeth a lot, and I do not want to do anything that will scare you or make you uncomfortable.  I would like to take this slow.  All the others I've ever dated were just out for the 15 mins of fame or to see how good I was in the sack.  I forgot that you are so different from those girls.  When and if you are ready for that is on you.  I respect that, but I have just one question will you be my girlfriend?  I know we have only known each other two days, but I feel so connected to you."  He says

Elizabeth's mouth falls open and her heart leaps for joy.  She has wanted something like this for so long and she feels the same way that Paul does.  And here is the one guy she has always wanted it to be lying half on her asking her to be his girlfriend.  She closes her eyes takes a deep breathe and shakes her head yes with a big grin on her face.  Her smile is met with his lips on hers again.

"I'm so happy." He whispers in her ear

"I am too."  She whispers back

They watch the rest of the movie cuddled together.

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