Earl's Crap

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The next couple of weeks fly by with Paul picking Elizabeth up and dropping her off at work, and then picking her up after work, so they can spend time together.  It is on one of the days that Paul decides to stay, so he can have lunch with Elizabeth that he has his second run in with Earl. 

Earl walks in with the same group of friends, but doesn't see Paul because of where he is sitting.  He sees Elizabeth waiting on a couple, so him and his friends sit in a booth where he knows she will be waiting the table.  Elizabeth notices them sit down and looks at Paul who has seen it too, but goes back to reading his book after sending Elizabeth a quick wink.  Elizabeth walks over to the table to get their orders.

"Morning fellas what can I get you to drink?"  They all mumble coffee so Elizabeth goes to get it.  When she comes back with their coffee she takes their orders, and that's when Earl starts in on asking her out again.

"So Liz I see pretty boy isn't around, so how bout you and I go for that ride now."

"Sorry Earl I have a boyfriend, and I'm not gonna be available anymore."  She says smiling

"Oh come on who would want to date you?  Your just saying that, because you are afraid to admit to yourself that if you went out with me you may enjoy it."  He laughs

"No Earl that's not it.  I am very much dating someone, and this guy treats me with respect.  He doesn't say he likes me then downs me for my weight and other stuff."  She says

"Well now who is this mystery man?"  Hisses Earl. About that time Paul walks over and puts his arm around her.

"I am the mystery guy. Do you have a problem with my girlfriend Earl?"  He asks in a hiss

"As a matter of fact I do.  I've offered her a relationship for the last five years and she always turns me down.  Then some pretty boy comes along and after only being in town for three weeks asks her out and to be his girlfriend, and she hops on like it's no big deal.  So whatever bitch, I'm through with you and your fat ass.  If you want to mess around with someone who only wants a piece while he's in town that's your business.  You pretty boy don't play with niave girls hearts."  he screams and walks out of the café.  his friends apologize  and quickly leave without eating.

"You just peed a lot in his Wheaties, but I have a feeling that's not the last you two will see of him."  Says Mary

"I think you're right."  Answers Paul

That evening while making dinner for her and Paul Elizabeth's mind keeps going back to what Earl had said.

"Hey Elizabeth.  Hello!"  Paul says waving his hand in front of her face

"Huh oh I'm sorry.  What were you saying?"  She asks blushing

"I wasn't saying anything.  Is there something wrong?  You've been off ever since our run in at the café with Earl."  He replies

She looks away, and turns back to the stove.  Paul walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.  She turns around so she can face him, but won't look him in the eyes.  "It's just Earl's comment about you wanting me for just a summer fling really got me thinking."  She says

Paul lifts her face so that she is looking up at him. "Do you think that is all I want? Just a summer fling with you?  Elizabeth I want more than just that.  These last three weeks have been the best I have had in a very long time.  I am not going to just come into your life take something from you, and just walk away from you.  I want more.  I want you even after I leave here.  Whether we do a long distance relationship or you possibly moving out to California with me.  I am falling in love with you Elizabeth.  Please give me a chance to prove that to you."  He pleads with those baby blue eyes.  He leans down and kisses her with so much passion and eagerness that it takes Elizabeth's breathe away.

She pulls away from their kiss with tears in her eyes. "Yes Paul I will give you that chance."  She whispers and is met again with his lips on hers.

Later they are cuddled up on the couch watching Gone in 60 seconds.  Paul is absently rubbing his hand up and down Elizabeth's thigh.  She looks up at him and smiles, and he looks back at her with a big cheesy grin.

"What?" He asks

"Well I was just thinking."  She says giggling

"Oh yeah! That's a dangerous thing."  He says laughing

"HA HA! No seriously.  I was thinking that you could save some money and move out of your hotel."  She says

"And just where would I stay to save this money my car?"  He asks with a mischievous grin

"You can always stay here.  We can share a bed, that's if you think you can behave and not bite me."  She teases

"Elizabeth!  I told you I will not push you to do something you don't want to."

"I know thank you.  So what do you think about my idea?"

"I like it! Come on let's go and check me out from there, and check me into hotel Beth."

"Beth?  No one ever calls me that."

"Oh sorry I just like it.  I'll go back to Elizabeth."  He says looking kind of hurt

"No no I like it.  I have tried for years to get someone to call me that.  So that is now your name for me." She says with a wink


An hour later they are back at her apartment unpacking Paul's clothes and putting them away.

"So what do you usually do at night?"  Asks Paul

"Well I'm usually in bed at  6 PM because of having to be at work at 2:30 AM, but since I am on vacation for the next two weeks I usually sit in bed and either read or watch tv.  What would you like to do?"

"I like the bed part." He says with a wicked grin. "So how about cuddling up with a movie?"

"Alright let me just grab a quick shower.  Pick out a movie you'd like to watch I've picked out all the others."  She says and walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.

While Elizabeth is in the shower Paul puts on his pajama pants and finds a movie.  Then he looks around the bedroom.  On the wall over the bed is a blanket with a herd of horses.  On her dresser is knick knacks of horses, pandas and dolphins, and on the bed itself is a blue comforter with matching shams, pillows and sheets.  And sitting in the middle of the pillows is a huge Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal.  Paul smiles to himself, because this part of her apartment is so much more feminine than her living room.  He takes a mental note of the animals she likes, so he can buy her something pretty on a necklace.

Elizabeth jumps in the shower.  She shaves her legs, shampoos, conditions and washes her body in record time.  She rushes to brush her teeth.  Then throws on her tweety bird night shirt.  It comes to just below her butt, and she flashes herself a wicked grin as she brushes her hair real quick.


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