The Writer's Heartbreak ( com...

By VioletDoge

540K 13.7K 844

"YOU ARE MINE" Blake said. He had his arm around my neck preventing me from escaping. "Get off me you psycho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- part 1
Chapter 3- Part 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27- part 1
chapter 27- part 2
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31

chapter 29

9.2K 282 17
By VioletDoge

ok so ya i was like opening my wattpad profile and holy crap! my eyes went wide! from 5000 to 10k reads. so happy! tears of joy. i read all your comments. im so touched thank you, you guys and i know... the spellings and grammar. ya... i was so lazy to recheck, i just asume you guys got the gist of it.

anyways... ok i think i got an ending now.


vote tq


"your ARE MINE" Blake said. He had his arm around my neck preventing me from escaping. "get off me you psycho!" i shouted while struggling to get free. "Blake think about what your doing!" Danny said while slowly coming closer. "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER MUTT!" Blake ordered. " you are my mate! and no one else have you. MINE!" his wolf said. With that, his eyes turned black and his canines elongates. "only mine..." he whispers and brought his fangs to my neck. "NOOOO!" was the last thing i heard before i blacked out.

*previously- the same day when Blake’s wolf took him over*

Only his sounds of heavy paws thudding away at the dirt and crushing the dead leaves below him. The forest somehow suddenly went silent, as if it knew what was going to happen. No birds were chirping, the crickets stopped playing and all the little animals ran and hide. Their six sense was telling them something bad was coming.

His grey pelt was smothered in dirt and mud. It was no longer glossy grey but dull grey and brown from the mud sticking on to his fur. He slows his running as he nears the edge of the main pack’s road that lead into town. The town was quite today nobody could be seen on the streets, maybe because it’s a Sunday. He sits at the edge of the road, hidden behind the bushes and waits.

“you wont escape me this time little mate” his wolf mentally said and does a wolfish chuckle.

*Scarlet’s home*

“must you leave so soon?” Clarissa says while childishly stomps her feet to the ground. Everyone was laughing at her act. “yes mom. Danny told his boss he’s going to be on leave for a week only. You don’t want him to get fired do you” Scarlet jokes. With a sigh Clarissa gives in “no… but its still too soon. You’ve been gone for five years and I only get to see you for a week.” she sadly says. Scarlet pulls her mother into a tight warm hug. “im sorry mom. I really wish we could stay longer but we cant. Look we’ll visit soon” Scarlet pulls back and gives her mother a reassuring smile. Clarissa shoots a skeptical look “you promise?” she asks. Nodding her head, Scarlet let says “yes, I promise.”

They both pull back from the hug and Scarlet moves to her father. Her dad was starring at her with a small frown on his face. scarlet hangs her head low. Standing in front of the man she was suddenly pulled out of her shame and into a bone crushing hug. She quickly overcomes her shock and too circle her arms around her father’s waist and hugs him back. They kept hugging each other nobody said anything to break their moment until Scarlet felt her head was getting damp.

She looks up to face her father and too see him tearing up. Her father was always the more emotional than to her mother. “im going to miss you baby girl.” he softly says to me. I smile at that “dad you know im not little anymore right” I said.

He chuckles at that too. “ya I know but you can be ninety and I’ll still call you my baby girl” he jokes but I knew he was serious. “Imgonna miss you too dad” I said. he releases me and turns to face Danny “you better take good care of her now okay. If I find out you hurt her in anyway, your never gonna have babies again.” he says. Danny instinctively covers his manhood and John laughs at him “that’s what he told me too” John says in between laughs. Scarlet goes to her brother and his wife Susan, “imgonnamiss you both a lot, especially you Susan.” says Scarlet. “hey! I thought I was your favorite!” John complains. “you get over it” Scarlet replies and every laughs at him while John sulks away.

“oh come here you” Scarlet says while opening her arms wide for her brother to come hug her. He moves up and hugs her. “Imgonna miss you little bro, I love you” she says. “I love you too big sis and imgonna miss you. You better visit soon or I’ll come hunt you down and bring you back. Okay?” he says. “okay” Scarlet replies. “good” and he lets her go. Lastly Susan comes up “it was nice knowing you Scarlet and you too Danny” she turns to Danny and says. “im going to miss you” she says and sticks out her hand.

Scarlet grabs her hand but instead of shacking hands, Scarlet pulls Susan in for a hug. Susan stumbles forward but She catches her and hugs her. Timidly Susan slowly hugs Scarlet back. “your family now Susan. So relax, don’t need to be so formal about it” Scarlet happily says. “okay” Susan said.

They eventually let go of each other’s embrace and her family crowds together in front of the two. “well you both best be off now, don’t wanna get home too late” said Kayle.

They open the front door and head to their car. Everything was packed and loaded into. As they entered the car, her family were standing at the porch seeing them off. The engine roared to life and Danny slowly backed out of the curb. They waved each other one last good bye and they were off.

Scarlet lay back on to her seat and gave out a long sigh. “you okay?” Danny asks Scarlet. “kind of… its like a bitter sweet good bye if you know what I mean” she says. He nods in understanding. Having to finally see them after so long and then you got to go but knowing now you can come back and visit. It’s a bit complicated.

Scarlet yawns and shuts her eyes. “you drive the first half and I’ll take the next half later kay?” she suggested. “its no problem. If your tired I can drive the whole way. You get some rest.” said Danny. “thanks Dan you’re the best” she grogilly says. “maybe when we get home we can continue where we left off” she teases. Danny groans “if you keep teasing me im going to drive like a mad women so we can get home faster.” he says while Scarlet chuckles. 

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