Frozen Past (A Naruto FanFic...

By Arctic_Sky

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(FORMERLY KNOWN AS TEAM EIGHT UNLEASHED) The Shinobi world is a harsh, unforgiving place. Akari Kita knows th... More

The Damn Inuzuka Clan and the Results
Capture and Release
Hinata's Secret
Sand and Leaf
First Challenge: No Cheating
The Forest of Death
Ambush: No Way Out
Reaching the Tower
Sibling Rivalry
Haku and Zabuza
Secrets and Lies
Bitter Tears
Chunin Exam Round Three: Let the Training Montage Begin! (eh, not really)
The Demon Wakes
Shadows in the Sand
Kakashi Falls
Another Sannin Who Might Be Worse Than The Pervert
Another Hyuga Affair
In Another's Eyes...
And Then There Were Five... Wait... What?
Unexpected Meeting
Down Time
Sequel of Sorts


11.5K 498 247
By Arctic_Sky

"You know what's really sad?"


"For the past two days, I have done nothing but imagine pairings for all our friends."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Kiba asks, barking out fits of laughter. I smirk at him.

"I'm bored, Kiba!" I suddenly latch onto the front of his jacket. His laughter cuts of abruptly. "Bored! Do you understand how incredibly BORING it is to not be able to train or do anything related to being a Ninja?! DO YOU KNOW KIBA?!" I demand, shaking him violently with each syllable.

He sweat drops.


"Thought so," I smirk, sitting back.

I lean back on my elbows, watching the clouds go by. Me and Kiba are currently on top of Mount Hokage, above the carving of Minato. Personally I think he would have been the greatest Hokage had he lived and fulfilled his reign. But we can't change the past so...

"Who'd you pair me with?"

"What?" I mumble, shooting him a sidelong glance. He grins childishly, tucking a dozing Akamaru further into his jacket.

"The pairings," he says slowly. "Who am I with?"

"Didn't get that far," I admit, shrugging, before throwing my hands behind my head carelessly. "I'm still stuck on Sakura."

"Doesn't Naruto have a thing for her?"

"Doesn't mean I like them together," I mutter, eye twitching just at the thought. "Besides, he's with our dear friend Hinata, remember? She's obsessed with him, and forever will be. Poor lovesick child."

"It is a little creepy," he agrees. He throws back his hood and sniffs deeply.

"What's that weird look on your face?" I ask, jabbing at his side.

"What look?" He continues to sniff, his features scrunched together cutely. But now he rubs his side in an irritated fashion, and I grin to myself. I've always been good at poking.

Man, that's a sorry skill to have.

"It looks... like you're actually concentrating!" I exclaim in mock surprise. He frowns at me. "I'm trying to figure out if everyone's left yet," he explains, taking another deep sniff.

"Crap!" I exclaim, jack knifing to my feet. "Help me get down from here!"

"What's wrong, Akari?" Kiba jumps to his feet also, struggling to keep from waking Akamaru. The little Ninja Hound is still recovering from his fight with Sakon and Ukon or whatever. Shikamaru told me all about his fight, same with Kiba and the others. Though I had to ask Lee, who I couldn't believe was up and about so soon after his surgery, about Gaara since the Sand Genin, understandably, refused to speak about it. And I must say, the idea that Sakon and Ukon were two people inhabiting the same body scared the crap out of me.

I mean, I was talking to that guy! What if they like switched in the middle of a conversation?!

I knew something was off about that guy.

"Gaara, Temari and Kankuro are all leaving!" I shout, jumping onto the Inuzuka's back. "Now mush! Before we miss them!"

With a sigh, Kiba picks his way down from the mountain and starts hopping roofs. Yeah, they let us back up here on the condition that we keep away from flammable things while funerals are in procession. That was an easy enough thing to agree to.

We soon near the Village Gates, and I spy the Sand Siblings talking with Shikamaru, about to take off.

Feeling kinda bad about it, I kick Kiba in the side lightly, urging him to move faster. He throws me a scowl and grumbles, "You are so lucky I love you."

I grin at him. "Love you too, Kiba!"

He skids to a stop just inside the Gates and I hop down to the ground. "Don't leave yet!" I cry.

"Man, Kakashi really is rubbing off on you," Shikamaru sighs, shaking his head at me.

I roll my eyes, knowing Kakashi's real reasons for always being late but deciding it's too personal for me to share.

"I won't play you in shogi later if you keep up the attitude," I tell him cheekily. He also sweat drops.

In the next instant, I have my arms wrapped around Kankuro and Temari's necks, slowly killing them due to asphyxiation. A choking sound from Kankuro informs that I'll really kill them if I don't let go. I drop back down to the ground gracefully and smile up at them.

Damn, why is everyone taller than me?

"I'm gonna miss you guys," I say, trying to keep the anime tears from rolling down my cheeks.

"We'll visit whenever we can," Temari promises, enveloping me in a soft embrace. Hell of a lot different from mine.

"And you can come to Suna," Kankuro adds. I grin at that. I've never been to Suna. I'd probably get lost and then the Village would have to send out a search party for me. That'd be a great first impression!

"I'll definitely try," I say. "And with me being out of commission for a month, Lady Tsunade might just let me go soon."

As Temari and Kankuro exchange uneasy glances (Tsunade has that effect on people) I turn to Gaara. I wasn't able to see him much these past two days since leaving the hospital. He and his siblings were preparing to return home, and I had to go to a therapy session to "deal" with getting kidnapped "properly". In all honesty, the only thing that bothers me about the kidnapping was the fact that I ACTUALLY got kidnapped. Like, I couldn't protect myself. Other than that, I don't really care. The Sound Four, Five, whatever-- they're dead. And ANBU members are patrolling be Village from now on to make sure something like this never happens again.

The therapy session, on the other hand, was terrifying. It was led by Ibiki Morino, my proctor from the Chunin Exam's first test. Why the hell anyone would choose HIM of all people to give me therapy, I don't know. It really scarred me. Guess that just means I'll need more therapy. Pft, like I'm ever going back there.

Whoa, back to the situation at hand, Akari.

It's really nice to see Gaara, was my point.

"Guess this is goodbye," I say sheepishly, not liking that word in the least. He smiles softly. "It won't be for long," he promises. And with that, I throw caution to the wind and suddenly kiss the little Sand Genin.

There's a collective "aww!" from the other Sand Siblings, a chuckle from Shikamaru and a bark of laughter from Kiba.

They just love ruining the moment, don't they?

"What's so funny?" I demand, abruptly pulling away from a startled Gaara and tackling Kiba to the ground.

"So much fluff!" he laughs, undeterred by my lethal glare. A smile worms its way into my face as he continues to belt out laughs. Besides Shikamaru, I think Kiba is my closest friend. We're a lot alike some of the time. We get each other. And I'll admit, if Kiba had a girlfriend, I'd probably (definitely) laugh my ass off at them too.

But still. I grab Kiba's hood and pull it down over his face. He flails around, half laughing half choking, then throws me off and pounces on me, holding down my arms and straddling me.

"That was mean," he pouts.

Someone coughs.

Then they cough again.

Then they bust out laughing, having a very severe spazz attack as they roll around on the ground, clutching at their sides.

"That's really unsightly," Temari says, roughly kicking Kankuro in the back as he passes by her. He just keeps laughing.

I look up at Kiba's grinning face, seeing that he's distracted. I worm my legs out from under him and kick him in the chest with both feet, sending him flying. I smirk, satisfied, when I hear him collide with Kankuro.

I look to the little Ninken beside me, not at all surprised that he escaped from his partner's jacket long ago. "Tell Kiba never to take his eyes off his opponent," I say teasingly, ruffling Akamaru's fur. He barks, eyes shining in amusement, and trots over to the grumbling Inuzuka.

Kiba pushes away from Kankuro angrily and gets to his feet. But when he looks back at me, he just shakes his head grinning. We have these sort of squabbles every day.

"That was... disturbing."

"Slothy!" I complain, whacking his arm. "I'm not playing you in shogi!"

"It's not like you'd ever win anyway."

My eye twitches as I look at him, wanting to attack him like I did Kiba. But I've already made a fool out of myself in front of my friends, and... boyfriend? Can I really call him that? Eh, I'll ask next time we see each other.

"Sorry about that," I apologize, dipping my head to Gaara and Temari, since their brother is still recovering from oxygen depravation. Serves him right.

"I-It's fine," Gaara says, his cheeks slightly rosy. Has Gaara ever stuttered before? I can't remember, but even so, I'm glad I'm here for this historic moment.

"Kiba and I," I say, flicking him a warm glance. "We're not exactly what you'd call mature when it comes to conflict with each other."

"Ask Shino and Hinata and they'll tell you it happens WAY too often," Kiba adds, snickering.

"Anyway," I say, drawing out the word. I flick his forehead when he get closer and he flashes a playful frown. "I know it's a little ridiculous, but it's a regular occurrence. So if you ever see us training or something, I'm afraid you'll just have to get used to it." I smile apologetically.

Temari smiles back, but Gaara...

"What's with the frown?" I ask him, shifting closer. He blinks at me, as if he's only just realized what's going on. I continue to study him for another moment, slightly worried. Then I take his hand and drag him away from the group, behind Izumo and Kotetsu's little guard post.

"What's wrong?" I ask, forcing him to look at me. When he does, I make out some emotion in his eyes that makes me whack his arm roughly.

"You're jealous of KIBA?" I barely keep my voice from rising in pure disbelief. It's just ludicrous! Me? Have romantics feelings for Dog Boy?

"...No," Gaara says weakly, avoiding my eyes. I roll my own, grabbing his arm in a comforting gesture.

"Yes, you are," I say firmly. He opens his mouth to protest but I cut him off. "But you don't have any reason to be. Kiba's like... like a brother to me."

Geeze, haven't made that comparison in a long time. If I remember correctly, the last non-family member of mine that I dubbed as "brother" was Shikamaru. And that was before the Chunin Exams. So yeah, long time ago.

"I used to scuff around like that with Masaki all the time," I say, for once not feeling the burn of tears for just saying my brother's name. "And I promise you, cross my heart and hope to die, that the only person I have feelings for is you, Gaara. Not Kiba, not Shikamaru or any other guy I know. Just you." I lean forward and gently kiss him again. He seems to relax, accepting the truth of my words. I smile against his lips and pull back.

"You believe me?" I ask.

He nods. "I'm sorry for that," he says. I shake my head, smirking. "Don't worry, because I'll pay you back someday. You are too cute to not have fangirls, Gaara," I inform him lightly, to which he chokes.

He blushes slightly again, and I smile victoriously. It's good to know what embarrasses him.

"Anyway, the others are probably wondering why I kidnapped you, so we should--"

"Wait," Gaara says, tugging on my wrist to keep me from walking away.

"What is it?" I ask, raising an inquisitive brow. Not more jealous feelings, right? We've already crossed that bridge.

Gaara unclasps something from around his neck that I've only just noticed and hides it between his hands. "I bought this when we went to the Land of Waves," he says.

"When did you..." My voice trails off as I recall finding out he had left when I went to talk to the pervert. I'd completely forgotten about his disappearance until now.

Gaara opens his hands to reveal a small, clear crystal, formed into the shape of a delicate snowflake. It's attached to a thin metal chain that flashes silver in the sunlight.

It's stunning, and so very simple, so as to be beautiful.

"Why?" I ask, tearing my eyes away from the necklace to look into Gaara's eyes. He smiles softly. "Temari," he says. "She mentioned your birthday was coming soon."

He clasps the chain around my neck, and the crystal snowflake falls against my chest, glowing a soft blue as a ray of light catches it. "Happy birthday," he says.

I actually forgot today is my birthday. Goddamn that is pathetic. But I smile nonetheless. "I love it," I tell him honestly. "Thank you!"

He just flashes another soft, rare smile. You know, those smiles are becoming much more commonplace. I like it.

"Oi! Gaara! We have to leave! Hurry it up!"

"Damn you, Kankuro," I growl, fisting my hands at my sides. Gaara laughs slightly, before leading me out from behind the guard post.

Why is everyone smirking?!?!

I swear, I will shave Kiba and Akamaru if they don't drop those annoying expressions (yeah, even Akamaru is giving me a look!). And I'll force Shikamaru to do actual work if he doesn't do the same!

I roll my eyes as I take my place between Shikamaru and Kiba, and Gaara stands with his siblings. It's a little obvious that there's a clear dividing line between us, seeing how far away Suna is from Konoha. But it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I guess distance only matters when you're unsure of yourself and your choices.

"Take care," I say brightly, waving to the three of them. They each nod in turn, smiling, before turning around and starting home. My hearts aches a little, watching them go, especially Gaara. But I ignore it, knowing he's right. We'll see each other again soon.

I'm surprised when Temari looks back over her shoulder, because she doesn't look at me. Her eyes lock with Shikamaru's.

"If anything happens again," she says, "we'll help out. Is that ok, crybaby?"

Shikamaru smirks, but he doesn't look upset. "You talk too much," he says. "Women are such a drag...."

I elbow his stomach and he gags slightly, fighting for a breath. Temari just laughs and turns back around.

I wave again, even if it's just to their backs, looking at Shikamaru out of the corner of my eye. "Crybaby?" I ask curiously, a mischievous smile forming. "Did I miss something?"

"It's nothing," he sighs, turning away. He throws a wave over his shoulder and walks away.

I look back, by but then Sand Siblings have ready disappeared.

"They were totally flirting," I announce to Kiba. He chuckles, zipping Akamaru back into his jacket. "I got that," he says cheekily.

"Next time Temari comes to the Hidden Leaf, we are having one hell of a talk," I say, crossing my arms, an eager smile lighting up my face. That sounds like A LOT of fun.

No sarcasm intended.

"When's Naruto leaving?" I ask as we too turn from the Gates and head further into the Village. Kiba shrugs. "Today, I think," he says.

"Has Hinata said goodbye?"

"She tried," he says, lips twitching into an uncontainable smile, a laugh bubbling up in his chest. He's trying not to embarrass our shy teammate, but we all know how she acts around the hyperactive blonde. "Did she faint, you know, again?" I ask, concealing a laugh of my own.

"Almost," he chokes out, barely able to contain his fit.

I jokingly shove him. "Aw, don't be so rude! It's hard for her to be around him. She likes him too much."

"I'm just glad YOU aren't like that. And I bet Gaara is too," he comments. I mull this over for a second, then say, "You're probably right on the money."

We walk through our peaceful little Village, weaving in and out of the crowds, which eventually die out, leaving a few stragglers behind.

Akamaru scampers around ahead of us, enjoying the early afternoon sun on his fur. He nudges around people's ankles, almost causing them to fall. Kiba and I have to keep apologizing, secretly hiding laughter.

The three of us come upon a BBQ restaurant I've seen before but never entered. I try to read the name on the sign. Yakiniku Q. Oh, that's the place Shikamaru's team is always going to!

And sure enough, I can see Choji, Ino and Asuma sitting at booth, Choji eating like there's no tomorrow.

I saw him just when he was released from the hospital and he was skinnier than even Shikamaru. Now though...

"Choji! You're big-boned again!" I shout cheerfully, waving at him. He hears me and raises his head, a piece of meat hanging from his mouth. He quickly slurps up the food and grins at me through the window.

Aw, he's cute! We don't hang out all that much, but I think I'm going to change that. He is Shikamaru's best guy friend after all.

"See!" I hear him say triumphantly to Ino, who's sitting beside him. "Some girls appreciate boys with meat on their bones!"

Ino makes a face, probably scolding him, while Asuma watches on in amusement.

"Hey Choji!" Kiba calls, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Don't get any idea! She's already got a boyfriend!"

While Choji's brows furrow in confusion, Ino rockets to her feet, a terrifyingly angry expression on her face.

"She WHAT?!?!" she screeches, storming towards the door. "How could SHE have a boyfriend before ME?!"

Cause you're obsessed with emo-trash and he'll never love you!!

Is what I want to shout. But I can't do that. It'd be way too mean, and way too soon.

"Hell!" I shout instead, pushing Kiba down the street. "Move it, Inuzuka! She's gonna kill me!"

I scoop Akamaru into my arms and we take off, Ino shouting behind us, furious and high pitched.

"Your fault," I accuse when we stop about two miles later, panting with our hands in our knees.

"Sorry," he breathes, yet still giving me his now signature cheeky grin. "Couldn't resist"

I sigh and straighten up. And then I blink.

"Hyuga Compound," I mutter, glaring at my surroundings. "Really?" Kiba asks, looking around. "Heh, didn't even notice."

"We might as well go see Hinata," I suggest, shrugging. "I just hope her dad doesn't try to murder me again."

Kiba lets out a nervous chuckle. "Me too," he says.

We find Hinata's house easily, since Kiba's been here a few times before, and because it's a really big ass house, way bigger than the surrounding homes.

Kiba remembers the house better than I do, and leads me out into into the family's courtyard. I guess this is where they do outdoor training.

Neji and Hiashi are sitting on the porch, sipping tea. Neji looks exhausted, and I can only guess what mind of training he's been going through.

Hinata stands behind them, in a pretty dark blue kimono, so different from her usual attire. The kimono suits her. She catches sight of us first, sending me a nervous smile. He father looks up as well, eyes narrowed. I have to fight the urge to punch him in the face.

It's REALLY hard to fight.

"Hey, Hinata! Hey, Neji!" I call out, forcing mysf to ignore the head of the Hyuga household. I've recently gotten over my bad feelings about Neji. After learning about his role in my rescue, and how he almost died, I now respect him. And he really does seem to have changed. Especially with Hinata.

"There you two are."

Sadly, I jump at the sound of the monotone voice, right into Kiba's arms. He chuckles at me, and I blanch, realizing how pathetic that must have looked. Jumping back down to the ground, I refuse to blush as I see Hinata stifling a giggle, and Neji smirking.

"Shino!" I exclaim, swiping at his shoulder. He steps out of the way and my hand sails through empty air. "You scared me! Make some noise when you decide to move, why don't you?"

My stoic teammate says nothing, and turns to Kiba. Despite the glasses, I can see he has one hell of an expectant look on his face.

Surprisingly, Kiba ducks behind me, apparently afraid.

"What's gotten into you?" I question, casting a look between him and Shino.

"Shino's upset that he couldn't go on the mission to save you and Sasuke," Kiba sighs, peeking over my shoulder. "He's been hounding me about it ever since I got out of the hospital!'

"Irony," I chuckle. Kiba gives me a weird look. I guess he doesn't get it. Oh well.

"You can't seriously be afraid of--"

"Akari," Kiba growls.

"Ok fine," I grumble. "You have a lot o reasons to be afraid of Shino. But get over it, cause we're going on a field trip!"

He blinks at me. "We are?"

"You betcha, buddy." I grin and dash over to Hinata, who is busy pouring more tea for Hiashi and Neji. "Sorry to interrupt," I say, my tone anything but apologetic. "But I'm gonna need to borrow Hinata for a little while."

Neji blinks, slowly raising a brow. Hiashi remains silent, sipping his tea with an arrogant air. My hand is THIS close to flying out and slapping him. But I restrain myself.

"Ok then!" I exclaim brightly, seeing no resistance. "Let's go Team Kurenai!!"

I drag Hinata from her house, followed closely by Kiba and Shino. "What's going on, Akari?!" Hinata asks. "And why must we hurry like this?"

We are in fact moving faster than most everyone on the street. But it's for good reason, even if said reason is secret.

"It's a surprise!" I say excitedly. All three of my teammates sweat drop.

Soon, at least Kiba recognizes where we're going. "Weren't be already here?" he asks suspiciously. Then his eyes drift to Hinata, and a devious grin claims his face. "Never mind," he says hurriedly, waving away the others' accusing stares.

I spot who I'm looking for about a hundred yards in front of the Village Gates. He bounces excitedly on the balls of his feet, gripping the straps of his backpack with zeal. A giant of a man walks ahead of him, wild, spiky white hair falling down his back. He too wears a backpack, and some of the most uncomfortable sandals I've ever laid eyes on.

"Oi! Pervy Sage! Naruto! Hold it!" I yell, catching both their attentions immediately. The legendary Sannin Jiraiya looks at me in annoyance. Naruto's told me he doesn't like the nickname he was given.

"Kid, I thought I told you not to tell anyone about that nickname!" Jiraiya groans, whacking Naruto on the head. I wince I sympathy as we approach.

"Hey, Akari!" Naruto greets me. He looks behind me and says, "Kiba, you and Shino are here too?"

"Field trip," Kiba says, explaining the situation poorly.

"Uh, ok."


"Oh hey, Hinata! Didn't notice you there," the hyperactive blonde laughs, linking his hands behind his head. I can practically feel the heat radiating off her body as she blushes crimson. She must be realizing that she's only wearing a kimono in front of her beloved Naruto.

Kiba, as I thought having guessed my plan, steps up next to me, dragging Hinata into view.

"So, Naruto, you won't be back for a while, right?" I ask, setting up the scene nicely. "A few years even?"

"That's right! Pervy Sage is going to train me for two years."

"That's long enough," I decide, grinning manically.

"For what?" Naruto asks nervously. The look on my face would probably scare the mask off of Kakashi, so I really can't blame him.

"For you two to get over the awkwardness of what's about to happen!" I say. I grab onto Naruto as Kiba does the same to Hinata. I hesitate for only a moment before forcefully shoving the blonde forward, and causing his lips to collide with Hinata's.

"3... 2... 1..." I count back. On cue, Hinata passes out into Kiba's arms.

"W-w-what just happened?!?!" Naruto yells, pulling at his hair frantically.

"Fate my friend," I say seriously, shoving him back towards Pervy Sage, whom I notice is writing something down in a little notebook, grinning like a pervert. Like Kakashi sometimes when he reads Make Out Paradise. "Fate just happened. I just gave her a helping hand!"

"Think about that kiss while you're gone!" I shout after him, watching as Jiraiya picks him up after he refuses to take another step, holding him under his arm. "I'm sure Hinata will once she comes to!"



"You're evil," Kiba tells me, grinning. He supports Hinata in his arms. She's blushing while unconscious, mumbling something about "dreams coming true" and "everything I'd hoped for".

"I resent that comment," I say, helping Kiba carry our teammate, heading back to the Hyuga Compound to drop her off. "I believe I just did a good deed. And you helped!"

"You're both very strange."

"SHUT UP SHINO!" Kiba and I shout.


"I'll never understand you," Shikamaru sighs, moving a piece on the shogi board between us.

"Cause I'm a girl?" I ask innocently.

"No, because you're insane."

"How blunt," I huff, moving a piece of my own. He's going to win. It's not like I don't know that. I jut like pretending I have a shot. And shogi is fun, just horribly annoying to lose at.

"Shouldn't you let relationships develop on their own?" he asks, moving me into check.

"That one in particular was going absolutely nowhere," I explain, trying to think up a way to get around Shikamaru's defences. "And what would you know about relationships?"

He chuckles. "Fair point."

"Wanna explain to me why we're playing shogi here?" I ask, glancing around once again. Shikamaru decided that we should have our game atop the Hokage's mansion for some reason.

He shrugs and places me in checkmate. AKA, game over. "I like the view from up here," he says gesturing to the wide expanse of clouds we can see from this vantage point.

"You and clouds," I mutter, shaking my head as I help him pack up the portable game board. All finished, I scoot over to the edge of the building and dangle my legs down, fitting them through the railing's bars. Shikamaru joins me soon after, and we stare out at our Village, and the beautiful red-tinted sky above it.

Alright, he's got a point. The view is lovely from up here.

"Shikamaru," I say, resting my head against one metal bar. "Would you think I'm crazy if I told you I wanted to participate in the next Chunin Exams?"

He doesn't answer for a moment. Then he sighs, leaning back on his hands. "You're already crazy," he says simply. "I just told you that. This decision wouldn't change anything."

I grin softly. I was expecting an answer like that, but I had to ask anyway. I need to talk to my team about it. They might not want to give it another shot for a while, considering how difficult it was before. And it's not like I don't need to train. But I just can't wait for the next Exams. And Shikamaru can guess why.

"They're being held in Suna." He isn't asking a question. I nod despite this, fighting back a grin.

"Speaking of ranks," I say, shifting to look at him. "Are you going to for Jonin? I think you'd make it easy."

"Jonin?" he echoes thoughtfully. He laughs. "Can you see me doing that much work? And I only just became a Chunin. I don't have to think about stuff like that at least for a while."

"I guess you're right," I sigh, looking up at the now darkening sky. A soft wind blows across the Village, brushing my hair away from my face like a gentle hand. I can smell the tantalizing aroma of gourmet food somewhere below, from a place I won't be able to afford for years. And the sounds of our gentle Village drift up to meet my ears, as pleasant to listen to as any music.

I love Konoha. It's my home. I don't think about it all that often, but no matter how awful my life can get, this will always be where I feel safe and loved. I just have to remember that.

"Can you teach me to play shogi better?" I ask, laying down on the tiled roof of the mansion, staring up at the blossoming stars decorating the soon-to-be-night sky.

Shikamaru mirrors my position, laying back as well. "Sure," he agrees, closing his eyes like the lazy sloth he is. "And maybe you won't be so bored for the rest of this month. Oh and Akari?"


"Happy birthday."

My lips twitch into a smile. Kiba and Shino had said it earlier, along with most of my friends. "Thanks," I murmur, letting my own eyes drift closed.

A month in Konoha could never be boring.



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