By mightygoat

4.7M 145K 12.8K

Aomine Axton is smart, ruthless, arrogant and controlling. A CEO and a player who builds a hotel empire acros... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
New story to check out!

Chapter 13

124K 4.2K 288
By mightygoat

Aurora Atticus's POV

Who in the right mind would ask a girl if she was trying to seduce? After she had asked to a hug for a little while more? Naturally, anyone will get flustered and embarrassed by that. No doubt, I will want to walk away as fast as I could. 

Until this happened, that i learnt my lesson.

I looked at my disheveled self-- wet and soaked from falling into the small pond that's not barricaded. I cursed Zed in my mind for not noticing how dangerous this could be. Aomine stood there surprised, holding back his grin-- though, he let out a small chuckle. "Is it your speciality to fall into the pool?" He asked, the same time lifting me back to dry ground. The memory of falling so un-glamly into the hotel pool came back to me.

He looked around the area, before he took off his outerwear long-sleeved grey sweater, and handed them to me. "I'm not going to allow you to walk back in those soaked clothing. Change into these" He said and pointed to the nearest toilet less than a metre away from us. 

"But-" I started. I can't change into his sweater. If I have to change, It will make me uncomfortable to stay in wet lingerie. 

Just take it off, Aurora -- my devil spoke. 

No, you can't, Aurora --my angel mind disagreed.

"It's a cold day. I will not have you catch any sickness. Go get changed, Aurora" Aomine demanded.

"But-" I said again, If he knows it's cold and he's only in his T-shirt right now... then I can't just change and let him freeze to death.

"No buts" He finalised. "I'm giving you the same two choices: Do you want to change by yourself, or would you like me to help you strip instead?" He questioned. The same question he asked, and the same intensity as the last.

I sighed, and nodded in agreement-- knowing there's no way I can beat him or disobey his words. I went in to one of the cubicle, and changed. I guess I just have to take off my lingerie-- since the sweater is quite thick and it landed on my thigh, I decided.

I made my way out to see him outside waiting for me. 

"It looks better on you" He said, smiling. My face flushed, when i understood what he meant by that.

"We should go back now. It's getting dark" I said and walked quickly in the front. Him, following suit behind me.

I froze on my spot when his hand suddenly reached over my shoulder from behind and went straight down to my hands. "W-what are-" I started, and tried to shook him off when my body felt warmer.

"Stay still" was the only words he said before he stood there quietly and roll up the sleeves of the sweater for both sides of my hands-- that was initially too long for me. This... Is this still considered like a back hug?  I shove the thoughts away from my head. Don't even think about it. "Thank you" I muttered and walked away. This time, looking at the ground to make sure I don't fall into anywhere anymore.

We head back to our tent, before the deafening silence took over again. "You want to watch a movie together?" He sat on his bed with his laptop on. He just saved us from the awkwardness. Thank Lord! "Since dinner is two hours later" He added. 

"Sure" I walked up to him and sat on his bed, scooting near him so that I can get to see the screen clearly. He looked at me weirdly, "Is this how you usually watch movies with Zed?" He asked.

"Yes" I nodded.

"YES?!" He almost shouted, his eyes widened. I nodded again. Why is his reaction so strong? "This can't do" He said, and scooted even nearer to me, our arms stick together. I liked it, so i didn't comment on it. Even though i feel that it is wrong, it is weird that I am not doing anything about it.

He started the movie-- The Longest Ride. My absolute favourite. 

I pulled up the blanket for fear that I will expose my nakedness underneath. We laid there on his bed and watched the movie silently together, as i let myself be absorbed into the show.

Halfway through the movie, his hand suddenly crept up and landed right on my shoulder. My mind yelled internally, asking myself what should I do... But again, because I liked it, I let it be. He looked at me momentarily without saying anything. I looked back at him, curious to why he's not saying anything. But he smiled, shook his head lightly, and fix his focus back on to the show. 

The movie ended an hour later. The same time i realised my head was leaning against his shoulder. Why isn't he saying anything? My heart starts to jump again. Aomine put his laptop down and put it on the side before he leaned in, and brushed my hair to one side-- then inching closer again, before he planted his lips on my cheeks. A quick peck, as he pulled out and looked at me again. 

This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong.

This is very wrong. Extremely wrong.

I was about to open my mouth to complain, but I couldn't.

If this is wrong, then why can't I push him away? If this wrong, then why do I like it? If this is wrong, then why do the way his eyes look at me with so much endearment magnetised me? If this is wrong, then why does all this feels right?

No. No, No, No.

"Why did you that?" I asked, trying to sound like I was mad.

He kissed me again on the cheeks.

"Why do you always do what you want?" I questioned again, with quite an assertion. 

"I don't always do what I want, Aurora" He answered, looking right into my eyes. My throat went instantly dry suddenly, not knowing what to say. As if there's a stopper inside my throat, preventing me from saying what I want.

"What do you mean?" I croaked out.

"If it is what I want, I would want to kiss you on the lips" He said, his hand on my waist. Why does he sound so hot - 

No, shut up and don't think about that, Aurora. I pushed my thought away.

"It's still a kiss. They are all the same aren't they? A kiss on the cheeks, or a kiss on the lips-" I rambled.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked again. I gulped my saliva. I am not even sure. Am I right? Was I right to say that it was all the same? He inched closer to me again. Why couldn't I push him away? I grew frustrated of myself. His kiss landed on my forehead.

"A kiss on the cheek. It's a healthy, non-controversial kiss that I can plant to anyone who is dear to me" He started, "Forehead kisses, though, it's what I do only when i care for you and i have feelings for you" He continued.

There really is a difference?

"And a kiss on the lips...." He trailed, and inched nearer again. No, oh my god. Is he going to kiss me on the lips now?  Is he going to kiss me? No, no, no. That's too fast.

What fast? The devil inside me mocked. It's just a kiss. You said so yourself, there's no difference. If all kisses are the same then you have just got kissed by him three times already. 

"Is when I love you with so much passion" He continued, "Which I want to do to you right now, trust me, but" He pulled back and stood up from the bed. Eh? Where is he going? "I won't kiss you there right now" Disappointment filled me. He patted my head, and he bent down to match my eye level, "I will only kiss you when you acknowledge the feelings you have for me too" He smiled, "So hurry, admit it already. Because i can't wait any longer"

My heart continued beating faster than it already was. What is he doing to me?



This chapter is not edited at all so I'm really sorry if there's any grammar mistakes or some very simple words. I will edit them soon, but for now, i just want you guys to have this chapter because, THERE ARE TOUCHINGS AND KISSING... Skinships that Aurora couldn't refuse.

Can I get a freaking YAY, FINALLY?! 

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