The Boxer

By Crystal_Angels

7.2M 146K 12.3K

Widely known as a fierce and competitive Boxer Mr.Styles chance of caring is slim to none considering he's lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42- Goodbye
Editor note!

Chapter 27

147K 3.2K 154
By Crystal_Angels

I watched from the sidelines as Harry fought. My breath catching with every swing Matt took at him but slowly getting released when Harry dodged it. I knew Matt wouldn't purposely hurt Harry too bad but it still scarred me nonetheless. I cared a lot for Harry and he knew that. Of course he tended to toy with me by that information, pretending he was hurt just to watch my eyes fill with worry and fawn over him. Part of me knew it was only because he was new to the feeling of having people care and letting someone care about him was different for him all together. Especially now that he cared for someone else I could only imagine the mix of emotions he felt. 

Matt let Harry off for a break so the curly haired boxer slipped through the red ropes of the ring and waltzed over to where I sat on the floor. Stopping down and collapsing into the ground with a puff of hot air. I layed back and turned on my side to watch him. His skin glistened with sweat but I could still smell his sweet smelling shampoo and cologne that masked it. "Tired?" I asked. 

"You could say that" Harry yawned, turning on his side to face me, propping himself up on his elbow like myself. His eye lids were dropping and dark bags had formed under his light eyes. He'd been here since 6am and picked me up from uni to come watch his practice since I had nothing better to do and he hated me riding the bus home. 8pm

"You look exhausted, why won't Matt let you go home?" I asked, normally Harry wouldn't be in till 8 or 9 and go home around 5 but today was different. He was in early and 14 hours later Matt was still dragging on practice. 

"I have a really big match on Friday, he just wants me ready"  Harry yawned, obviously too tired to fight with his coach. 

"Well this is dumb, its 8 0'clock Harry and your killing yourself!"

"It's fine Cryssy"

"No it's not" I huffed, I was about to get up when Harry pulled me to the side causing my small body to fall atop his own. He held my upper arms and stared me down. 

"It's fine Cryssy. I promise. I can take you home if your getting tired."

"It's not me who's tired Harry, it's you. For god sake's just let me take care of you for once" I pleaded and Harry shook his head. Sighing I leaned down a little to kiss him, he kissed back, letting my arms go and wresting his large hands on my hips. I got a little more comfortable as I straddled his waist, resting my hands against is chest that was still a little wet with sweat. His plush lips formed nicely with mine, soft and sweet as always. We hadn't kissed a lot but when we did it was perfect. Not as perfect as our kiss in the rain but I honestly didn't think anything could top that. 

"Harry?" Harry groaned beneath me, pressing his lips a little harder against mine as he sat up. I let my arms wind around his neck and my fingers tangle in his curls. I didn't want him to go yet. "Harold" Matt taunted annoyingly. Harry laughed as I pulled away and told Matt too fuck off which seemed to surprise him. "What?"

"I'm bringing Harry home Matt. He's done for today" I told him sternly earning a confused stare from the coach. 

"Excuse you?"

"You heard me, he's going home. You've worked him to the bone" I hissed, pushing Harry off towards the direction of the locker rooms. He didn't object, just walked on with a subtle smirk on his lips as he glanced over to Matt. Matt of course was seething. 

"Listen here you-"

"No. You want a nice Harry you listen to me or I'll be damned sure to make your life hell" I snapped, defensively. Protection of those I loved was always my first priority. I mean, those I cared for. 

"Fine, but if he gets whipped on Friday its your fault."

"He'll do fine" I bit back. "It won't help if he's exhausted when it comes ton the fight now will it?"

"But he'll be better prepared the harder we work him" Matt fought.

"Bull shit" I answered simply. "I know more about boxing than you think. Don't test my patients with you Matt" 

"And what will you do about it" Matt growled rather rudely. 

"Actually, I'll be kicking your Ass pall" Harry interjected. "I may be tired and you may have better technique but I over power you by miles." he added, pulling me into his side. "Now I'll see you tomorrow morning" he said Cooley, guiding me out of the room. 

"She's got a hot temper like you Styles! good luck!" Harry smirked as I scowled. 

"Oh I know, and I love it" Harry hollered back. 

"I only have a temper when the people I care about are being practically murdered by being over worked. I  mean what kind of shit is he trying to pull with this 14 hour practice?" I ranted. Harry laughed, he'd been surprisingly level headed this past week and not once has his temper really gotten to him. 

"It's alright love. When I first started I'd work myself 20 hour shifts and kill myself doing it but it was worth it in the end. It's cute you care though" Harry smiled as he leaned me against the passenger seat door. I rolled my eyes at his comment. 


"Hey" he spoke softly, making me tear my eyes away from the floor and into his stunning green ones. "I'm glad you're mine" he whispered. I tugged at my bottom lip with my teeth, his, that always got me. I was Harry's now but that was okay. Cause in most ways he was mine too. And I loved it.

"Always yours" I breathed silently.  


"I'm just worried about him" I mumbled nervously to the girls. 

"you seem to care a lot about the whole thing" Nina commented when I finished explaining my growing concern of Harry's well being. It had been another 14 hour day for him yesterday and today was becoming just the same as the rest. 

"I just want harry too be okay" I sighed. 

"Can I ask you something?" Eleanor questioned suddenly. She had been quiet for thee past hour but not seemed all antsy so I nodded. "Don't get all weird about this but, you know how Louis figured out he loved me after only 2 weeks?" I nodded again. "Well do you think maybe that's happening to you? I mean I get anyone would be worried that he's being over worked but Harry's...well.. Harry. He'll be fine. "

"What? No. I just worry a lot okay" I answered defensively. No way was I going to turn into head over heels Louis over someone like Harry. At least not this fast. We'd been on like 2 dates since we began to officially date when  we kissed in the rain. Now Harry was being over worked and I had every right to be protective over my boyfriend. 

"Well Cryssy, it dosen't have to be deep passionate love. I mean it could be puppy love? You know, ya just want to be with him and make sure he's okay"

"I don't love him" I snapped quickly.  Nina laughed. 

"No but your close"


"I've known you for years Cryssy. you've never been like this with a guy" she commented giddily as she pulled her knees to her chest on the end of the couch. I sat opposite with El between us and I glared at them both. 

"You guys are ridiculous.. First the bathroom sex thing and now this." I huffed. 

"Speaking of which, have you guys done the deed?"  Nina grinned. 

"No!" I screeched, placing my tea on the table and hopping off the couch. I was becoming stressed. I was worried sick about Harry and exams before school ended and now I had to think about what if I was caring to much? Harry and I had already broken up once but that was before any serious feelings developed. What if we broke up again but this time I was madly in love with him?..That would  be so painful.

"Cryssy we're only kidding love. calm down" I waved them off weakly, lost in my own thoughts as I leaned up against the kitchen counter. 

"I'm just stressed is all" the words were muffled by my hands which were currently masking my strained expression. Not even the knocking at my front door bothered me. Nina and El probably ordered take out which was probably who was at the door now. "would you get that?" I murmured. They didn't answer, just scampered off. I heard the door open and close and soft speaking just before a deep voice spoke up behind me. 
"Cryssy?" Turning around my eyes met Harry's. His light green orbs not as tired looking as there were before which lifted a weight from my own shoulders, a little. 


"Are you okay?" he asked, reaching out and pulling me close. I let my body sink into his, his warmth and familiar scent calming me. 

"Yeah, just a little stressed over exams" I said. Harry responded by kissing the top of my head and wrapping is long arms around my torso. 

"I know, we should leave when summer break hits. Go somewhere nice and always sunny"  he hinted. 

"That sounds nice" I admitted quietly. 

"I'll take you somewhere" he promised lowly. 

"Tell Lou to take me somewhere nice too" Eleanor interrupted jokingly.

"I second that for Zayn. A nice date would be nice" Nina giggled sparking my own small laughter onto Harry's  warm and broad chest. He chuckled lightly but bobbed his head in agreement. 

"I'll let them know"

"Will you two go home now? You've been here for hours" I complained, still firmly in Harry's grasp which I had no intention of leaving any time soon. 

"fine, fine" Nina responded. "Care to show us out?"

"You practically live here on weekends I think you can show yourself out" I replied sarcastically. She knew I was right so gave a joking eye roll before dragging Eleanor out who was currently engrossed in her phone, texting Louis no doubt. 

"Finally" I groaned when the door closed again. Harry laughed. 

"Come here" I was scooped up in his arms instantly and walked down the hall. Seconds later I was on my mattress, Harry at my side as I sleepily clutched his shirt. 

"How'd you get out of practice early?" I yawned.

"I threatened Matt with your wrath and he let me go" Harry winked, brushing my cheek with his thumb even though my eyes were shut. I pulled a face at him before resting again. "Only kidding, he had to leave for some reason so I took the day off. Glad I did too" he murmured. 

"well do you want to do something? I don't want to bore you on your time off" I sighed even though I much rather stay put. 

"I'm fine here" Harry answered quietly and suddenly, by the rhythmic thrumming of his heartbeat, I was put to sleep. 

Harry's P.O.V.

This was a different feeling. Just laying in bed with a girl. I wanted to sleep with her, and not sleep with her but just actually sleep. No sex but just genuinely wrap my arms around her and drift into a peaceful slumber. I know, cliche again. But I couldn't help it. Something about her made me want to be that cliche hopeless romantic  like in the movies. Something about her did things I couldn't understand. Maybe it was the fact the she was related to the first person whoever put any faith in me and started my boxing career. Maybe it was just the luck of the draw. But whatever it was I wouldn't deny I was happy it happened. I was happy for the first time in a long time and although I was being worked to my limit it was worth it. Or at least it would be by the end of the week when I get to take her away for summer break. I'm determined to make it special. Some how...some way...I'll show her how much I care. 

A/N: Thanks so much for all the votes, comments and follows guys. It means the world to me! Please lemme know what you think of the chapter :) I'm open to any ideas or suggestions you may have xx.

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