Children of Night

By shadowqueen5511

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Shade and Shadow Nox, are two privet investigators who act more like thieves then vigilantes. All is going go... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 9

95 5 0
By shadowqueen5511



                I woke up in bed with Sage's arms around me. Was it a dream. I tried to move my right hand to my face but it never came. I looked down at the bandaged stump and began to cry softly to myself. I knew it would happen. I was too reckless, I was a warrior. I excepted scars and bruises, not to lose an arm. But do I regret it? Not one bit. He had to die. But that didn't stop me from mourning my loss of an arm. I sat up and felt Sage's arms drop from around me. It was the middle of the night; I wasn't sure what day it was.

                I hunched over and covered my face with my left hand. My tears were falling into my one and now only hand. I then felt Sage sit up, her hands on my shoulders. I was trembling at this point. I didn't want to be a cripple. That was my good hand! I remember everything it had done to save me, but in the end I couldn't save it. "I guess I won't be able to please you that well anymore," I whispered and smiled at the joke but it didn't last long. "Shade..." she whispered into my ear kissing my neck."I don't think I can do this...I used that hand for everything," I said and she put one finger under my chin making me look at her. "You have to, for me," she said and it was a compelling argument. One I couldn't argue against. "I don't know how to do this...I...I'm a thief without a hand?" I breathed and she pulled me into her arms. I didn't feel like I could sleep, not after all this but she spoke the words and I was out like a light "Sleep now."

                I woke up in the morning and noticed Sage wasn't in bed with me, making me sit up and look around. The door opened and she walked in, blood dripping from the corner of her lips. "Come with me," she said and I stood up and walked over to her. I expected her to move to go somewhere but she didn't. That was when I noticed I was taller than her. I breathed in a sharp breath and she frowned thinking something was wrong. "I'm taller than you," I said holding back my excitement and she sighed looking me up and down. "You grew a lot," she said and I smiled and kissed her lips although there was blood on them.

                For some reason as soon as I started to kiss her, I tasted the metal in my mouth and I wanted more. Very rough all a sudden as I needed more and the next thing I know I have her pinned to the wall as I'm kissing her hard enough to bruise. She pushed me back and I tried to lean in again but again she pushed me back frowning. "Come with me," she repeated and this time turned and walked down the stairs. I followed her with a new found hunger.

                How long has it been since I last ate something? How long had I been asleep? Before I could ask, I noticed a tied up man in my living room. I felt very hungry looking at his exposed neck. "I'm...a vampire," I realized and looked at Sage. She touched my face gently pecking my lips before going to the man and making him sit up. "Wait I have a question," I said and she frowned at me. "This is probably the simplest thing?" she asked me and I shrugged. "Do fangs work like straws or are they just used to punch holes?" I asked. It had been in the back of my head for years now. Sage was scowling at me now. "Figure it out," she told and I sighed, walking over to the man. "Best sire ever," I mumbled and she shook her head at me.

                I kneeled down next to the man. Just bite the neck right? As I eyed his neck I could feel the fangs in my mouth extend. Instincts took over as I leaned forward biting into soft flesh. It was then I realized it was just a use for punching holes as they now where in the way of the blood flow. The fangs retracted on their own letting me drink the hot, bitter blood.

                I felt Sage put her hand on my shoulder telling me to stop and it was rather easy. I was not consumed with bloodlust or anything like that. As I looked back up at my lover, she was frowning at me. Did I do something wrong? "You have good control," she stated and I smiled feeling the blood drip from my lips. "I have to with you around," I told her. I received slap to the back of my head and I laughed. Then I stood and her arms wrapped around my waist as she kissed my neck. "I don't like this height difference," she mumbled into my shoulder as she could no longer reach my ear as I was standing up. "I guess I have to be the dominate one now?" I asked and she squeezed my sides making me move away. "I'll take that as a no," I said as I put my hands at my side. Only to remember I had only one.

                This brought down my mood a lot as I looked back at my stump of a arm. I felt Sage's arms wrap around me again as she kissed the back of my neck. "Come pray with me," she said and I frowned "Pray?" I asked her and before I could further object she took my hand leading me out the door.

                When we walked outside only then did I look down to see what I was wearing. I was in a white shirt and my black pants, lacking my signature jacket no one would know who I was. I really didn't want people knowing I was crippled...they would think I was weak.

Sage wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me to her hip as we walked. "You know I can hear your thoughts now," She said and I hummed. I was used to Shadow doing it so this wasn't new. Hmm was there anything I was hiding from her that this would hurt? I came up with nothing and I noticed where it was we were walking too. We walked into the middle class district. Though there were plenty of statues and fountains around to make you think it was more than just that. We walked down a set of stairs between buildings down into an open garden. In the middle of the garden was a temple to Storm. It seemed very out of place with such a beautiful garden surrounding it.

                Sage pulled me into the dark temple and it felt like a wave of relief to be out of the sun. I could feel some energy return back to me. "What should I pray for?" I asked Sage as we walked to the altar. "Maybe strength?" she suggested but I rolled my eyes and kneeled down beside my lover as I prayed for a new arm. One that shot fire and could also turn into a sword. Maybe one that even had a rope dart attached to it too? It would also be made of metal so I couldn't lose it again. I heard Sage sigh "Be realistic please," she said and I shook my head as my eyes were still closed "I want a sword hand," I said and I opened my eyes looking to my lover. She was glaring at me but I smiled "Common, think about all the things I could connect to it," I said wagging my eyebrows at her and she looked away. She would have been blushing if she wasn't dead. I leaned over whispering in her ear "And maybe it would move faster than my original fingers could," I said and I heard someone clear their throat.

                I was surprised to see both the God Shadow and Storm sitting on the altar looking at us. Shadow was smiling strangely. "I think that's a good reward for killing a vampire king?" Shadow said looking at her mother who was glaring at me for some reason, making me feel uneasy. "Suppose it is, I don't approve of it being used like that," she said and I stood up not wanting to kneel before the gods. "You sent me to kill him and I lost a hand, I think you should give it back to me" I advised the God and Shadow started laughing as Storm scoffed at me. "I should? Should I? Well I suppose since at the end of this the only thing holding you together are stitches," She said and gestured to the scars on her face and pointed at me. I touched my face with my only hand and gasped "Sage only likes me for my face! How will I survive this?" I asked my voice dripping with sarcasm. But maybe she did only like me for my face. Storm smiled at me now as Shadow continued to laugh. "Yes it's a deadly deed. Well since I like you, and have no choice really, I'll give you a new arm" she said and I grinned "Oh and what is it I'm doing for you next? Getting my face cut off?" I asked and she shook her head.

                "No you're keeping Ebony in his place; your war is not over child of night. Your mother should come speak to you soon. If she's not done having a hissy fit yet," Storm said, though the last part was more mumbled to herself. She then snapped her fingers and I felt a weight on my missing arm. As I looked at it I saw they really did give me a metal arm. It was vary mechanical but had steel plates covering over it. As I flexed my robotic hand I watched as a blade popped out of my knuckles. "Nice," I said even though I was really happy and wanted to go test it out I suppose I should act 'mature'. "Well," Shadow said finally done laughing about gods knows what. "You're doing great! Stay in school and don't do drugs," she said before vanishing. Storm slowly shook her head. "She keeps forgetting what age it is. I'll be seeing you again sooner than you think kid," she said as mysterious as ever before vanishing.

                I stood there flexing my robotic hand, watching the blade come out and in quickly and without hesitation. "I could totally get this thing to vibrate for you," I said and immediately earned another slap but this time I moved out of the way. Then she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt pulling me closer to her and slightly hunched over. "You just spoke to a God like she was a commoner," She was growling at me at this point making me think about what I had said. "Well, she was one of the reasons I lost my arm in the first place...and she's hiding stuff from me so I have rights," I said pulling away from her and taking a step back as she continued to glare. "You have no rights in the eyes of Gods, don't make any more deals with her," She said and I frowned. I thought she was worshiping this God? And she didn't trust her? Suspicious... "What are you afraid of?" I asked her and she sighed knowing if she did lie to me I would just 'force' the truth from her. Thankfully she chose the easy way and not lie or avoid the topic.

                "I had made a deal with her before. She said she would grant me happiness if I ran away from Dasmon. Everywhere I ran to everyone I knew died," she said and I could see the pain of those memories linger in her eyes. I stepped forward "But yet you are here? With me? Am I not what grants you happiness?" I asked her and she frowned "That's not the point, the point is that whatever they say they will grant you will not be immediate, they tend to forget about us in time."

                She had such a dreaded view on this. I could feel her pain, she had loved someone else before me. "Yes I did," she answered my thoughts as I was trying to read her. "Dasmon killed her like he did to you...the last time I wasn't able to save her," she said and her hands began to trace my jaw line. "The deals I had with this God she gave me what I wanted and extra. This is the God who gave you me remember? If I hadn't been looking for trouble when I walked out of that tavern you would have went through the same pain over again," I told her.

                She sighed and fell into me, hugging me tight as she rested her cheek on my collarbone since she couldn't reach my shoulder anymore. I hugged her back sighing, "At least this God listened," I said and she nodded. We remained silent for awhile holding each other when she finally pulled away.

                "Let's go relax for a while," she said pulling me by my human hand out the door. I thought that was what we were going to do. As we were walking around I noticed the God Shadow's temple. I stopped nodding my head to it and she shook her head, "I'm not comfortable with the wolf queen, I'll meet you at home," she said and I frowned. She was leaving me to the wolves? Alone? She raised a brow, "You want me to hold your hand?" she asked now I scowled, "Fuck off then," I growled and she smiled but kissed my cheek before walking off.

                Shadow's temple was an exact replica of Storm's. Though hers had more wolf statues around it. As I walked in, I saw the God smiling and sitting on the altar. "Did I scare off your girlfriend?" she asked me and I scoffed, "Can you blame her? You are a creep," I said and she frowned getting an angry look before sighing and letting her facial expression turn stone. "Well, I wanted to tell you something but it's a secret," She said and I rolled my eyes "It's not a secret anymore if you tell me, because I'll probably tell my brother," I said being straight up with her. She huffed, "Fine, just come here," she said and I walked over closer to the God. I was surprised when she grabbed my shoulders forcing me to lean over as she whispered into my ear "When your brother was born he was weak. So weak that your mother was so sad, saying he would never lift a sword. Of course being the good sister I am I offered to turn him wolf. She took the offer and now my blood runs deep in his veins just as Sun's blood runs in yours. Your eye color was originally blue you know, from your father."

                "Why are you telling me this?" I asked but now had a lot more information than I had before. Sun or Angel was my mother. I'm thinking its Angel since her choice of words. But what did she mean by Sun's blood running in my veins? Is it because I'm a vampire now?

                "Well she never made me swear to anything and by now she is getting chewed out by our mom to tell you everything. Sun will probably visit you tonight so...don't try out that new hand just yet" She said and for a moment I didn't understand what she meant. But then it came to mind and I huffed kind of disappointed. Yet still this god held me very close with their face close to my ear. "Why can't you just tell me? It's obvious Angel doesn't have the balls to," I said and she threw me back as she laughed. Once she finally calmed down she continued to smile at me, "Figured it out, huh? I guess it is easy if you're not playing dumb. Well Angel is probably going to be here in," she then snapped her fingers and she was gone. Was she just fucking with me? Again?

                Then I heard the metal boots on the ground clacking against the stone behind me. I turned on my heel now only a foot away from the God of war. She was in her armor, taller than me by five inches or so. Her sword now sheathed at her hip and no longer was she covered in blood. Definitely looked like a spitting image of Storm. Both her and Shadow were...the God that is. I could tell with the look of distance in her eyes that she had no idea what to say to me so I made it easy for her. "What? Not going to pat me on the back for losing an arm?" I asked somewhat annoyed. The God's face immediately frowned at me. "No." she had her mother's strangely deep voice. Not that deep, but enough to make her voice sound gender neutral."So are you finally going to tell me why you left me and Shadow with that man?" I asked sneering the last word. The God then slowly looked me up and down as if trying to decide something. "He is your uncle by blood. Gregory used to be a good soldier till he broke. I guess that's why I chose his father over him," she said and tilted her head to the side a little as she looked at me. "That doesn't really explain why?" I repeated myself growing angry at this God who was my mother. I wanted answers. Not evasions.

                "Because when I had you in purgatory you almost died...again. Those nightmares that haunt you, they are not from a cat but from a windago. You had wandered too far as I was fixing things and it tried to eat you. How could I leave you in that place when I could not protect you?"

                "So you leave us with a drunk who couldn't afforded to feed himself? I could have become a hooker at the age of seven, you're lucky I turned into a thief instead or else you would have grandchildren by now," I said.

                There was a slap to my face that made me stagger and the sound filled the silent room. I remained silent putting my human hand to my face. I tasted my own blood swelling in my mouth from how hard she had hit me. "Shadow was right, you hit like a girl," I hissed and spit blood at the god.

                She no longer looked angry but sad. Fuck, why did Storm's kids have to be over emotional teenage girls? I mean that's exactly what they looked and acted like! "I'm sorry" The God of destruction breathed the words but I couldn't help but feel more angry. "It's a bit late for that? Don't you think?" I hissed. I wanted to walk away but I couldn't let my emotions control me. Not like this child. "I know there is nothing I can do to make it up to you, but at least let me try," she said it in the most sincere way she could. I had a feeling she never showed any emotion and this was as much as I was going to get from her. "Oh do you actually care about my well being now? I almost died TWICE in this realm!" I shouted at her and she sighed knowing she had really fucked up. "I will no longer hold your power away from you. You are as you should be, a child of night," she said but again she wasn't making any sense. "If you really want to start making it up to me don't speak in riddles and tell me what that means," I growled at her and she looked back at the entrance of the temple. Nothing was there but the gods sensed something. She then looked back at me. "You and your brother are night itself. You are a goddess, from what I know you are the goddess of luck and stealth," she said and I frowned "Goddesses don't get their arms cut off in battle?" I said. If she was still fucking with me I was going to attempt to kill her. God or not I was going to throw a bitch fit. "That was because I have withheld your power. Tonight I will release it back to you, but be warned this will now draw unwanted attention," she said but none of this mattered to me.

                "I don't care for being a god. I want to know why my mother, god of war, let her own child almost die, twice on  a realm she deemed safe? Let's not forget the part where I lost an arm in combat? Shouldn't you - oh, I don't know - care for me? Watch out for me? From what I hear, Storm was a better mother than you," I said (which was a low blow). She was gritting her teeth and I could practically feel her anger. "Do you want me to hold your hand every time you walk out of your home too? I mean it's not like I'm busy; multiple dimensions - all waging the same war over nothing. I can't always protect you and I almost lost you both when you were in my direct care. I'm a warrior, not a mother and I promise you, you and your brother are my last children," she said seething, trying her best not to lash out at me. I guess that was the best I could get from her so I sighed. "You gave up, I thought warriors were suppose to be brave?" I asked not entirely sure why I continued to push the angry god. "I am weak, perhaps now that you are older you could stay in purgatory? But I don't think that's what you want" She said again that anger gone and emotions of pain in her eyes. "No it's not but I want to be able to go there when I want," I said and she nodded. "You already do, just think of the place and will yourself to be there. I have a war to win, child, as much as I love seeing you 'alive', take care - oh, and don't lose another arm," she said her words of wisdom and vanished before I could say more to her.

                I sighed, sitting down on the altar letting myself think. Tonight I'm guessing me and my brother will become 'Gods'. I didn't really care for that; for that or power...I just wanted to take up my brother's offer and go traveling and leave all this behind us. I didn't want to acknowledge my mother, the God of war. I rather just like to keep her dead in my head. As for my father? Still not a word from him.

                I didn't want to be a god. I didn't want to be a demigod either. I just wanted to be normal. At least as normal as a vampire with a robotic arm could all just felt like too much. Too much to handle, too much to think about. I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and I looked up to see my 'aunt' I guess? "Look kid I know how it feels, Storm left us all in our early years. I lived with my psychotic dad, having to fend for myself just like you," Shadow said speaking soft as if afraid I would runaway at a loud noise. "And I guess we turned out alright. A bit psychotic, but alright," she said taking her hands off my shoulders and giving me space. "How did you deal with this then? Finding out you where a God?" I asked her and she smiled.

                "Actually I was killed by phoenix and that was when my mother released my own inner god. At first it seemed cool. Teleporting, partying, and fucking. I was a machine in my youth with no stop. But then came the bad hangover with 'what else do I want to do?' since I had done everything on my list of things to do. So I started to experiment with my powers. Twisting things my mother had created, wolves were my favorite and I was born a wolf so it came easy to me. Next thing I know I have a temple and people praying to me in my head. I started trying to change things and then began my story of being a God. Interesting, right? Well what if I told you when I was drunk on power, screwing people, I had a husband? I still do, I mean he's nice and all but I learned to appreciate the human body."

                She was laying on the floor, looking up at the stone ceiling of the temple. I sighed taking her words to heart. "So she just did to me what her mother did?" I asked and my aunt nodded then sat up looking at me. "Look, I have kids of my own, and they all get angry when I first come to see them and tell them why things are so fucked up, but hey, it's what daughters of purgatory are created for," she said with a smirk and I huffed. "Here to fuck shit up?" I repeated and she laughed laying back down.

                "Can I ask you something?" I asked not even entirely sure why I asked, even if I could ask, but whatever. "Sure," she said still staring at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing ever. "I love Sage, I can't imagine being with anyone else. Is love only temporary when finding a mate?" I asked her and she sat back up glaring at me. "No, like I said, I have a husband. I can't think about romantically partnering with someone else, but we both let each other fuck around when we feel like it. It's not that we lose interest in one another but we want to be with someone else so that when we return to each other we realize how much we love each other."

                I was silent then she clicked her tongue "Deep, right? I never thought I could go there but it tends to happen when you have another older than a hundred billion years" she said and stood up stretching her limbs. "And I just accept being a God? Will people know what I am?" I asked and she looking me up and down a new hunger in her eyes. I felt very uncomfortable now. It was probably time to leave. "Well, other Gods will. But as for everyone else here? No, maybe some priests will? I don't know, only other gods bugged me when I was young. Though your mother might not always be here you still have purgatory watching out for you. It's probably the reason you're not dead," she said with a smirk and I stood up but this hungry god stood in my way of the exit.

                "Thank you...Shadow," I said though it felt weird to say the name to her. She smiled, moving out of my way. "Anytime kid, Sun will probably still come to you tonight to explain more of this God shit to you. But you should rest until then. Tomorrow is going to be hell," she advised and I mumbled another thanks as I walked out of the temple, regretting ever going in.

                I mean I liked Shadow, my aunt. She was fun, a bit more relaxed. Storm was like a stubborn stepmother that liked to stay in her own world. Sun, I haven't really talked to her much but I got a mother feel from her, maybe it was because I was a vampire. As for my own mother? She was cruel and trying to wear a broken mask all the time. I could see right through it though, and she was in pain. Pain for her own decisions, and pain for me and my brother. I wonder if she regretted having us at all. The thought of that made me angry, like why the hell did she get pregnant in the first place if that was the case?

                Before I could go take my anger out on some lonely pedestrian, I was back home. Opening the door and slamming it close. I went up stairs where Sage was laying in bed reading another book. I then took off my shirt as I kicked the door close. Underneath I had bandages wrapped around my upper torso, covering me and one of my older wounds on my shoulder. I then looked in the mirror. I wasn't there. This was weird. "You'll get used to it," Sage spoke soft and my eyes went to her. She wasn't looking at me, her eyes glued to that book. "Do you know what happened at Shadow's temple?" I asked and she nodded but didn't look at me. "Well don't you feel lucky to be fucking a God?" I asked and leaned against the door way striking a pose. Now she was looking. And slowly taking in my mostly expose chest. "You're not a god yet," she said and her eyes went back to the book. My boner was gone now and I huffed walking over to the bed. "How do you feel about that though?" I asked as I then sat at the edge of the bed right next to her hip.

                "You being a god? I don't care that much as long as you don't dump me for a pretty goddess," she said and I took the book from her hands earning a scowl from her as I threw it across the room. "I am looking at the most beautiful goddess, how could I ever be so lucky?" I asked gently putting my hand under her chin. Her eyes looked at my lips then at my eyes. "Hmm" was all she could respond with.

                "Think about it, as a God I could do lots of things," I said as seductively as I could and she leaned closer but my human hand dropped to her collar bone, keeping her away. "What type of things?" she whispered, her voice filled with lust as her eyes began to glow red. I knew she was trying to hypnotize me, but it wasn't working. "I could always take us to nice, secluded places. Where we could make it ours," I said softly and her hands began to feel up my back pulling me to her gently but I kept her a good forearm's length away. "We could make our own cabins, and have kids so they'd be grossed out every time we kissed."

                Now the magic was lost and she looked a little dazed "Kids?" she breathed her hands stilled on my back. "Yah, I'd grow a dick and get you pregnant first thing," I said and her eyes grew wide, but before she could speak, I put a finger to her lip. "I was joking, first things first with me becoming a God, I'm testing my stamina," I said and winked at her. I started to stand, but she grabbed my human wrist. Her eyes begged me to stay, but I calmly shook my head. "One last thing, then I'm all yours," I told her and she growled showing off her fangs as I pulled away smiling back at her.

                I walked outside of the house and climbed up to the roof where I laid down watching as the stars appeared in the night sky, the moon rising in the one patch of darkness left. I had laid there for a few hours not necessarily waiting for anything, but loving the way the moonlight felt against my skin. Maybe it was a vampire thing.

                "Having fun there?" I looked up at Sun, who stood beside me. She was wearing all black; black pants, black shirt, and a black cloak. Her hair melted into the blackness of her clothing and her bright red eyes shined the brightest like any type of predator of the night. "Shadow said you were going to explain God things to me," I said and looked back up at the stars as Sun sat down beside me. "There is no 'God stuff'. There is only a story I want to tell you," she said and I looked back down to her. "Is it a good story with a happy ending?" I asked and she smiled at me, it was warm and caring. Something my real mother should have given me. "Not yet, it's still happening. This story takes place three years after you were born, it'd be best to show you. Close your eyes," she said and I did so.

                When I opened them, I was standing in purgatory, but in a different room than the throne room. It looked like an office. I saw Angel sitting at the desk reading letters with her sword on the table. "This is a memory," Sun was suddenly standing beside me and waved her hand. Things began to go in motion.

                Angel was growling at papers when the door opened. Sun walked in, she wore something different though, black pants but a big cut off shirt that said 'Black Veil Brides' on it. I think that might be a cult or something. I noticed the small toddler in her arms, grabbing at a silver necklace around Sun's neck. "Why don't you watch your own child for a bit? I'm starting to think that she believes I'm her mother," Sun said and the toddler which I could guess was me began to frown. I did have bright blue eyes. "I don't want to go with Ego," I had said clinging to Sun. Wow, guess Sun really was like my mother. Angel looked up. "Why did you teach her to call me that?" Angel growled as Sun then put me down onto the table in front of Angel. "Ego is mean to me!" I cried out to Sun and she scowled at Angel. "See? She doesn't like you. You don't spend enough time with her," Sun scolded her and Angel sighed. Grabbing me by my hips and lifting me into her lap. I could barely see over the desk yet I saw how I scowled up at Angel. "Fine," Angel agreed and Sun was already out the door, leaving me alone with my real mother.

                "Ego? Is that who I am?" Angel asked the little four year old on her lap, who looked mad at her. "Aunt Shadow say you mean to me because you don't like me," I said and folded my arms, pouting, but looking away from her. Angel sighed gently putting her finger to my right cheek forcing me to look back at her. "That's not true. Mommy is busy and I don't want you to get bored so I leave you with Sun," she said and kissed my forehead as I rested my head against her ribs, closing my eyes "I'm tired," I told her. Angel then began to hum to me as she continued reading as she held me. She was using some type of magic to hold up the paper so she no longer had to use her hands as they held me now.

                Then abruptly it stopped as I was about to fall asleep. Angel stood up almost forget she had me in her arms and then put me down on the desk "Stay here, mommy with be back, don't go anywhere," she said as she quickly left the room.

                I remained there sitting on the desk playing with the paper. Biting it then spitting it out, ruffling them, having a great time. I then looked to Angel's sword, grabbing it by the blade and bit it. I was gnawing on it for a while when the window behind the desk opened. I looked over to it and watched it.

                Then something out of nightmares walked in. It was pure white; it had no face, yet had a mouth with rows of sharp teeth, no lips to cover them so they were on display as drool slowly dripped to the floor. It was long and slender. It had to be 10ft tall as it entered through the window. It had a body of a human, only stretched out, its ribs showing through its patchy white skin. Its arms were irregularly long as was its twig legs. It had sharp claws at the end of its hands. It looked at me, tilting its head to the side. I whimpered and moved back on the desk dropping the sword back down. It then slowly reached out to me with its long arms able to reach me easily even though it still stood perched in the window. I then turned to run away, but it quickly reached out, its claws digging into my small back almost completely impaling my small body. I cried out and the door slammed back open. I expected to see my mother, but it was Sun who came for me.

                She moved in a blurred motion, Angel's sword now in the creatures skull as she took me away from its claws. She used her hand casting a glowing magic on my back, but I was bleeding everywhere and crying from the pain, not screaming, just crying. I think it wasn't working because Sun then bit into her own palm and began to feed me her blood as she sat me on the desk, her palm to my quivering lips and her other hand on my back, healing it.

                "Damn imperial sons of a-" Angel was in the middle of a angered rant when she returned to the office, stopping half way and seeing what had happened. She saw the open window, the dead...thing...and then finally me on the desk, blood everywhere and Sun healing my back and feeding me her blood. She was frozen in shock before Sun looked back glaring at her sister. "I leave for not even a minute and she's being eaten by one of your soldiers," Sun hissed at Angel, again these blood tears flowed from Sun's eyes as she was doing her best to heal me. "I left for a seco-" she was cut off by Sun's raised hand. "You're not ready for children if you can't protect them in their own home! Even our mother isn't this irresponsible!" she shouted at Angel who was crying too, but her tears where normal. "I didn-" she stuttered but again she didn't finish because of Sun's glare. "This is the reason I don't have children, I'm taking care of everyone else!" she shouted but then picked me up and carried me out leaving Angel alone in her ruined office.

                I was suddenly back on the roof top looking at the stars. "It wasn't entirely her fault," Sun spoke and I looked at her, sitting up. Those were how I got those jagged scars? No wonder they were so stretched out. "I was the one who gave you to Gregory; I thought he was like his brother but not after the war. I failed to realize that...though I was the one who watched over you in those times. I'm sorry I couldn't have done more for you and your brother," she said softly and she was now sitting beside me wrapping her arms around my body pulling me into a hug. It felt so loving, so comforting. Like a real mother. "I wish you were my mother," I mumbled into Sun's shoulder and she sighed. "Well, you technically are, if it wasn't for me, you'd be dead and without my blood going through you. You'll find your vampirism is less of a curse, consider it a gift," She said and gently pulled away from me but I didn't want to let her go, yet I did because I didn't want to be a needy child. "Can I see myself in the mirror?" I asked and she smiled at me, kissing my forehead. I felt a slight burn where her lips had touched my head, but it was soon gone when she moved away. "You and your lover may see each other in the mirror now, though you could have done that in an hour," she said and I knew with that look in her eyes she was about to vanish. "Wait!" I called out, and her eyes looked back to me. "Are my powers limited?" I asked her and she slowly shook her head "Gods could do anything they like but the things they specialize in is what they are strongest controlling. Good luck being a patron of thieves, I believe your aunt shadow will worship you too," she said with one last smile before leaving me feeling so alone. I wanted my mother. Sun. She was my real mother, not Angel. I wouldn't ever recognize her as my mother.

                I huffed and got up and climbed off the roof. I landed gracefully on the ground in front of the door before opening it. "Nox!" I heard someone hiss behind me. I swear, if it was another assassin I was really not in the mood. "If you're going to kill me get it over with," I growled as I turned around. This man was in a black cloak so I couldn't see any of his features. "I'm not here to kill you, I have a letter for you," He said and a pale human hand came out from the shroud holding up a letter with a red seal. I took the letter but maintained my distance from him. "The king...?" I asked looking at the shrouded man. "He has a reposition" he said and I opened the sealed letter.

                I briefly skimmed it finding something most surprising. "He wants me to kidnap his daughter?" I asked surprised by his request but the words 'generously reward' were what stuck out most on the paper. "You keep her in your captivity for a few weeks. The king fears she may be a target," he said and I understood. At least some fathers actually care for their children. "Give us a few days to get it done," I said and with that, the shrouded figure walked away and I shut my door. First crazy cults, now kidnapping a princess. I was never going to get my piece and quite.

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