Right Where You Want Me (A La...

By LarryGreaterThanLife

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"I'm just as scared as you are. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try." Louis had been alone...for what fel... More

Right Where You Want Me (A Larry Stylinson fanfiction)
Chapter one: My Green-eyed Nightmare
Chapter two: Mood Changes
Chapter three: Getting Closer?
Chapter four: Sleeping Together
Chapter five: Bruised And Embarrassed
Chapter six: Care For Him
Chapter seven: Tunnel Vision
Chapter eight: Like A Tease
Chapter nine: Confrontation
Chapter ten: Seeing Other People
Chapter eleven: Alone
Chapter twelve: Too Much Taylor
Chapter thirteen: Angry And Nosy
Chapter fourteen: Fighting
Chapter fifteen: You're Not Forgiven, Even Though You Are
Chapter sixteen: The Aftershock
Chapter seventeen: Wishes And Kisses
Chapter eighteen: Where This Goes
Chapter nineteen: If Not For You
Chapter twenty: He'll See You
Chapter twenty-one: Surprise
Chapter twenty-two: All Better
Chapter twenty-three: In The Future
Chapter twenty-four: I Just Want To Say Thank You (Mature!)
Chapter twenty-five: Planned Date
Chapter twenty-six: The Date Part One
Chapter twenty-seven: The Date Part Two

Chapter twenty-eight: The Epilogue Without The Prologue (Mature-ish)

2.9K 127 30
By LarryGreaterThanLife

   Well... This is the end. Thank you, everyone, for reading and commenting and voting, and I hope you enjoy this last chapter. I've no clue if you're sad or happy that it's over, but it is. But check out my new Larry fanfiction, too? I'll post the first part of it once I clear my head and get writing again. And after I, uh...stop crying. 

Thank you all so, so much. Can't express it enough :) Enjoy the final chapter. Tell me what you think.

Here's my little goodbye-for-now song >>>>>>>>>>>>


Oh, and there's a little bit of smut in it if you squint real hard.


   Even as a new couple, neither Louis or Harry wanted their relationship to exceed past what happened at their homes and when they went out. They still didn’t want it that way. It didn’t have anything to do with the fact that it wasn’t any one’s business what went on between them; it was just because there wasn’t any way they could be together at school and not be punished for it.

That was okay with the both of them. They were so happy together now, and no one could ruin that. As long as they had one another, they’d be just fine. They had enough supporters, too – Niall, Ms. Styles, Gemma, Ed – who Louis saw frequently now – and the five new additions, Ms. Tomlinson and the girls.

As for the relationship itself… In the beginning of it, right from the first day they were officially together, things hadn’t changed between them. It was just the title that was new. Louis was Harry’s, and Harry was Louis’.

A month or so into the relationship, Harry and Louis found that they really enjoyed exploring each other. They knew what the other liked and didn’t like – for example, Louis got flustered when his bottom was touched or pinched out of nowhere, and Harry was insecure about his extra set of nipples unless they were treated otherwise by Louis’ perfect little lips.

And then, two months later, on a Friday, Louis was beat up in the boy’s bathroom again. Niall and Harry couldn’t help; they were in their own classes. So Louis stayed in the bathroom for the entire period, bleeding and hurting in a lot of places. Ed, thank God, was the one to show up, and he helped Louis because Louis couldn’t stand up on his own.

“How long have you been in here?” Ed asked, handing Louis a paper towel so he could dab the blood off of the cut on his eye.

Louis shrugged, swallowing the thick lump in his throat. He really wanted Harry. “Like…twenty minutes, maybe…I’m okay. Thanks.”

Harry hadn’t been very happy. He’d seen Louis’ eye at the end of the day and got angry, claiming that the next time someone touched Louis, he was going to go after them.

And then Harry took Louis to his house and proceeded to kiss every little cut and bruise Louis had received. When Louis started crying because he was sick and tired of getting beaten, Harry got Louis off by palming him through his jeans.

“H-Harry…stop,” Louis cried, whimpering as he writhed around on the bed. His eyes were pinched shut, but tears were still able to slip through. His mouth was hanging open and his breathing was irregular, and he continuously bit into his lip to keep himself from screaming. He pushed his hands at Harry’s arm, wanting his boyfriend off of him because he couldn’t take it. “P-please stop.”

“Why do you want me to?” Harry questioned. He saw that Louis was sobbing, but the way his fingers clenched around the bed sheets and how he panted ‘yes’ every few seconds, he knew Louis was feeling really good.

“Harry…Harry, I…” Louis arched his back and moaned low in his throat. “Harry…F-feels so good…ah…S-stop, Harry! Please…” With another firm stroke Louis came, cursing as he spiraled off of that cliff. “Holy shit, Harry! I told you to f-fucking stop!”

And, just recently, a few weeks ago, they’d gone all the way. It was a different Friday; Ed and Niall were supposed to go to Louis’ to watch a movie and hang out, but Ed got caught up and Niall ‘had things to do’, and that left Harry and Louis alone in the living room.

They’d been watching a movie they’d both seen countless times, and near the end of it, they kissed.

It had started as just a kiss, but before the two of them knew it, they were rocking up against each other and their lips were in places other than on each other’s mouths.

Then they’d rushed upstairs to the bedroom and, while taking off each other’s clothes, Harry looked up and whispered the one word that had Louis wanting Harry so bad:


And twenty minutes later, after properly preparing with everything Louis secretly had, Louis was pushing himself into Harry for the first time. Harry bit his lip hard and tears sprung to his eyes, and Louis stayed absolutely still while whispering endless I love you’s to him.

Five minutes passed before Harry told Louis to move.

So that’s what Louis did.

Neither of them knew what they were doing, but Harry kept his eyes on Louis even though he saw stars whenever that little spot inside him was hit. Louis stared right back at Harry as he carefully thrusted into him.

Then Harry was crying out and whining, raking his fingers down Louis back and telling him that he was so close and that he couldn’t hold on anymore, and that Louis had to go faster and that he had to go harder. And Louis was just managing to tell Harry that he was so perfect and amazing and that he loved him so much. To finish Harry off, Louis stroked him in time with his thrusts.

Neither one of them could last much longer, and when they’d both hit that peak and cried each other’s names, Louis weakly hovered over Harry and kissed him lazily before collapsing beside him.

“I love you so much,” Harry whispered weakly. He was still trembling, and he held onto Louis tightly.

Louis smiled, pushing his boyfriend’s sweaty hair out of his face. “I love you, too, Haz. How do you feel?”

“Perfect. But my bum hurts.”

Harry couldn’t walk well the next day.


   Louis knew he was always going to like riding with Harry when it came to going places; Harry knew just when to talk and when not to. When Louis was in traffic and needed to concentrate in order to protect his and Harry’s life, the younger boy knew not to comment on anything. But when they were on a side road that was back in the woods or something as calm as that, Harry could talk up a storm.

Harry was going on about how the weather outside was killing him. It was finally spring, and spring meant pollen and pollen meant allergies. Louis could just tell by Harry’s voice that he was congested. It was deeper than usual and he had to clear his throat every two minutes in order to keep it from breaking.

Louis was going to melt in Harry’s voice one of these days.

Louis drove to the neighborhood that he used to live in, back before he was kicked out and had to move. He didn’t drive to the exact house, thinking it would be a bit stalker-ish, but he drove to the little clubhouse that was a block or two down from it.

“Where are we?” Harry questioned, getting out of the car once it was parked. He looked around, his eyes falling onto the small park that was to the right of the main building of the clubhouse. He wrinkled his nose as he inhaled; it was like his allergies were trying to ruin him.

“I used to live in this neighborhood. It’s the clubhouse,” Louis answered quietly. A wave of memories washed over him – When Niall had broken his arm because Zayn had accidentally knocked him off the dock and he’d fallen on a stone in the water. When all four of them had played tag and got yelled at by the groundskeeper for tearing up his grass.

When Louis was staring at that boy who was off to the side when he was supposed to be taking a picture with his infant sister.

“Is everything alright?” Harry muttered, and his fingers comfortingly slipped between Louis’. Louis nodded and smiled up at Harry, pecking his lips.

“I’m fine.” He grinned and led Harry in the direction of the park, and he sat with him in the spot that he, Niall, Liam, and Zayn always sat when they had picnics.

Harry covered his mouth with his elbow and sneezed twice – cute little sneezes that had Louis smiling because Harry and his sneezes were his. “M’…sorry,” Harry wheezed out, smiling softly. “I took medicine this morning…I guess it has yet to work.”

Louis smiled and laid back on the grass, laying his hands on his stomach and squinting up at the boy in front of him. “We’ll leave in a little bit, Haz,” he promised. “I just wanted to…catch up, I suppose.”

“Take your time. I’ll try to keep my suffering down at a low volume.” Louis could hear the smirk in his boyfriend’s voice. Harry sat upright with his legs crossed, and Louis put his head in his lap.

“I knew there was a reason to love you,” Louis joked, and he closed his eyes. He locked himself in his memories, closing out everything in reality except for the feeling of Harry’s fingers in his hair.

“Oi, Tommo, get off ‘a me!” Zayn cried, laughing uncontrollably as he and Louis wrestled on the grass. “Louis, that dumb guy is gonna yell at us for rolling around in his grass again!”

Louis only giggled and pushed Zayn’s face into the dirt, not caring for anything in the world. Liam and Niall were having their own little fight not three feet away from them, and the four of them couldn’t be any happier.

“Hey! Get off of my grass!”

All the boys stopped what they were doing and turned to the familiar voice. It could only have belonged to the groundskeeper, who was looking very displeased as he stared down at the mischievous seven-year-olds.

“Where are your mothers?” He snapped, and Niall had to clasp a hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing. Louis was sure that Niall would be mocking Mr. Groundskeeper for the rest of the night. “Play around in my grass one more time and I will–”


It had been more of a shout than a question, but regardless, Louis sat up and looked for whoever had called his name. Harry looked around too and, with an incredibly stuffed-up nose, pointed to the left and mumbled,


Louis looked in the direction of Harry’s finger, spotting two boys who were slowly making their way over to them. He rose to his feet, tilting his head to the side. He remembered – he remembered completely, but he couldn’t believe it.

“It is Louis!” One of the boys, the one with the dark hair, slapped his friend in the arm. The friend shoved the dark-haired boy back and started jogging over.

“Who are they?” Harry asked. He stayed seated on the ground, looking up. He could tell that Louis recognized them, but Harry had never seen Louis as confused as he was now.

Louis scratched the back of his head, smiling with a ‘this is crazy’ look on his face. The two guys were two feet away from the couple now, so Louis spoke to both Harry and his former friends. “Liam and Zayn?”

“He remembers! Hey, Lou!” The dark-haired boy exclaimed. He looked ecstatic. “Liam! He remembers!”

“I hear you, I hear you,” Liam muttered, and he beamed up at Louis. He looked very different in Louis’ eyes. The curly brown hair that he used to adore was now all cut off, and he was tall and lean and handsome.

Zayn…well, to Louis, he just looked older. But it was good to see him, too.

“What’re you doing here?” Liam questioned, pulling Louis into a quick hug. “We haven’t seen you in ages!”

“I moved, that’s why,” Louis said simply, and he wondered if they remembered that they were the first ones to bully him. He wasn’t angry, though. It felt…good to see them again. It felt great. “I just wanted to visit. Didn’t think I’d run into you, honestly.”

Zayn took a seat on the grass next to Harry, and Harry shied away a bit. “And who’s this?” He stuck out a hand for Harry to shake, and Harry smiled and did so. “I’m Zayn.”

“I’m Harry,” he said slowly.

In the next moment, Liam sat down, and introduced himself, too. “I’m Liam. Zayn and I used to be best mates with Louis.” He looked between the couple. “Are you two dating?”

At this point, both boys would say no and walk away. That’s what they did at school whenever they were asked questions that were similar to Liam’s. But Harry looked to Louis, not knowing what to say.

But Louis risked it, even though he knew that Liam and Zayn were homophobic back then. Back then. “Uh…yeah,” he said shyly.

Liam chuckled, glancing at Harry. “That’s cool. Lou here fancied me in primary school,” he muttered, and Harry’s face broke out in a grin.

“Did he now?” He teased, and Louis blushed.

“Oh!” Zayn exclaimed, and all three boys looked to him. Zayn stared back with wide eyes. “Where’s Niall?”

Louis laughed. “He didn’t come. I’ll bring him along next time, though? I’m sure he’d love to see you…”

Liam smiled. “I haven’t seen that bloke in forever…” He placed a hand on Louis’ arm, his little smile quickly changing into a sad-looking one. “I really gotta say, Lou…I’m sorry…”


Several hours later, Harry and Louis were in the guest room of the Tomlinson’s house, watching a series of an old TV show. It was like it always was – they were cuddled up as if they had only a foot of space on the bed. The twins compared the two to magnets: when one went somewhere, it was only a matter of time before the other one found him.

Harry and Louis were talking quietly, even though it was only nine o’clock and the bedroom door was closed. But they valued this time.

Liam and Zayn had both apologized to Louis for their behaviors when they were younger. Louis accepted it; they were little and didn’t know any better. Louis had felt special when Liam and Zayn were so happy to see him again.

Harry could tell Louis was happy, too, and that made him happy. A happy Louis was a great Louis. He was finally getting the love he had lost for all those years, especially from his mum, and he wasn’t alone with no one except for Niall, like he used to be. He had a family, and he also had Harry, Ms. Styles, and Gemma. They were his family, too.

Everyone cared now.

And Harry liked to think that he cared – would always care – the most.

“Today was a pretty great day,” Louis slurred, looking up at Harry from his position on Harry’s chest. Harry knew Louis was tired but he refused to go to sleep.

Harry smiled and stroked Louis’ hair back. He’d enjoyed today, too. He liked Liam and Zayn. He thought it was funny how Louis used to fancy the brown-haired boy. “You’re satisfied?”

“I’m very satisfied.” Louis grinned and drew lazy little shapes across Harry’s shirt-clad stomach. “I love you, Harry.”

Hearing those words would always make Harry giddy, he knew. “I love you too, Louis.”

There was a knock on the door right at that moment, and before either of them could tell the knockers to come in, the girls were tumbling into the room, and Ms. Tomlinson was following them.

“Lou-Bear!” Fizzy cried, flying onto the bed. The other girls came, too, and soon Harry and Louis were squished together as the girls made themselves comfortable.

But neither Harry nor Louis minded being so close. Louis climbed up to Harry's chest, clutching him there and pressing kisses to his jaw.

Ms. Tomlinson sat on the end of the bed, smiling at her children and her son’s boyfriend. They were all together, watching old shows on an old television, and quite frankly, that’s where Ms. Tomlinson wanted everyone all along. Together.

And that was exactly what Harry was thinking when he leaned down and whispered to Louis, “I’ve got you right where I want you.”

Louis glanced up again, his eyes only half-open. “And where’s that?”

 Harry grinned. “With your family. With me.”



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