Boys of the Dark | ✓ (2015)

By 3pointt14

158K 14.4K 5.6K

[ This story was written in less than 30 Days - Winner of November NaNoWriMo project ] Delilah Rose (the actu... More

1. The Boy with a Filthy Soul
2. The Boy with the Melons
3. The Boy with the Heart Shaped Cookies
4. The Boy with the FRIENDS--I'll Be There For YOUUU
6. The Boy with the Highway (to Hell)
7. The Boy with the Sand (box. Without the Two Kids)
8. The Boy with the Rain (Rihanna, We Need Your Umbrella)
9. The Boy with the Coffee Grinds and Valentines
10. The Boy with the Revealing Secret
11. The Boy with the Chasing Waterfalls
12. The Boy with the Orgasmic Pizza
13. The Boy with the DAMN, DANIEL
14. The Boy with the I ran out of titles...
15. The Boy with the HOLY CRAPOLA
16. The Boy with the MJ (Not Michael Jackson)
17. The Boy with the viral music video
18. The Boy with the Tattoo Heart
19. The Boy with the Bottle and First Show
20. The Boy with the Cold Heart
21. The Lost Boy
22. The Boy with an Absent Presence
23. The Boy with Big News
24. The Boy with Breaking News
25. The Boy with the Final Round
26. The Boy with the Last Words
27. The Boy with Painful End
28. The Boys of the Dark
29. The Boy Who Tries To Find The Light

5. The Boy with the Oh Mah Pony Secret

6.8K 644 282
By 3pointt14

It was Delilah's second day on Earth and she already wanted to burn this green little planet to the ground.

"Oh Delilah.  Check out the guy at six o'clock.  God took his time with that one.  Those cheekbones.  That ass," Paris said and scooted his stomach closer into the cafeteria table.   

Melon Head's eyes roamed over the piece of candy in a muscle tee.  "Yeah.  I could eat cereal out of those collarbones."

"His jawline could cut through paper," Paris agreed.

"I would tear him apart until he was nothing left but empty bones and twitching meat," Delilah said. 

Ryland choked on his meatball, Brody spat his water out of his mouth, Paris started coughing, HB pushed her lunch away, and Melon Head fell off his chair in laughter. 

"Wow.  That was an incredibly detailed description."  Paris pointed his straw at her before stabbing it through his drink.  

Delilah shrugged and continued casually eating her sandwich. 

Melon Head did the same, slurping on his straw in the soda can.  "Check out the fuckboy coming over here."

"Fuckboy?"  Paris glanced over and sheepishly smiled.  "He isn't a..."

"Hey, shitbags." 

Delilah instantly recalled this cynical character, his face drawn in sharp angles and dark lines.  Razor jaw paired with thick, brown brows that that narrowed whenever a crooked smile cracked across his lips: Lucan was one of the boys who Ryland had gym class with.

"Fuck off, Lucan," Ryland growled.

Brody started playing with peas, tossing them around his plate with his fork.  Paris slurped on his drink and Ryland just glared at him. 

"Afternoon, Lucan!" Paris chirped with a mouthful of juice. 

Lucan slammed his hands down on the lunch table.  "So you do know this psychotic chic," he told Ryland as he flicked his head towards Delilah. 

"Is that a problem?" Delilah asked. 

"Nope."  Lucan smiled.  "It just proves you're all even freakier." 

She raised a brow. "What's wrong being a lil' freaky?

Brody stabbed his pea too hard and it flew off his plate.  

"You're sick," Lucan said, but he spoke with that crooked smile. 

Delilah wanted to cringe.  But it was the good kind of cringe. The kind that she wouldn't mind doing again.

"Anyway," Lucan began.  "I heard you losers were trying again?  You're wasting your time.  One in a million people get chosen.  What makes you so different?"

"It's what we love to do," Paris defended.

"But in reality, that isn't even enough," Lucan said.  He laughed and walked away, tossing them a dark grin.

Delilah tried to understand the exchange that just happened, unaware of what was going on.  But Paris already changed the topic, talking about stock exchange or whatever. 

What were the boys trying to do?  What happened last time? 

Clearly, there were more to these boys. 


"Nothing is working!" Delilah screamed.  The plate lifted in the air and crashed into the sink. 

"If you're gonna do the dishes, you could do them properly," Paris said, hanging upside down on the couch. 

Delilah glared and the glass on the coffee table broke.  He yelped, nearly getting flying shards in his eye.  "Can you settle down on the destruction part?"

"Ryland won't even talk to me!  I'm not getting any closer to him and this plan just fucking sucks!  Can't I just force him to remember me?"  She let out a faint demon screech through her mouth and the plates trembled in the cupboards. 

HB sat upright.  "Delilah has a point.  Her powers are getting stronger on Earth and we know the more power she draws out here, the more likely—"

"Nope."  Paris stood up and crossed his arms in front of him.  "Not happening.  We're not going to let it get to that!  The humans don't deserve that kind of punishment."

"Then what do I do?!  I'm not leaving this fucking planet until he reverses this stupid pregnancy!" Delilah exasperated.

Paris stood across from her, the kitchen counter between the two of them.  "Okay.  First off—you need to learn how to control this thing you got going."

"Pregnancy?" HB offered.

"Anger," Delilah grumbled. 

"Yes.  I mean, to the anger part.  If you can control it, you can buy yourself more time which in this case—you need."  He glanced at HB.  "And we need to start ironing out Ryland.  He's too stiff around her and he needs to loosen up a bit.  Get comfortable.  Find her presence to be pleasant."

"You want to make the presence of the fucking Devil—pleasant?"  HB snorted and tossed another popcorn in her mouth.  "Sure, Captain.  Sure."

"And you need to stop being so forceful on the poor guy," he continued to Delilah.  "Ryland is a hard egg to crack, but like all good people, you can get into his heart.  Just don't break it once you get inside, okay?  He means well, Delilah."

"Yes, yes.  I know."  She waved a dismissive hand.  "Now.  How 'bout we do some shit.  Any ideas?"

"The boys and I are going to be at Ryland's house tomorrow after school.  Why don't you show up with some drinks and snack?" Paris offered. 

She sighed, dragging her fingers through her silver silk hair.  "Okay.  I could do that."

"Great!"  He smiled and embraced her in a big hug.  "Mhmmm.  That's good to hear." 

She pulled him off of her.  "For seven sins, why are you such a ball of sunshine?" 

He gave her a cheeky smile.  "That's just who I am."


Delilah ringed the doorbell and waited. 

The chill wind kept nipping at her neck and she ringed the bell again.  Her foot tapped on the 'Welcome' mat, and she pushed her nose up against the glass, trying to peek through.  Nothing. 

She picked the paper bag out of her hand with her teeth and used her empty hand to try the door.  It clicked, and she pushed the front door open.  "Well then..." she said with the bag between her teeth and quickly stepped into the warmth. 

She shut the door with her heel and heard the faint sound of noise deeper in the house.  She took the bag out of her mouth and called out for Paris. 

No answer.

Tossing her keys on the dining table, she moved towards the sounds as it came from the second floor.  She tripped up the first step, nearly dropping the tray of coffee and pop.  The faint noises began to mould into a familiar sound and she started racking her brain to make a connection. 

Delilah traveled up the twisty black staircase, having to stop halfway once the floor started moving and then continued on her journey.  When she finally reached the top, all the doors were closed.

The weird sounds projected from the end of the hall and she made her way down, voices heightening.   

"What's going on?" she asked to no one in particular.

She knocked on the door and got no answer.  She sighed and knocked again, this time using her knee.  No answer.  She let out a frustrated sigh and removed the bag from her hand again. 

She turned the knob and opened it a crack before a bang came from the other side.  She tried to push the door further, but it wouldn't budge, someone applying force on the other side. 

"Who is it!" a voice grunted. 

Delilah tried to shove her head through the door.  "It's Delilah!" she said with the bag in her mouth.


She used her foot to open more of the door, trying to push it open.  It opened an inch more, as his one visible eye widened before squinting in annoyance, the door beginning to close again.  She dropped the bag out of her mouth and onto the tray.  "Wait!  I have food!"

"I don't want food."  The voice now clearer, she realized it was Ryland. 

She waved the tray on her hand and that eye followed its movement.  "I have cookies and soda!"

He paused.  "Fine."  He opened it a crack more, and snatched the sodas out of the tray, leaving the coffee cups there.  Then he slammed the door on her nose. 

"Hey!" she huffed.  "So I guess I'm taking the cookies?"

The door opened again and when he reached for the bag on the tray, she snatched his wrist, putting on a steel grip. 

"So what are you guys in there?" she asked, trying to push herself through the door.

"None of your goddamn business," he scoffed.  "Now would you mind letting go of my hand?"

She glared and he glared back.  She harshly let go of his hand and he closed the door on her. 

"Thank you!" she heard Paris say on the other side of the door.  Brody did the same, but obviously not as enthusiastic.   

With an annoyed huff, Delilah took five steps away from the door before spinning around and charged towards it.  She smashed her shoulder against the door and grabbed the knob and twisted it, but felt it tighten on the other side. 

"A little too slow?" Ryland called on the other side. 

She frowned and shook the knob again.  "You're an asshole!"

"Run along now!" he called. 

She huffed out a long sigh and turned around again, taking two steps before waiting a good ten seconds.  She made it one step further before he opened the door, Ryland's head poking out.  "Baby, you ain't coming in here."

She glared, irked by his smug face and spun around, walking down the stairs.  Taking her keys off the table, she made it outside again, the cold embracing her like an old friend. 

She tapped her feet against the 'Welcome' mat and peeked around the house.  She set the empty coffee tray down on the porch chair and scurried around the house to the backyard.  She climbed up the gate and her coat got caught on it. 


She wiggled and shook and heard a sharp rrriiiiip.  Delilah squealed and tipped herself over the gate, falling face first into the snow.  "For seven sins..." she muttered and scrambled back on her feet.

She spotted the second floor window that she was sure they were in and climbed up the trunk of this huge maple tree.  Scaling up the branch, her toes tingled at the height and she swallowed hard. 


She clutched tighter on the bark as her gaze flickered to the ground.  Quickly, she scurried close to the window and let one arm off the branch, reaching for the window sill.

Tongue stuck out in serious concentration, she lifted the window up with a grunt and poked her head in. 

"AAAAAHHHH!" Ryland screamed. 

"AAAAHHHHH!" Delilah screamed.  "WHY ARE YOU ON THE TOILET?!"

"BECAUSE I'M TAKING A SHIT!"  He grabbed the newspaper and covered his junk.  "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN A TREE?!"

Instantly realizing this was the bathroom window and not the bedroom window, Delilah shimmied backwards down the branch.  But her hand slipped and she fell off, arms flailing like spaghetti and thunk, her body hit the snow. 

She lost her breath, rushed to her feet and stumbling like a drunk before hobbling away.   

Ryland poked his head out the window and threw a roll of toilet paper at her.  "Perv!"

"Shithead!" she screamed back and climbed over the gate, running back to her car.  

She whipped open her door and stuffed herself in the driver seat.  She stayed quiet to catch her breath, devilish eyes glaring at Ryland's house.  

She was going to find out what the hell those boys were doing. 


It wasn't until afterschool when she found her next opportunity. 

"Hey dickwad!"  Delilah pounded her fist against the glass window. 

Ryland jumped up, the newspaper crinkling under his hands.  He glared and ignored her, opening the paper back up.  She stomped her foot down and started hammering her arm on the glass.

He sighed, and rolled the window down by an inch, leaning forward to the crack and shouted, "I don't have any money.  Sorry!" 

He rolled the window back and she huffed in frustration.  "It's fucking cold out here!"

He shrugged as if it wasn't his fault.  Delilah frowned, and went around the front of his car, climbed the hood of it and sat down. 

"Hey!"  He smacked his hand against the dashboard but she ignored him, leaning her back on the front of his window.  "Delilah!" 

She remained silent, arms crossed as a gust of wind whipped her hood off.  The bitter wind nipped at her cheeks, the skin getting rough and red, but she planted her stubborn herself on the car.  She heard the door unlock and the sound of footsteps. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" he asked. 

"Sitting.  What does it fucking look like?" said Delilah without even looking at him. 

"You're such an asswipe."  He paused for two seconds.  "Get in."  She didn't move.  "Get in the car, Delilah." 

A smile cracked on her lips but she quickly hid it, sliding off the hood of the car.  She went on the other side, opening the front passenger seat and slipped in.  Warmth enveloped her body and she snuggled in the comfy seat.  Ryland came in seconds after, grumbling something and slammed the door after him. 

His phone went off and he checked a text.  He swore, chucking the phone in the backseat.  Shoving the key in ignition, Delilah frowned and tried to get a peek behind her shoulder.  "Aren't we waiting for HB?"

"She has to stay longer after school," he said and the car rumbled, the engine starting up again. 

"What about Paris?" she asked.

"That dickwad is staying with her."  He cursed again, getting the car started. 

"Then where am I supposed to go?  I can't get into their house." 

He groaned and drove the car out of the parking lot.  "Can't you just, chill at a coffee shop or something?"

"No.  What the fuck am I supposed to do in a coffee shop?" 

"With a purchase of a mini muffin, you can save sixty nine cents."

"Yes, and stare out the booth window and watch strangers walk by as I analysis my life with critical thinking over a steaming mug of tea." 

Her sarcasm didn't melt his rigid state as his voice was still hardened.  "Put your seatbelt on." 

"No!  Where are you going to take me?!" Delilah questioned. 

"I guess I'm going to have to take you with me."

"And that's where?"

"Just put on your goddamn seatbelt," he explained.  She glared and grabbed the seatbelt, pulling it with such force that it got stuck and she jerked. 

Ryland snickered, and she narrowed her gaze in his direction.  Trying again, the seatbelt was stuck and she kept pulling like a crazy animal. 

When they were at a red light, Ryland simmered his laughter down and leaned over.  "Seeing you do stupid things makes my day." 

"Shut the fuck up and help me, asshole."

He smiled even harder and let the seatbelt slide its way back, before taking it again—this time slowly.  His breath fanned over her chin for a moment as he leaned over, arm brushing against her waist as he tried to click it in. 

Her body felt weird and tingly and something rushed up her neck and over her cheeks.  She stayed still once the belt clicked in and once he was firmly back in his seat, she discreetly let out the breath she was holding. 

The light flashed green and he drove forward, the silence between them slightly awkward on Delilah's part.  She couldn't tell how he was feeling, his face back to that straight, emotionless expression. 

There was a crinkle noise under the tires and the road went a little bumpy before it came to a complete stop.  Ryland killed the engine, pocketed the keys.  "You can stay in the car," he told her. 

But obviously she stepped out, the cold air sneaking through her sleeves and under her coat at the first chance. 

She heard him and slam the door on the other side.  The sun was already going down, the sky beginning to turn orange.  He shoved his hands in his pockets and started walking off without her.  She caught up to him, her boots on a slant each time she walked on the rocks under her feet. 

They disappeared under a trail in the forest, Delilah making sure she stayed closed to him as the sun began going down faster.

"Ryland!"  But he didn't stop walking, as she felt it difficult keeping up with long strides with her boots.  "Ryland!  Ryland!"  She finally caught up to him and panted, "Where in seven sins are we going?"

"You wanted to come," he simply said, still not slowing down his pace. 

"It's getting dark.  Shouldn't we be heading back?"  

"You don't like the dark?"

"I'm fine with the dark.  I just don't walk in it often."

"Really?  The best parts of the world live at night."

He smirked, glimpsing over at her red, shiny thigh high boots.  "For such a cynical soul, who knew you were scared of the dark." 

"I'm not scared of the dark," she snapped back.

"Well, you certainly don't like shadows," he said. 

Delilah evaluated his face, taking in that crooked, broken smile sitting on his lips.  "What do you mean?" she questioned.   

He turned to leave and it wasn't until he stopped after the third step.  "Coming?"

He didn't let her ask where as he continued on his unknown path. But Delilah liked answers.  "Where?  For all I know you could use me to perform some exorcist."

He kept walking and she had to walk a little faster to keep up with his long strides.  "I'm taking you to a place where I feel at home." 

The sunset bled across the sky with pink and orange clouds shaped as comets, streaks dragging behind it in cotton candy colours.

But when Delilah looked at Ryland, his smile was nothing sweet. It was grim, bitter and made her cringe. It was the good kind of cringe too. The one that prickled down the neck, trailed down the arms and stood every hair up. The boys in this town had that kind of affect.

"We're going into the dark," he told her. 



I hope that chapter wasn't too long.

What do you think Ryland and the boys are hiding?

What do you think of the characters? Ryland?

GUYS. I found a gif with all three boys in it-ohmygod.

Melon Head is on the left.

Ryland is played by Lucky Blue Smith (he's got the white hair, hm?) is in the middle.

Brody is on the right.

[ Ryland is the one in the middle ---freaking love him]

I can totally picture these goofs at a lunch table together. LOL.

Like this story? Is it boring you? Is it not?

Please vote and comment!

Maybe 200 votes this chapter? :)

Updates frequent, yah?

Love you lots,

Xx twister :)

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