A Tobelaide tale!

By randomfanficdownton

17.2K 442 122

Once upon a time, the cameras turned off, the characters stopped acting, and their real lives became a perfor... More

Tobelaide reaches england..
"Ditching the car."
'Watched it begin again'
In the morning, dear.
Climbing cuts
Toblerone talk.
Falling Star
Friend zone?
Cinderella and the hiker.
Back home
Authors note

Lagoon? Check.

1K 33 5
By randomfanficdownton

There below where there stood was a gaping whole in the forest floor, a slow descent to a potion of nature.
A steep slope led down to a lagoon and if Toby had not stopped walking, he would have already been down there.
The water looked reasonably deep but not a death sentence, fresh leaves were floating at the edges but other wise the water looked undisturbed and well kept.
It seemed nature's tendrils had not yet invaded this body of water.
Trees embedded in the bank leaned over the water, some of the fallen tree's branches dipping below the surface..

"If we jump.." Toby began, staring down at the drop and then throwing his towel onto a low branch nearby.
"Then maybe it won't be as hard as trying to just run down this practically vertical slope."
He removed his shirt and left his swimming shorts on.
Adelaide raised an eyebrow but couldn't deny it looked both fun and exciting.
It was more than the muddy puddle that Toby had been ready to venture into and probably the best they would be able to find.
The water would probably be freezing but they'd get used to it and as far as they were concerned, pirañas and leeches did not live in this particular region... Or even country.

Before Adelaide could logically consider anything else, Toby began to step slowly backwards, keeping his eyes on the water at all times.
When he'd got as far back as five trees, he stopped and then began to run.. Then pick up speed.. Then sprint until alas he got to the edge of the lagoon and pushed off mightily against the last bit of land he had stood on, propelling himself high into the air, his arms waving above his being and making him look like he was flying.
It all happened in almost slow motion for Toby, he saw his arms flailing above him, then lower beside him as he plummeted beneath the surface, blue engulfing him and setting ripples off in every direction.
A gigantic splash, even reaching Adelaide who was staring in awe from above.
"Toby?" She asked anxiously, watching his golden curls sink slowly under the water and seeing his blurred body wriggling about. Everything was quiet and time stood still, Adelaide holding her breath in anticipation.
Suddenly he emerged, flinging his soaking hair out of his face and revealing a massive smile of excitement.
"It's." Gasp. "Bloody." Gasp. "Freezing!" Toby yelled up to Adelaide who couldn't help doubling over in relief and hysterics.

Adelaide finished laughing and Watched Toby splashing about below, trying to warm himself up.
She hesitated, dropped her towel on the floor and then took off her top, keeping her two piece on ,and then stared gingerly down below.
"Don't worry Ade," Toby shouted up at her, seeing the concern pass her expression.
"I will catch you if you think you're going to drown." He laughed and wiped his hand over his face, getting the water out of his eyes.
"One sec.." Adelaide shouted down, bending down and pressing play on the small speaker she'd brought along wrapped in her towel.
She turned the volume to the max and then peered down again looking at the descent.
Without even thinking about it, she took a run up and felt the wind throwing her hair up above her, her legs waving about beneath her as the water came rushing close to her.
Like Toby's experience, it felt like she were flying, the adrenaline and wind hitting her being with such force it took her breathe away.
"Lights go down, in the moment were lost and found, I just wanna be by your side, if these wings could fly... For the rest of our lives"
The lyrics of the chorus from the speakers hit her ears just before she hit the water right next to Toby.
She kept her eyes open underwater and opened her arms out around her, feeling weightless.
Everything slowed down..
Suddenly someone else appeared under the water in front of her.
It was Toby!
He grinned widely as he took both of her hands and hauled them both up above the surface.
They both gasped and shook their clinging hair out of their faces.

"It is actually. So. Cold!" Adelaide cried out, wiping her face down and shivering beside him.
"You'll get used to it, I'm surprised you actually jumped!" Toby complimented her and then a thoughtful look passed his expression..
"What?" Adelaide asked suspiciously, a cheeky grin passing her own face as he began to smile at his idea.
He acted casually, swimming about until he suddenly turned around, sending a mini wave towards Adelaide and practically pouring water over her.
"Toby!" She shrieked, gasping as the freezing water came at full force towards her.
"That is so Not Okay." She declared, swimming after Toby who had immediately swan away as soon as he had carried out his plan.
She tried to splash him from afar and he splashed back until they were merely a childish show for all of nature to watch.

She swam up close to him, rubbing her soaking hands over his face and squishing a leaf on to his hair.
Toby laughed, rubbing his hands back on her and she complained, pulling a disgusted face.
She almost fell back into the water and instantly Toby caught her, instinctively pulling her closer to him.
"Careful!" He warned, pretending he'd just saved her life.
His hands were still wrapped around her and her hands were on his chest.. Their lips also close together..
She'd never felt this before..
Toby and Adelaide had always been close but their love was only on screen.. But now, everything seemed so unrehearsed and so wild that she could kiss him.
Toby laughed, wiping some hair off her face and kicking his legs to stay afloat.
'In the morning.. When you wake up I.. Like to believe you've been thinking of me'
The music changed and Toby let go of Adelaide, with another trick up his sleeve.
He swam back, keeping eye contact with Adelaide the whole time, and when he got a few paces away, he bowed as much as one could in a lagoon, and held his hand out towards Adelaide.
"May I have this dance?" He asked in his Francis voice.
His dripping hand was extended out towards Adelaide and Adelaide grinned at him, placing her hand upon his, making a squelching sound.
"Yes of course, your majesty." She replied in her Mary voice, and Toby pulled her closer to him, beginning to attempt to follow some dance moves but in the water.

They glided left and right, he twirled her around and they repeated it, going around the full circle of the lagoon as one would do in the ballroom.
The trees were their hosts and the harmonious wind and birds chirping were their orchestra, the speakers on the land were of course a very fitting addition.
'I know.. Cause I spent.. Half this morning.. Thinking about the tee shirt you sleep in.' The music played on, the actors danced on.
Nothing mattered and everything was so random.
No camera crew, no dance steps to follow and yet they got everything perfectly right.
He picked her up and lifted her from her waist, just above his head and Spun them both around in a semicircle, placing her fully back in the water again and taking her hands.

The song came to a finish and they swam around each other, their hands in between them, against each other.
The dance finishes with the male pulling the female closer to himself and holding both her hands.
And that is what Toby did, he drew her closer to him and just as the song finished, Adelaide came up against his chest, her frozen little fingers curled up on his chest.

They said nothing and they just stared at each other as the next song played.
They were so close, their noses touching and they could feel each other's breath on their faces..
Adelaide relived what they'd done in the past hour, flying over a lagoon, dancing in water, water fights..
Toby looked at Adelaide.. He was so in love with her and she was just his best friend.
Someone he could tell anyone to and do anything with, and yet here they were, centre of a lagoon, her against his chest.
The sun was beginning to shine over head and it was 11 o'clock already, the water shimmered around them, the ripples refracting the light all around, bouncing off surrounding leaves making a green filter with the sun.
Their things rested on dry land where they'd left them and the speaker continued to play music.
It's amazing how nothing had changed around them but they both felt like everything was so different.
Toby smiled, breaking the motionless moment, and he bowed, kissing her hand as a gentleman would after a dance.
Adelaide blushed, but when he was at her height again, she quickly put her hand around his head and pulled him towards her, brushing her lips past his temporarily..
Toby held on, not wanting her to stop but she did.
She looked down after this sudden gesture, smiling silently.
"I'm glad one of us did that." Toby said softly, raising her chin and looking into her eyes again.
Adelaide smiled up at him,
"Quite so." She agreed, realising she was still holding his hand.

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