Her Most Valuable Possession...


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Evan Sophia Benson is Olivia's 14 year old daughter. What happens when a perp from the past decides to get re... More

To Forget You
Plans put into Action
Words she Never Wanted to Hear
Missing: Day One
Not just Another Victim
Emotions Running High
Lying is An Art Form
The Remains of Who She Was
What Justice?
No Turning Back
Coping Skills
Long Distance Fathers
Coming together/Apart

Secrets Revealed

227 7 2

After Brent left the cornerstore with his new information, he hopped in a taxi and headed to Queens. He walked a couple blocks away from the subway station and walked inside of a run down looking apartment, walked up three flights of stairs and entered apartment 3B with his key.

"You'll never believe what I found out." Brent said walking into the kitchen and grabbing a beer.

"You found her?" Lowell called from the living room.

"Yeah and get this, she has a kid." Brent said.

"Really? Was the bitch rattled?" Lowell asked.

"Yeah, she looked pretty pissed when she turned around and saw me." Brent said.

"Perfect. So, how old is the kid?" Lowell asked.

"She looks about 13, 14." Brent said with a shrug. He took another swig of his beer and put it on the coffee table.

"The kid definitely changes things..." Lowell said with an evil look on his face.

"Whatever it takes to bring that bitch down! If she had just butted out I never would have lost Mia." Brent said.

The following Monday...

"I hate it so much!" Evan said plopping on her bed next to her best friend. "She's always at work. Even though this promotion was supposed to give her more time to be with me."

"Your Mom loves you more than anything in this entire world Evie." Harlem said.

"Yeah, well I sure as hell can't tell." Evan said with a roll of her eyes.

"I know not being next door sucks, but shit look at this place. Your room is bigger, you have your own bathroom and that balcony view is breathtaking." Harlem said.

"Whatever." Evan scoffed.

"I do miss you though." Harlem said.

"Me too. Let's not wait so long before hanging out, yeah?" Evan said.

"Duh...now let's do our homework before your Mom comes home." Harlem said pulling her books out.

'If she comes home.' Evan thought.

Olivia got in past midnight and the first thing she did was peek in on her daughter. She pushed open the door and watched her daughter sleep for a few moments before moving into the room and kissing her on her forehead and pulling the blankets under her chin. "I'm sorry baby girl." She said softly before leaving the room.

The next morning Evan got up earlier and got ready, before slipping out of the house and going to school early. She wanted to avoid her Mom. She couldn't believe her Mom had never made it home the night before and she didn't call or anything. She was on the last bus stop before reaching her school when her phone went off.

Mom: Where are you?

Evan: Almost at school...not like you care.

Evan locked her screen and shoved her phone into her pocket. She was scrolling through her songs when her phone went off yet again.

Mom: Baby, I am sorry :(

Evan: You're always sorry Mom!

Mom: I had to be there honey.

Evan: That's fucking bullshit! Uncle Fin and Aunt Amanda know how to hold down the fort without you!

Mom: I was the only one that the victim would talk to.

Evan: Yet again, your job is more important!

Mom: Evan, you know that's not true...


With that Evan powered off her phone, shoved it in her pocket and hopped off the bus. She stormed into the school, entered in the combination to her locker and snatched it open. She grabbed her books for her first and second periods and started making her way towards her class. She was almost there until Jenna and her posse got in her way. "Today is not the day to fuck with me Jenna." She said.

"OOO someone call the cops..." Jenna said.

"I'm warning you, fuck off!" Evan snapped.

"What are you gonna do about it Evan?" Jenna sneered. "Call your Mommy to arrest me?"

Evan screamed and threw her books on the ground. Then she tackled Jenna and started punching her anywhere she could reach. She was so mad at her Mom and tired of Jenna picking on her she just lost it. Before she knew it she was being pulled off of Jenna by security. "Get the fuck off me!" She said. She took off down the hall for the bathrooms and locked herself in a stall. She dug around in her purse before finding a blade. She hurriedly pushed up her sleeve and began cutting into her flesh. She cut herself up like a turkey on a carving board on Thanksgiving. When she was done she felt like she could breathe. She held a tissue to her arm and let herself cry. When she was sure the bleeding stopped she cleaned up as best she could and left the bathroom. She didn't make it far before security found her again and hauled her off towards the principal's office.

Olivia headed towards the principal's office with her stomach twisting in knots. Evan had never been in trouble before. She knocked on the door and let herself in. "Evan..." She said with a sigh.

Evan could barely look at her Mom.

Olivia sat in the chair next to her and waited for the principal to speak.

"Hello, Ms. Benson I'm Principal Brink." The older woman said holding out her hand.

"I'm sorry to be meeting you under these circumstances." Olivia said.

"I am as well." Principal Brink said. "We take fights very seriously here at Roosevelt High."

"I understand." Olivia said with a nod.

"Usually this is grounds for expulsion." Principal Brink said.

Olivia's eyes went wide. She started praying that the principal wasn't about to expel her daughter.

"But since this is Evan's first offence, I am willing to suspend her for two weeks and put it in her file." Principal Brink said.

"Thank you and Evan will never do anything like this again." Olivia said promisingly. She shook the principal's hand again and headed towards the door. "Let's go." She said to Evan.

They got in the car and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"I'm waiting..." Olivia said as she swerved the car through the traffic.

Evan said nothing. She just looked out the window and watched the scenery whizz by.

"Evan Sophia Benson, I am talking to you!" Olivia said.

Evan turned around and looked at her Mom. "WHAT?!" She snapped.

"Do not what me right now." Olivia said.

"Leave me alone." Evan said. The second the car stopped she hopped out and headed up to the apartment. She slammed the door and rushed into her room. She had just closed her bedroom door and rolled up her sleeve to cut again when her Mom walked in.

"What?!" Olivia rushed over and took a closer look at Evan's arm. "Baby, talk to me please." She said.

"Get out! Get the fuck out and just go to work like you always fucking do!" Evan screamed. She pulled away from her Mom and threw her hairbrush at her.

Olivia didn't budge, in fact she moved over to Evan and pulled her into her arms. "I'm sorry baby! I'm sorry! I know you hate me right now but I'm not leaving."

"This is all your fault!" Evan cried. She pushed against her Mom and punched her but her Mom wouldn't let go. After a few minutes she gave up.

"I'm here baby girl, I'm here." Olivia said wiping her own tears. She moved them over to the bed and laid down with her daughter. "We're going to take a nap and then we're going to talk."

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