Dangerous Mafia

By inspirational_wizard

59.2K 1.5K 146

Aubree:" Yes sir, will that be al..." ...:" Yes it will, now leave." * Aubree looks... More

Meet the Cast...
O'Riley Diner
O'Riley Diner (part 2)
Day out but No day off
Crazy Day!!!
Mystery Man & Unwanted Curiousness
Long ass day
Long Ass Day part 2
Call Me Crazy

Crazy Day part 2

4.1K 142 5
By inspirational_wizard

If anyone gets confused, I am continuing from the last chapter since it was so short....... So lego


Azarya:" So, what ya want to do after this?"

Aubree:" Uhh, I don't even know, but lets just work for right now"

                   * While seating an elderly couple in her section, in comes Stacy in some ripped up shorts showing her lace panties, a  black half shirt and some black 12 inch heels*

Aubree:" What the hell do she have on?"

Azarya:" Bitch wh... What in the fuckery is this? Do this hoe have on panties on top of panties? I know this bitch is not serious right now."

Aubree:" It is something seriously wrong with her"

           * After Stacy walks by, the door bells jingle, signaling that some one has walked in so Aubree turns and sees that it is the same men in black that occupied the larger table a few days ago, She walks toward them*

Aubree:" Hello gentlemen, Booth or Table?"

......:" Table"

Aubree:" Right this way" * walking towards the private table with the group of men in tow, she places all the menus down and addresses them* " What would you like to drink?"

......:" 4 coffees, 3 sprites and 3 oj's"

Aubree:" Alright, I'll be back with your drinks"

                  * Walking away Aubree walks towards Nate*

Aubree:" Hey babes"

Nate:" Sup"

Aubree:" Nothing much, I can already tell you that today will be long"

Nate:" *laughs* I bet it will, Have you seen what Stacy have on?"

Aubree:" * laughs* Yeah I di..."

Azarya:" Hell fuckin' yeah we did. That bitch needs morals and jesus cause this shit right here nigga, this right here is unacceptable, I mean we all know your a hoe but do you have to advertise it in a family diner, gosh what the hell is wrong with peop..."

              * Stacy walks toward them*

Stacy:" Hi Nate. Hi Aubree. Azarya"

Nate and Aubree: *Nods*

Azarya:"  Watch out lil bitch"

Stacy:" Excuse me"

Azarya:" I fuckin said watch out lil..."

Stacy:" I heard you the first time, I just want to know who your talking t..."

Azarya:" Bitch don't ever in yo life, interrupt me ya heard that hoe. The fuck is wrong with yo ole egg plant, worm eatin ass?"

Stacy:" Bit..."

Azarya:" Finish that shit hoe I dare you" * jumping at Stacy*

Stacy:* FIinches back* "What ever" * flips her hair and walks toward a group of jocks*

Azarya:" That bitc..."

Aubree:" Why do yall always have to argue? Every time I come in here yall at each other necks"

Azarya:" You know I don't like that bitch"

Nate:" True." * Walks away from the two girls and goes back to work*

Aubree:" Anyways let me get back to work"

Azarya:" Right"

                       * Taking the drinks back to the strange men and places them down on the table*

Aubree:" Are you guys ready to order?"

.....:" No, not yet"

Aubree:" Ok" * walks away from the table toward a booth filled with dumb jocks and fake barbies* " Hello, I am your server today, What can I start you guys off with?"

.....:" You can get me a plate of you with no clothes" * bumps fist with another jock*

....:" Hell yeah man"

Aubree:" Boy I can get you a plate of my fist in the face with a side of bullets and a gun, How bout that?"

....:" Bitch can you stop flirting with my man and take our orders?"

Aubree: If this fake ass Barbie built bitch don't shut the fuck up, she go find herself getting beat the hell up  " What would you like?"

....:" I'll have a bacon burger, fries and a coke"

......:" I second that"

....:" Us too"

Aubree:" And you h.... girl?"

....:" A salad and a water is fine"

.....:" Yeah what she said"

Aubree:" OK so 4 bacon burgers, fries and cokes and 4 salads and waters." * Walks away*

.....:" Aren't you suppose to ask us if that's all we want"

           * Aubree keeps on walking to place the order and once it's placed she goes toward the table of men*

Aubree:" Are you guys ready to order?"

.....:" 4 double bacon burgers with extra bacon with waffle fries, 6 waffle platers but change the oatmeal to hash browns on one and put extra eggs on one."

Aubree:" Got it, I'll be right back"

             * Placing their orders Aubree takes a little break*

Aubree:" Lord give me the strength" * places her head over her arms* 

                                   * Hears the door bell jingle and hears a distant conversation, too far for her to make out*

Azarya:" Uh Aub"

Aubree:" What?"

Azarya:" There is a man here to see you"

Aubree:" A man?"

Azarya:" A man."

Aubree:" Do you know who it is?"

Azarya:" Of course bitch I don't"

Aubree:" Did you get a name?"

Azarya:" Nope." * popping the p*

Aubree:" Bitch I swear your so damn useless some times like that's common sense to ask some one their name if they want your best friend, especially a man"

Azarya:" Well go see what he wants"

Aubree:" Don't even know why the fuck we're friends in the first place"

Azarya:" Cause you love me"

Aubree:" Some times I question myself about th..... What the fuck are you doing here?"


  NO offence to any of you beautiful jocks and stuck up girls....just kidding. But seriously though I hope none of you take offence to this chapter because if you  do meet me in  front of your nearest park at 1 a.m and don't forget to say goodbye to your family......... * que in evil laugh* Mwuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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