Fireproof | L.S. AU ⚓

By kingkyliestylinson

263 28 3

"Nobody loves you, baby, the way I do..." Warning: Lots of fluff and maybe smut (; Hope you enjoy xx All the... More


Chapter 9

13 3 1
By kingkyliestylinson

Jesus... I hope one day... They will just say if this Larry shit is real or not. And not pull Louis' bullshit scripted answer. Like, I want a real answer. No 'they genuinely think we're in a relationship' NO. Anyways, rant over. Enjoy xx

"Why did we leave the school, Lou?" Harry Styles asks.

"I wanted to get away from there. I'm so sorry Zayn is acting like this, Hazza." Louis gives a sympathetic smile.

"It's not your fault, Louis. It's no one's fault but mine. I've been such a fuck up lately I-"

"No." Louis interrupts. "You don't deserve any of that shit. You are the most beautiful, kind hearted person I've ever met, Hazza."

"But, you barely know me, Lou. You don't know everything..."

"You know what? You're right. Let me get to know you. Tell me about you,"

"Oh, uh, okay. What would you like to know?" Harry says.

"Tell me what goes on inside Harry Styles' head." Lou says scooting closer, making Harry tense up, but relaxes when he feels Louis' hand rest onto his knee, comfortingly.

"Well, let me start from the day my father died." Harry says slowly. Louis tightens then loosens his grip on Harry's knee as if to say, 'Go ahead, love. I'm listening'.

"My father had been battling cancer for the longest time. I was always waiting hand and foot on him. I was so stressed because I had to take care of my dad, school, footie, and I had just walked in on my mum cheating on my dad with some dick she works with. During my father's last 5 months, I had to try so hard not to explode. I had so much weight on my shoulders. The only thing that kept me grounded was my best friend, Zayn. This was before we were together. I started having feelings for Zayn that I never had before. He made me happy. He always listened. I fell in love." Harry stops.

"Go on, love. It's okay. I don't ever judge. I promise." Louis says leaning in closer, their faces inches apart.

Harry sighs lightly and continues. "One day, after I had taken care of dad, I checked on him one last time before heading over to Zayn's. He had invited me over to work on homework and he was going to let me rant to him about mum. When I arrived, I found that it was only us two there. We started to study and I was ranting on about mum. After a while he stopped me and started to kiss me. I had never had a kiss before and I was freaking out. Honestly, I loved it. But then, he kept going further. I knew what he wanted, and I let him have it. I was so stressed and I was shut down and I didn't even care about anything. That day, Zayn took my virginity." Harry starts tearing up.


"No but that's not even the worst part. When I got home from Zayn's I went into my dad's room and found him lying on his hard floor, lifeless. While I was away fucking Zayn, my father died. It's all my fault, Louis. If I wouldn't have been so fucking stupid, my father would've lived. He was so close to being okay again. It's all my fault. It's my fucking fault!" Harry bursts into tears. Louis takes the lad in his arms tightly, letting him cry into his chest.

"Harry, it's not your fault, love. It's not I promise. Please Hazza-"

"It's my fault it's my fault." Harry keeps repeating.

"Haz look at me." Louis lifts Harry's chin up so he's looking at Louis. "You had no control over your father's death. No control. You did nothing wrong. I promise it's not your fault Harry please stop blaming yourself. Please" Louis says. He is now tearing up at the sight of Harry sniffling and crying.

"Ever since that day, Zayn had always been there. Always listened. After the funeral Zayn had asked me to be his boyfriend. I was a dumb ass and said yes. I was so broken I didn't know what I was doing. Dating him was the worst thing I could've done. I regret everything that happened between Zayn and I. I want to take all of it back. I have to live with everything for the rest of my life." Harry said calming down a bit. "Ever since then my mum hasn't really been a mum to me. She says I'm worthless."

"You're anything but worthless. You are so kind and smart and you have the best personality. I might not ever understand what you're going through, but I'm ALWAYS going to be here for you Hazza. Always." He cups Harry's cheek and brings him closer. Louis leans in and connects his lips with Harry's. Harry kisses back without hesitation.

They pull apart from the kiss and Harry nuzzles his face into Louis' neck, blushing. He's lucky to have Louis. He knows Louis will keep his promise. With everything that has been happening, he just needs someone there to always be a friend and tell him everything is going to be okay.


"Hmm?" Harry mumbles into Louis' neck.

"You're crushing my balls, love." Louis says wriggling around, uncomfortably.

"Jesus, Lou. You just killed the mood." Harry chuckles. He gets off of Louis and goes to get dressed down. Louis stands up to fix himself. Harry takes off his shirt and Louis can't help but stare. Harry may not be the most in shape person and doesn't have a whole lot of muscle, but he's still perfect to Louis.

"Loueh." Harry says snapping in Louis' face to get his attention.

"Sorry I was just admiring your body. Like, bloody hell Harry."

"You're so cute." Harry says walking towards Louis, still shirtless. He takes Louis' waist and pulls him close. Louis' hands travel up Harry's abs and chest and wraps then he wraps them around Harry's neck, standing on his tip toes slightly so he can kiss Harry's nose.

"Yeah, I know." He smirks, making Harry laugh.

"Thank you for listening to me. You truly are an angel." Harry says looking Louis in the eyes. Louis blushes.

"I wanna take you out. On a date." Louis says.

"Hmmm... I don't know," Louis' face drops and his smile fades.


"Lou, I'm kidding. Of course I'll go on a date with you." Louis' smile reappears and Harry laughs.

"Don't do that!" Louis says.

"Just kiss me you fool." Harry says before bringing Louis in close, causing Louis to go back on the tip of his toes. The two share a long kiss before being called down for dinner, both smiling like idiots as they have a nice family meal with Lou's mum and sisters.

Harry is happy.

For now.

ONE YEAR SINCE MITAM ! I fucking love that album. It's weird not getting a new album this year, though.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed xx -Ky

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