Full Dark, No Stars {CrEePyPa...

By LastMinuteCosplay

6.6K 193 89

What happens when the CreepyPasta's find out that there is a new member to their team? Well I can tell you no... More

Ch. 1 Bailing Out
Ch. 2 A New Member of The Creepypasta's?
Ch. 2 pt. 2 A New Member of The Creepypasta's?! UH NO THANK YOU~ Jeff
Ch. 3 A red stroll around the park
Ch.4 Those Perverts!!
Wattpad problems ;-;
Ch.5 Be Strong...
Ch.6 Pancakes
Ch. 7 Getting All those Shots!
Ch. 8 Jeff's "Date"
Ch.9 Yukine? What Exactly Are You?
Ch.10 Long Talk about You Know Who..
Ch.11 Truth
Ch. 12 Zalgos Meeting
Ch. 13 Monster...
Ch. 14 singing duet!
Ch. 15 Lazer lights
Ch. 16 The Battle Begins!
Ch. 17 Still fighting
Ch. 18 A Surprise Visit
Changed the Pic and Title once more!
Ch. 20 Mistake
Ch.21 He's missing -_-
Ch. 22
Ch.23 Don't Let Go of The Last String

Ch. 19 Talk between Jeff and Yukine

122 4 1
By LastMinuteCosplay

***Bloody Painter POV***

I look over to see a guy jump down from a tree and start to cut off every single one of the things heads off as they tried touching him. He then approached me and looked over at Yukine. Her back arched, ready to strike.

"Now this will help you. Don't worry." He came came up to Yukine. She stiffened and backed up a little. Before I could reach out and get the guy away from her, he shot one of his arrows into Yukine, making her fall unconscious.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" I yell. The guy gets up and turns towards me.

"I'm Lui. My brother, Jeff, should be here yes?" And with those words, my heart skipped a beat.
'He's Jeff's brother? When did Jeff ever have a brother?' I thought.
"Anyway, don't get so worked up. Remember? She can't die." Lui said. I glare at him.

"Have you been following us?!" I ask. He stays quiet, although u can see betrayal in his eyes. I want to take Yukine and get out of here as fast as I can. I don't like him. Lui stands there, looking at the ground and over to Yuikine.

"Where's my brother?" He asks out of the blue.

"Where do you think? He's out fighting his ass off to protect everyone back at the mansion! Zalgo i-"

"Zalgo.... huh? So I really am back." He starts to chuckle. I stare in confusion at him. He lifts up one of his blades and aims it at me.
"Now, where can I find Lord Zalgo?" He demands.

***Jeff's POV***

All of Zalgos servants start to fall back after an hour of fighting. And to be honest, I'm kinda worried. Why all of a sudden are they starting to stop this? As they all finally leave, there's a dark gloomy feeling rising in me. I clutch my chest and start to cough hard. I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm suddenly on the ground puking up blood and other Creepypasta's are trying to help me.

"Jeff are you ok? What happened?!" They yell. I push them back weakly and sit up. I rub my head as if it will remind me of what I was going to say.

"Zalgo fell back. Once he saw Splenderman and got attacked badly from behind..." I then see Slenderman teleport in front of me.
"Jeff, what happened?"

"I believe it's my brother... he's back." I say. Everyone step back with shocked expressions.

"You don't mean that guy who tried bur-"

"Yes. Him." I rested my head. "Guys. We need to fi...find.....Y..uki..ne..." I then black out.


I wake up on leaves. I slowly sit up and look around to see Smile look over at me worriedly.

"Ah! Jeff your awake!" Smile comes towards me.

"Where's Yukine?" Is my first question. I look behind me to see a familiar girl with shoulder length dark brown hair. And her eyes the bright blood red.

"I'm right here. Your brother-" my eyes snapped open wider and I quickly got up.

"Where?! Where the hell is he?" I yell. Yukine tries calming me down but I push her away. I then see Lui walking his way to me.

"Brother, it's about time I saw you again. You've grown." He says. I just glare at him with a slight growl.

"What the heck do you think your doing here?" I say with a low voice. He smiles.

"Oh I came to visit my big brother!" He said putting an arm around me. He then started to take me to where the others couldn't see us.

"Lui, what is this about?" I ask. He stops and let's go of me.

"That girl. She's not human, what the crap is she?" He asked.

"She's Slendermans daughter ok? She turns phyco sometimes. But we're all phyco killers here right? Now that you're here, please i need you to take her. I believe Zalgo is trying to take her." I said. Lui shook his head with a sigh. "We need to find a way to fix that though."

"The only way for that is killing that bitch." Lui said. I snapped a glare at him.

"I don't like saying this, but I think it will be best just sending her off to Zalgo, but if you can watch her for me, that be safer." I say biting my lip.

"Sending her off to Zalgo? After all you've been through? Whatever brother... your decision." Lui said. I shake my head and turn to leave. I go back to where everyone is and see that Slenderman is waiting for me.

"Jeff. Go look for Yukine. My daughter ran off for some reason and I'm pretty sure she headed for the mansion." He said with static.

"The mansion? But it's falling apart." I said. He sighed and told me to go.
As I began running to go look for her I passed Jane's corps. I wish I could just burn the image out of my mind. She looked horrible. More messed up then what I do to other people.
I then reach the house and go in.

"Yukine!?" I yell out.
I then go up stairs and yell again. I was starting to get worried.

"I'm up here." I hear her yell from my room. I quickly walk up and enter my room. I find her sitting on my bed with a book in front of her. The book was one of my magazines...

"Is this really what they had to worry about?" Yukine asked still looking at the book. "Boys. Movies. Deciding which shirt goes with which skirt? It's bizarre." She flips the page. I can definitely tell what she was looking at.

"Get up. We're leaving. C'mon." I say trying to get her attention. I really did not want to be in here for long.

"And if I say no?" She puts down the book looking at me.

"Do you realise what your life means? Huh? Running off like that and coming to this house where you could be killed. Putting yourself at risk... it's pretty goddamn stupid." I say getting frustrated.

"Well I guess we're both disappointed in each other then." Yukine whispers.

"What do you want from me?" I ask going over to Yukine.

"Admit you wanted to get rid of me this whole time I got to the mansion!" She yells. I then realize she must have been listening to me and my brother.

"Lui knows this area better than-"

"Agh! Well fuck that-"

"Well I'm sorry that I trust him better than I trust myself. Although I've been here longer then him, he's been exploring this forest more." I tell her.

"Stop with the bullshit. What are you so afraid of? That I'm gonna end up like what you do to everyone else? Or something with Zalgo? Huh?! Wait, you wanted me to go with him, isn't that what you said? I can't be killed! I can take care of myself!" She yells. I start getting mad. She was using my words against me.

"How many close calls have we had?" I yell back.

"Well we seem to be doing alright so far." I then cut her off more.

"And now you will be doing even better with Lui!" I yell. I sigh and start to walk around the broken down room. I was about to leave the argument there till she spoke.

"I'm not them you know?" Yukine says quitly. I look back at her. "Slenderman told me about your parents. And i-"

"Yukine! You are treading on some mighty thin ice here." I growl.

"I'm sorry about your family Jeff. But I have lost people too." She says.

"You have no idea what loss is." I say getting in her face. That's when I see something I didn't think I'd ever see from Yukine. She looked scared, and I could see that she wanted to run but didnt.

"How can you understand loss?! You killed your parents! You kill people!! Everyone I have cared for has either died or left me.. Everyone- fucking except for you!" Yukine then pushes me away.
"So don't tell me that I would be safer with someone else- because the truth is I would just be more scared.." Yukine says with a shaky voice. I don't dare lose the expression on my face. I go over and I'm about to leave till I stop and argue one more time.

"Your right... your not my parents. And I sure as hell ain't your kid. And we are going our separate ways." And with that, I leave.

*********************____________what will happen now that Jeff has left Yukine? To be continued in next chapter!_______________**************

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