Goode High (Kane chronicles/H...

By cherryblossom480

28.8K 445 531

Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Clarisse, Rachel, The Stoll brothers, and eventually Sadie and Carter all... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Sequel deets
Don't want the Harry Potter crossover?


711 5 14
By cherryblossom480

OKAY, so, this book used to have an extreme amount of A/N's but I removed them. YOU'RE WELCOME future readers. HALF of this book used to be A/N's I am not kidding. You old readers might remember that. Also, I have NO idea why I'm writing SOME of the words in all CAPS. Actually, that's so it looks more INTERESTING and it SEEMS like I care. I care... SOMEWHAT about this story still but not AS much. It's sad. HONESTLY. BUT, anyway, lemme tell you what you missed over those dreadful A/N's. ME telling YOU sorry about NOT updating in a REALLY REALLY long time. But this break I've been taking has been EXTREMELY long and I PROBABLY still won't update in a REALLY long time. Sorry. But anyway, there also WAS some important STUFF in that mix of A/N's, yes. There WAS a debate of whether or not I should create a sequel and CHANGE the story into including HARRY POTTER. Now, in these more recent comments that I've been getting. People have been freaking out yelling NO! NON! NEIN! Actually, they just said no, Harry Potter is TERRIBLE, but whatever. This doesn't even really make sense of why they're sharing their opinion since its been a whole YEAR since I made that A/N and I already added POTTER, WEASLY, and "that MUDBLOOD" quoting from Draco. BUT after they angrily comment NO, then they say/threaten IF YOU ADD THEM THEN I WON'T READ THIS (my headphones just dropped off from my bed) ANYMORE! Which DOESN'T even make sense because I ALREADY added them a LONG time ago. Honestly. I CAN'T change it NOW! After I put FIVE WHOLE STINKIN' MONTHS INTO IT. That would be an UTTER and COMPLETE WASTE of writing and time spent on work and after school, writing for HOURS. It's NOT easy to write fan-fictions. Characters have CERTAIN FEELINGS and ACTIONS that they would do. (That I completely messed up on). Anyway, after THAT, they just GIVE UP on reading this STORY (this terrible excuse of a story) and COMPLETELY IGNORE the last chapter. Okay, I have TWO things to say about this. They could at least FINISH the story. Like, I'VE read stories where I completely HATED the idea of the sequel but FINISHED the BOOK. Think I'm lying just for this to connect? Nope. I'll give you an example. Simply Irresistible. @bookworm1993. Dramione fanfiction. The second book was about their kids. I didn't like the idea but I read it anyway. SEE?

Plus, if they don't finish it, that means their WEAK readers like even though the Hobbit in MY OPINION was EXTREMELY BORING, I finished it, it wasn't that GREAT. SORRY.
OKAY, number TWO! (Not bathroom related) They should at least CHECK that they're not going back to MISS anything IMPORTANT. Oh, but what could possibly be important now that I'm going to completely quit this story all because of Harry Potter?

YES, my friend you should LOOK before you talk... (That didn't make sense, I wanted that to sound cool and deep but I failed). I really hope you read this Chelzmani1 and NicaAmaran cuz yeah.

(Sorry if you actually read it...)

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