The Epilogue: 19 years later

By hellbornbrat

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R/Hr story The gang is back Hermione,Ron,Harry and Ginny face new decisions on the future but what will... More

Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 2: That's a nice twist
Chapter 3: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: Planing the Wedding
Chapter 6: Pinch me I must be dreaming
Chapter 7: Announcements
Chapter 8: Problem and Solution
Chapter 9: something bothering you?
Chapter 10: I have to tell you something....
Chapter 11: Wedding Bells
Chapter 12: Bloody Hell!
Chapter 13: 3 Words 8 Letters 1 Beautiful meaning
Chapter 14: Homecoming
Chapter 16: An Enchanted Miracle part 2
Chapter 17: History Repeats Itself
Chapter 18: Fighting or Fleeting?
Chapter 19: Grocery Store
Chapter 20: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting....
Chapter 21: Positive or Negative?
Chapter 22: Muggle London
Chapter 23: Where to start?
Chapter 24: Hannah Abbott
Chapter 25: Katie Bell
Chapter 26: Susan Bones & A day off
Chapter 27: What did you get yourselves into?
Chapter 28: Lavender Brown
Chapter 29: Cho Chang
Chapter 30: Michael Corner & Dean Thomas
Chapter 31: The Wrath of a Weasley
Chapter 32: Alicia Spinnet part 1
Chapter 33: Alicia Spinnet part 2
Chapter 34: Luna Lovegood
Chapter 35: Fast Approaching
Chapter 36: Finale
Chapter 37: Breathe
Chapter 38

Chapter 15: An Enchanted Miracle part 1

1.8K 24 2
By hellbornbrat

The days leading up to Ron and Hermione's wedding were hectic and filled with cleaning, planning, and organizing. Everyone was rushing around cheecking guest lists, dresses, robes, center peices, and table cloths. But to Everyones surprise the day of the wedding was peaceful and turned out to be a beautiful august day. Hermione and Ginny were in Ginny's room getting ready for the wedding.

"Ginny can i please go down stairs to get some water?"

"Hermione for the thousandth time no, Ron might see you!"

"Yeah so what?"

"That's bad luck!"

"That's just a made up superstition!"

"No it's not!"

"Please Ginny!' 

"I swear Hermione you are as thick headed as Ron!" Ginny said with a smile while hermione stuck her tongue out at her. Then Ginny went into her closet and came back out with a big white floor length bag. She unzipped the bag and took out Hermione's beautiful Wedding dress. It was more breath taking then Hermione had remebered. Ginny slipped the white material over head and laced up the back.

"Hermione your goregous!" She said standing back to look her over properly.

"Oh Ginny thank you!" She hugged her then Mrs.Granger came in. 

"Hermione! You look beautiful!" She sobbed "i remeber when you were only a little girl now you're all grown up and getting married! It all goes by so fast!" then couniued to sob into Hermione's shoulder.

"It's alright mom, everythings goingt o be fine!" 

"I know you'll come and visit me and your father right?"

"of course!"

"Thanks honey." She gave Hermione a hug then went excused herself from the room.

"Hermione are you ready?" Ginny smiled brightly at her.

"yeah." they walked down the stairs and into the garden. the music had already started and hermione just couldn't stop herself from smeaking a look at ron. she peaked through the curtains and saw him nervously standing there tapping his fingers against his leg. Hermione grinned to herself only the man she loved would be nervous on their wedding day.

"Hermione! it's time." the bridesmaids went out first Ginny and Luna peacfully glided down the isle then it was her turn.

"you ready 'mione?" her dad asked

"yes.' she stated confidently then began to make her way down the isle to the song she picked out, Mine by a muggle singer taylor swift, everyone stared at her as she made her way to ron. But they weren't mean stares, they were all filled with teary eyes and smiles. She finally got to Ron and was given away by her father.

"your breath taking." he smiled

"so are you." she smiled back at him. The pastor that married them quickly started and it seemed to go by in a blink of an eye soon enough they were saying their "i do's" and then Kissed. When they kissed everyone let out screams of joy but then Hermione and Ron forgot they were in front of a group of people and soon deepend the kiss only braking it off when george yelled "Oy Ron! mack her face off later." which got embaressed looks from both of them. they walked down the isle and out into the burrows lawn where they were having the reception party.

"You know i love you." Ron said gazing into Hermione's eyes

"I Love you too Ron." 


Sorry late update again i have no excuse this time i was just lazy :) so anyways like hate in between? school starts up soon so i won't update as fast maybe only on weekends so don't get to mad if i don't update every week and if that happens just you know remind me. so yeah part 2 coming soon vote? comment? or even fan? =)


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