still into you // harry style...

By casiestylez

1.4M 30K 4.1K

jenna mayer meets harry styles. but then there's zayn. and then there's only harry. © 2013 casiestylez More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 1

210K 1.5K 631
By casiestylez

// AN: sorry if i come off as rude but i have to say this.  PLEASE, PLEASE do not comment in my story if all you have to say is "oh gosh i hate this, this is just like after, what a copycat" "exactly like after" "after" "i hate this because its like after" "so that guy is that from after and that guy is that from after, exact copy".. seriously, do you think i wouldn't know? i began writing this over a year ago, when my skills and imagination wasn't that great yet, but commenting things like that isn't helping anyone at all. so please do a favor to everyone and shut up if that's all you have to say. and, if you would continue reading further than the first chapters, you would pretty soon notice that this has completely its own storyline. nowadays, everytime i read a comment about after, i just laugh. if you would check through the comments, you would see that there are tens of same comments, so you don't need to add your own anymore, it doesn't hurt me, i just don't care and don't need that kind of shit on my story. thank you, now please, enjoy what you read.

He kept staring at me the whole time I was walking towards our professor of maths and told him why I didn't come yesterday, I was too terrified of this whole situation. Well, I'm not sure if this can be called a situation, since this was the second day of my first year at the university, but it was hard to get out of my bed yesterday, I wasn't shy or anything but it sure felt like it when I tried to capture the idea of going to my first class. So I skipped the whole day. Just like that. And two days ago I was listening my dad telling me what to do. Damn it feels good to be eighteen and in a dorm room. Okay, I really didn't get to know my roommate yesterday, the moment I got into the room she was gone. I'm not sure even if I heard her name.

The professor couldn't care less, but the tattooed boy in the last row sure did care. The class started as quick as I got to the front row but I couldn't help but look back at the boy. Okay, at this point, I think he most certainly was a man. He had tattoos all over him, his dark curls were under a black beanie and his piercing in the corner of his mouth made him look older than he is. I mean, i wasn't sure how old he is, but I think he was my age. Professor asked some stuff I already knew so of course I was the only one to lift my arm up, so I got to answer. I heard a little snort behind me, and I was hundred percent sure who it was.

After the class ended, I stood up but he was  quicker than me, he just walked pass and handed his arm, just to toss my books from the desk. I looked after him, while he had a large grin on his face, walking out of the study hall. I snorted and lifted my books easily to my bag but I couldn't help but wonder why he did that? Seriously, this was the first time I ever even saw him, and he just kept staring and did like that. What a douche.

And thank god this was the last class of my day, now I could just relax at my dorm room, maybe even get to know my roommate. It was weird that the semester started on a thursday, but it was kinda nice that it was already friday and two days of sleeping ahead of me. And some studying of course, my G.P.A was high enough for me to keep doing some stuff in advance so I wouldn't have to care about them later or hurry up with my assignments.

When I finally got to my dorm room, I nearly dropped my bag.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I shrieked as I walked towards my bed, laying my bag on it.

"I'm waiting for your roommate, Alyssa" he said with amusement on his handsome face. I can not believe i just thought he is handsome. Tattooed and pierced guys aren't usually the ones I adore, actually I'm a bit scared of guys who look like that, but this one just pisses me off. And the fact that he's handsome, pisses me more.

"Oh, right, have fun" I snorted and sat to my bed, looking at him more than I should. My roommate's name was Alyssa, yes, I almost remembered it. I remembered that it started with an 'A' and that's pretty much it.

"Harry, are you already annoying my new roommate? You son of a bitch" I heard a laughter from the door when she got in and closed it behind her. I wasn't surprised to see that her left arm was covered in tattoos too, but she wasn't so scary-looking as that curly-haired twat was.

"No I wasn't."

"Yes he was." We said at the exact same time and I rolled my eyes at him, causing Alyssa to laugh.

"Okay.. You're coming to the party, Jen?" she asked and I felt my eyes as they widened, and Harry-named twat on the other side of the room uttered a laugh. I knew that the moment I'd step to the party I'd lose control, but every part of me wanted to show that idiot that I can have fun too. Even though I'm not sure if he ever doubt that.

"Yeah, sure, why not. Where is it?" I said with a yawn escaping from my mouth. Alyssa started changing some clothes and I couldn't help but wonder if Harry was his boyfriend or something. And somehow I felt jealousy run through my body but fuck it, I don't even know that idiot and he still pisses me off, even if Alyssa got to kiss that lip piercing and I didn't.

"It's at one of the frat houses, one of our friends is coming to get us in half an hour. You should get changed" Alyssa instructed me and I just nodded, while looking at Harry again.

I got up from my bed and raised my other eyebrow. "Some privacy while I change, ok?"

Harry looked amused while he walked to the door and got out of the room.

"So, you two are together, huh?" I couldn't help my mouth before the question just dropped out. I walked to our closet and easily dropped off my light jeans and a simple black shirt. I had already some cute lace underwear on, so I don't have to be embarrassed if something comes up, which I'm sure will not, cause I won't be drinking that much.

"What? Me and Harry? Never ever. He's just like my brother from another mother, that's it" Alyssa laughed when she got to the closet as well and started choosing from her dresses. I bet she had hundred of them, but yet again, so did I.

"Oh, I thought you guys were more. Like he was in your room waiting for you and you started taking your clothes off just like that, in front of him."

"No, no, no not at all. I let him in before I got into the shower and yes, he has seen me naked but we had sex just once. And we were drunk. I mean I was, I'm not so sure about him though" she told with a smile on her face, and all I did was nod to her answer. It's kinda funny how the first time we talked was about Harry, and I was asking questions about him, some things I even shouldn't because I really don't care about him that much, but I did feel kinda jealous when Alyssa told me they had sex.

She wore a strapless, black dress that was more tighter and shorter that I could ever wear but it was ok, she was beautiful and absolutely stunning after all so I bet she's gonna get every guy at the party all over her. I decided to wear much same dress as her, but mine was navy blue and it wasn't that tight. The impression of the dress was stunning I think, I mean Alyssa just kept staring at me and had a huge smile on her lips.

"Even though I barely even saw you yesterday and I have seen you for ten minutes today, you look absolutely more beautiful than before in that dress" she told me and walked out of the closet, I think she's gonna apply some more makeup, which I wasn't going to do. I already had some mascara and light lipgloss on so I guess I'm good to go. And my hair is good enough to go.

"Well.. Thanks" I said with a little smile on my lips, I've never been the kinda girl every guy wants, but I have dated a few times and no, I'm not a virgin anymore, but the time I lost it.. Yeah, I don't even actually remember it.

"Harry! You can come in now!" Alyssa shouted and the door was immediately opened by the tattooed, curly-haired twat again. He didn't even lay a sight on Alyssa, his eyes were laid on me the first moment he got back inside. Scarlet colour got to my cheeks while he kept his stare and I had to look away, so he wouldn't notice.

"You look great, I guess.." he said, sounding surprised by his words, just as I was. For fuck's sake, I can not be into him. He pisses me off, even when he's just standing over there. Fuck.

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